Wedding Chaos: The Goat, The Fujara, & Joy
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Wedding Chaos: The Goat, The Fujara, & Joy
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Wedding Chaos: The Goat, The Fujara, & Joy Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V malej slovenskej dedinke, kde...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: V malej slovenskej dedinke, kde sa domy pýšili farebnými fasádami a strechy boli pokryté slamou, sa niečo výnimočné chystalo.
En: In a small Slovak village, where the houses were adorned with colorful facades and the roofs were thatched, something exceptional was brewing.
Sk: Celá dedina sa pripravovala na veľkú udalosť - svadbu Lucie, najmladšej dcéry mlynaára.
En: The whole village was preparing for a grand event - the wedding of Lucia, the youngest daughter of the miller.
Sk: Adama, drahotu dediny, všetci poznali.
En: Adam, the treasure of the village, was known to everyone.
Sk: Bol to mladík so srdcom plným radosti a smiechu.
En: He was a young man with a heart full of joy and laughter.
Sk: Keď sa dozvedel, že ho Lucia požiadala, aby na jej svadbe zahral na fujare, cítil sa poctený a nadšený.
En: When he found out that Lucia had asked him to play the fujara at her wedding, he felt honored and excited.
Sk: Lucia bola ako slnko, ktoré rozjasňovalo každý deň v tejto malebnej dedinke.
En: Lucia was like the sun that brightened every day in this picturesque village.
Sk: Svadobný deň prišiel a všetko bolo ako v rozprávke.
En: The wedding day arrived and everything was like a fairytale.
Sk: Lucia vyzerala nádherná vo svojich svadobných šatách vyšívaných zlatou niťou.
En: Lucia looked beautiful in her wedding gown embroidered with golden thread.
Sk: Adam sa usilovne pripravil na svoje vystúpenie, avšak osud mal iné plány.
En: Adam had diligently prepared for his performance, but fate had other plans.
Sk: Zatiaľ čo dedinka sa zhromaždila pred mlynárovým domom, Adam sa rozkračoval v pozemku za domom.
En: While the village gathered in front of the miller's house, Adam strode out into the backyard.
Sk: Chcel sa ešte raz pokúsiť zahrať svadobnú pieseň, aby bolo všetko perfektné.
En: He wanted to try to play the wedding song once more to make everything perfect.
Sk: V tom okamihu zaspočul zvláštne zvuky.
En: At that moment, he heard strange noises.
Sk: Bol to čudesný zvuk brechotu, ktorý sa nezastavil.
En: It was the miraculous sound of bleating that didn't stop.
Sk: Adam sa otočil a uvidel niečo, čo by nikdy nečakal - rozpustilú kozu, ktorá sa mu zazerala priamo do očí.
En: Adam turned around and saw something he never expected - a mischievous goat staring him straight in the eyes.
Sk: Predtým, ako mu stihla dopriať chvíľu prekvapenia, kozel ho začal naháňať okolo mlyna.
En: Before he could even process the surprise, the goat started chasing him around the mill.
Sk: Adam, v snahe uniknúť, behal ako o život.
En: In an effort to escape, Adam ran for his life.
Sk: Svetlo sa mihalo cez stromy a kvety sa chveli pri každom jeho dychtivom kroku.
En: The light flickered through the trees and flowers trembled with each of his eager steps.
Sk: Dedinka netušiac, čo sa vonku deje, zrazu počula nezvyčajný hluk.
En: Unaware of what was happening outside, the village suddenly heard an unusual noise.
Sk: Zvuky Adama, ako volá o pomoc, prehlušili svadobnú fanfáru.
En: Adam's calls for help drowned out the wedding fanfare.
Sk: Všetci vybehli von, aby videli, čo sa deje.
En: Everyone rushed outside to see what was happening.
Sk: Do očí im udrel pohľad na Adama, ako beží a usilovne sa snaží ujsť od neposlušnej kozy.
En: They were greeted by the sight of Adam running and desperately trying to escape from the disobedient goat.
Sk: Našťastie, starý pastier Martin, ktorý poznal všetky kozy v dedinke, prišiel Adamovi na pomoc.
En: Fortunately, old shepherd Martin, who knew all the goats in the village, came to Adam's rescue.
Sk: Povzbudený povzbudzujúcimi pokrikmi susedov, podarilo sa mu kozy pokojiť a odviesť ju preč od stenujúceho muža.
En: Encouraged by the cheers of the neighbors, he managed to calm the goats and lead her away from the distraught man.
Sk: S úsmevom, ktorý zvíťazil nad zmätkom, Lucia pristúpila k Adamovi a ďakovala mu za nezabudnuteľnú zábavu.
En: With a smile that triumphed over the confusion, Lucia approached Adam and thanked him for the unforgettable entertainment.
Sk: Aj keď to tak neplánoval, Adam sa stal nechcene hlavnou atrakciou svadby.
En: Although unplanned, Adam inadvertently became the main attraction of the wedding.
Sk: Konečne, keď sa všetko upokojilo, Adam vzal fujaru a zahral najkrajšiu svadobnú pieseň, akú kedy dedinka počula.
En: Finally, when everything calmed down, Adam took the fujara and played the most beautiful wedding song the village had ever heard.
Sk: Svadobní hostia tancovali a smiali sa až do zapadnutia slnka.
En: The wedding guests danced and laughed until the sun went down.
Sk: A aj keď sa Lucia a Adam v ten deň nepobrali, ich priateľstvo bolo pevné ako skalné útesy, ktoré strážili dedinu.
En: And even though Lucia and Adam didn't get married that day, their friendship was as strong as the rocky cliffs guarding the village.
Sk: Adam už nikdy nezabudol na deň, keď ho počas svadby naháňala koza, a o tomto príhode sa bude v tejto dedinke rozprávať ešte veľa rokov.
En: Adam never forgot the day he was chased by a goat during the wedding, and this story will be told in the village for many years to come.
Sk: A spolu s touto príhodou bude pretrvávať aj spomienka na krásu a radosť z Luciinej svadby.
En: Along with this anecdote, the memory of the beauty and joy of Lucia's wedding will endure.
Vocabulary Words:
- houses: domy
- adorned: pýšili
- colorful: farebnými
- facades: fasádami
- roofs: strechy
- thatched: pokryté slamou
- something: výnimočné
- exceptional: výnimočné
- brewing: chystalo
- whole: celá
- preparing: pripravovala
- grand: veľkú
- event: udalosť
- wedding: svadbu
- youngest: najmladšej
- daughter: dcéry
- miller: mlynára
- treasure: drahotu
- everyone: všetci
- known: poznali
- heart: srdcom
- full: plným
- joy: radosť
- laughter: smiechu
- asked: požiadala
- play: zahral
- fujara: fujare
- honored: poctený
- excited: nadšený
- sun: slnko
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Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
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