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Radical Candor: Communication at Work

  • Breaking the 'Word Police' Myth: How Inclusive Language Builds Stronger Teams 6 | 25

    26 JUN 2024 · The ROI of changing language to be more inclusive. Kim, Jason, and Amy discuss the importance of using inclusive language and the impact of non-inclusive language, often dismissed as being "too sensitive.” They explore the concept of "red words," terms that can shut down communication by triggering negative reactions, and emphasize that good communication is measured by its impact on the listener. They share personal anecdotes illustrating how specific words can cause offense and stress the importance of being mindful of the language used to foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding. The episode also delves into the resistance some people have to changing their language and how acknowledging and adapting to others' sensitivities can significantly improve communication and relationships. Get all of the show notes at https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/word-police-6-25/. Episode Links: - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/word-police-have-we-become-too-sensitive-kim-scott-0grrf/  - https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/how-to-apologize-6-22/ Connect: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/ - https://instagram.com/radicalcandorofficial - https://tiktok.com/@radicalcandorofficial - https://linkedin.com/company/radical-candor - https://www.facebook.com/radicalcandor - https://twitter.com/candor - https://www.youtube.com/@RadicalCandor/podcasts Chapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Kim, Jason and Amy introduce the episode, a discussion on the impact of non-inclusive language. (00:0:33) The Impact of 'Red Words' The concept of "red words," phrases that trigger negative reactions and shut down communication. (00:04:32) The Effect of Words How certain words can create different responses and understanding these reactions. (00:07:19) Addressing Non-Inclusive Language in Emails Non-inclusive language in emails and how it can be handled to avoid excluding team members. (00:08:59) Handling Public Criticism and Correction A story about receiving feedback on social media, and the importance of accepting corrections publicly. (00:11:18) ROI of Inclusive Language The ROI of changing language to be more inclusive. (00:14:58) Overcoming Resistance and Acknowledging Bias Why some people resist changing their language, and acknowledging and addressing biases. (00:17:46) Current Relevance of Biased Language Current issues with language in society, emphasizing the need to avoid perpetuating harmful behaviors. (00:20:47) The Impact of Words on Relationships The role of words in building respectful environments and how using the right language can enhance relationships. (00:26:19) Apologizing for Language Mistakes How to handle mistakes in language use, and the importance of being open to reminders and corrections. (00:29:38) Issues with Traditional Titles Why certain terms can be problematic due to their prescriptive and exclusionary nature. (00:32:01) Radical Candor Tips Practical tips for implementing Radical Candor, including owning mistakes and responding with curiosity to feedback. (00:34:57) Conclusion
    Played 37m 17s
  • Faster, Smarter Communication: Matt Abrahams Gets Radically Candid 6 | 24

    19 JUN 2024 · Thinking quickly and communicating effectively with Matt Abrahams. On this episode of the Radical Candor podcast, Kim Scott interviews Matt Abrahams, a Stanford lecturer and author of "Think Faster, Talk Smarter." Matt explains how his book is geared toward everyone, from introverts to extroverts, and provides advice for handling impromptu speaking situations. They also address workplace dilemmas, such as navigating feedback in fast-paced environments and managing team dynamics where quick problem solvers are favored. The episode emphasizes the importance of clear, concise communication and the value of diverse thinking styles in enhancing team performance. Get all of the show notes at https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/matt-abrahams-6-24/. Episode Links: - https://mattabrahams.com/  - https://mattabrahams.com/books/  - https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/business-podcasts/think-fast-talk-smart-podcast  - https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/faculty/matt-forrest-abrahams - https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/s6-ep3-introverts-at-work/ - https://courses.radicalcandor.com/p/the-feedback-loop   - https://www.harpercollins.com/products/yes-and-kelly-leonardtom-yorton?variant=32207556345890  - https://danlyons.io/books  - https://www.improvwisdom.com/index.html  - https://www.poised.com/ Connect: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/ - https://instagram.com/radicalcandorofficial - https://tiktok.com/@radicalcandorofficial - https://linkedin.com/company/radical-candor - https://www.facebook.com/radicalcandor - https://twitter.com/candor - https://www.youtube.com/@RadicalCandor/podcasts Chapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Host Amy introduces the episode, a conversation between Kim Scott and Matt Abrahams, an expert in communication and lecturer at Stanford GSB (00:00:59) Misunderstanding Radical Candor Clarifying misunderstandings related to the books "Radical Candor" and "Think Faster, Talk Smarter."  (00:02:20) Addressing Workplace Dilemmas Analysis of a listener-submitted workplace dilemma and strategies for effective communication in fast-paced work environments. (00:07:20) Strategies for Introverts in Meetings Advice for introverts to contribute effectively in meetings, including listening actively and summarizing. (00:09:48) Handling Spontaneous Speaking Situations How to handle spontaneous speaking situations and turning challenging questions into opportunities. (00:15:46) Addressing Unpreparedness and Difficult Questions Strategies for admitting unpreparedness and effectively managing difficult questions. (00:18:07) Next Level Feedback Providing actionable feedback to help individuals develop executive presence. (00:21:40) Managing Anxiety in Communication Techniques to manage anxiety and handle situations when one blanks out during communication. (00:28:30) Silence and Active Listening Handling situations where the audience or colleagues are not actively listening. (00:30:55) Addressing Bloviating BSers How to deal with individuals who dominate conversations. (00:38:17) Value of Improvisation in Communication The benefits of improvisation classes for enhancing communication skills. (00:40:27) Interrupting and Being Interrupted Balancing the need to interrupt with maintaining respectful communication. (00:44:31) Supporting Non-Native English Speakers Advice for non-native English speakers to improve their communication. (00:48:03) Conclusion
    Played 49m 41s
  • The CORE of Radical Candor: A Deep Dive into Effective Feedback 6 | 23

    12 JUN 2024 · Transform feedback into a powerful tool using CORE. Jason and Amy discuss the nuanced art of feedback using the CORE model—Context, Observation, Result, and nExt stEps, explaining how it can transform feedback into a powerful tool for growth and clarity. Whether it’s navigating simple day-to-day acknowledgments or tackling complex, emotionally charged feedback scenarios, they provide actionable strategies that can be immediately applied at work. This episode delves not only into the mechanics of CORE, but also how to implement it to foster a culture of open, productive dialogue and promote continuous development. Get all of the show notes at https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/core-feedback-6-23/. Episode Links: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/how-to-give-feedback/ Connect: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/ - https://instagram.com/radicalcandorofficial - https://tiktok.com/@radicalcandorofficial - https://linkedin.com/company/radical-candor - https://www.facebook.com/radicalcandor - https://twitter.com/candor - https://www.youtube.com/@RadicalCandor/podcasts Chapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Hosts Jason Rosoff and Amy Sandler introduce the episode’s focus on feedback, particularly exploring the CORE model. (00:01:07) The CORE Model Explained An outline of the CORE model, emphasizing its importance in structuring feedback and improving communication clarity. (00:02:16) Preparing for Feedback Conversations The value of thinking through feedback before conversations using the CORE model, and the need for flexibility in discussions. (00:04:08) Examples of CORE in Practice - Praise Examples of using the CORE model for giving praise, including a quarterly budget review meeting scenario. (00:08:09) Examples of CORE in Practice - Criticism How to use CORE for criticism, detailing potential challenges and how to stay supportive and collaborative. (00:13:29) Checking for Alignment and Understanding Checking for alignment and understanding during feedback conversations, ensuring both parties are on the same page. (00:17:56) Real-World Example of Miscommunication A personal experience of miscommunication with a peer manager and how using the CORE model would have improved it. (00:22:12) Empathy and Collaboration in Feedback The importance of empathy and understanding the other person's perspective before giving feedback, enhancing collaboration. (00:25:44) Addressing Complex Feedback Scenarios Handling complex feedback situations and the need for ongoing conversations and incremental next steps. (00:29:10) Radical Candor Tips A checklist of tips to implement Radical Candor, emphasizing the CORE model, checking for alignment, and encouraging collaboration (00:31:21) Conclusion
    Played 33m 16s
  • Beyond 'Sorry': How to Apologize and Mean It 6 | 22

    5 JUN 2024 · Making amends and fostering better communication Kim, Jason, and Amy dive into the complexities of apologies, focusing on the difference between genuine regret and false apologies. Through role-play and insightful analysis, they explore common pitfalls such as deflecting blame, making excuses, and failing to acknowledge the impact of one’s actions. They emphasize the importance of sincere apologies and provide actionable tips for making amends and fostering better communication in the workplace. Tune in to learn how to transform “I’m sorry” from hollow words into meaningful actions. Get all of the show notes at https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/how-to-apologize-6-22/. Episode Links: - https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/601474/apologies/ - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/16/well/live/apology-tips.html - https://hms.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/Departments/Ombuds%20Office/files/M.Wagner.ColumbiaUniversity.OmbudsOffice.ThePowerofApologies.pdf - https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-art-of-a-heartfelt-apology-2021041322366 - https://psychcentral.com/blog/when-an-apology-is-not-an-apology#1 - https://www.thelifedoctor.org/the-narcissist-s-prayer - https://amzn.to/3w7sKjx - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/encourage-feedback/ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx0z9FjxP-Y Connect: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/ - https://instagram.com/radicalcandorofficial - https://tiktok.com/@radicalcandorofficial - https://linkedin.com/company/radical-candor - https://www.facebook.com/radicalcandor - https://twitter.com/candor - https://www.youtube.com/@RadicalCandor/podcasts Chapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Kim, Jason, and Amy introduce the episode on the importance of knowing how to apologize and explore false apologies. (00:01:21) Role Play: "Sorry, Not Sorry" Sam vs. Patient Pam A role play exercise to highlight common false apologies. (00:04:28) Breakdown of False Apologies The hosts analyze the role play, explaining why statements like "I'm an asshole" and "I was just kidding" are problematic. (00:11:13) The Power of Humor and Apology The role of humor in apologies, the impact of power dynamics, and why humor should never "kick down." (00:13:13) The Narcissist's Prayer Introduction to the Narcissist's Prayer, a pattern of defensive behavior. (00:14:52) Structuring a Genuine Apology Analysis of what constitutes a meaningful and effective apology, and insights on making amends and acknowledging mistakes. (00:19:39) The Five A's of Apologizing The five A's of a sincere apology based on Maimonides' principles. (00:28:38) Apology as an Ongoing Process The need for ongoing change after an apology and the challenges of altering long-standing habits. (00:30:16) A Powerful Example of Apology A poignant example of a sincere apology from a troll to Lindy West, highlighting the components of a good apology. (00:33:06) Radical Candor Tips Tips for a thoughtful apology process, emphasizing the importance of sincerity and accountability. (00:34:54) Conclusion
    Played 36m 1s
  • Digital Overwhelm: Navigating App Overload at Work 6 | 21

    29 MAY 2024 · The impact of app overload at work and strategies to manage communication tools effectively. Unpack the complexities of digital communication in the workplace with Jason and Amy  on this episode of the Radical Candor Podcast. They dissect the overwhelming world of app overload, highlighting how the excessive use of communication tools diminishes productivity and increases stress. Listen as they provide historical insights, discuss the enduring necessity of email, and offer actionable strategies for setting effective communication norms to streamline workflows and enhance team dynamics. Get all of the show notes at https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/app-overload-6-21/. Episode Links: - https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/digital-communication-workplace/#conclusion_section - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/app-fatigue-how-too-many-apps-hurting-productivity-paul-bateman-jr--in7ce/ - https://www.reworked.co/collaboration-productivity/too-many-collaboration-apps-are-bogging-employees-down/ - https://hbr.org/2022/08/how-much-time-and-energy-do-we-waste-toggling-between-applications - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/think-time/ - https://www.tiktok.com/@businesscasualty/video/7068305185176800558?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7345581620999013931 - https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/workplace/hey-hanging-instant-messaging-work-73523af3?st=nnu7n28xltrpf9l&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink Connect: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/ - https://instagram.com/radicalcandorofficial - https://tiktok.com/@radicalcandorofficial - https://linkedin.com/company/radical-candor - https://www.facebook.com/radicalcandor - https://twitter.com/candor - https://www.youtube.com/@RadicalCandor/podcasts Chapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Jason Rosoff and Amy Sandler introduce the episode and the topic of app overload at work. (00:02:16) The History of Email and Communication Tools The history of email, its evolution since the 1980s, and how it has influenced workplace communication. (00:05:01) The Shift in Administrative Roles How the rise of email reduced the need for administrative assistants and changed project and work management practices. (00:07:21) The Rise of Chat Tools From early chat tools like Skype and AOL Messenger to modern tools like Slack, and their role in workplace communication. (00:09:55) Integrating Tools at Radical Candor How Radical Candor integrates various communication tools and the norms established to manage them effectively. (0013:12) The Importance of Setting Communication Norms Establishing clear norms for email and Slack use to ensure effective and less stressful communication. (00:15:14) Personal Preferences vs. Team Norms Balancing individual communication preferences with team-wide norms and the importance of having clear guidelines. (00:18:18) Establishing Clear Guidelines Advice for teams to establish clear communication guidelines and norms to reduce app overload. (00:30:21) Managing Notifications The importance of managing and turning off notifications to maintain focus and productivity during work hours. (00:35:11) Handling External Communication Strategies for managing communication with clients and external partners while maintaining internal communication norms. (00:38:29) Radical Candor Tips Practical tips to start applying Radical Candor in managing communication tools and reducing app overload.  (00:41:21) Conclusion
    Played 42m 37s
  • Two Managers, One Team: Making Co-Management Work 6 | 20

    22 MAY 2024 · Strategies for aligning co-managers to foster a cohesive and productive environment.  Kim, Jason, and Amy address a listener's question about the challenges of implementing Radical Candor within a co-managed team. They dive into how differing management styles can impact team dynamics and explore strategies for aligning co-managers to foster a cohesive and productive environment. The discussion includes a role-play session illustrating potential conflicts and resolutions, providing listeners with practical advice on maintaining effective communication and respect between managers with contrasting approaches. Tune in to learn how to navigate the complexities of co-management while upholding the core principles of Radical Candor. Get all of the show notes at https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/co-management-6-20/. Episode Links: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/performance-development-conversations/ - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/fast-and-meangingful-feedback/ - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/culture-of-feedback/ - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/encourage-feedback/ - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/how-to-improve-communication-in-the-workplace/ - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/how-to-give-and-receive-feedback/ - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/bad-news-early/ - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/responding-to-negative-feedback/ - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/how-to-give-feedback/ Connect: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/ - https://instagram.com/radicalcandorofficial - https://tiktok.com/@radicalcandorofficial - https://linkedin.com/company/radical-candor - https://www.facebook.com/radicalcandor - https://twitter.com/candor - https://www.youtube.com/@RadicalCandor/podcasts Chapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Hosts Kim Scott, Amy Sandler and Jason Rosoff outline a listener’s question about implementing Radical Candor in a co-managed team. (00:02:02) Understanding the Listener's Challenge The complexities of co-managing a team with different management styles and the potential issues that arise when only one manager practices Radical Candor. (00:05:40) Co-Management and Radical Candor The implications of having differing management approaches and the importance of clear reporting lines. (00:10:18) Role Play - Addressing the Issue Jason and Kim role-play a conversation between two co-managers to model how to address the issue of differing management styles. (00:18:47) Debriefing the Role Play Hosts discuss the role play, highlighting key moments and strategies for effectively managing co-manager dynamics and ensuring a unified approach. (00:22:40) Order of Operations for Radical Candor The Radical Candor order of operations: soliciting feedback, giving praise, and offering criticism, and the importance of humility and mutual respect. (00:25:34) Feedback Debt and Team Norms The concept of feedback debt and the importance of establishing clear team norms, particularly in co-managed environments. (00:33:44) Radical Candor Tips Radical Candor tips for co-managers to follow to  improve their collaborative management approach. (00:35:31) Conclusion
    Played 36m 58s
  • Radical Decisions: Cutting Through Career Chaos 6 | 19

    15 MAY 2024 · Choice overload and how it affects our ability to make satisfying career choices. Join Kim Scott and Amy Sandler to delve deep into the concept of choice overload, a common trap for many facing career decisions. They define choice overload and how it affects our ability to make satisfying career choices. Throughout the episode, they use personal anecdotes and theoretical insights to illustrate the struggles and strategies related to decision-making in the face of overwhelming options. The discussion evolves as they explore the roles of maximizers and satisficers—two distinct decision-making styles that influence how we approach our career paths. Kim and Amy discuss the advantages and challenges of each style, providing listeners with the tools to better understand their preferences. They conclude with practical advice for anyone struggling to make career decisions, emphasizing the importance of balancing ambition with personal happiness and the need to adapt as one's career evolves. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who feels stuck at a career crossroads or overwhelmed by the multitude of paths available. Get all of the show notes at https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/career-decisions-6-19/. Episode links: https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/s3-e9-the-problem-with-passion/ https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/problem-with-passion/ Connect: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/ - https://instagram.com/radicalcandorofficial - https://tiktok.com/@radicalcandorofficial - https://linkedin.com/company/radical-candor - https://www.facebook.com/radicalcandor - https://twitter.com/candor - https://www.youtube.com/@RadicalCandor/podcasts Chapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Hosts Kim Scott and Amy Sandler introduce the episode's theme of career choice overload (00:01:11) The Burden of Abundant Choices Personal experiences of having too many choices, illustrated by the story of "Balaam's Ass." (00:03:18) Maximizers vs. Satisficers Different decision-making styles: maximizers who seek the best possible outcome and satisficers who settle for good enough. (00:10:16) Balancing Personal and Professional Life Finding a balance between career aspirations and personal happiness, focusing on enjoying the process rather than fixating on specific outcomes. (00:15:17) The Role of Advice in Career Decisions The influence of career advice and the sometimes unhelpful stereotypes and expectations. (00:17:51) The Importance of Prioritizing Desires and Interests Identifying and pursuing one's passions and how they drive career choices and the importance of taking small steps and exploring various interests (00:24:50) Practical Approaches to Career Choices Hosts engage in exercises to envision different life scenarios based on varying career and personal goals. (00:37:55) Philosophies of Wealth and Happiness Comparing desire and income, and how they contribute to a sense of wealth and contentment. (00:44:55) Radical Candor Tips Key lessons from the episode with actionable tips on overcoming decision paralysis in careers. (00:45:46) Conclusion
    Played 46m 53s
  • Don't Let a Bad Boss Derail You: A Guide to Thriving 6 | 18

    8 MAY 2024 · Understand and navigate the murky waters of toxic management. Hosts Kim Scott, Jason Rosoff, and Amy Sandler delve into the detrimental impact abusive bosses can have on career trajectories. The hosts explore how such leadership styles can suppress assertiveness and hinder professional progression, especially contrasting the experiences of those in superstar and rockstar modes. With insights from the latest studies and rich personal narratives, this episode equips listeners with the tools to understand and navigate the murky waters of toxic management, aiming to empower individuals to protect and advance their careers despite challenging leadership. Episode Links: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/dont-let-a-bad-boss-derail-you-6-18/ - https://cmr.berkeley.edu/2023/08/psychological-abuse-destructive-leadership/  - https://apple.news/APv7vRHosSQWevAbc6EN6PA  - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/do-you-want-great-leader-embrace-neurodiversity-deirdre-latour?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via  - https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/speak-truth-to-power/  - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/heres-how-speak-truth-to-power-meetings-can-make-your-kim-scott/?trackingId=Jc9k1xVDReGLrneNymbjLg%3D%3D  - S4 Ep.1 Rock Star Mode Versus Superstar Mode https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/s4-e1-rock-star-mode-versus-superstar-mode/ / https://youtu.be/vRfxVqAy8M0?feature=sharedhttps://cmr.berkeley.edu/2023/08/psychological-abuse-destructive-leadership/ - S4 Ep.14 Quiet Quitting Speaks Loudly About Bad Bosses https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/s4-e14-quiet-quitting-speaks-loudly-about-bad-bosses/ / https://youtu.be/eLLSwO6spxI?feature=shared - https://amzn.to/3wsk8Ei Connect: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/  - https://instagram.com/radicalcandorofficial  - https://tiktok.com/@radicalcandorofficial  - https://linkedin.com/company/radical-candor  - https://www.facebook.com/radicalcandor  - https://twitter.com/candor  - https://www.youtube.com/@RadicalCandor/podcasts Chapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Hosts Kim Scott, Jason Rosoff, and Amy Sandler introduce the episode’s topic of the impact of bad bosses. (00:00:31) Defining Superstar and Rockstar Modes The differences between "superstar mode" and "rockstar mode" in career trajectories and how these relate to personal and professional growth. (00:03:16) The Impact of Abusive Leadership How abusive leadership affects employees differently based on their career trajectories. (00:06:59) Personal Experiences and Broader Implications A personal story about dealing with inappropriate comments from a boss and the broader implications of not challenging abusive behavior. (00:10:41) Discussion on Greed vs. Strategic Choices in Career Motivations behind employee reactions to bad bosses and how these reflect responses to abusive environments. (00:15:21) Systemic Issues and Personal Agency Systemic problems of destructive leadership and personal agency within toxic work environments. (00:19:14) Strategies for Dealing with Abusive Bosses Practical strategies for employees dealing with abusive bosses. (00:24:27) Exploring Exit Strategies Identifying exit strategies from toxic work environments and the importance of reaching out to extended network acquaintances. (00:27:46) Encouraging Advocacy and Support in the Workplace The importance of advocacy and support within the workplace and how individuals can support colleagues. (00:38:10) Radical Candor Tips Key tips on confronting abuse in the workplace and advocating for a supportive and proactive workplace culture. (00:41:30) Conclusion
    Played 42m 10s
  • Listen, Challenge, Commit 6 | 17

    1 MAY 2024 · Strategies for managers to communicate distinguishing feedback that is up for discussion versus directives that need to be followed. Kim and Jason answer a listener question addressing a critical aspect of leadership: how to ensure that feedback leads to actionable results. They dissect the listener's dilemma about differentiating between feedback that should be considered and feedback that must be implemented. Through a detailed discussion, the hosts provide invaluable advice on maintaining a balance between directive feedback and encouraging open, constructive dissent within teams. Listen as they share techniques for overcoming resistance to feedback, setting performance standards, and building a culture of commitment and collaboration. Episode Links: - https://www.pmworld360.com/3-ways-to-become-a-better-leader-listen-challenge-and-commit/ about Andrew Grove and his “Listen, Challenge, Commit” philosophy Connect: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/  - https://instagram.com/radicalcandorofficial  - https://tiktok.com/@radicalcandorofficial  - https://linkedin.com/company/radical-candor  - https://www.facebook.com/radicalcandor  - https://twitter.com/candor  - https://www.youtube.com/@RadicalCandor/podcasts Get all the resources and show notes at https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/listen-challenge-commit-6-17/ Chapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Hosts Kim Scott and Jason Rosoff introduce the episode and outline a listener's question on how to ensure feedback is implemented, not just considered. (00:02:01) Discussing Feedback Acceptance Strategies for managers to communicate distinguishing feedback that is up for discussion versus directives that need to be followed. (00:04:08) Encouraging Disagreement Handling resistance to feedback and strategies for managers to foster an environment where feedback is given and also constructively challenged. (00:06:35) Listen, Challenge, Commit The commitment phase of the feedback process, and the importance of committing to a path forward after feedback and disagreement. (00:11:26) Subjective Feedback and Data-Driven Decisions Challenges of subjective feedback and the importance of using data to support feedback and decisions when possible. (00:13:55) Addressing Feedback Resistance Methods to address and overcome resistance to feedback with focus on recognizing good ideas, even if they deviate from the manager's initial thoughts. (00:16:39) Handling Personal Feedback Kim shares a personal anecdote to illustrate how perceived aggression can impact feedback reception, and addressing such issues directly. (00:26:22) Radical Candor Tips Actionable tips for implementing radical candor in leadership, emphasizing listening, challenging directly, and committing to a course of action. (00:27:46) Conclusion
    Played 29m 9s
  • The Power of Rituals at Work 6 | 16

    24 APR 2024 · Everyday actions, when turned into rituals, can manage emotions and create a sense of control and purpose. For Stress Awareness Month, here's another Bonus episode where Harvard Business School Professor Michael Norton joins Amy Sandler to discuss his latest book, "The Ritual Effect." Norton explores the significance of rituals in reducing stress and enhancing productivity, both at work and in personal life. He shares compelling research and personal anecdotes that illustrate how everyday actions, when turned into rituals, can manage emotions and create a sense of control and purpose. The conversation covers the practical application of rituals in business settings, their emotional significance, and how they can foster team cohesion and workplace wellness. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer in the power of rituals, this episode offers valuable insights into how structured routines can lead to greater emotional health and professional effectiveness. Episode Links: - Michael Norton: https://michaelnorton.com/  - https://michaelnorton.com/behavioral-science-books/ - Harvard Business School Profile: https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=326229  - Norton’s paper on humblebragging: https://www.hbs.edu/ris/Publication%20Files/Sezer%20Gino%20Norton%20Humblebragging_0533fa02-7fcd-4585-91c9-b7281174edf9.pdf  - Norton’s paper on matchmaking: https://www.hbs.edu/ris/Publication%20Files/Anik%20Norton%202014_69c76077-9dc5-43ef-a28e-cdbe968c892f.pdf - Norton’s ritual quiz: https://michaelnorton.com/rituals-quiz/ Connect: - https://www.radicalcandor.com/  - https://instagram.com/radicalcandorofficial  - https://tiktok.com/@radicalcandorofficial  - https://linkedin.com/company/radical-candor  - https://www.facebook.com/radicalcandor  - https://twitter.com/candor  - https://www.youtube.com/@RadicalCandor/podcasts Get all the resources and show notes at https://www.radicalcandor.com/podcast/rituals-6-16/ Chapters: (00:00:00) Introduction  Amy Sandler introduces guest Michael Norton and his book "The Ritual Effect” (00:02:05) The Importance of Rituals An anecdote about knocking on wood introduces the relevance of rituals in different contexts and how rituals naturally form and help in stress management. (00:09:46) Habit vs. Ritual The difference between habits and rituals, highlighting the emotional connections that define rituals (00:11:56) Rituals and Emotion Management The emotional impact of rituals, termed as "emo-diversity," and how rituals help manage a wide spectrum of emotions. (00:14:48) Collective Rituals and Emotional Bonds Communal aspects of rituals, their historical and cultural significance, and how they strengthen social bonds and collective identities. (00:16:13) Implementing and Adapting Rituals in Teams Ways leaders can facilitate the development of rituals allowing for organic growth within teams that reflect their unique values and culture. (00:23:21) Rituals, Technology, and Adapting to Change The adaptation of rituals to technological changes and societal shifts, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. (00:28:47) The Role of Rituals in the Workplace The importance of rituals at work for individuals and leaders, aiming to reflect on how these can make a workday more meaningful. (00:32:37) Evaluating the Benefits of Rituals Functional benefits of rituals and how these practices contribute positively to mental health and well-being. (00:36:02) Reflecting Organizational Values Through Rituals How rituals at work can reflect and reinforce organizational values, enhancing team bonding and individual satisfaction. (00:41:33) Introduction to the Ritual Quiz Norton introduces his ritual quiz, designed to help individuals identify and understand their personal and work-related rituals. (00:45:04) Conclusion
    Played 46m 17s

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Learn to love your job and kick ass at work without losing your humanity by practicing the principles of Radical Candor. Improve your feedback and communications skills, become a better...

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Learn to love your job and kick ass at work without losing your humanity by practicing the principles of Radical Candor. Improve your feedback and communications skills, become a better leader, manager or team player, and drive your #careergoals in the direction of your dreams. Host Amy Sandler leads discussions with Radical Candor co-founders Kim Scott and Jason Rosoff about what it means to be Radically Candid, why it’s simple but not easy to Care Personally and Challenge Directly on the daily, and why it’s worth it. Tune in to get actionable tips for doing the best work of your life and building the best relationships of your career, and don't forget to read Kim Scott's New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity!
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