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Queer Lit

  • “Queer Podcasting and Knowledge Production” with Hannah McGregor

    25 JUN 2024 · Combine the age-old art of conversation with easy access to digital dissemination and you get: podcasting! Hannah McGregor is THE expert on scholarly podcasting, new approaches to peer review and (although we only mention this briefly) feminist lesbian dinosaurs. In this episode, we chat about how Hannah approaches podcasting, what it can and can’t do, and why it is such a useful tool in queer knowledge production. Whether you’re interested in podcasting, queer scholarship or changing the very nature of academic discourse, this episode is for you. Learn more about Hannah’s work (and fabulous style) on Instagram (@hkpmcgregor) and give @queerlitpodcast a follow while you’re there.   References: https://www.hannahmcgregor.com/ Witch Please The Secret Feminist Agenda Material Girls Amplify Podcast Network Hannah McGregor’s A Sentimental Education (2022) Lori Beckstead, Ian M. Cook, and Hannah McGregor’s Podcast or Perish (2024) Hannah McGregor’s Clever Girl (2024) Siobhan McMenemy Marcelle Kosman Brenna Clarke Gray’s “The University Cannot Love You” Jenny Odell’s Saving Time and How To Do Nothing Leah Lakshmi Piepzna Samarasinha's Care Work   Questions you should be able to respond to after listening: -      What is Hannah’s definition of knowledge production? -      How do podcasts produce knowledge? Do they do this queerly? -      Which academic format does Hannah liken podcast conversations to? Would you agree with this comparison or have you had a different experience? -      Towards the end of the episode, Hannah and I speak about the body in academia. Why is embodiment relevant in scholarship and podcasting? -     Have you ever produced knowledge through conversation? What did that feel like?  
    Played 48m
  • “Narrating Palestine” with Nora Parr

    11 JUN 2024 · Narratives can help us make sense of trauma – but what if these trauma narratives do not fit into preconceived structures of storytelling? Nora Parr joins me to speak about the role of narrative in trauma, in mental health and in understanding national, cultural and individual identity construction. Nora talks about how Palestinian literature forges its own narratives, why Palestinian literary history has so often been made invisible, and what genre conventions have to do with all of this. Learn more about Nora’s work by following @noraehp on Instagram! References: Novel Palestine: Nation through the Works of Ibrahim Nasrallah (2023) by Nora Parr Susan Lanser Narrative Conference (ISSN) https://www.thenarrativesociety.org/2024-conference-1 The Palestine Trauma Centre https://www.palestinetraumacentre.uk/ Nakba Road to Beersheva by Ethel Mannin (to see how some Arab critics received her work see this translation in the Journal of Arabic Literature https://doi.org/10.1163/1570064x-12341510) Bab al-Shams (trans. as Gate of the Sun) by Elias Khoury Children of the Ghetto series https://rayaagency.org/book-author/khoury-elias/ Don’t Look Left: Diary of a Genocide by Atef Abu Saif, translated and published by Comma Press in Manchester Ellipses (the first instance that really got Nora thinking is addressed in chapter 4 of the book Novel Palestine, page 77 has an image of the ellipses in question!) https://luminosoa.org/site/books/10.1525/luminos.168/read/?loc=001.xhtml This article looks the problem of ‘eloquent silence’ from a different angle.  https://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/ep/0003/2018/229/7792/ Minor Detail by Adania Shibli J.M. Coetzee (writing on this is in a forthcoming chapter in Teaching Politically from Fordham Uni press, eds May Hawwas and Bruce Robbins) https://www.gazapassages.com/ https://www.instagram.com/wizard_bisan1/ https://www.instagram.com/motaz_azaiza/ https://www.instagram.com/omarherzshow/ The Tale of a Wall by Nasser Abu Srour Maya Abu Al-Hayat  Memory of Forgetfulness by Mahmoud Darwish Maria Sulimma Trees for the Absentees by Ahlam Bsharat Rights4Time https://rights4time.com/nora-parr/ Questions you should be able to respond to after listening: - Throughout the podcast, Nora mentions how genre and genre expectations (for YA literature, science fiction, and serial narratives, for example) impact how we perceive narratives. Do you have an example for this? - What does Nora say about the temporal structure of trauma and storytelling? - What might the study of narrative have to do with mental health? - Which narratives can social media convey about everyday life in Gaza? Which examples does Nora give? - How willing are you to engage with narratives that are uncomfortable?
    Played 41m 30s
  • “Lesbian Fashion History” with Eleanor Medhurst

    28 MAY 2024 · Did you know that lesbians sporting sportswear is a queer tradition dating back centuries? Or that 1910s Japanese lesbians liked to don a yukata to send subtle signals about their gender identity and sexual orientation? My favourite foremost expert in lesbian fashion history, Eleanor Medhurst, is gracing the podcast with a return performance, sharing her vast knowledge about all of these topics and more. Listen now to learn all about how queer and gendernonconforming people dressed through the ages and follow @dressingdykes and @queerlitpodcast on Instagram to stay up-to-date and to book your tickets for Ellie’s book tour!   References: @dressingdykes Unsuitable: A History of Lesbian Fashion https://dressingdykes.com/ Lesbian Lives Conference Anne Lister Sarah Wingrove Queen Christina of Sweden Radclyffe Hall The Well of Loneliness Crufts Female Husbands Jen Manion Sappho Meiji Era Seitō Sexology Hiratsuka Raichō Otake Kōkichi Yukata Kimono Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity Amy Tooth Murphy Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home “Ring of Keys” Roots Lesbian Fashion Gillian Anderson Cameron Esposito Queery (podcast) Lesbian Chique k.d. lang Vanity Fair The L Word The Queery (Brighton) The Feminist Bookshop Freya Marske’s The Last Binding Trilogy Kristen Stewart Happiest Season   Questions you should be able to respond to after listening: -      Can you name at least three historical fashion icons we speak about in the episode? -      Eleanor explains why literature is important in fashion history. In which ways does Ellie use literary texts to learn about lesbian dress? -      We use multiple words to describe the people whose fashion Eleanor writes about in Unsuitable. Why is that and what are some of the difficulties with labelling a historical figure? -      Many of the people Ellie speaks about combine clothes with different gender connotations. Can you give an example of this? Do you think this is still relevant today? -      Do you think lesbians are fashionable?
    Played 50m 15s
  • 100 Episodes!

    21 MAY 2024 · Can you believe this is our 100th episode? Listen now to hear about some listeners’ favourite episodes, about future plans for the podcast and about how the cats are feeling these days.   References: https://ko-fi.com/queerlit Karen Tongson Normporn Susan Stryker Cate Sandilands Kew Gardens Elizabeth Freeman Diane Watt Briona Simone Jones Yesterqueer’s Holigays Out and Wild https://www.outandwild.co.uk/  Alison Bechdel Alex Iantaffi Kai Cheng Thom Sara Ahmed Alexis Pauline Gumbs Mo Moulton Alberto Poza   Questions I still have: -      What can I do to make my listeners even happier? -      Who are all these awesome people that spend their time with me and my guests? -      Will I really make another 100 episodes? -      When will Rufus take over as podcast host?
    Played 24m 41s
  • “Normporn and Queer Imaginaries” with Karen Tongson

    14 MAY 2024 · What could be more soothing than escaping your beautiful but complex queer life by watching a bunch of straight people remodel their suburban home in a new shade of beige? Karen Tongson joins me to explain why mainstream television can be so comforting and why admitting to having watched Gilmore Girls for the fourth time can feel a bit like sharing your browser history… In this curious entanglement of norms, shame, and self-soothing, Karen also shares insights into the shifting views of what is normal and what this means for queer life – televisually as well as geographically and sociopolitically. Listen now to hear Karen speak about “surrendering to the spontaneous overflow of basic feelings” and don’t forget to follow Karen on Instagram @tongsonator to keep up to date with her work.   References: Karen Tongson’s Normporn: Queer Viewers and the TV That Soothes Us (2023) Karen Tongson’s Relocations: Queer Suburban Imaginaries (2011) Karen Tongson’s Why Karen Carpenter Matters (2021) Karen Tongson’s Empty Orchestra (forthcoming) The Ultimatum Thirtysomething Parenthood True Blood Gilmore Girls José Esteban Muñoz Catherine Zimmer Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette The Phantom of the Opera Michael Crawford Sailor Moon Tuxedo Mask Gestalt The Traitors Alan Cumming @tongsonator Karentongson.org   Questions you should be able to respond to after listening: -      Can you define ‘normporn’ and give an example of what might be a typical normporn show? -      What is the ‘porn’ in ‘normporn’? How does shame play into watching mainstream TV as queer escapism? -      What role does grief play in relation to normporn? -      Karen talks about discussions of normalcy as a throughline for all three of her currently published books. Which type of ‘normal’ does each monograph discuss? -      Which show do you find particularly soothing and why?
    Played 54m 14s
  • “Trans in Translation” with Alberto Poza

    30 APR 2024 · Have you read the iconic Taiwanese novel The Membranes by Chi Ta-Wei? If so, in which language? Alberto has crafted the fabulous Spanish translation of this beautifully genderweird text and joins me to speak about the opportunities and challenges the highly gendered structures of Spanish offer for this. If you have ever wondered which pronoun or gendered inflection to use for a cyborg and what language might best describe a trans machine, this is the episode for you. Learn more about Alberto’s work on Instagram @aiweip or on Twitter (@Albertop_p) and consider giving @queerlitpodcast a follow as well.   References: Queer and Trans Philologies Diane Watt   Chi Ta-Wei’s The Membranes Ari Larissa Heinrichs Queer Ecologies and Environmental Writing (module) https://lenamattheis.files.wordpress.com/2023/12/module-handbook-queer-ecologies.pdf Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun Jack Halberstam Paul Preciado Alana Portero’s Bad Habit (La Mala Costumbre, 2023)   Questions you should be able to respond to after listening: -      Have you ever read a queer text in different languages? Do you experience gender differently depending on language? -      Why do we gender some machines and not others? -      Alberto comments on how Anglophone readers tend to focus on the trans elements of The Membranes. Why do you think they stand out to Anglophone readers? -      Alberto comments of generic masculine, generic feminine and genderneutral forms in Spanish. How do you think translations into other languages have dealt with this dilemma and how would you translate this? -      If you could speak any language fluently, which one would you choose and why?      
    Played 17m 51s
  • “Knight as a Gender” with Mabel Mundy

    16 APR 2024 · If you could pick a gender, any gender, which one would that be, and why would it 1000% be knight? In this special minisode, I get to answer that question with Mabel Mundy, who shares fascinating insights into the genderfuckery of chivalric romance and crossdressing knights. Tune in now, to learn more about why gender ambiguity clearly is, and has always been, super hot, and how this plays out in Edmund Spenser and Philip Sidney’s writing. If you too are picturing Brienne of Tarth at the bathhouse when hearing about Britomart, follow @queerlitpodcast on Instagram and let me know in the comments. To learn more about Mabel’s work, follow her on Twitter at @mabelcjmundy. A big, big thank you to the brilliant team of Queer and Trans Philologies at Cambridge University for creating this space! References: Petition: https://www.change.org/p/support-our-surrey-campaign? This is not an isolated issue! See this list of current large-scale UK HE redundancies: https://qmucu.org/qmul-transformation/uk-he-shrinking/ https://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/39800/#call-for-papers Queer and Trans Philologies University of Cambridge CRASSH @crasshlive (Instagram) Crossdressing Genderfuckery Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene Sir Philip Sidney’s Arcadia Margaret Cavendish’s The Covenant of Pleasure Chivalric Romance Britomart Malecasta Bradamante Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso Diane Watt The Redcrosse Knight Una Questions you should be able to respond to after listening: - What forms of genderfuckery does Mabel talk about? If you are not familiar with the term, please look it up and/or check out the Queer Lit episode with Nick Cherryman. - Why is Mabel particularly interested in doing research on chivalric romances? - Mabel comments on how crossdressing knights can reveal something about the social category of gender that is possibly more important than their individual gender. Would you agree with that? Why or why not? - Do you have a favourite knight?
    Played 14m 42s
  • “Gendered Bodies and Narrative Form” with Chiara Pellegrini

    2 APR 2024 · How does a queer, trans or intersex body take shape in a narrative? Dr Chiara Pellegrini is here to help us better understand how narrative form, point of view, and embodiment interact in contemporary storytelling – whether that be in novels, short stories or reality TV. We speak about problematic narrative tropes of trans narration, such as the ‘gender reveal’, but also about how some narrative voices protect their characters from voyeuristic intrusions. I’m also absolutely fascinated by Chiara’s take on Barbie. Don’t delay, listen today! To learn more about Chiara’s work, follow her on Twitter @chiarapg4 and, while you’re at it, stay in touch with the podcast on Instagram @queerlitpodcast.     References:  Pellegrini, Chiara. Trans Narrators: First-Person Form and the Gendered Body in Contemporary Literature. Edinburgh University Press, 2025. Gillis, Stacy and Chiara Pellegrini (eds.) The Cultural Politics of Greta Gerwig’s Barbie. Special Issue of Feminist Theory 25.4 (2024). Mejeur, Cody and Chiara Pellegrini (eds.) Trans/forming Narrative Studies. Special Issue of Narrative 32.2 (2024). Pellegrini, Chiara. ‘Anticipating the Plot: Overdetermining Heteronormative Destiny on the Twenty-First- Century Screen’, Textual Practice (2022): 1-23. Pellegrini, Chiara. ‘“Declining to Describe”: Intersex Narrators and Textual Visibility’. Interdisciplinary and Global Perspectives on Intersex. Ed. Megan Walker (Palgrave, 2022): 49-64. ISSN International Society for the Study of Narrative https://www.thenarrativesociety.org/2024-conference-1 Narrative for Social Justice https://www.thenarrativesociety.org/n4sj Jay Prosser’s Second Skins Travis Alabanza’s None of the Above Calvin Gimpelevic’s Invasions: Stories Susan Lanser “Queering Narrative Voice” Textual Practice 32.6 (2018) Sara Taylor’s The Lauras Jordy Rosenberg’s Confessions of the Fox Jeffrey Eugenides’ Middlesex Marquis Bey’s Black Trans Feminism Hida Viloria - Born Both: An Intersex Life (Hachette 2017) Hannah Gadsby’s The Gender Agenda Dahlia Belle (the comic Lena mentions) Cody Mejeur Casey Plett and Cat Fitzpatrick’s Meanwhile, Elsewhere The Ultimatum Questions you should be able to respond to after listening: -     How might narrative point of view affect trans and intersex narratives? Why do you think the first person has been a particularly popular point of view in trans texts? -      What does ‘embodiment’ mean when it comes to narration? -      Chiara suggests that narratology (the study of how we tell stories) can learn a lot from trans narrative forms. What, for example, can we learn from a trans perspective? -      We speak about problematic narratives that conceal trans or queer bodies, only to reveal them to readers or viewers later on. Can you think of an example for this type of narrative? Why would this be harmful? -      How do you feel about some of the recent queer reality TV shows?    
    Played 45m 14s
  • Humanities under Threat

    19 MAR 2024 · https://surrey-ucu.org.uk/category/news/ https://www.instagram.com/supportsurreysll/?hl=en https://www.change.org/p/support-our-surrey-campaign This is not an isolated issue! See this list of current large-scale UK HE redundancies: https://qmucu.org/qmul-transformation/uk-he-shrinking/ IG: @supportsurreysll Twitter/x: @SaveSurreySLL https://universityenglish.ac.uk/englishcreates/#:~:text=EnglishCreates%20is%20a%20campaign%20to,literature%2C%20language%20and%20creative%20writing @queerlitpodcast queerlitpodcast@gmail.com
    Played 27m 14s
  • “Feeling Bad” with Hil Malatino

    5 MAR 2024 · Despite the title, this episode contains a generous amount of laughter, because it is just that enjoyable to talk to Hil Malatino, brilliant author of Side Affects: On Being Trans and Feeling Bad (2022). Hil has published groundbreaking work on trans and intersex stories and histories and, in this most recent monograph, draws our attention to the complexities of trans affect. In order to explore emotions such as numbness, fatigue, envy and rage, Hil consults literary texts as well as performance art, so of course I make Hil talk about my new favourite performance art obsession Cassils, alongside Casey Plett and Kai Cheng Thom. Tune in now to learn about all of these fascinating people, about human dolphin communication, about the manifold uses of ketamine, and about Xena and Subaru. Find Hil on Instagram @gay_vague and everywhere else @HilMalatino and follow the podcast @queerlitpodcast on Instagram. References: Hil Malatino’s Side Affects: On Being Trans and Feeling Bad (UP Minnesota, 2022) Hil Malatino’s Trans Care (2020) Hil Malatino’s Queer Embodiment (2019) Katy Steinmetz “The Transgender Tipping Point” (2014) https://time.com/135480/transgender-tipping-point/ Casey Plett CeCe McDonald Cassils’ ‘Monument Push’ and ‘Becoming an Image’ Sandra Harding’s strong objectivity Autotheory Kai Cheng Thom’s Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars Paul Preciado Susan Stryker Marina Abramovic Institute Tiresias Sam Tenorio Reed Erickson The Human Potential Movement Isaac Fellman’s Dead Collections Sarah Schulman’s Girls, Visions and Everything Dorothy Allison’s Two or Three Things I Know for Sure Bastard Out Of Carolina Mo Moulton Xena: Warrior Princess WGS South https://wgssouth.org/ Questions you should be able to respond to after listening: - Which types of affects does Hil write about in Side Affects? What role do they play in trans storytelling? - Can you list the bad feelings that Hil discusses in the book? Hint: You can also look at the table of contents online. - How does Hil describe the method of Side Affects, in terms of selecting and discussing texts? - Why does Hil find ‘triumphant’ narratives about trans lives problematic? Can you think of an example of such a narrative? - Hil speaks about positionality in academic writing. How do you feel about this? Do you write about yourself in your work?
    Played 50m 12s

Queer Lit is a podcast about LGBTQIA+* literature and culture. In each episode, literary studies researcher Lena Mattheis talks to an expert in the field of queer studies. Topics include...

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Queer Lit is a podcast about LGBTQIA+* literature and culture. In each episode, literary studies researcher Lena Mattheis talks to an expert in the field of queer studies. Topics include lesbian literature, inclusive pronouns and language, gay history, trans and non-binary novels, intersectionality and favourite queer films, series or poems.

New episode every other week!

Recent transcripts here: https://lenamattheis.wordpress.com/queer-lit-transcripts/ 

Twitter and Instagram: @queerlitpodcast

Music by geovanebruny from Pixabay
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