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The Cleaning Indy Podcast

  • How To Hire The Right Cleaning Company

    22 JAN 2024 · In this first podcast episode of the new year, Tom and Sarah take the lead in empowering facility managers for the crucial task of selecting the perfect commercial building cleaning contractor for janitorial services. The duo kicks off the discussion by highlighting the three fundamental criteria influencing major purchasing decisions: Know, Like, Trust. Addressing the urgency in expediting the contractor selection process, Tom and Sarah explore two pivotal methods – pre-qualifying over the phone and carefully considering walk-through observations. During the pre-qualification phase, Tom and Sarah guide facility managers through a series of key questions aimed at gauging a - contractor's experience, - company size, - staffing capabilities, and - references. Special emphasis is placed on adhering to industry standards such as OSHA, creating a comprehensive checklist for facility managers to navigate the selection process effectively. The duo stresses the significance of a multifaceted vetting process, encompassing online research, reviews, website visits, blog readings, and even podcast listening. The goal is to foster a deep understanding of, affinity for, and trust in the cleaning contractors. Drawing from industry professionals like Odessa Woodlee and Ayaz Ahmed, Tom and Sarah incorporate valuable insights into the conversation. Topics discussed include staffing levels, equipment quality, and the brands of cleaning chemicals used. In this episode Tom and Sarah talk about the "dust test" during walk-throughs and offers practical advice on addressing specific concerns related to delicate surfaces or unique areas within a facility. As the discussion unfolds, Ricky Smith contributes a noteworthy observation, emphasizing the correlation between quality and cost. Facility managers are encouraged to consider the significant budget allocation for janitorial services, underscoring its substantial role in effective facility management. Tom and Sarah conclude by reinforcing the critical importance of choosing the right cleaning or building service contractor, positioning it as a linchpin for success in commercial settings. This comprehensive episode, guided by Tom and Sarah, serves as a valuable resource for facility managers navigating the nuanced landscape of commercial building cleaning and janitorial services. Enjoy the show! Show page: https://cleaningindy.com
    Played 19m 18s
  • What Makes Us Different Than The Competition?

    4 DEC 2023 · In this podcast episode, hosts Tom and Sarah explore what sets their commercial cleaning company apart from competitors. They discuss the challenges of using physical logbooks for communication and cleaning records, pointing out the inefficiencies and delays in addressing issues. They highlight two key differences: Firstly, their cleaners use apps instead of traditional logbooks, drawing a parallel between ancient logkeeping and modern-day paper systems still prevalent in various industries. They emphasize the immediacy and convenience of apps for communication, inspections, trend analysis, and work order submissions. Secondly, they delve into their comprehensive training program, emphasizing its importance based on feedback from 700 Facility Managers who cited lack of training as a major issue with cleaning companies. They describe their training method, the Tell, Show, Do, Review approach, which ensures effective learning and application. They stress the significance of practice and review stages in solidifying knowledge, citing research on learning effectiveness. The hosts conclude by noting the importance of consistency in using both technology and effective training methods to achieve optimal results. They acknowledge that while a standardized training approach is essential, individual learning paces vary, sometimes benefiting from training newcomers without prior habits. Overall, the episode emphasizes how their company's use of technology and training methods distinguishes them from competitors, ultimately enhancing their service quality and efficiency. Enjoy the show!
    Played 10m 16s
  • Effortlessly Transition To A New Vendor!

    7 NOV 2023 · "Effortlessly Transitioning to a New Cleaning Company Vendor" In this episode, Tom and Sarah discuss the steps to effortlessly transition to a new cleaning company vendor, which can apply to various vendors. They highlight the common pain points that indicate a need for a change, such as cleaners not showing up, corporate noticing cleanliness issues, or inadequate training and management. Here are the key steps they outline: 1. You Feel The Pain: - Identify common pain points in your current cleaning services. 2. You Search Google: - Utilize Google to find potential new vendors. - Common Google searches related to janitorial services. - Insights from Google Analytics on how people search. 3. You Make The Call or Book Online: - Use scheduling services like Calendly for easy appointment booking. - Schedule a meeting to discuss your cleaning needs with the vendor, with no pressure to commit. 4. You Schedule A Site Visit: - Arrange a site visit at your convenience. - Walk through your building and discuss your cleaning priorities. 5. You Receive A Cleaning Analysis & Proposal: - Get a detailed proposal including an introductory letter, scope of work, recommended services, terms, references, and insurance details. 6. You Choose The Starting Date: - Select a start date and have owners personally oversee the initial cleaning to ensure a successful start. 7. You Receive On-Going Inspection Reports: - Ensure ongoing communication and regular inspections to maintain high cleaning standards. The hosts emphasize the importance of long-term relationships with cleaning vendors and stress the need for effective communication both with clients and within the cleaning company. They recommend choosing a vendor that can be flexible and responsive to address any problems that may arise. Enjoy the Show!
    Played 18m 1s
  • The Impact Cleaning Has on Employee Productivity and Morale

    24 OCT 2023 · Podcast Episode Summary: The Impact Cleaning Has on Employee Productivity and Morale In this episode of The Cleaning Indy Podcast, hosts Tom and Sarah delve into the crucial topic of how cleaning can significantly influence employee productivity and morale. They kick things off with a relatable story of a sandwich shop in Avon, where the presence of persistent crumbs beneath the counter caught their attention. The hosts discuss how such seemingly minor cleanliness issues can have a substantial impact on employee morale over time. The episode goes on to highlight the three key ways in which regular, consistent, and professional cleaning can positively affect workers: 1. Establishing Better Health and Hygiene: Tom and Sarah explain the concept of biofilm, defining it as a sticky layer of organic material hosting germs. They emphasize the prevalence of biofilm on various surfaces in the workplace, such as desktops, office doors, and restroom handles. The hosts detail effective methods for removing biofilm, including the use of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) and hydrogen peroxide cleaners. They stress the importance of thorough cleaning techniques and how proper training ensures a truly clean surface. 2. Boost in Employee Productivity: The hosts discuss the direct link between cleanliness and employee productivity. They reveal how unplanned absences due to sickness can lead to a 54% reduction in productivity, citing data from the ISSA. Dust is identified as a major culprit, causing breathing and respiratory problems. Tom and Sarah advocate for the use of proper cleaning tools like Swiffer Dusters, microfiber cloths, and HEPA-filtered vacuums to improve air quality. The episode also shares that workers tend to be 2-8% more productive in a clean environment. 3. Extending the Lifespan of Surfaces: Listeners gain insight into the importance of maintaining various surfaces in the workplace, such as carpets, vinyl floors, and stainless steel elements. Proper care is essential to prevent premature wear and tear. Tom and Sarah emphasize the significance of avoiding excessive salt usage, especially during winter, and recommend maintenance practices for different surface types. The episode wraps up with thought-provoking reflections. The hosts propose the idea that while anyone can clean, it makes economic sense to hire a professional cleaning company. Such a decision, they argue, not only saves money in the long run but also boosts employee productivity, ensures a healthy and hygienic workspace, and creates a positive visitor experience. In conclusion, this episode of The Cleaning Indy Podcast underscores the pivotal role of cleaning in shaping employee morale and productivity, shedding light on the often-overlooked influence of cleanliness in the workplace. Enjoy the show!
    Played 23m
  • Using Software To Improve Your Operations. What Do We Use?

    17 OCT 2023 · Title: "Using Software To Improve Your Operations. What Do We Use?" In this episode of The Cleaning Indy Podcast, our host Tom Moore takes a look into the world of operations software and its transformative impact on janitorial businesses. The spotlight is on SWEPT, a powerful operations SAAS designed specifically for the janitorial industry. Tom shares how this software has revolutionized their cleaning company's operations and highlights its unique features. Tom begins by narrating the inception of SWEPT, an idea conceived by an entrepreneur who recognized the need for streamlined operations management in the cleaning industry. He emphasizes how SWEPT has emerged as the go-to software, simplifying various operational aspects for janitorial businesses. Rather than listing software features, Tom takes a storytelling approach, sharing real-life operational challenges their company faced and how SWEPT effectively addressed them. He first discusses the challenge of managing employee attendance and locations during unexpected no-call/no-show scenarios. SWEPT's geo-fenced, location-based time clock feature proves pivotal, providing crucial insights into employee clock-ins and hours worked. Communication challenges, both within the team and with clients, are next on the agenda. Tom highlights how SWEPT's in-app messaging feature has greatly improved internal and external communication, allowing for seamless updates, performance feedback, and client-specific messages. Additionally, Tom touches on other important features of SWEPT, such as checklists, problem reporting, supply tracking, and inspections. These features collectively contribute to enhanced efficiency and service quality. In conclusion, Tom underscores the game-changing impact of operations software like SWEPT, emphasizing its role in boosting communication, problem resolution, and overall operational efficiency in the janitorial business. He emphasizes the value SWEPT adds to client relationships, illustrating how it's a cost-effective technological solution that augments business operations. Listeners are invited to join Tom as he showcases the immense benefits of adopting the right operations software, showcasing how it can make a significant difference in the day-to-day operations of any janitorial business. Enjoy the show!
    Played 10m 41s
  • How Do We View Our Competition??

    2 OCT 2023 · In this episode of The Cleaning Indy Podcast, Tom delves into the intriguing topic of how we perceive our competition in the commercial cleaning industry. The short answer? They are viewed as colleagues and fellow professionals. Tom elaborates on this concept and highlights the distinct types of commercial cleaning companies: nationwide cleaning companies (large franchises), regional cleaning companies (smaller franchises and medium-sized privately owned cleaning businesses), and local cleaning companies in Indianapolis (mostly smaller enterprises). In Episode 6, Sarah and Tom take a deep dive into the pros and cons of each type of commercial cleaning company, emphasizing that success ultimately hinges on how well these companies are managed at every level. Tom introduces the notion of "the irreducible minimum of core business philosophies and practices," emphasizing the critical importance of truth and foundational systems that drive consistent, quality-driven service. Tom outlines key aspects that form the bedrock of a reliable cleaning service company, such as rigorous hiring and onboarding processes, trained management staff, regular quality inspections, proper uniforms and equipment, and the presence of a dedicated account manager. He underscores the significance of operating on solid foundations and continually striving for improvement. Drawing from past episodes, Tom recalls that a significant challenge faced by facility managers is the lack of training provided by some cleaning companies, reinforcing the importance of selecting a company grounded in truth, transparency, and a robust system of core practices. He concludes by reaffirming their focus on self-improvement and adherence to their core values, allowing them to lead in their market by breaking their own records and continually advancing. Join us for this insightful episode as we explore the nuances of the cleaning industry and how a strong foundation and commitment to improvement can set cleaning companies apart. Tune in to "The Cleaning Indy Podcast" to learn more about maintaining excellence in commercial building cleaning services. Enjoy the show!
    Played 9m 24s
  • How Did the Pandemic Affect The Cleaning Industry?

    18 SEP 2023 · In this episode, we're delving into How Did the Pandemic Affect The Cleaning IndustryHow Did the Pandemic Affect The Cleaning Industry COVID-19 significantly reshaped how we perceive cleanliness, hygiene, and the demand for disinfection services. We invite you to contribute to the discussion by visiting CleaningIndy.com, tapping into the "send Tom a voicemail" feature, and sharing how the pandemic has influenced your experiences. We begin by sharing our personal narratives of where we were when the pandemic broke out, and how it altered our understanding of germs, cleanliness, and hygiene practices. The closures of day care centers, churches, and schools propelled us to adapt and introduce Electrostatic Disinfecting Services, obtaining certification through GBAC and strictly adhering to CDC guidelines, implementing a thorough two-step disinfection process. The pandemic posed significant disruptions to the supply chain, particularly with hospitals swiftly securing substantial quantities of personal protective equipment (PPE) and disinfectants. In response, we took initiative and created our own sanitizing wipes to meet FDA requirements for a specific client. Additionally, the crisis shifted the perception of janitors and cleaning technicians, shedding light on their indispensable role in maintaining public health. As businesses grappled with evolving safety protocols, they began to recognize the immense value a dependable commercial cleaning company could provide. The commitment to upholding CDC recommendations, acquiring elusive disinfectants, and executing comprehensive disinfection procedures underscored the essential contributions of cleaning professionals during these trying times. In closing, we reflect on the enduring transformations that COVID-19 brought to our commercial cleaning company and the broader industry. We invite you to share your own experiences: How did COVID-19 impact your commercial cleaning company, and what lasting changes have you observed in your operations? Join the dialogue as we explore the enduring effects of the pandemic on the commercial cleaning landscape. Enjoy the show!
    Played 15m 47s
  • Get to Know Eric Q: An Immigrant Family's Journey to America, & Character Formed By Adversity

    3 AUG 2023 · Get to Know Eric Q: An Immigrant Family's Journey To America, & Character Formed By Adversity In this episode, we delve into the life of Eric Q, a remarkable individual whose family immigrated from China to the United States. Eric shares his family's experiences and the challenges they encountered, as well as the opportunities they seized upon once they arrived in the land of opportunity. Recording on the weekend before July 4th, we explore what life was like for Eric's parents as they navigated their new home. We learn about the obstacles they faced, the triumphs they celebrated, and the sense of belonging they built for their family. Growing up in the 90s, Eric's childhood seemed relatively normal, but it wasn't without its hardships. With his parents owning a successful Chinese restaurant for over 30 years, Eric provides an inside look at what it was like growing up in a family-run business. He recounts the joys of working together and the challenges they overcame as a team. The conversation takes a more serious turn when discussing the experiences of Eric and his family during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a rising negative undertone and racist attitudes against Asians worldwide, Eric shares the impact this had on their lives and how they stood resilient in the face of adversity. Having graduated with a B.A. in the travel industry from Indiana University, Eric reflects on his initial career aspirations and how they may have evolved over the years. The episode sheds light on his journey to finding fulfillment and purpose in his professional life. As fellow Sci-Fi enthusiasts, the host and Eric indulge in a discussion about the upcoming summer releases in the sci-fi world. Eric shares his excitement for new adventures and intergalactic escapades that await in the realm of science fiction. Finally, we explore Eric's aspiration to start a Sci-Fi podcast. Join us for this inspiring and thought-provoking episode as we get to know Eric Q, his immigrant heritage, love for sci-fi, and the determination and resilience that define his journey in life.
    Played 43m 11s
  • Franchise vs National vs Privately Owned Cleaning Companies - Which Is The Best?

    15 JUL 2023 · In this episode, Tom & Sarah delve into a comprehensive comparison of franchise cleaning companies, national cleaning companies, and privately owned cleaning companies. They provide a thorough analysis of the pros and cons associated with each type, offering valuable insights for both business owners seeking cleaning services and consumers in need of cleaning solutions. Starting with franchise cleaning companies, Tom & Sarah highlight several advantages. These companies offer cookie-cutter business plans and comprehensive administrative support, which can be a boon for entrepreneurs lacking organizational skills on the office side. Franchise cleaning companies also employ dedicated marketing staff who excel at finding new accounts. However, there are notable downsides to consider. Local franchisees often face challenges in achieving long-term success, as the franchisor retains significant control over their operations and can revoke contracts if strict adherence to their rules is not maintained. Ongoing fees and royalties further impact profitability and long-term financial viability. Additionally, high initial costs, including franchise fees and equipment purchases, can be daunting for those with limited resources. Franchisees also experience limited flexibility and autonomy, being bound by operational guidelines, standards, and brand image requirements set by the franchisor. This restricts their ability to make independent decisions and adapt to local market conditions, including pricing and marketing strategies. Moving on to national cleaning companies, Tom & Sarah explore the benefits and drawbacks associated with this type. National cleaning companies excel at securing accounts with nationally recognized brands and retail chains, providing a robust account pipeline for their subcontractors. They also ensure timely payment for subcontracted services. However, there are significant downsides to consider as well. National cleaning companies often claim a steep percentage of the revenue generated from accounts, ranging from 30% to a substantial 70%. This revenue sharing arrangement reduces profitability for local cleaning companies. Moreover, miscommunication issues frequently arise in the delivery of work orders due to the intermediary nature of these companies. There is also a risk of contracts being abruptly terminated without notice, leaving local cleaning companies without work unexpectedly. Lastly, Tom & Sarah delve into privately owned cleaning companies, thoroughly examining the pros and cons. Privately owned cleaning companies offer a range of benefits that cater to customer preferences. Being local entities, they can provide prompt on-site services, often on the same day if required. These companies have a vested interest in delivering high-quality services to maintain their reputation and secure repeat business, making them highly motivated and dedicated. Additionally, they possess extensive knowledge of the local market, allowing them to offer competitive pricing. Tom & Sarah emphasize the importance of supporting these small, often generational family businesses, as doing so strengthens the local community. However, there are potential downsides as well. Quality can vary significantly among privately owned cleaning companies, as they differ in size and available resources. It is crucial for consumers to conduct thorough research by examining social media presence, reviews, and website authority to ensure reliability. Additionally, some companies may be too small to handle large-scale cleaning projects or lack robust training systems to maintain consistent service quality. Tom & Sarah conclude by emphasizing the need for careful consideration of specific needs, budget constraints, and personal preferences when selecting a cleaning company. Each type presents its own advantages and disadvantages, and understanding these nuances will empower listeners to make informed decisions. By weighing the pros and cons outlined in this episode, individuals can find the cleaning solution that best aligns with their requirements. Enjoy the episode!
    Played 45m 17s
  • Are There Industry Standards For Commercial Cleaning? - Let's Discuss the ISSA & IICRC

    13 JUN 2023 · In this episode, we dive into the topic of industry standards for commercial cleaning. We address the common experiences we have all had with cleaning expectations, whether it's dealing with messy roommates, guests, or children. The question arises: Are there any standardizations when it comes to commercial cleaning?The answer is a resounding "yes," and we provide two valuable resources for understanding these standards: - The ISSA (International Sanitary Supply Association): We explore the ISSA's Clean Standard, which serves as the gold standard of cleaning. It offers comprehensive training programs and certifications for cleaning service providers, emphasizing the connection between cleaning, health, and overall well-being. By adhering to the Clean Standard, facilities can demonstrate the value of clean environments, leading to increased employee productivity and improved bottom lines. - The IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification): We discuss the IICRC's role in developing common industry language and terminology, as well as its certification programs for professionals in the cleaning, inspection, and restoration industries. Their certifications cover a range of specialized areas, such as microbial remediation, structural drying, and floor care. Additionally, we mention several other entities and organizations that promote cleaning standards, including governmental bodies like the World Health Organization (WHO), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We also highlight the role of professional associations like APIC (Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology) and AHA (American Hospital Association) in providing certifications for operating room cleaning.To ensure cleaning has been performed effectively, we discuss two verification methods: - ATP Testing: Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) testing measures actively growing microorganisms and provides a rapid assessment of cleanliness. Lower ATP readings indicate better cleanliness. - Fluorescent Markers: These markers, available as gels, powders, or lotions, are used to mark high-touch objects before cleaning. By using a UV light, one can inspect whether a surface has been adequately cleaned. With the wealth of resources and tools available, including these standards and verification methods, you can confidently ensure that your cleaning crew meets your expectations. Cleaning is no longer subjective but objectively measured.To stay updated and learn more about commercial cleaning, visit our website at CLEANINGINDY.COM. Don't forget to leave a review wherever you listen to this podcast, whether it's on Google, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Take care, and we look forward to sharing more valuable insights in our next episode!
    Played 18m 10s

Brought to you by: American Facility Care Visit us at https://CleaningIndy.com Concept This is a podcast that that dives into the world of Facility Management and the Cleaning Industry. -...

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Brought to you by: American Facility Care

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This is a podcast that that dives into the world of Facility Management and the Cleaning Industry.

  • Each episode will run for 15-30mins
  • Delivery: 1 episode a week
    Establish local brand awareness for our company.

    Provide insight into the world of FM and cleaning in a professional yet entertaining way.

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