“Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a...
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“Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Entertainment Radio | Broadcasting Classic Radio Shows | Patreon
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
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The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Entertainment Radio | Broadcasting Classic Radio Shows | Patreon
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
26 JUN 2020 · “Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
26 JUN 2020 · “Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
26 JUN 2020 · “Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
26 JUN 2020 · “Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
26 JUN 2020 · “Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
26 JUN 2020 · “Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
26 JUN 2020 · “Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
26 JUN 2020 · “Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
26 JUN 2020 · “Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
26 JUN 2020 · “Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
“Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a...
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“Nick Harris Detective” was an old-time radio show that dramatized the cases of Nicholas Boilvin Harris, a renowned private detective in Los Angeles. The real Nick Harris started as a police reporter for the LA Times before joining the LAPD at the captain’s request. He later founded his own detective agency and a professional detective school. His popularity and success led to the creation of the radio show, which aired from 1923 until 1942, making it one of the longest-running detectives shows of its time.
The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Entertainment Radio | Broadcasting Classic Radio Shows | Patreon
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
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The show was known for its thrilling and complex cases, often rivaling those of fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Entertainment Radio | Broadcasting Classic Radio Shows | Patreon
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
Author | Entertainment Radio |
Organization | Entertainment Radio |
Categories | Drama , Fiction , Performing Arts |
Website | | |
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