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Our Struggle

  • I.M. Andreyev on the Moscow Patriarchate - Session 7

    3 JAN 2024 · "Our Struggle," Class 13 - "Is the Grace of God Present in the Soviet Church?" In this final section of the essay, the author asks and answers the question: "Is the grace of God present in the Soviet Church?" R. 1st Argument for validity of the MP - Recognition by the Patriarchates - pp. 49 - 50 1. Argument is that since Constantinople and the other Eastern Patriarchates recognize the MP, it is thereby canonical and grace-bearing. 2. Refutation: a. The Ecumenical Patriarchate also recognized the "Living Church." Does that mean that they and not the Church under Patriarch Tikhon was the real Church at that time? b. The Church leaders outside Russia do not comprehend the actual situation there. Their recognition of the MP is based on ignorance and therefore is not valid. c. Even if they do know what is going and yet still recognized the Sergianist church, their recognition does not change anything. Truth is truth, and falsehood is falsehood. They do not have the power to change reality. S. 2nd Argument for validity of the MP - The faith of the believing people can validate the sacraments of false hierarchs - pp. 50 - 53 1. Argument is that the laity are suffering and seek consolation in the false church. Therefore the sacraments of the false church are valid. 2. Refutation: a. The "worthiness" of the laity is not the objective condition for the presence of sacramental grace. b. The consolations received by the suffering laity in the MP are not spiritual, they are psychological and aesthetic. T. 3rd Argument for the validity of the MP - The "simple" believers do not care about "abstract truths" and "politics," but only the good deeds demanded by the moral code of the Gospel - pp. 54 - 55 1. Argument: The theological and canonical questions at question are irrelevant to the "simple people," and therefore if the MP clergy preach a "simple Gospel" of piety and good works, this validates the sacraments of the MP. 2. Refutation: a. Theological and canonical questions are not "abstract truths"; they are not mere academic exercises, but rather are precisely the real-life questions that must be answered to determine where to find the true Church. b. Politics and religion cannot be separated. The politics of Communism is a religion. What one believes about Orthodoxy does determine one's politics, both ecclesiastical and civil. c. It is precisely as "simple believers" that the true confessors deny grace in the MP, because they perceive this reality on the noetic level, not the level of the discursive intellect. It is precisely the overeducated professors who are defending the MP. U. The loss of grace as a process over time, Conclusion - pp. 55 - 57 The author acknowledges that the loss of grace takes place usually as a process, over time. But even the realistic and terror-filled doubt that grace exists in the MP should keep us from approaching their "mysteries" We are filled with fear and terror concerning them, and this gives us a sober and prudent caution.
    Played 1h 16m 31s
  • I.M. Andreyev on the Moscow Patriarchate - Session 6

    21 DEC 2023 · Our Struggle - Class 12 Is the Grace of God Present in the Soviet Church? Session 6 N. The New Tolstoyism - Teachings of John Shahovskoy, concluded 7. Another ad hominem - That the Anti-Sergianists’ position is caused by their psychological trauma. pp. 42 - 43 8. In the Soviet Union, the Anti-Sergianist confessors unmasked falsehood and force by the MP and Communists. Abroad they unmasked mistakes and thoughtlessness on the part of the Evlogians and Metropolia. pp. 43 - 45 a. Shahovskoy calling the MP “holy and humble”. b. Sergianist priest claiming that he too “suffered” and therefore his choice was theologically and morally equivalent. c. But Judas suffered in the same way, and he killed himself. (cf. new teachings of Pope Francis on Judas! https://novusordowatch.org/2017/11/francis-this-pope-heretic-judas-iscariot-saved/). O. The Lie that Sergius “Saved” the Church - pp. 45 - 46 1. Until 1927, the Church flourished through Her response to persecution. 2. After 1927, the Soviets were able to carry out their mission against Her. P. The Catacomb Church - pp. 46 - 47 1. Soviet propaganda has convince people that the Catacomb Church does not exist. 2. The Soviet church buildings are crowded because there are so few churches. 3. There are secret bishops and priests, as well as numerous lay communities who gather for prayer when they do not have clergy. 4. Andreyev asserts what ROCOR believed before the “fall of communism,” that the existence and triumph of the Catacomb Church would be confirmed and the Soviet church would “disappear” after the fall of the Soviet power. We now know that this did not happen, but instead a new era of deception began. Q. “Church Life” in the Soviet Church - pp. 47 - 48 1. Freedom of preaching does not exist. 2. To criticize materialism and atheism is criminalized. 3. Criticizing the Soviet church organization is a political crime. 4. Must pray only for the persecutors, not the persecuted. 5. The Soviet “church” is silent in the face of all this. 6. Moreover, the Soviet “church” officials brand the confessor and martyrs as political criminals. Next time: So the question arises, “Is the grace of God present in the Soviet church?”
    Played 1h 50s
  • I.M. Andreyev on the Moscow Patriarchate - Session 5

    7 DEC 2023 · Tonight’s session deals with a huge problem not only with the “Soviet church” apologetics but also in Orthodoxy at large and in our civilization at large: the false teachings that - true Christians do not actively oppose evil and do not expose falsehood, but only “suffer in silence,” - that those who do oppose evil and expose falsehood are “proud” and have “zeal not according to knowledge.” - that evildoers must be “healed” by our “compassion” and not be called to repentance; that they deserve our compassion as much as - or more than - their victims! Does this all sound familiar to our ears, based on social developments in our own country? Well, it’s nothing new: Tonight we’ll hear the words of a famous Sergianist “theologian” - and still a hero to the OCA modernists and people of their ilk, Archbishop John Shahovskoy - expressing these very thoughts back in in the 1940s. - Falsehood the Foundation of the Soviet “Government” and “Church” - pp. 35-36 1. A phenomenon new in history 2. Article in the JMP of an Abp. Alexander a. Now is not the time for St. John the Baptist’s call to repentance. b. It’s the time for “healing souls” c. Blasphemes Ss. Sergius and Seraphim. B. The Truth: Now is the time for bold confession not compromise 1. Article “Voice of a New Emigrant” a. The revolution is God’s punishment for sin b. The healing of the people can only be accomplished by returning to the spiritual height of the Catacomb Church. c. For this to happen, the priests must be willing to confess the truth and go to their deaths d. Main enemy at present: Not the communists but the priests! C. Rejoinder to Abp Alexander - pp. 36 - 37 1. Why is now not the time for the call to repentance? 2. Why do the persecutors deserve mercy but not the victims? 3. Ss Sergius and Seraphim never gave such “testaments.” (It is characteristic of Russian modernists to contrast the “compassionate” and “merciful” Russian saints with the “fiery” and “denunciatory” ancient saints”. D. The New Tolstoyism - Teachings of John Shahovskoy. - pp. 37 - 45 1. Church Tolstoyism - the most characteristic feature of representatives of the Soviet church. 2. They disguise their hypocritical duplicity and servility to evil with buzzwords like “love, tolerance, and forgiveness.” For the classic expose and refutation of Tolstoy’s “non-resistance to evil” philosophy, see Ivan Ilyin’s On Resistance to Evil by Force. 3. Who was John Shahovskoy? https://orthodoxwiki.org/John_(Shahovskoy)_of_San_Francisco. 4. His misuse of the Antichrist “legend” of Ivan in Brothers Karamazov. - pp. 37 - 38 a. Christ kisses Antichrist, and we must kiss Stalin! b. This type of love on earth is higher than love in heaven! c. This incredible prelest and blasphemy is a foundational belief in Shahovskoy’s thought. 5. Refutation by Met Anastassy - pp. 38 - 39 - We must unmask falsehood publicly and openly. a. Why not? If not now, when? b. Arguments and the exposure of evil will ALWAYS be part of the life of the Church, from the time of the Savior till now and to the end. 6. Another false teaching of Shahovskoy - We must not denounce falsehood, because we are all sinners. pp. 39 - 40 a. Bizarre remarks about the hymns at the beginning of the Triodion. b. Confusing unmasking false teaching with moral condemnation of our neighbor. c. Recall accusations against St. Maximus, using same false argument. d. The Catacomb Church confessors are sincere; they cannot lie and bow to evil with hypocritical “compassion.” If they are wrong, prove them wrong by argument, but don’t call them “Pharisees.”
    Played 46m
  • I.M. Andreyev on the Moscow Patriarchate - Session 4

    7 DEC 2023 · Our Struggle - Class 10 Is the Grace of God Present in the Soviet Church? Session 4 Prefatory, November of 2023: If you really think that the Moscow Patriarchate of today has renounced Sergianism, see the post of November 7, 2023, by Subdeacon Nektarios, on the “Orthodox Traditionalist” blog, here: https://www.orthodoxtraditionalist.com/post/revisionist-history-the-moscow-patriarchate-s-rejection-of-the-catacomb-church-synod-abroad. Now the MP is moving on from the lying compromise of 2007, when they persuaded (?) their ROCOR prey to accept the idea that there were “two paths” of confession: confession (i.e., anti-Sergianism) and, well, non-confession (i.e. Sergianism). Now, however, they are moving on: As it turns out, those who opposed Sergius were the “enemies of the Church”! There is only one path, that of Sergius! Of course, we who did not join the “union” knew this would happen. No doubt, however, our former brethren who joined the “union” would say that not only is Sergianism the “true historical path of ROCOR” but also that “we have always thought this way!” D. The Soviet “church” denies the basic dogma of “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. - pp. 31 - 32 1. Her words are her deeds - lying words! 2. No oneness, no holiness, no catholicity, no Apostolic spirit. E. Not an organism, only an organization - p. 32, first full paragraph 1. Not a unity but a “conglomerate.” 2. A formal, dead organization without zeal for purity and truth. F. The Soviet “church” betrayed the Holy Spirit - p. 32, second full paragraph 1. Lying before the whole world. 2. Stalin is the “chosen one of the Lord”. G. Chief evil is moral disintegration, not the physical persecution - Met. Anastassy- pp. 32 - 33 1. Calling Stalin the “chosen of the Lord” slanders God by making Him responsible for all the evil of the Soviet regime. 2. The corruption of mind and heart created by Soviet “Orthodoxy” entails spiritual death of the nation, after which there is no Resurrection. H. The deep meaning of the canons - the freedom of the Church - pp. 33 - 34. Booklet of S.P. - “Concerning the Church in the U.S.S.R. : 1. Soviet church cannot freely judge, pray, or administer confession. 2. Its canonicity is purely legalistic - There is no freedom in the Holy Spirit, and therefore there is no action according to the Holy Spirit. I. What motivated Sergius to perform his betrayal? - p. 34, first full paragraph 1. Vain hope for relaxation of persecution. 2 . Prevent a deal with the Vatican. - See article by Protodeacon German: orthodoxinfo.com/ecumenism/vatican_russia.aspx. J. The future of Orthodoxy is in heroic stance and confession - pp. 34 - 35. 1. The example of Holy Hieromartyr Philip of Moscow. Postscript - We’ve found out recently that Is the Grace of God Present in the Soviet Church is out of print! But Fr. Andrew Kencis of Monastery Press intends the reprint the booklet as soon as possible. Please keep checking http://monasterypress.org , and , we hope, this great essay will again be available soon.
    Played 41m 51s
  • I.M. Andreyev on the Moscow Patriarchate - Session 3

    2 NOV 2023 · Read the notes for this podcast at https://orthodoxtruth.org/uncategorized/i-m-andreyev-on-the-moscow-patriarchate-session-3/
    Played 45m 29s
  • I.M. Andreyev on the Moscow Patriarchate - Session 2

    27 OCT 2023 · Read the notes for this lecture at orthodoxtruth.org.
    Played 38m 28s
  • I.M. Andreyev on the Moscow Patriarchate - Session 1

    20 OCT 2023 · Our Struggle - Class 7 Is the Grace of God Present in the Soviet Church? Session 1 Tonight is a transitional class. We are going to make some corrections to our last talk and introduce the next section of our class, which will be the reading and study of I.M. Andreyev’s 1948 essay, “Is the Grace of God Present in the Soviet Church?” - Corrections to Class 6, regarding ROCOR and the GOC Thanks to Metropolitan Demetrius, for these corrections. 1. The Matthewite hierothesia - the bishops did accept hierothesia; the union was rejected by the lower clergy and the laity. This is important, because it means that the Matthewite episcopal succession was regularized, which removes an important obstacle to union in the future. 2. The medieval English Church had a blessing from the Pope to perform single handed consecrations, because of their situation. It was an oikonomia. It was never recognized as normal practice anywhere. 3. The 1974 statement of the GOC not only said that there was no grace in the state Church of Greece, but also that communing New Calendarists was forbidden. The reality in the parishes everywhere, including Greece, was that New Calendarists were being communed frequently by priests serving under bishops who had signed the 1974 statement. So officially it was forbidden, but in practice it happened often and in many places. The situation of Met. Petros of Astoria was different: it was his stated practice to commune New Calendarists. “We have to give them Communion,” he said, “or we shall lose them.” In retrospect, we see that his position was wrong, but at least he was consistent. 4. Abp Laurus of ROCOR did show interest in the Greek Old Calendarists prior to his involvement with the Synod in Resistance (Cyprianites). He made pilgrimages to Greece, and he concelebrated with Met. Kallistos of Corinth. 5. The Old Calendar Romanian Church maintained a relationship with the MP for some time. It was the HSiR bishops who convinced them not to. B. Introduction to our new section: Andreyev’s “Is the Grace of God Present in the Soviet Church” A landmark essay by a great mind of true Orthodox in the 20th century. Important for several reasons: - It summarizes the position of the confessing Russian Church - the Catacomb Church and ROCOR - of the Soviet period. 2. It explores the question of how a church can appear outwardly beautiful but still not be the Church. 3. It links ecclesiology to Orthodox anthropology and soteriology by linking the question of grace to the question of the distinction between the psychic and the spiritual. 4. It offers an example of a painful struggle for discernment of the presence of the spirit of Christ vs. the spirit of Antichrist in situations when the canons do not give clear guidance. Tonight we shall begin reading the introduction to the 2000 edition from Monastery Press, by Protodeacon Christopher Birchall. You can order the book at https://monasterypress.com/sovchurc.html
    Played 1h 3m 9s
  • ROCOR and GOC - Session 2

    31 AUG 2023 · In this session, we finished reading and commenting on the article by Subdeacon Nectarios on the relationship of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia with the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece. To get the most benefit from this podcast, you should go to the article at https://www.orthodoxtraditionalist.com/post/the-russian-orthodox-church-abroad-the-genuine-orthodox-christians-of-greece-a-history. Last time we read up to the last paragraph of the section entitled "The Russian Orthodox Church Abroad & The Old Calendar Hierarchal Revival." In this session we start with the last paragraph of that section, followed by the section entitled "The Synod of Saint Philaret of New York & The Recognition of Sister Churches."
    Played 1h 21m 41s
  • ROCOR and GOC - Session 1

    17 AUG 2023 · Dear Listeners, We shall now continue our course on the struggle of True Orthodoxy in the contemporary era with an examination of the relationship between the Russian Church Abroad and the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece. As I said in regard to the first Our Struggle post, this talk may not be for everyone: new inquirers into Orthodoxy and new converts in “World” Orthodoxy may simply be bewildered because of their lack of historical background. This was true of our first four talks, and it is even more true of this podcast, which presumes quite a bit of knowledge about the people and events involved. BUT, if you are an Orthodox Christian of any jurisdiction who is already deeply concerned about the problems with Ecumenism, globalism, cultural Marxism, and modernism as they are being manifested in the Orthodox world, or you are a ROCOR or GOC believer who wants to know more about our history, or perhaps even an inquirer into Orthodoxy whose curiosity is piqued by the subject matter: plunge in!To follow the discussion without getting lost, you need to go here for the text we are reading: https://www.orthodoxtraditionalist.com/post/the-russian-orthodox-church-abroad-the-genuine-orthodox-christians-of-greece-a-history. Enjoy.
    Played 1h 10m 27s
  • The True Orthodox Are the Orthodox - Session 4

    28 JUL 2023 · Our fourth session reading the article "Why the True Orthodox Are Truly Orthodox" by Hieromonk Maximus (now Bishop Maximus). To benefit from listening, follow along as we read. Here is a link to the article: http://hotca.org/orthodoxy/orthodox-awareness/236-why-the-true-orthodox-are-truly-orthodox
    Played 1h 4m 8s

A series of talks on the struggle of the True Orthodox of the past 100 years to witness against the heresy of ecumenism and to remain in the One, Holy,...

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A series of talks on the struggle of the True Orthodox of the past 100 years to witness against the heresy of ecumenism and to remain in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
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