Podcast Cover

Cover 1 Roundup

  • Explicit

    Let's Talk Quarterbacks: Josh Allen, Tua, Lawrence, and more - Cover 1 Roundup

    2 JUL 2024 · QB controversy? What QB controversy? The fact is that in today's day and age, talking about, ranking, and discussing quarterbacks creates controversy all on its own. Which is exactly what we're going to be doing on this show. David Faux and UberHansen will be diving deep into the world of NFL QBs, critiquing their performances, using analytically based analysis to compare long time starters to rising stars, and ultimately put them all together in an internet friendly, if outdated, tier list. Sponsor link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2lnZ1lCcXhaZkxvRTdzVE5zbjlEczRwZ0gwZ3xBQ3Jtc0trX2w2QlVfYzlBSE5ZbWItNFpGZllnRWZOa1pCaEk5OXlLUlotTjRnUnV5dWl1N2x2TlkzNE5jQ2tUall6UmNfRkZQWlhJYi10cGlvZlZuN2tSOTllWlIxclV0V25JTDNLTkU4amtnajlQVmlWR04xMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Funderdogfantasy.com%2F&v=2Hz-o3CZGFM Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100 Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think!  — Become an 1nsider today! -Access to detailed Premium Content. -Access to our Glossary and Salary Cap series -Access to our private Slack channel. -Sneak peek at upcoming content. -Exclusive group film room sessions. & much more. Become an 1nsider today: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHF0R3c4OGVJaXBsMkNXT2E2ZEhyRWctanhYQXxBQ3Jtc0ttMFRYZzBGUG54WmNPTU5sRzJqdDU4ZGJUOTRRTXY2N0hHN25hNTZxWnpLUXVJbVJVWk5kTFZTeWJjeUpuWlU0M01nN2NTVENtQzdhYWJfYlhfV0JSbHhpV3ZTMWJ1M2pKRnZJLW53ZFRnSS1iUy1TOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cover1.net%2Fonepass%2F&v=2Hz-o3CZGFM Thank you for watching this video, we can’t do it without the support of our fans. If you have any ideas for content you’d like to see from us, comment below. — DOWNLOAD THE COVER 1 MOBILE APP! ► iOS: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWd6dXYtdnJoQ0REZmJJOEpNQmcwS19MUFVxUXxBQ3Jtc0trU1NpY0dxTllmZXo3VUN6MEF2OHl0aV9fcndDT2tnSkF6VWRCdzY5SzYwMHFoLXpKQU81RFBYVENwaFlsMllsRVozaG9yaTBaOTZYTXYtXzJ6aVk2eUxSb1ppYWZwVlRQVXY1Xzk5OUlpMzVmUjVNMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fid15325&v=2Hz-o3CZGFM ... ► Subscribe to our YouTube channel ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play — Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1. — — Follow Us Here Twitter: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbklsY1E4U2xULXhtaFhnTlZwQVVUbTZVT2JPZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsZ1UwamxDR1lwYUlBajVaRGU0U01vdmZwT2pTNV9aSXpWN0ZaRXUxRExYcTFQZmI4el9mWjNJaUZGMkpCR2JFdmZfQkQ0MHptNXNlaDBkbUVWSkdQUWluQnZSWWdHYktyOFRyRmgwTHRJUVQ5VEJkbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FCover_1_&v=2Hz-o3CZGFM Instagram: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1lfVmlxN1h3UjAtOVhTNk1MWngza1BYTEpJZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsLWZTT3FaQ19BZlBVX2ZjZVhaOWFnYnJrUTAtTmRpY3ZmUF85UDhCQ25KS3BMemtWaExmUjJYSkNPY3ZJYVphU084UmdsWHFmM0hESUlLR29PRVE3d0FDLXR1VHBmQmE2NC1sS1dCU0d2S0JoMjdMOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2F%40Cover_1_&v=2Hz-o3CZGFM Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVBZdEoxY1BVSWt5d1IzdXBRaVZURDUxNTA4UXxBQ3Jtc0trY19qZi1EQUVpVDFiNTJtYWQzeTdkNjJTcmhpMVdIUDFGLXRJODFYRWY4VUxheHpVQkNobnF0Nk9SUUF4akttZTlEU2wzNGhmRVNDV3llUGwxUUcycnV1VkNpVDVjbGZKV0RNZnJNb1R1MWF3SnFBdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FCover1NFL%2F&v=2Hz-o3CZGFM Official Merchandise: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazFaM1BWM2pTM3ZZdjdhdkxTY0RNcWFWNENkQXxBQ3Jtc0trZ1lLSU8xZlQ1dHVWdEZuT1d1XzE5OVF4RFNPVG1DTGJmVlQ2NkZNR0gwNTYtYWNlWGVVT1Z0Z3NBcko2aElXbXoyTmJvdkUxSWVtYlA0a3FaOW5CSXhBMGFRVzFYbDZuSVhfYzlneDBFV2cyZGJZRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcover-1.creator-spring.com%2F&v=2Hz-o3CZGFM ... The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
    Played 1h 59m 31s
  • Explicit

    Breaking Down the Buffalo Bills Offense Feat. Bruce Nolan - Cover 1 Roundup

    18 JUN 2024 · The Buffalo Bills offense has gone through many changes this offseason, but what will it all result in? The hiring of Joe Brady as the full time offensive coordinator, and the exodus of long time contributors such as Mitch Morse, Stefon Diggs, and Gabe Davis means change is afoot in Buffalo. David Faux, and co-host UberHansen are joined by the impeccable Bruce Nolan as they break down the Bills' offense, what the roster looks like going into 2024, and the changes that should be expected for a team with super bowl aspirations. Sponsor link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExMRVp3aE1Ya0ZoYjlLcUU5U21nUmVHbU9zQXxBQ3Jtc0tsYkQtVFBadnU3V2pEcFVYR3YwUDVCXzM2OVNMR2hRM3U1VXRFNDJrOEVGZ3pNOFpmalFWckNIY25aSFI1RFNQWXRnZnp3WXRpS09tcGZqTVVOYWFPZ3RLcld6OTYtelFVNGwzOEpGbExtbXN4ZlhYRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Funderdogfantasy.com%2F&v=4xtOlRrMzxE Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100 Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think! — Become an 1nsider today! -Access to detailed Premium Content. -Access to our Glossary and Salary Cap series -Access to our private Slack channel. -Sneak peek at upcoming content. -Exclusive group film room sessions. & much more. Become an 1nsider today: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFozTkFNOW5ENlNKX1Z3YmdSc2xsdi1nNE01QXxBQ3Jtc0tsTXNkWVFkQlg5V2RmOHNEclpHckJ1Q1gyTlhRQUY5V19KRWw3bjBiSWdkT2VuMjRsNXg1WnJUdFpNTnJ2Rk5NRWFJUFpaX3c2MXY1cmhPNlZJMFRLSHBkMVlKM1ZKbktYQWp3UmNYZ3IxQ1RtTFN5WQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cover1.net%2Fonepass%2F&v=4xtOlRrMzxE Thank you for watching this video, we can’t do it without the support of our fans. If you have any ideas for content you’d like to see from us, comment below. —  DOWNLOAD THE COVER 1 MOBILE APP! ► iOS: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3U5YjV1SUY3UFNvWXpic05HbllMU2otRkZZUXxBQ3Jtc0trQ2MwY2hheC1ackZVUG1VMlc5Q0lxUVVWUEhydXNUak5nSTNGU3k1aHFabXNRenFwaFJlLXdudEEzNWoyR0VjOGNCelNnZi04QlNZam55dTBjd3BpMlo2bTRCUHRlYThneUtCRUdxdkdHd2hzaWY3WQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fid15325&v=4xtOlRrMzxE ... ► Subscribe to our YouTube channel ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play — Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1. — — Follow Us Here Twitter: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1hZZFRhdkpxU0JYRjlMZDNUWXgwZDZ0VnhKUXxBQ3Jtc0tuWjBZRGRUNmZkZFFGMDM0dTY5UFh4aUpqMElYcWxlMnJOVGhVVDc4eElIaDdwMkVCcnB5a2NndXlheXhGZmUtbmFBMTNpZmVKcFRMcHVzckZtQVVJaWxnT3hNNDBaX3hWVkZWX1hpZ2Y4cXJZMGZQSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FCover_1_&v=4xtOlRrMzxE Instagram: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2pYZmYydGtLUzJTbGY3ZjdHaExoWEp0OFRHd3xBQ3Jtc0ttOHR2cW9iM2RCLUwtOWswcUdXck51TVNwV1pPbGRiYWJpUlpmSDNvNzZyeTFIWDVSTGZBQUFKbmYxTzNWQ0lWY0tuU0NYVXNlVlU5RU9MWU85VG9XM3FZQ0txLWhzRUpmR0hSZlBHSUdZcGs4SWVRQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2F%40Cover_1_&v=4xtOlRrMzxE Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHcydm9JYnF0QUg2cFhNdzBfdEZBaktWSUNSZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsalZOZU04SEZ2VU5TNGo4aWZhbE1rNWVoeE4wQzhuTjRVQU1uWW1xWEstTjNZR1VySGZZQkxDQXZpN084ZklFbXNVVm85Z3JLMi14U3JkbHFXamVpUzI5OEZWVEVURWwxWUZVLUtoUHAwY2FGZ3Npdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FCover1NFL%2F&v=4xtOlRrMzxE Official Merchandise: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjZpcjVteXFRME40dWtvdEpfQkktRVFQLU9Nd3xBQ3Jtc0tuUXp3bXdKT3hrMGJSU0VHX3NERFVrUHl6QkJFSTRKeE9LcXB1dEVMc1VNRmFvcXl6WHprdU5oaFdhd0xGc1o5czlud3dMYWVXUTRaamVjc3RvVFBmeGJxU3ZxRC1oem1yTjdHZU1JTS1CbXVYcU5JWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcover-1.creator-spring.com%2F&v=4xtOlRrMzxE ... The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
    Played 1h 18m 54s
  • Explicit

    Revamped: What does the Buffalo Bills' 2024 Defense look like? - Cover 1 Roundup

    11 JUN 2024 · There's been a lot of talk about the Buffalo Bills' changes on offense this offseason, but what about the defense? A new, young defensive coordinator in Bobby Babich takes over as defensive coordinator; Micah Hyde and Jordan Poyer are both gone, along with Tre'Davious White. Will Von Miller and Matt Milano return to form? David Faux and co-host UberHansen will break down all the additions, subtractions, and how the Bills will put together a revamped, re-tooled defense that deploys both young and veteran players. Sponsor link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmdjbEMyODZJcFN6SXJZVUNBYlRPclc5TmtLQXxBQ3Jtc0tsTUNnRTJFUnZMdW5OMHVuNVNobW92MG1fSmRJYi1EYWl2MFllYXVoX241RnFGRF9xTmpkV0J6clpGTlR3WV9JVTZTRGE5VWhzR0RXM1lWaUV4d0RfbHhKYnZ4LTZMYzRkaGwxU05BWWUxVXRPV2JJUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Funderdogfantasy.com%2F&v=04Etsr4tGuw Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100 Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think! — Become an 1nsider today! -Access to detailed Premium Content. -Access to our Glossary and Salary Cap series -Access to our private Slack channel. -Sneak peek at upcoming content. -Exclusive group film room sessions. & much more. Become an 1nsider today: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazdCenVGbXJCN1JuMXhnSy10czZLQ3FCLXA3QXxBQ3Jtc0tueDlRWTAzUExlT0llMnVKaHozdVFUcERuYksya3YxaTNXSGl1RTB5OFotNnVBSEpIXzlVQVhnWXU5MDFVbVlEOHZ0cWs0NklVQ0VQMXB1MXRwejZxbHktbkJlLVlJdnZob2hzVVBOS2plNWVlQlVVZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cover1.net%2Fonepass%2F&v=04Etsr4tGuw Thank you for watching this video, we can’t do it without the support of our fans. If you have any ideas for content you’d like to see from us, comment below. — DOWNLOAD THE COVER 1 MOBILE APP! ► iOS: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGoxY2ZRcGsyYnVFWTY5cnB2ZjRNWUZTWTAzQXxBQ3Jtc0tuSGtIWVZYelQ0UGZCRUxtMGc0bF9pa09OMzF2Sjd3MkhZazdYRFhOMU9KX2gzaG1tU1U1dklXOHp3WEJyclQ1NVdDdlRma05vaDhJNmtmZngtdTV2VzNKTFhvSWZ3TXh2eWdMa3hxNURKWjJlZnIzSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fid15325&v=04Etsr4tGuw ... ► Subscribe to our YouTube channel ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play — Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1. — — Follow Us Here Twitter: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkE4Tmx1QmlhOG1kU1F0N1VMYTRiU0c1Vkt1Z3xBQ3Jtc0tsSERtWXJUWldEODRLTFFQbktXOVh3dDFXRnExVnZfUE5qdko2U2did3gxSUtoUVN1eWJ0Q3l4ejA0YlA4ZE5nYUdBVUlTYXZhLS13RGIySDVYcFhaZ2NMWDlNZXN4YmlGRnNUelpobFBfN1ZRMDRhRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FCover_1_&v=04Etsr4tGuw Instagram: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWNsR1JCQ1VIMU4tWkpYUk0xS1dyTnhDX3FYd3xBQ3Jtc0tub2hKZi1pZktIN2ctMkVzUjhQbWpGYW5rVTRoUVhuUlZaMUlZT09UOENOeXNnZVZGOWNrZEdCTVlJZUpHbXJKODlZNzZDbEZDRW13bXVBQ25XaktkZmJOZzItdFdQbkdLb09uakRULXJvUkRpcVRxSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2F%40Cover_1_&v=04Etsr4tGuw Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0lKX0hPQWZ5R0sydmpnN3puRDU5SkMtYUtwZ3xBQ3Jtc0trdEZYVjdBNkhxX3dtcHpaVU5nWDhhU2NQY1NEQzVRc1NfeXRQSXljRTg0ZmZPS0RiU1dnX0ttZEZ2T0lrYk92dWhUai1wQUxEeTNMWXpQNThOdGx6SEFCTW0xeDVibWs0eW53M2x4LWR2YVFFTHk4VQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FCover1NFL%2F&v=04Etsr4tGuw Official Merchandise: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGxRRHV3LXBXYmVBYjN6endDVnBSaGhQMkh0UXxBQ3Jtc0tucmVlUGdXTVZDYTRoRm9MTkd3SDEySFM1elZUTV96V25NVFFJNTBiNTJpY1JZR3ViM3d0ZWRrVmhtbGJZbmtJZ0hlTHB0XzkxR0staTF6RTlTN2VZdXlGcVVxLURwN0xQNzRBRE43QlNPQkZEcmF2UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcover-1.creator-spring.com%2F&v=04Etsr4tGuw ... The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
    Played 1h 27m 4s
  • Explicit

    NFL Narratives That Grind Our Gears - Cover 1 Roundup

    4 JUN 2024 · There is always a point in the offseason where we all become sick of the time-filling fluff that gets put on ESPN talk shows while we wait anxiously for real football to start again. It seems that every offseason the discourse simply gets worse and further removed from reality. On tonight's Roundup, David Faux and UberHansen will be taking on the NFL narratives that grind your gears. With a bevy of narratives submitted to us over the weekend, we'll provide our own thoughts and discussion that hopefully won't grind your gears any further. Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100 Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think!—Become an 1nsider today! -Access to detailed Premium Content.-Access to our Glossary and Salary Cap series-Access to our private Slack channel.-Sneak peek at upcoming content.-Exclusive group film room sessions. & much more.Become an 1nsider today: https://www.cover1.net/onepass/ Thank you for watching this video, we can’t do it without the support of our fans. If you have any ideas for content you’d like to see from us, comment below. — DOWNLOAD THE COVER 1 MOBILE APP! ► iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id15325... ► Subscribe to our YouTube channel ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play — Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1. — — Follow Us Here Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cover_1_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/@Cover_1_ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cover1NFL/ Official Merchandise: https://cover-1.creator-spring.com/? ... The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
    Played 1h 55m 28s
  • Explicit

    The 2nd Annual Cover 1 Roundup Trivia Extravaganza - Cover 1 Roundup

    28 MAY 2024 · It's the offseason, and it's time to have a little bit of fun with some help from our other friends at Cover 1. The Immaculately coifed hair of Greg Tompsett from the Greg Tompsett Sports Show and the Cover 1 flagship show joins the disgraced former host of the Cover 1 Roundup, Kyle Silagyi, along with the immaculately groomed self-proclaimed father of the year, Thomas DeLaus of Buffalo Late Night. Together, with David Faux as the host, they will enjoy a night of trivia competing for the ultimate prize: our fans' undying love and affection. Kyle will be defending his controversial championship in last year's show, while Greg and Thomas hope to unseat him. Sponsor link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmg5X3Utamw0bTRXd2h6Q0E0U29zeVpPblVwUXxBQ3Jtc0ttVTVqbGp3R3pGb3FsQkhWT0t0SjI1emhNUWhwZEFNTm5JdF81SGxUXzktX0ExUC04ZkthT2gyOWhKM2ZBLWNUeXJFWlRaMHNFX1p4Tk80NC1KV2VHT041RWw1TWp4enNfd0MwV0YyTmJvQTExQ1lGbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Funderdogfantasy.com%2F&v=t1ea4mbcbS0 Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100 Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think! — Become an 1nsider today! -Access to detailed Premium Content. -Access to our Glossary and Salary Cap series -Access to our private Slack channel. -Sneak peek at upcoming content. -Exclusive group film room sessions. & much more. Become an 1nsider today: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa09ZbmVzcEtzcFZVdWRVblV5Q3JkM1hKV2hMQXxBQ3Jtc0trZm52RFpSZ0lwU3NlT3dvbmdncWJFbHlXaDlqZDNGdXU1TmRRQkJfNHVkc1FTRERkOVdBLU0tQjJaMVBfNjJ0RkNSaFBDMEVscndfaWlndkQtQXdSdEFPV0YzLWVhRmE1VkVSb1VFNElDcURaZ2JxMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cover1.net%2Fonepass%2F&v=t1ea4mbcbS0 Thank you for watching this video, we can’t do it without the support of our fans. If you have any ideas for content you’d like to see from us, comment below. — DOWNLOAD THE COVER 1 MOBILE APP! ► iOS: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFRPdGVhSUdhaVdhRGM1V0ZXNFhKVUpDcEsxUXxBQ3Jtc0tuY21IT2l5OXptYWtlQngzUG91aElRSFdQcnB0Z19JRVZxWTRuSXkzSzY5cVdiMXFOcXBZbVNmMU5IYUg5VTRPZkZSSEw4bHphOXI0aW4xODRkWnhyMndQUTQ4cElTUUx0THR3TU1QM1FWeDNyLUtDQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fid15325&v=t1ea4mbcbS0 ... ► Subscribe to our YouTube channel ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play — Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1. — — Follow Us Here Twitter: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDViSndjUEQxWnFHTG93NFlFdW1xRTFlMG44d3xBQ3Jtc0tuNUo2UW5nam5lc2hSUWNKNTlwNU5TT1h4ZzMtMGJmRWpCZ0J0UVhESUJwMm9DWjN2RjZMbzg2Sl9yLVEwaDNnV01RME14ZlVZV0xNZ3RneElORUZHNWJqUU8tRVFkc0F2UndFYXh2SnhrSXlZSzRFUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FCover_1_&v=t1ea4mbcbS0 Instagram: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVRpd29PS1BjRlozalkwX2RIV0M3OFlaTkhaZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuWXNKb3lFXy03by12SlVxN0J1OFdPanJrZkJORUZWS05HNFE0QjhTejZZWUF1VF92Yzc1UVZORzR5UHlycHBua3A5dGR5Q3l0NHh4RkJUN1BIQzdqX1lQVFhUVEVKY25hU19yZ0s3VTVhTTROSnJuMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2F%40Cover_1_&v=t1ea4mbcbS0 Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDJkNGplTllQUmFpWkpMYUVzcjVkaUpsTEI4UXxBQ3Jtc0tsMHBkd1E3Vm8yaGp2b21kYm1ZYjdLa2l4UkhxeFNGdEoyWnNxR1VnRGdfdGUtWnI0a3VJNm9paUtYNkpRS0ZheF83cEJNRWRaUlpwYjlVUWI1UXJLMTNvQTczLWVrM2d3MUloZVZCNktQMWJXNkx1Yw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FCover1NFL%2F&v=t1ea4mbcbS0 Official Merchandise: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGE3cWx4bGJJZkZtTWJXejFkellfWGhrWDl2d3xBQ3Jtc0ttb2t6aXZpdVp2N2ZucDJwcGpEQWRFSmlfcDZOVy13bnlleGlfQkE3Q29veUJ1VVFIbHBnbjkzUzRLZDZ6Tjl2RGxrbTZGRGJwSTFnOWZ6UjBXVlhDczFHT3BvWmM5WEpxb1NhLS10YzV0Y3ZNb3Z4TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcover-1.creator-spring.com%2F&v=t1ea4mbcbS0 ... The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
    Played 1h 33m 27s
  • Explicit

    AFC East Breakdown - Best and Worst Case Scenarios - Cover 1 Roundup

    14 MAY 2024 · The AFC East is a tight division in every sense of the word. The Bills are looking to win a 5th straight division title. The Dolphins are looking to get over the hump and prove they’re contenders. The Jets are looking to pay off all their investments with a Super Bowl win. THe Patriots are… rebuilding.  David Faux and UberHansen will be looking at each team, breaking them down, and figuring out what the best and worst case scenarios for all four AFC East teams would be.  Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100 Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think! — Become an 1nsider today! -Access to detailed Premium Content. -Access to our Glossary and Salary Cap series -Access to our private Slack channel. -Sneak peek at upcoming content. -Exclusive group film room sessions. & much more. Become an 1nsider today: https://www.cover1.net/onepass/ Thank you for watching this video, we can’t do it without the support of our fans. If you have any ideas for content you’d like to see from us, comment below. — DOWNLOAD THE COVER 1 MOBILE APP! ► iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id15325... ► Subscribe to our YouTube channel ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play — Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1. — — Follow Us Here Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cover_1_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/@Cover_1_ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cover1NFL/ Official Merchandise: https://cover-1.creator-spring.com/? ... The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
    Played 1h 37m 24s
  • Explicit

    Tier Ranking the Buffalo Bills' AFC Competition - Cover 1 Roundup

    7 MAY 2024 · It’s time for the Cover 1 Roundup’s annual Tier ranking of the AFC! In the spirit of keeping trends of yesteryear alive, the Buffalo Bills are also looking to make 2024 the 5th straight season in which they win the AFC East. But with competition both young and old creeping up in the division, the Bills’ path to the AFC East title may be more difficult than before. Beyond the division, the Bills also want to make it out of the divisional round of the playoffs, and competition in the playoffs is often (understandably centered around the Kansas City Chiefs) but there is more than just Patrick Mahomes to worry about. David Faux and UberHansen will be breaking down the AFC, how they stack up against the Bills, and where the Bills’ biggest competition for an AFC title may come from. Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100 Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think! — Become an 1nsider today! -Access to detailed Premium Content. -Access to our Glossary and Salary Cap series -Access to our private Slack channel. -Sneak peek at upcoming content. -Exclusive group film room sessions. & much more.Become an 1nsider today: https://www.cover1.net/onepass/ Thank you for watching this video, we can’t do it without the support of our fans. If you have any ideas for content you’d like to see from us, comment below. — DOWNLOAD THE COVER 1 MOBILE APP! ► iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id15325... ► Subscribe to our YouTube channel ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play — Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1. — — Follow Us Here Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cover_1_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/@Cover_1_ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cover1NFL/ Official Merchandise: https://cover-1.creator-spring.com/?... The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
    Played 1h 58m 17s
  • Explicit

    Recap of the Buffalo Bills 2024 NFL Draft Class - Cover 1 Roundup

    30 APR 2024 · The 2024 NFL Draft is officially in the books. The Buffalo Bills wheeled and dealed their way out of the first round to acquire better draft positioning later in the draft. At the end of the day the Bills acquired Wide Receiver Keon Coleman, Safety Cole Bishop, Defensive Lineman De'Wayne Carter, Running Back Ray Davis, Center Sedrick Van Pran-Granger, Linebacker Edefuan Ulofoshio, Javon Solomon, Offensive Tackle Tylan Grable, Cornerback Daequan Hardy, and Offensive Tackle Travis Clayton. David Faux and UberHansen will be breaking down each pick, and the Bills draft class as a whole. In addition, they'll give their thoughts on if the Bills have any other needs to address with the remainder of their offseason, and how the Bills roster looks post-draft. Sponsor link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHp2aHAtaTFZOW1ybzB5WEdGSkVGNy1qdU4wUXxBQ3Jtc0tsUE5nSngxVDdMRmk0NTkwSFZCZTBpOGZxUHJlbkNoZFdDVkMzTjliUWcwZ2FoMG5HSGpJejczSzZHZ1J5LUNpdzJxSXBOcllzem5YNFNuS3IzU2h1UWtkMzZKcUxvdHh2Q05sOEcwMDlrNmJubmJ2NA&q=https%3A%2F%2Funderdogfantasy.com%2F&v=fIhIg7vgCoQ Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100 Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think! — Become an 1nsider today! -Access to detailed Premium Content. -Access to our Glossary and Salary Cap series -Access to our private Slack channel. -Sneak peek at upcoming content. -Exclusive group film room sessions. & much more. Become an 1nsider today: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXdFSGlWc3lLR20yREJ4ZU1lUGE0RWFIbnkwUXxBQ3Jtc0trUXRwQlI0eW52c0VkX2tyaG9ZMVBMdnJDMVpweXluY1Z0OU9odnZPWjFVc2RaWnZLTkY1b0RKU0lTYl9ibFRoaWM5OG90M1dQU0E0bnpqYW1iamZIZDByQ1plaHhVUUtoSTM3aEdXQUt6Z25meW5Jdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cover1.net%2Fonepass%2F&v=fIhIg7vgCoQ Thank you for watching this video, we can’t do it without the support of our fans. If you have any ideas for content you’d like to see from us, comment below. — DOWNLOAD THE COVER 1 MOBILE APP! ► iOS: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUx0TlpVSnFzbnV3cGxlSjM5RmNnc25QLVdRQXxBQ3Jtc0trOEx6YUZlRW1PRkJXQVNteUpnc0xzU2NHR1BjcUp2ZEVfc0RwbHdFVGh2akVjc3JydjR5Vk5JT0hXZzdIWDVVem1kWFNyUFo3TnBmQU12SmUxclpDN1pTNzhmU2xkVk9FT1M0TUtDZkNPOVV1Zk9zWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fid15325&v=fIhIg7vgCoQ ... ► Subscribe to our YouTube channel ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play  — Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1. —  — Follow Us Here Twitter: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXJDNUt1bktkSmhkT0VHQkxmaFRWWjZTNGJtd3xBQ3Jtc0ttSzdYcVhYRmRJZmx1VE1IQS1YczRqYVVIOHM0SnQ1Zm1LbXp5MlFkdEVDRnB2a2ZORWVSM2xlNnN2cUhoS1ZvaTZUZEZJMGwxMlZqTmZmZnVCQ2xCRmdBTzZhN2Y1RnJtUy1yU2liVWktWVRyMDVnZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FCover_1_&v=fIhIg7vgCoQ Instagram: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3pTeEc0VmV1R1dwQl9DbDF3MEE4cGFKVEhsd3xBQ3Jtc0tsOWlIY2JEazc1NEYxV0xERTlLUHZ5VDlFdlpaY3FvVWpZMzBqRmtRcm5PbW9IQTZpR3VmU1VXVFhWbmtWbGszNC1keXppQnl2T0xfTjcyaFlFQktkWUdPeV9jWk1fVDJEY2xXdmhKX2xwSGUwQXJJUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2F%40Cover_1_&v=fIhIg7vgCoQ Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUZ5Q2RMeExlNnRfUzNUQTJDMS1FdmIyUVREd3xBQ3Jtc0tra3FZdWk5YUtjVmxJc0NIZHdneXZaVW1QQUxxOTdmSktsaXNXVXg2XzZCSkZJWnF3QmpjcWFFdzB5enBqNDV6WHZFZjRiVDNRWklVcDVGdE15dEtVYlJIYUJEQkZxZ3BuVGREZG4yZU1idXJ4bnVWMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FCover1NFL%2F&v=fIhIg7vgCoQ Official Merchandise: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbElLdTA4NFZ4M0lfNjRlaVotZlJ3SFFfLUVUZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttWW1VWHdtSS12OTdxbDhsbFdMNW5OVnVzTG5ON1I0U2Y4TEdwWDd1ZXl6VWh2bU5sZ0FNUC1FbmZNTm9MeVVpYVdsbVh0SnVzbFBCOWpObEZ4VTRkRXdvWUR2YUljSk0wSTM0Wmo4eE9tbGJOWWpZMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcover-1.creator-spring.com%2F&v=fIhIg7vgCoQ ... The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
    Played 1h 37m 22s
  • Explicit

    Final Buffalo Bills 2024 Mock Draft! - Cover 1 Roundup

    23 APR 2024 · The 2024 NFL Draft is only DAYS away now, and we here at Cover 1 will have everything you need to keep you informed. With rumors abound of Quarterbacks and Wide Receivers being a hot commodity at the top, and the Bills sitting at the end of the first round at pick 28 means options are abound for them come Thursday. David Faux and co-host UberHansen will be going through a full, 7-round mock draft and doing our best to put together a group that will help the Bills not just reset their roster for the future, but to help them win right now as well. Sponsor link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3JFNmJ0MEM0cElHUjd5U0JIMXg4b0ZiYzYxZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttMzQ2OEx1ZjE5MG1lZjBfTzZpVUJfTG1HME9ac3NEYm43OEtCMjJSUXhBcWo5dXhacEJKTnUzeDEzWlFkLUlTbU9va3VxeFdxTjdoLXRRbllhRHZUVXFYckZsZkV5ajhkcmlOSGkwY0RicVBqRWRnUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Funderdogfantasy.com%2F&v=fzblb5DC-IU Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100 Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think! — Become an 1nsider today! -Access to detailed Premium Content. -Access to our Glossary and Salary Cap series -Access to our private Slack channel. -Sneak peek at upcoming content. -Exclusive group film room sessions. & much more. Become an 1nsider today: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazk5UlJkaEZNdi1TbFJKb2lsMzFNc0pVa3h2QXxBQ3Jtc0trWVZSOUtvNE1YU3BYTEI2c19Mc2lJZndmZG95VlhCMldHbUpsTWwzd3FyZElVYzRzY0tDbU01TU1kejNQZTBzU21tTE9Xb2I3RVVMeE55NkRtTDZpdDF0VHBVQXVPVThwMDFJdmtxVDgtblBDSE9ROA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cover1.net%2Fonepass%2F&v=fzblb5DC-IU Thank you for watching this video, we can’t do it without the support of our fans. If you have any ideas for content you’d like to see from us, comment below.  — DOWNLOAD THE COVER 1 MOBILE APP! ► iOS: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbC1pSkNIbjAyMmdteXlQT3hrQzB0cm5LOXMzQXxBQ3Jtc0tteVFWZ2VwVTZPcEpkN1dLVmF4eWNnT29LdUNQem8yZ1JDclNKdmN0MmNoWHBrMWkzX056N0IyMFR3UE8tRWxzUjQwd0JQWlpoYmMtUkxBU0NSWDBTdUMtVW9YSmt5OEZjRlFjY2xMV0NWc3YwRXg4TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fid15325&v=fzblb5DC-IU ... ► Subscribe to our YouTube channel ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play — Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1. — — Follow Us Here Twitter: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblhpYUtvZnJ0YXZ1V3RqdjhZemNMcFFZLVozUXxBQ3Jtc0trYzhwb3VMaW5JV05SZkVfcm1UR0NvVmYtLXRsNjhQT1kxb1NsVndRc1VDYzMzaVBqTjloWkM0aVlWWFNvVlF2WU9LdFAyQUNCUEY3SkZDb3l5NG13RGdMbGxkNU5LZXJkQWF2ODJFSEJkQjBKM25QQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FCover_1_&v=fzblb5DC-IU Instagram: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDlnWDJ0bTA5OF9DUnhwMjd3czRvZlVqZnhiQXxBQ3Jtc0ttLWU3QnhzcUw1UV9ZZm83eUF6bE1WR3Q4a2stY1lPV0s2UlZYdzA2RzY2MUpGVXRhYm9wclBKNG5ZZWpvNk1JaHFEcmp1Wmx3WEpuUjgyNVlTaDFZcE9KUTJiTmwxVXpfcTlVaGtacnE1OVZrbjZQRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2F%40Cover_1_&v=fzblb5DC-IU Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazVTRXktQlAzTkRnOVlEZlZreVRCS2hKS2otd3xBQ3Jtc0ttZXhqV2d2RTZOQ3pVNE14RWJaVEJvWjlVbG01cnB1R1V5VUwwUHhpbVJwQUh0NGV4a29mdmdsSk14T29IdFhhX1gteHRZM05SUlh0eFRzb3cyakpzZjZBdEw5cmtOZTJpUkF3amR1ekF4YjZMUVVRUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FCover1NFL%2F&v=fzblb5DC-IU  Official Merchandise: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTlwV25IVlB5VGhMS3d4YWF2OXVuQUhlMFJnZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuZW9Tb2xNREdha0NoR1FMd2VDUDZyTWZBeVJRRWY0R2FtaUhHTV9XT1h0Z0pFbE1OV3Q3MDFjWDNDaUtDZkpwX2xjTXFsRktpRENkU3Z0ak1GOFNObEFxMHR1UnIzZElZd2Qxc3BYUE5COWtrWThVYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcover-1.creator-spring.com%2F&v=fzblb5DC-IU ... The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
    Played 1h 44m 59s
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    Beyond Wideouts: Exploring other Position Groups for the Bills in the NFL Draft - Cover 1 Roundup

    16 APR 2024 · While all the talk has been about the Bills and their need for wide receiver after the Stefon Diggs trade, it’s not the only position the Bills need to address. In fact, it may not even be the only position group they’re considering for the first round.  David Faux, co-host UberHansen, and Jon Helmkamp will be breaking down which position groups the Bills should look at outside of wide receiver, and which players are worth considering with their top picks.  Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100 Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think! — Become an 1nsider today! -Access to detailed Premium Content. -Access to our Glossary and Salary Cap series -Access to our private Slack channel. -Sneak peek at upcoming content. -Exclusive group film room sessions. & much more.Become an 1nsider today: https://www.cover1.net/onepass/ Thank you for watching this video, we can’t do it without the support of our fans. If you have any ideas for content you’d like to see from us, comment below. — DOWNLOAD THE COVER 1 MOBILE APP! ► iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id15325... ► Subscribe to our YouTube channel ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on iTunes ► Subscribe to the Cover 1 Roundup Podcast on Google Play — Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1. — — Follow Us Here Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cover_1_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/@Cover_1_ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cover1NFL/ Official Merchandise: https://cover-1.creator-spring.com/?... The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
    Played 1h 24m 8s
A Buffalo Bills podcast hosted by Rob Quinn & Kyle Silagyi, rounding up all the latest news, rumors and storylines surrounding the team.

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