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Healthy Living Podcast

  • Spoiled Milk

    19 DEC 2023 · Milk does a body good, right? Humans have been drinking animal milk for thousands of years and never had any problems. And yet these days, the natural milk right from the cow (or goat, etc.) is dangerous.The reason milk has been deemed deadly is because of commercialization. In the big cities in the 1800’s, dairy cows would be fed the chaff of the grain used in alcohol production next door. This feed was lacking in any nutrients, so the cows became sickly and their rumen (stomachs) could not kill all the bad bacteria, which then ended up in their milk. The milking conditions were also horrible. Cleanliness was not a priority which caused diseases like e-coli to contaminate the milk. This was when milk got a bad rap as spreading diseases like tuberculosis and e-coli.In 1856, Pasteur discovered that fermentation was caused by microbes, and that the results of that process – e.g. whether grape juice became wine or vinegar – depended on the microbe present. Later, he saved France’s wine industry from being taken over by the ‘bad’ vinegar microbe, and realized that heating up the wine to a specific temperature for a specific time would kill the microbe and preserve the wine. He patented the procedure and called it ‘pasteurization’. Pasteurization was then used by the dairy industry in the late 1800s and around the turn of the century because tuberculosis was rampant and often spread through contaminated milk. Robert Koch discovered that tuberculosis was caused by a bacterium and infectious, and not – as widely believed – inheritable, in 1882.The first law requiring the pasteurization of milk was passed in Chicago in 1908, and has since been the common practice in the US. The process protects the public from food-borne illnesses including salmonellosis, yersiniosis, E. coli-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), brucellosis, listeriosis, typhoid fever, Campylobacter enteritis, Q fever, and cryptosporidosis. It also extends the shelf life of the milk.Sounds like a no brainer, right? So what’s wrong with pasturized milk?Pasteurization is viewed by some as a blessing and by others as a curse. It is possible to find a great amount of detail on the Internet that supports each point of view. Pasteurization not only kills unwanted bacteria and other microbes in milk but also significantly alters the nutritional value and digestibility of the pasteurized milk itself.Drink pasteurized milk at your own risk! Not everyone responds to pasteurized milk in the same way. While it is harmful at some level to anyone who consumes it, its negative effects vary widely.Here are 10 reasons to think twice before consuming pasteurized milk products. Pasteurization is a process of heating raw milk to kill harmful bacteria, but only milk from a diseased animal or milk that has been handled in an unsanitary manner, will contain harmful bacteria. During the pasteurization process milk is heated to a temperature that is harmful to the enzymes and other proteins that naturally occur in unheated raw milk. Pasteurized milk therefore contains denatured proteins. Denatured proteins cannot be completely broken down in the human body. This many times results in lactose intolerance. Partial breakdown of these denatured proteins results in undigested protein molecules which contribute to cellular inflammation and mucous formation. This increases waste products. An increase in waste products in the bodily fluids contributes to overall toxicity and can overtax the lymphatic system affecting overall immune efficiency. Pasteurized milk in the form of ice cream, cheese, yogurt, etc. will have the same negative effect as drinking the milk in liquid form. The enzymes needed to break down lactose, the sugar found in milk, stops being produced in humans between the ages of two and five years old. To continue to drink pasturized milk past the age of five spells trouble to a person’s overall health. Pasteurized milk contains an altered form of calcium that is very poorly absorbed by the human body. People who insist that milk should be consumed for its high calcium content are terribly misinformed. The calcium found in pasteurized milk is of an extremely poor quality. It is the kind of calcium that readily forms kidney stones, gallstones and phleboliths (calcification in arteries and veins). So what is the alternative? Raw milk is fresh from the cow, but how do you ensure that it’s not contaminated? We like to say “Shake the hand that feeds you.” You not only help out the small business owner, but you develop a relationship with them and know first hand how they run their operation.In many ways, raw milk is similar to breastmilk: both are completely natural, fresh, and unprocessed milks. They both contain a wide variety of essential nutrients, fats, proteins, anti-inflammatory and digestive enzymes, bioavailable vitamins, and minerals, all in a natural form which is most easily utilized by the body. In addition, raw milk facilitates production of lactase enzyme in the intestinal tract, allowing many people who are lactose intolerant to digest raw milk with no problems.Main Findings Large studies have found that raw milk consumption is associated with lower rates of: asthma allergies eczema ear infections fevers respiratory infections Allergy protection ceases when raw milk is heated to 149 °F, which is the same temperature at which the whey proteins are denatured. It is likely that the raw whey proteins are responsible for raw milk’s beneficial effects on allergies, asthma, and inflammation.Childhood consumption of raw milk correlates with higher pulmonary (lung) function and lower incidence of allergic diseases in adults.Raw milk’s beneficial effects on asthma are partially mediated by regulatory T cells.
    Played 21m 14s
  • Recognizing Vaccine Injury

    3 DEC 2023 · Many still believe that vaccine injuries are rare and only happen to others, but have you seen these stories? The life of Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren, a vibrant 15-month-old girl, abruptly ended following routine vaccinations. Her mother – devastated – links the tragedy to the vaccines. Here’s what unfolded: - Melody was administered three vaccines: varicella, DTaP, and Hib. - She had a history of severe reactions to previous vaccinations. - Hospital records revealed that Melody suffered liver and kidney failure, along with cardiac arrest, leading to her untimely death. Pilots Warns of Airline Industry Disaster Due to COVID-19 VaccinesCaptain Shane Murdock, a pilot for more than 40 years, has found official data that back up his claim of impending global catastrophe: - There was a 272% rise in mayday calls in 2022, with a 386% surge in early 2023. - There was also an unprecedented 126% increase in flight restrictions due to medical limitations.
    Played 19m 59s
  • Flouride Falsehoods

    14 NOV 2023 · Flouride has been added to public drinking water since 1945 in an “attempt to decrease tooth decay”. But does it really help our dental health? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3144112/ Excessive systemic exposure to fluorides can lead to disturbances of bone homeostasis (skeletal fluorosis) and enamel development (dental/enamel fluorosis). The severity of dental fluorosis is also dependent upon fluoride dose and the timing and duration of fluoride exposure. Fluoride’s actions on bone cells predominate as anabolic effects both in vitro and in vivo. More recently, fluoride has been shown to induce osteoclastogenesis in mice. Osteoclastogenesis is defined as the development of osteoclasts, bone cells that breaks down bone tissue. So if flouride isn’t helpful in preventing cavities, and actually causes enamel damage, then why have they been touting it as a healthy thing? Here is a little background into the where the flouride in our water comes from. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7261729/ (May 8, 2020)Epidemiological studies have suggested that fluoride is a human developmental neurotoxicant that reduces measures of intelligence in children, placing it into the same category as toxic metals (lead, methylmercury, arsenic) and polychlorinated biphenyls. If true, this assessment would be highly relevant considering the widespread fluoridation of drinking water and the worldwide use of fluoride in oral hygiene products such as toothpaste. https://www.winterwatch.net/2022/05/the-use-of-the-nuerotoxin-flouride-for-influencing-brain-functioning/ Only 2% of Europe fluoridates water. Fluoride is banned in China, where studies on large populations showed an I.Q. decrease. Parts of Canada have also banned it, as well as Japan and Israel. The world’s oldest and most prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, classified fluoride as a neurotoxin and placed it in the same dangerous category as arsenic, lead and mercury. http://www.newsweek.com/childrens-iq-could-be-lowered-drinking-tap-water-while-pregnant-667660 that higher prenatal fluoride exposure was linked to lower scores on tests of cognitive function in children at age 4 and then again between ages 6 and 12.Fluoride can accumulate and calcify on the pineal gland, blocking its effectiveness, and these deposits can get worse as we age. A blocked pineal gland could lead to things like trouble sleeping or weight gain. One study even suggests toxic calcification could lead to early onset of puberty in girls.Yet http://www.newsweek.com/water-fluoridation-linked-higher-adhd-rates-312748 links water fluoridation to higher ADHD rates. In a governmental report from May 2022 states “The consistency of the data supports an inverse association between flouride association and IQ”. That means that as flouride exposure increases, IQ decreases in the developing brain. Flouride causes neurological damage, thus the name Smartwater.Stop drinking WATER with Flouride Recommend: Smart Water: yeah 3$ a bottle but can you put a price on living longer then the next guy. https://t.co/L4fJLEdleD— Chad (@_Chad_Ellinger_) https://twitter.com/_Chad_Ellinger_/status/1720471313846862239?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
    Played 51m 47s
  • Becoming Barbie and Ken

    4 NOV 2023 · Welcome to Healthy Living with Andi and Brian Hale! On this episode of Healthy Living, we explore both accidental and intentional use of microplastics in our diet. No, I’m not talking about perfectionism, I’m referring to their genetic makeup, their DNA so to speak. Ken and Barbie are made primarily of plastic and it is becoming clear that we are also being riddled with this same foreign substance. Microplastics refer to plastic debris that is less than five millimeters, or about the size of a sesame seed. Most microplastics are sorted into two categories based on how they form: primary microplastics and secondary microplastics. Watch Live Friday Nights on Rumble 9-11 pm cst http://www.diggingdeepertv.com/
    Played 20m 5s
  • The Benefits of Cholesterol

    30 OCT 2023 · Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that occurs naturally in your body. Many people think that cholesterol is harmful, but the truth is that it’s essential for your body to function. Cholesterol contributes to the membrane structure of every cell in your body.
    Played 13m 38s
  • The Benefits of Fasting

    25 OCT 2023 · There is an overwhelming set of reaons why FASTING is GOOD for the body. Discover them here!
    Played 21m 19s
  • Refined, Bleached, Deodorized

    14 OCT 2023 · Is Vegetable Oil good or bad? Let's dig in... The consumption of vegetable oils increased drastically in the last century. While some vegetable oils have been linked to health benefits, there are concerns about the excessive intake of omega-6. It’s important to note that not all plant oils are bad for your health. For example, avocado oil and olive oil are both excellent choices. Both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, meaning that you need some of them in your diet because your body can’t produce them. Some vegetable oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids. Scientists have hypothesized that eating too much omega-6 can lead to increased inflammation in the body and potentially contribute to disease.The top four vegetable oils consumed in the United States are soybean, canola, palm, and corn oil. These are referred to as refined, bleached, deodorized oils – or RBD for short – because this describes the process by which they are manufactured.Most canola is chemically extracted using a solvent called hexane, and heat is often applied which can affect the stability of the oil’s molecules, turn it rancid, destroy the omega-3s in it, and can even create trans fats. Consumption of industrially produced trans-fatty acids (TFAs) is a well-established health risk factor that correlates with the increased risk of developing all sorts of chronic diseases, including heart disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes. One of the most suprising facts I found was what happens during commercial deep-fat frying operations with canola oil. Canola oil used to fry French fries for seven hours per day for seven days at 185°C (365°F) resulted in increasing the total trans-fatty acid content of the oil from 2.4% to 3.3% by weight of total fat.
    Played 18m 22s
  • Managing Depression

    7 OCT 2023 · Managing Depression featuring Pastor Bob McCartney and Tom MacDonald By Brian Hale October is Depression Education and Awareness Month Depression is much like the words’ mental health or suicide; it carries a stigma that sometimes gets in the way of a person getting help. The good news is that stigma is fading with increased awareness about mental health and further understanding depression. In fact, depression actually comes in several forms. You should never be embarrassed or down on yourself if you are feeling this way. I think most of us, maybe all of us, have been afflicted with situational depression at one point in our life.And that, my friend, I believe, is the really good news! Situational means temporary, and temporary means this too shall pass. Pastor Bob McCartney from First Baptist Church Wichita Falls did an excellent job on Sunday explaining the differences, and offered some solutions.If anyone is interested, we have a special tab above for Sermon Series. For now, here’s the clip we are referencing. You noticed that one of the solutions was to surround yourself with others. Never attempt to do it alone. Here’s a friend of ours with a spoken word about this topic, and then we’ll hear some music from him as well. Here’s Tom MacDonald. With mental health, there can be many highs and lows. And sometimes you just have to put on paper or into music. Just what you’re feeling, at least that’s what Tom does.Here’s a powerful statement about those thoughts that go through your head when you’re in recovery, but still having doubts. But Tom is a fighter who has now helped hundreds of others with the struggles of depression. If you are struggling with depression in any form please seek out a friend or someone you trust. The national suicide hotline is 988. You are not alone. We will be praying for you.
    Played 32m 55s
  • Played 18m 28s
  • Aluminum Overdose

    25 SEP 2023 · Our bodies don’t need aluminum to survive. So how many health issues are related to large doses of aluminum? Think of all the things in your life that contain the soft, silvery metal aluminum. The thirteenth element on the periodic table is a light, durable material that has plenty of commercial applications, and you can find it in everything from that roll of aluminum foil in the kitchen and cooking pots to antacid tablets and personal products such as deodorant.Though it’s one of the most widely distributed metals in the environment, it’s not a nutritive mineral, meaning that unlike calcium or sodium, our bodies don’t need aluminum to survive. In fact, in very large doses aluminum can become toxic, and therein lies a concern about how it may have a negative effect on the brain.We know that they use aluminum as a binder in vaccines so they stick in the body. This fact leads me to believe that aluminum continues to build in our bodies throughout our lives, making the risk of high doses of aluminum exponentially increase with age. So how many health issues are related to large doses of aluminum?Aluminum and AlzheimersFor years, aluminum has been suspected as potentially playing a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, but conclusive evidence has been difficult to find.Dr. Douglas Scharre, a neurologist at the Ohio State University https://www.usnews.com/best-hospitals/area/oh/ohio-state-university-wexner-medical-center-6411100, says, “I think that what is pretty well established is that if you have too much aluminum in your brain, that’s not healthy. Aluminum can be a neurotoxin, and if you ingest it or get it into your brain, it can cause a dementia-like condition.” “There have been some large studies which show individuals with higher and chronic aluminum exposure in drinking water and especially occupational exposure were more likely to develop Alzheimer’s. However, there are other studies which show no association and further, it is unclear exactly how this research translates into risk for the average person.” Alex Mroszczyk-McDonald, a practicing family physician with https://health.usnews.com/best-hospitals/area/ca/kaiser-permanente-fontana-medical-center-6930737 in Fontana, California.Aluminum and Autisim & AsthmaA https://els-jbs-prod-cdn.jbs.elsevierhealth.com/pb/assets/raw/Health%20Advance/journals/acap/Aluminium_Exposure_Article-1664288052690.pdf funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) https://newspunch.com/cdc-confirms-link-between-aluminium-in-jabs-and-childhood-asthma/ aluminum compounds found in childhood vaccines are linked to an array of illnesses, including neurological disorders, asthma, and the Big A: autism.Though the study’s authors tried their best to minimize the link, they were unable to sidestep a “positive association” between “vaccine-related aluminum exposure” and “persistent asthma” in children aged 24-59 months. Overall, children in the study who received 3 milligrams (mg) or more of vaccine-related aluminum had a 36 percent higher risk than children who took other vaccines to develop persistent asthma.“In the paper I did with Neil Miller (SAGE Open Medicine, 2020), we saw an odds ratio of 4.49 (statistically significant) for asthma in vaccinated children versus unvaccinated children. This was limited to vaccines in the first year of life. The CDC seems to be confirming my results here.”Aluminum and Breast Cancerhttps://www.facebook.com/elizabethpevytoe?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXAYDkYuzycv81etmqCSGcs5cZN6XNk973NSwYu8mGsrVrlHahw55q-7w7TwfrS365SyiPGb-i0PF0rFHD5_Lx37nzSyU5rC3EuZxzEimBKsOrcPmOOBdkVWO8X6dS78JQRTFspoA5KYvzQHAUhI5izO9fuGkbZquK-1iMAeCmc73bGK8lTYZEi8YuZBARflqlFApSRUhHK1Dfcbj0IhrVn&__tn__=-UC%2CP-y-RAs a nurse and the daughter of a stage 3 breast cancer survivor, this is a topic I’m very passionate about. I’ll take moist pits over breast cancer. Not stinky but sweaty.What would your children choose? To see their momma sweat or go through chemo?Wake up and quit putting a METAL on your pits. https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/duh?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXAYDkYuzycv81etmqCSGcs5cZN6XNk973NSwYu8mGsrVrlHahw55q-7w7TwfrS365SyiPGb-i0PF0rFHD5_Lx37nzSyU5rC3EuZxzEimBKsOrcPmOOBdkVWO8X6dS78JQRTFspoA5KYvzQHAUhI5izO9fuGkbZquK-1iMAeCmc73bGK8lTYZEi8YuZBARflqlFApSRUhHK1Dfcbj0IhrVn&__tn__=*NK-y-R.Fun fact: I sweat less now using deodorant only than I did when I used antiperspirant. Go figure. I think my body was overproducing sweat trying to get the aluminum out.Why Use Natural Deodorant Have you seen what is in conventional deodorant? Likely you’ve glanced at the bottom at least once in your life and seen a list of ingredients that appear to be written in a different language. But did you know that many of these ingredients can be incredibly harmful for your body?Let’s go through a couple of them:–aluminum: this is the ingredient that clogs your sweat glands and prevents sweating (more on this below). Aluminum exposure has been linked to Alzheimers as well as to build-up of estrogen in the body which can also be correlated with increased chances of breast and prostate cancer.–parabens: these ingredients are used as a preservative in deodorants but can also mimic estrogen in your body. This leads to hormonal disruptions and is also linked to breast and prostate cancers.–phthalates: these chemicals are used to make other ingredients more flexible and are also used as fragrance ingredients for artificial fragrance. They primarily affect the endocrine system and exposure can lead to early onset puberty as well as breast cancer later in life.-Triclosan: An antibacterial chemical that can also disrupt the hormone system and is associated with increased chance of breast cancer. It was actually banned by the FDA in hand soaps but for some reason they still allow it in deodorants?!https://info.cmsri.org/aluminum-and-your-health-blog/aluminum-containing-antiperspirants-and-breast-cancer-risk-a-case-control-study
    Played 14m 45s
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