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Dare To Dream Big

  • 10. How You Can Work With Me & My Own Story

    8 SEP 2022 · Welcome dear friend, to the ‘Dare to dream big’ podcast. My name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I invite you to join me and my amazingly creative guests for some raw, unedited conversations about what it really takes—behind the scenes—to make your dreams come true. This is a special episode of the podcast because the guest that I have on the podcast today, is me. I have a recording for you from a few months ago when I got asked to share my journey with a bunch of students who needed to interview entrepreneurs and I said yes. And I am so happy I did because it really made a difference to them how much I cared to tell them as much as possible in this short time and I just wished there were more people who had opened up to me like that when I was still studying. But before we move on I want to share with you something very very exciting. Besides co-founding Bite Me Crew and Villa Kultur I am also a creative business coach, helping women to make money doing what they love and I am thrilled to let you know that I have opened my calendar for a limited time for personal Coaching Sessions. That means for September and October 2022 you can get a 1&1 with me on how you can make a living from your passion. Follow the link to book your session: https://calendly.com/anastasia-dimitriadou/90min Maybe you have been wondering how your love for photography, art, design, interior, jewelry- you name it - could turn into a business, maybe you already have a business but you feel stuck or overwhelmed then I have something for you. I call them the Dare to Dream Big Sessions where we spent 90 min just on you where we are going to amplify your passion, drive and motivation to move towards your dreams with confidence. When you come out of this session you will feel energized and you will walk away with:
 -a crystal clear vision of what you want -an awareness of your barriers that hold you back -the keys to your own personal power -strategies and action steps to move forward with inspiration tailored to your needs Follow the link to book your session: https://calendly.com/anastasia-dimitriadou/90min I am offering my podcast listeners 20% off the regular price, so when you come over to book just fill in the code: DreamBig20 and you get 20% off the price of your session in September and October 2022. I'm looking forward to meet you superstar! Instagram: @anastasiasflow Website: www.anastasiadimitriadou.com Email: Hey@anastasiadimitriadou.com Talk soon, bye bye my love.
    Played 56m 56s
  • 9. Lawrence Ebelle from Curated Works- How To Walk Your Own Path

    25 AUG 2022 · Welcome dear friend, to the ‘Dare to dream big’ podcast. My name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I invite you to join me and my amazingly creative guests for some raw, unedited conversations about what it really takes—behind the scenes—to make your dreams come true. Today you’re listening to Lawrence Ebelle from Curated Works. Lawrence is an educated architect but comes with so many more talents, she really knows how to use her hands and makes stunning paper flowers, is into book binding, plays instruments, she works as designer, works with interior, makes signs, published a book and is also an artist in a way. She started her journey in the USA and then came to Denmark and basically never left. She talks about how it was to start out in a foreign country, having no connections and being surrounded with a lot of competition. Coming from the museum world, she wanted to curate places but then decided to go to signage school which gave her a competitive advantage I would say and then got more and clients to work with by simply walking into a store, asking them if they needed help with anything. Trusting her skills, she got to experiment and try new things while always keeping in mind to deliver on the promise. It comes so natural to her now but she says that she wasn’t always this way, it wasn’t until one day a mentor of her told her to toughen up and be more out there. Another huge learning moment for her was when she got fired from her dream job and you’ll hear what this experience enabled her to do. We then go to talking about her upbringing, her background where she learned about values such as loyalty and discipline, where religion played a big role and although she learned that being polite is a good thing, she was never afraid to speak her mind. We also talk about how she discovered architecture for herself where a certain teacher influenced her and later on it was another professor who also made a huge impact on her work and you will hear why, it made me cry. She is such an analogue woman and we talk about her relationship with her hands and how it just makes her happy and finally we talk about Lawrence’s dream of having a studio of her own with more people who make her visions come to life. MY GUEST: Lawrence Ebelle is on Instagram as @curated.works and under www.curatedworks.agency MY PARTNER: @villakultur, www.villakultur.dk Let’s continue this conversation over at my Instagram @anastasiasflow. Let me know what you think or what you took from this episode with Lawrence under the latest post. I would love to chat to you there, really! Check out how you can work with me from September 1st : www.anastasiadimitriadou.com Talk soon, bye bye my love.
    Played 1h 42m 33s
  • 8. Amalie Schmidt from Visju- Whats Possible When Women Come Together

    11 AUG 2022 · Welcome dear friend, to the ‘Dare to dream big’ podcast. My name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I invite you to join me and my amazingly creative guests for some raw, unedited conversations about what it really takes—behind the scenes—to make your dreams come true. Today you are listening to a Amalie Schmidt from Visju. I am telling you, Amalie is on a mission. Women represent half of the population, and she believes this must be reflected in our economy. Visju is creating a transparent platform where interiors and conscious choices go hand in hand - and ensure that female entrepreneurs are supported, so that we can increase the share of the only 4% of new female entrepreneurs in Denmark and around the world. This is probably the episode where I share the most compared to the other episodes so far, I had an emotional moment just when Amalie walked in, with a theme that often knocks on my door, the desire to be supported or in other words not to be alone. That was such a funny coincidence since Amalie is all about supporting women. From there the conversation takes off and we talk about why physicality is so important to her, where her inspiration comes from, what travelling means to her, we talk about her daily ritual of smudging which we couldn’t find the word for while we were talking and the importance of stillness. We also talk about how we actually met, which is a funny story and we then we go over to talk about the moment she quit her job and if she felt like she made the right decision. Amalie tells us about the limiting beliefs she is observing in her network of women and her own biggest struggles when starting out and how she got her first customer without a website, without anything really besides a passionate story. Amalie is such a passionate Feminist. Equal rights in all aspects are so vital to her and you will hear why. Having a big why is so important in business I think so you are going to enjoy hearing hers. Finally we talk about role models we need as women for ourselves and why becoming new role models for our children is so important. MY GUEST: Amalie is on Instagram as @visjudecor MY PARTNER: @villakultur, www.villakultur.dk Let’s continue this conversation over at my Instagram @anastasiasflow. Let me know what you think or what you took from this episode with Amalie under the latest post. I would love to chat to you there, really! Sign up to my newsletter here: www.anastasiadimitriadou.com Tickets to Vild Vin Festival: www.vildvinfestival.dk Talk soon, bye bye my love.
    Played 1h 33m 10s
  • 7. Aya Fabricius from Spotly- How To Reach Out To Anybody

    28 JUL 2022 · Welcome dear friend, to the ‘Dare to dream big’ podcast. My name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I invite you to join me and my amazingly creative guests for some raw, unedited conversations about what it really takes—behind the scenes—to make your dreams come true. Today you are listening to a special episode, because it’s a live session from my podcast release party a few months ago. I was very lucky that my guest was Aya Fabricius. Aya is, as you will hear a bubbly, positive, outgoing and adventurous creative soul who has co-founded Spotly, a platform to book short-term showroom space, she is head of communication at a company called Proptech that works in real estate and she does so much more of course. In this conversation you will hear what drives Aya, the potential she sees in pop-ups and what they can bring to small businesses. We talk about how important failing is and if failure was something that was welcomed when Aya was growing up. And she shares with us one of her biggest failures when she was an intern in NYC, how she dealt with it and how she goes about projects that are not working out. Aya shares with us how she sees the connection between cultural entrepreneurs and capitalism and what needs to change from her point of view. We also talk about fears such as imposter syndrom, about work life balance, about feeling at home, about the down sides of being driven and about slowing down. And at last we talk about people, about how to go about collaborations, what she beliefs about people to be true and about taking responsibility for our feelings. I’m feeling so happy when listening back to this conversation because it reminds me how blessed I am in this life. This day was so special to me and this podcast is special to me, so thank you for listening. Aya said something in the end which is what makes this life so interesting to me. She said, it’s just people. MY GUEST:Aya is on Instagram as @ayafabricius or @spotly_co MY PARTNER: @villakultur, www.villakultur.dk Let’s continue this conversation over at my Instagram @anastasiasflow. Let me know what you think or what you took from this episode with Aya under the latest post. I would love to chat to you there, really! Talk soon, bye bye my love.
    Played 1h 4m 40s
  • 6. Blank Space Studio with Theresa- Being More Than One Thing

    16 JUL 2022 · Welcome dear friend, to the ‘Dare to dream big’ podcast. My name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I invite you to join me and my amazingly creative guests for some raw, unedited conversations about what it really takes—behind the scenes—to make your dreams come true. Today I am talking to the incredible Theresa Blank Schjønning from Blank Space Studio. Blank Space Studio is a creative consultancy which she started with her husband. Helping food and beverage brands succeed in established and new markets and grow sustainably. But maybe you know Theresa from her time at Sweet Sneak where she was one of 5 girls rocking the pop-up event scene in Copenhagen which turned later into a full-service food consultancy. Theresa has enormous people skills and a sense for beauty which makes everything she touches visually pleasing and you will always feel brighter after you met this networking talent. She represents to me a true self made woman who managed to mold her own way of working with things that spark her interest which brings so much passion into her life. We talk about how she got to Copenhagen, how she started Sweet Sneak Studio, what made it so successful, how her desire evolved from there and what the challenges are to work with people you love like your family, partner and friends. Theresa lets us know how it was to open a physical space to then have the pandemic close it again (for a while that was) and she tells us how she feels to be in a service industry at the moment and the struggles of not having a role model for the work she does. I had such a great time talking to Nadia and I am just in awe of her talent of creating beautiful things and environments while staying humble, and funny and grounded and silly. MY GUEST: Theresa is on Instagram as @ _theblankspacestudio @sweetsneak_cph and you can also find her under https://https://www.theblankspacestudio.com/ MY PARTNER: @villakultur, www.villakultur.dk Let’s continue this conversation over at my Instagram @anastasiasflow. Let me know what you think or what you took from this episode with Theresa under the latest post. I would love to chat to you there, really! Talk soon, bye bye my love.
    Played 1h 34m 13s
  • 5. Caroline Bahrenscheer- Focus On What's Essential

    30 JUN 2022 · Welcome dear friend, to the ‘Dare to dream big’ podcast. My name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I invite you to join me and my amazingly creative guests for some raw, unedited conversations about what it really takes—behind the scenes—to make your dreams come true. Today I want to introduce you to the amazing Caroline Bahrenscheer. She is a mother, an entrepreneur, a stylist, an influencer and founder of Sætter Copenhagen, producing danish designs that are made to last. Caroline, always knew that she wanted to be self employed, to be in control of time and choose the type of work that lights her up but it hadn’t been clear for her how to get there. So she tried many different things, always taking the jobs that would catch her interest rather than taking what most would call a safe job. She worked in Fashion and PR and Marketing which brought her closer to finding out what she didn’t want to do but also made her aware of her talent for seeing things clearly and highlight her visual skills. On one of her vintage shopping trips, taking a small break from her job as a mom at home, she had the idea of reintroducing a Design classic which now has become really popular. We talk about the journey of producing furniture, of finding the right pricing, on on how to deal with getting a lot of No’s in the beginning. You get to hear how she makes her day work for her, on using her frustration as a motor to figure things out, we also talk about what it means not to have a plan B and at which game she would excel if she was at a game show and how grew her audience on instagram. Finally we talk about feelings such as freedom and security and in the end she is sharing her 3 tips on how to live a good life. MY GUEST: Caroline Bahrenscheer is on Instagram as @carolinebahrenscheer @septemberedit @saetter_copenhagen MY PARTNER: @villakultur, www.villakultur.dk Let’s continue this conversation over at my Instagram @anastasiasflow. Let me know what you think or what you took from this episode with Caroline under the latest post. I would love to chat to you there, really! Talk soon, bye bye my love.
    Played 1h 32m 36s
  • 4. Nadilakai with Nadia Holm- Not Afraid To Be Me

    16 JUN 2022 · Welcome dear friend, to the ‘Dare to dream big’ podcast. My name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I invite you to join me and my amazingly creative guests for some raw, unedited conversations about what it really takes—behind the scenes—to make your dreams come true. Today I want to introduce you to the gorgeous Nadia Holm from Nadilakai. Nadia is a creative you might know from Damernes Eventyr and their podcast but here we are diving into her own business Nadilakai where she is offering clean and beautiful skincare. We start our conversation with going back in time when she was around 5 years old where she discovered her curiosity for ingredients and what we put into our body reading the ingredient list of a busciut box. We then talk about her passion for our senses and how she discovered her love for plants and their healing skills . She also reveals that she actually never intended starting a brand but when her products she was just making for herself sparked the interest of other people she just started selling her creations to friends and family. We also talk about her time working in a health shop, how she defines luxury and that the reason she is sharing her knowledge of plants to empower us and make us feel safe. Towards the end Nadia lets us know that she actually loves selling and that the way she makes decisions for her business is not to focus on her own fears but rather listening to what the brand Nadilakai needs. Finally she talks about her studio which she is opening very soon and how her being an overachiever brings up challenges. And that Freedom is one of her core values and you can hear how she uses her values to check in with herself and how she creates her own version of success and what is has to do with patience. I had such a great time talking to Nadia and I am just in awe of her talent of creating beautiful things and environments while staying humble, and funny and grounded and silly. MY GUEST: Nadilakai is on Instagram as @nadilakai_ and you can also find her under https://www.nadilakaidufte.dk/ MY PARTNER: @villakultur, www.villakultur.dk Let’s continue this conversation over at my Instagram @anastasiasflow. Let me know what you think or what you took from this episode with Nadia under the latest post. I would love to chat to you there, really! Talk soon, bye bye my love.
    Played 1h 42m 30s
  • 3. Mary Lou jewellery- About Success and Balance in Business

    2 JUN 2022 · Welcome dear friend, to the ‘Dare to dream big’ podcast. My name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I invite you to join me and my amazingly creative guests for some raw, unedited conversations about what it really takes—behind the scenes—to make your dreams come true. Today I want to introduce you to the lovely Marie Louise from Marylou jewellery. Marie Louise is a goldsmith who makes stunning bold and dreamy handmade jewellery. She owns a little shop in Frederiksberg in Copenhagen, which once you stepped your foot in, you will never forget that you’ve been there because her and her staff are just extremely nice and all the walls are pink. I this conversation we talk about what got her into making jewellery when she was only 9 years old and how she then sold her first pieces at a local mall. We talk about what inspires her work and the importance of the role of her parents, especially her mom who gifted her with a few sets of beliefs which made a huge impact on Marylou’s life. In her business she has two employees, so we talk about her being a boss and what’s important to her in how she treats her staff and then we talk about her values and especially balance which is a very meaningful word for her. Then it gets a bit emotional and we talk about feelings such as guilt and anger and towards the end we talk about her relationship to money and pricing her work. MY GUEST: Marie Louise is on Instagram as @marylou_jewellery and you can also find her under https://www.marylou-jewellery.com/ MY PARTNER: @villakultur, www.villakultur.dk Let’s continue this conversation over at my Instagram @anastasiasflow. Let me know what you think or what you took from this episode with Marie Louise under the latest post. I would love to chat to you there, really! Talk soon, bye bye my love.
    Played 1h 38m 19s
  • 2. Christiane Spangsberg- What It Takes To Be An Artist

    26 MAY 2022 · Welcome dear friend, to the ‘Dare to dream big’ podcast. My name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I invite you to join me and my amazingly creative guests for some raw, unedited conversations about what it really takes—behind the scenes—to make your dreams come true. Today I want to introduce you to the beautiful and talented Christiane Spangsberg. Christiane is a born artist who started drawing at an early age and ultimately taught herself, never having gone to art school. Over the years she developed her signature style the one line drawings which she is now known for. Drawing for Christiane is a tool to explore her inner world of thoughts and feelings which she then translates into often giant abstract pieces of art. Her work is not only popular on instagram but has also been shown for example in galleries as Sydney, London, New York, Paris and Copenhagen. In this conversation, we talk about claiming the identity of being an artist, we talk about her early journey when the first work she sold were drawings of Mickey Mouse and how she then gained more and more confidence of selling her work to higher prices. We talk about how she developed her own style and how she slowly but surely listened more and more to herself which has now turned into a strong belief in herself. We talk about how she grew her instagram account and how she got work at various places around the world what she does on exhibitions. I love how Christiane acknowledges her own talent and how she owns it but also openly talks about the struggles and the down sides of the job. MY GUEST: Christiane is on Instagram as @christianespangsberg and you can also find her under http://christianespangsberg.com/ MY PARTNER: @villakultur, www.villakultur.dk Let’s continue this conversation over at my Instagram @anastasiasflow. Let me know what you think or what you took from this episode with Christiane under the latest post. I would love to chat to you there, really! Talk soon, bye bye my love.
    Played 1h 37m 36s
  • 1. Hazel Evans- Tapping Into Creativity

    20 MAY 2022 · Welcome dear friend, to the ‘Dare to dream big’ podcast. My name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I invite you to join me and my amazingly creative guests for some raw, unedited conversations about what it really takes—behind the scenes—to make your dreams come true. Today I want to introduce you to a wonderful creative and friend Hazel Evans. Hazel is one of those people who can pretty much do it all. You know those? She’s worked in kitchens, marketing and tech; she’s also a talented artist and is always putting together new concepts and events. Her past projects range from t-shirt campaigns to sexy newsletters, but what seems to be a red thread throughout it all—and what we focus on in our conversation—is her way with words. You might have heard of Hazel from the popular Instagram account, company and later, book, @madaboutcopenhagen. Or you might have spotted her more recent @endlessbottles drawings or @talkdanishtome t-shirts floating around the internet. In this conversation, we dive into what it takes to bring a book to life—both the book Hazel and the Mad About Copenhagen team published—but also Hazel’s current process in finding her own voice as a writer and the fine balance needed to live a creative life. MY GUEST: Hazel is on Instagram as @thehazertazer and Twitter as @hzlvns. MY PARTNER: @villakultur, www.villakultur.dk Let’s continue this conversation over at my Instagram @anastasiasflow. Let me know what you think or what you took from this episode with Hazel under the latest post. I would love to chat to you there, really! Talk soon, bye bye my love.
    Played 1h 22m 3s

This is the Dare To Dream Big podcast, my name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I am bringing you honest and real conversations that reveal what it actually...

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This is the Dare To Dream Big podcast, my name is Anastasia Dimitriadou and in these sessions I am bringing you honest and real conversations that reveal what it actually takes to make your dreams come true.

For the first season of the podcast I am going to meet incredible creative human beings who are making a living doing what they love.

My aim is to get to know the person behind the scenes and learn from them how they think, what they feel, how they see the world, what things they do, what drives them, how they use their talents and how they ultimately create a life they are happy with.

See I believe if you have a dream inside you, it’s for you. It’s here for you to take your gifts that you have been given and use them to make your wishes come true. I would love to see a world where we are all more tapped into our desires and where we also would feel encouraged to chase them.

I hope this podcast will do that for you. I hope that these unedited, raw and in depth sessions will bring you inspiration and will put you in touch with your own emotions and dreams. And maybe even guide you with small and big steps towards making them come true come for you.

Whichever journey you are on, I hope you will find these stories relatable, I hope that you can see, that the grass is not always greener on the other side and that we are never done and never ever perfect. And although we are in the midst of becoming, we can enjoy what is now.

*Thanks to Villa Kultur for having me record at the best work home imaginable. www.villakultur.dk

*Find me over at instagram and say hello @anastasiasflow :)
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