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Emmanuel - The broken diary

  • 4.9. All the tones of a farewell - Part IV and last ("Damn Kellermann")

    27 JUN 2024 · N.B.: Episode 4.8 has been removed by Spreaker due to "copyright infringement" (?). You can find the episode here: https://rss.com/it/podcasts/emmanuel/1513753/ Michele, at the end of his endless conversation with Antonia, tries everything and deludes himself into thinking he has almost succeeded in making her change her mind...But then, seeing her adamant, he appeals to all his rationality and proposes a strategy to her for the near future. The performers are Sarah and George (AI). The soundtrack is composed of instrumental pieces and covers of "La canzone dell'amore perduto" by Fabrizio De André.
    Played 8m 1s
  • 4.9. Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte IV e ultima ("Dannato Kellermann")

    27 JUN 2024 · Michele, al termine della sua lunghissima conversazione con Antonia, tenta il tutto per tutto e si illude di essere quasi riuscito a farle cambiare idea... Ma poi, vedendola irremovibile, fa appello a tutta la sua razionalità e le propone una strategia per il prossimo futuro. Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio. La colonna sonora è composta da brani strumentali e cover de "La canzone dell'amore perduto" di Fabrizio De André. ... Michele, at the end of his endless conversation with Antonia, tries everything and deludes himself into thinking he has almost succeeded in making her change her mind... But then, seeing her adamant, he appeals to all his rationality and proposes a strategy to her for the near future. The performers are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio. The soundtrack is composed of instrumental pieces and covers of "La canzone dell'amore perduto" by Fabrizio De André.
    Played 8m 1s
  • 4.8. La lettera di Emmanuel (Emmanuel progetta la lettera che scriverà ad Antonia)

    21 JUN 2024 · Il nostro podcast-romanzo, come forse ricorderete, inizia dalla lettera che Emmanuel scrive ad Antonia mentre si trova in Val D'Orcia ospite della famiglia di Arianna. Ma questa lettera ha una lunga e sofferta gestazione: il ragazzo incomincia a progettarla molto tempo prima di spedirgliela, ammesso che trovi il coraggio di farlo.In questo breve episodio assistiamo ai suoi primi tentativi di buttare giù il suo messaggio, che vorrebbe dire moltissimo senza scoprire troppo il suo gioco.L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio con Paul Emmanuel (AI).La colonna sonora è la versione strumentale di "Clair Obscur" di Anne James Chaton; le chitarre che ascoltate sono quelle di Thurston Moore e Andy Moor. ... Our podcast-novel, as you may remember, begins with the letter that Emmanuel writes to Antonia while he is in Val D'Orcia as a guest of Arianna's family. But this letter has a long and painful gestation: the boy begins to plan it long before sending it to her, assuming he finds the courage to do so.In this short episode we witness his first attempts to jot down his message, which would like to say a lot without revealing too much of his game.The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio with Paul Emmanuel (AI).The soundtrack is the instrumental version of "Clair Obscur" by Anne James Chaton. The guitars you hear are those of Thurston Moore and Andy Moor.
    Played 11m
  • Emmanuel's Vision (Antonia, declared sterile, becomes pregnant)

    21 JUN 2024 · This episode is a reprise of the central part of "The Templars' Loves 2": Emmanuel, at the moment in which he makes love with Antonia for the last time in the cathedral of San Galgano, has a surreal vision and feels transported among the Templars, in a dreamlike dimension that culminates with his last "miracle": the boy manages to impregnate the woman, whom the doctors had declared sterile.The performer is Paul Emmanuel (AI).The soundtrack is the instrumental version of "Dull Jack" from "Heretics" by Chaton-Moore-Moor.
    Played 6m 57s
  • La visione di Emmanuel (Antonia, dichiarata sterile, rimane incinta)

    15 JUN 2024 · Questo episodio è una ripresa della parte centrale de "Gli amori dei Templari 2": Emmanuel, nel momento in cui per l'ultima volta fa l'amore con Antonia nella cattedrale di San Galgano, ha una visione surreale e si sente trasportato fra i Templari, in una dimensione onirica che culmina con il suo ultimo "miracolo": il ragazzo riesce e a mettere incinta la donna, che i medici avevano dichiarato sterile. Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi. La colonna sonora è la versione strumentale di "Dull Jack" di Chaton-Moore-Moor.  ... This episode is a reprise of the central part of "The Templars' Loves 2": Emmanuel, at the moment in which he makes love with Antonia for the last time in the cathedral of San Galgano, has a surreal vision and feels transported among the Templars, in a dreamlike dimension that culminates with his last "miracle": the boy manages to impregnate the woman, who the doctors had declared sterile. The performers are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi. The soundtrack is the instrumental version of "Dull Jack" by Chaton-Moore-Moor.
    Played 7m 11s
  • 4.7. The Nurse (Emmanuel and Arianna study together for the exam)

    12 JUN 2024 · N.B.: Episode 4.6. was rejected by Spreaker for "copyright violation". You can find it here: https://rss.com/podcasts/emmanuel/1498982 What is Emmanuel doing? How is he coping with the distance from home and Antonia? The boy is 600 km away from Turin, in Val d'Orcia (Tuscany), a guest of Arianna's family, with the (forced) approval of both parents, put in the face of a fait accompli.Through the voice of Arianna, who prepares the high school exam with him, we witness his first attempts to free himself from any type of addiction: but, while with drugs things don't seem to be so difficult for him, the memory of Antonia continues to obsess the boy, who undergoes a sort of involution, becoming introverted and uncommunicative with everyone and almost anorexic. Arianna, worried, will end up putting him under the care of a psychoanalyst. The girl, madly in love with him, cannot rest and will try everything possible to make him resurrect from his lethargic state. The interpreters are Sarah and George (AI). The soundtrack includes covers of "Happy Together" (The Turtles) and "Love me please love me" (Michel Polnareff) and an original song: "Nancy Comes Home" by Opal Tribe, whom we thank for the kind permission.
    Played 16m 48s
  • 4.7. L'infermiera (Emmanuel e Arianna studiano insieme per l'esame)

    12 JUN 2024 · N.B.: L'episodio 4.6. ci è stato bocciato da Spreaker per "violazione del copyright".  Potete trovarlo qui:  https://rss.com/podcasts/emmanuel/1495222 Ma Emmanuel cosa sta facendo? Come sta vivendo la lontananza da casa e da Antonia?Il ragazzo si trova a 600 km di distanza da Torino, in Val d'Orcia (Toscana), ospite della famiglia di Arianna, con il beneplacito (forzato) dei genitori di entrambi, messi in pratica di fronte al fatto compiuto. Attraverso la voce di Arianna, che prepara con lui l'esame di Maturità, assistiamo ai suoi primi tentativi di liberarsi da ogni tipo di dipendenza: ma, mentre con la droga le cose non sembrano essere così difficili per lui, il ricordo di Antonia continua ad ossessionare il ragazzo, che subisce una specie di involuzione, diventando introverso e poco comunicativo con tutti e quasi anoressico. Arianna, preoccupata, finirà per metterlo in cura da uno psicanalista.  La ragazza, innamorata pazza di lui, non si dà pace e tenterà tutto il possibile per farlo risorgere dal suo stato letargico.Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.La colonna sonora comprende cover di "Happy Together" (The Turtles) e "Love me please love me" (Michel Polnareff) e un brano originale: "Nancy Comes Home" di Opal Tribe, che ringraziamo per la gentile concessione.  ... N.B.: Episode 4.6. was rejected by Spreaker for "copyright violation". You can find it here: https://rss.com/podcasts/emmanuel/1495222 What is Emmanuel doing? How is he coping with the distance from home and Antonia?The boy is 600 km away from Turin, in Val d'Orcia (Tuscany), a guest of Arianna's family, with the (forced) approval of both parents, put in the face of a fait accompli. Through the voice of Arianna, who prepares the high school exam with him, we witness his first attempts to free himself from any type of addiction: but, while with drugs things don't seem to be so difficult for him, the memory of Antonia continues to obsess the boy, who undergoes a sort of involution, becoming introverted and uncommunicative with everyone and almost anorexic. Arianna, worried, will end up putting him under the care of a psychoanalyst.The girl, madly in love with him, cannot rest and will try everything possible to make him resurrect from his lethargic state. The interpreters are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.The soundtrack includes covers of "Happy Together" (The Turtles) and "Love me please love me" (Michel Polnareff) and an original song: "Nancy Comes Home" by Opal Tribe, whom we thank for the kind permission.
    Played 16m 48s
  • 4.5. All the tones of a farewell - Part III (Antonia's hidden truths come to the surface)

    30 MAY 2024 · Antonia and Michele's endless farewell continues with the man's attempt to extort the truth from the woman: but there are too many of Antonia's unspoken truths, and all of them are very heavy. As soon as some of these truths come out, Michele has a reaction of anger and indignation that he cannot control. The interpreters are Sarah and George (AI). The soundtrack includes covers of "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" by Michael Nyman.
    Played 11m 35s
  • 4.5. Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte III (Gli scheletri nell'armadio di Antonia)

    30 MAY 2024 · L'interminabile addio di Antonia e Michele prosegue con il tentativo dell'uomo di estorcere alla donna la verità: ma sono troppe le verità non dette di Antonia, e tutte molto pesanti. Non appena qualcuna di queste verità viene allo scoperto, Michele ha una reazione di rabbia e di sdegno che non riesce a controllare. Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio. La colonna sonora comprende cover di "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" di Michael Nyman. ... N.B.: we had to redo the episode due to copyright infringement of some music.Antonia and Michele's endless farewell continues with the man's attempt to extort the truth from the woman: but there are too many of Antonia's unspoken truths, and all of them are very heavy. As soon as some of these truths come out, Michele has a reaction of anger and indignation that he cannot control.The interpreters are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.The soundtrack includes covers of "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" by Michael Nyman.
    Played 11m 39s
  • Explicit

    4.4. Soundtrack n. 2 (Emmanuel's second message in a bottle)

    23 MAY 2024 · Another message in a bottle launched by Emmanuel into the void (or into the hands of whoever wants to pick it up): in this vision the boy helplessly witnesses an erotic encounter between Antonia and Frédéric, clearly realizing that a mutual dependence relationship has been established between the two. The interpreter is Paul Emmanuel (AI).  The soundtrack is an instrumental version of "Cripple and the Starfish" by Antony and The Johnsons.
    Played 3m 48s

E' disponibile su Amazon l'intero romanzo di Emmanuel: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0D86P1QLV E' inoltre disponibile su Audible, sotto forma di audiolibro, la prima parte del romanzo di Emmanuel: https://www.amazon.it/hz/audible/mlp/mfpdp/B0CX26RSD9?actionCode=AZIOther35606092201BR&tag=antoniadelmon-21 ... Il romanzo è...

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E' disponibile su Amazon l'intero romanzo di Emmanuel:
"Il più stupido degli angeli - Il diario di Emmanuel"
E' inoltre disponibile su Audible, sotto forma di audiolibro, la prima parte del romanzo di Emmanuel:
Emmanuel - Il diario interrotto - Parte I (Il vento dentro)

Il romanzo è tratto da un diario autentico, scritto da un adolescente di cui si sono perse le tracce anni fa, che chiameremo per convenzione Emmanuel; la sua scomparsa risale al 1997, quindi il libro è ambientato nei primi anni '90. Emmanuel è un adolescente irrequieto, incapace di accontentarsi del molto che possiede e con una personalità borderline che lo porterà a fare esperienze intense e disordinate, alla ricerca di un "senso". In questa sua ricerca travolgerà diversi personaggi, tra cui Antonia, la fidanzata del fratello Michele.
Gli interpreti sono due bravissimi attori-doppiatori, Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

the podcast is now approaching the end of the second season. Before starting work on the third one, we would like to know your opinion on the podcast, so that we can adjust for the future. We therefore submit a short anonymous questionnaire to you. Thanks to anyone who wants to respond! :-)
The novel is based on a true diary, written by a teenager whose traces went missing years ago, whom we will call by convention Emmanuel; his disappearance dates back to 1997, so the book is set in the early 90s. Emmanuel is a restless teenager, unable to satisfy himself with the much he possesses and with a borderline personality that will lead him to make intense and messy experiences, in search of a "meaning". In this search for him he will overwhelm several characters, including Antonia, his brother Michele's girlfriend.
The performers, in the Italian version, are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.
The English version is entirely performed by AI interpreters.
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