
Unveiling the Mystique of the Spanish Siesta: A Refreshing Tradition

Mar 7, 2024 · 14m 45s
Unveiling the Mystique of the Spanish Siesta: A Refreshing Tradition

01 · Main Story

10m 53s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 3s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Unveiling the Mystique of the Spanish Siesta: A Refreshing Tradition Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: El sol de...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Unveiling the Mystique of the Spanish Siesta: A Refreshing Tradition
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Story Transcript:

Ca: El sol de migdia cremava Barcelona.
En: The midday sun was scorching Barcelona.

Ca: Marta i Jordi eren dos guies turístics que passejaven per la Rambla, plena de turistes amb ulleres de sol i mapes de paper.
En: Marta and Jordi were two tour guides strolling along La Rambla, filled with tourists wearing sunglasses and paper maps.

Ca: Els turistes tenien dubtes sobre moltes coses, però un tema es repetia sovint: la "siesta".
En: The tourists had doubts about many things, but one topic was a frequent point of discussion: the "siesta".

Ca: Un grup de turistes alemanys, amb les seves sandàlies de senderisme i la càmera penjada al coll, els van parar.
En: A group of German tourists, wearing hiking sandals and with cameras hanging around their necks, stopped them.

Ca: Estaven sorpresos.
En: They were surprised.

Ca: Perquè estaven tancades totes les botigues a la tarda?
En: Why were all the shops closed in the afternoon?

Ca: Marta va somriure.
En: Marta smiled.

Ca: Intentant trobar paraules senzilles, va començar a explicar.
En: Trying to find simple words, she began to explain.

Ca: En Espanya, especialment a l'estiu, fa molta calor a la tarda.
En: In Spain, especially in the summer, it gets very hot in the afternoon.

Ca: Moltes persones descansen en aquestes hores.
En: Many people rest during these hours.

Ca: Això és el que anomenem "siesta".
En: This is what we call the "siesta".

Ca: Però Jordi va voler afegir detalls.
En: Jordi wanted to add some details.

Ca: La siesta es una tradició antiga, continuava.
En: The siesta is an ancient tradition, he continued.

Ca: Les persones espanyoles refresquen el cos i la ment durant aquesta pausa.
En: Spanish people refresh their bodies and minds during this break.

Ca: Quan acaba la siesta, són més productives.
En: When the siesta ends, they are more productive.

Ca: Els turistes alemanys miraven a Marta i Jordi amb cara d'incredulitat.
En: The German tourists looked at Marta and Jordi in disbelief.

Ca: A Alemanya, la tarda és el moment més actiu del dia.
En: In Germany, the afternoon is the most active time of the day.

Ca: No podien entendre com era possible aquesta costum espanyola.
En: They couldn't understand this Spanish custom.

Ca: Marta i Jordi els van proposar una prova.
En: Marta and Jordi proposed a test.

Ca: Si volen entendre la siesta, haurien de provar-la.
En: If they wanted to understand the siesta, they should try it.

Ca: Podrien anar a Parc de la Ciutadella, a la fresca, i fer una petita dormideta.
En: They could go to Ciutadella Park, in the shade, and take a little nap.

Ca: Al principi, els turistes es mostraven dubitatius.
En: At first, the tourists were hesitant.

Ca: Però al final, es van animar i van acceptar el repte.
En: But in the end, they were encouraged and accepted the challenge.

Ca: A la tarda, es van estirar a la gespa del parc, sota els arbres, i van fer la seva primera siesta.
En: In the afternoon, they laid on the park's grass, under the trees, and took their first siesta.

Ca: Quan van despertar, es van adonar d'una cosa sorprenent.
En: When they woke up, they realized something surprising.

Ca: No només no estaven cansats, sinó que se sentien frescos i llestos per a continuar amb la seva ruta turística.
En: Not only were they not tired, but they felt refreshed and ready to continue their sightseeing tour.

Ca: Sota el brillant sol de la tarda de Barcelona, els turistes van comprendre la màgia de la siesta.
En: Under the bright afternoon sun of Barcelona, the tourists understood the magic of the siesta.

Ca: A partir d'aquell dia, sempre que tornaven a la calor de la tarda, recordaven aquella primera siesta i somreien.
En: From that day on, whenever they returned to the afternoon heat, they remembered that first siesta and smiled.

Ca: Tenien un nou respecte per la cultura espanyola i una nova perspectiva sobre el ritme de la vida.
En: They had gained a new respect for Spanish culture and a new perspective on the rhythm of life.

Ca: Marta i Jordi, veient la seva satisfacció, se sentien complaguts d'haver pogut compartir una part tan essencial de la seva cultura.
En: Marta and Jordi, seeing their satisfaction, felt gratified to have been able to share such an essential part of their culture.

Ca: Aquell dia, no només van guiar turistes, sinó també van obrir ments i van ajudar a crear nous admiradors de la siesta, un costum tan espanyol com la paella o la sardana.
En: That day, they not only guided tourists, but also opened minds and helped create new admirers of the siesta, a tradition as Spanish as paella or the sardana.

Ca: Satisfets, es van posar les ulleres de sol, van agafar el seu mapa i van continuar el seu recorregut pel cor de Barcelona.
En: Pleased, they put on their sunglasses, picked up their map, and continued their journey through the heart of Barcelona.

Vocabulary Words:
  • midday: migdia
  • sun: sol
  • Barcelona: Barcelona
  • tour guides: guies turístics
  • La Rambla: La Rambla
  • tourists: turistes
  • sunglasses: ulleres de sol
  • paper maps: mapes de paper
  • siesta: siesta
  • German: alemany
  • hiking sandals: sandàlies de senderisme
  • cameras: càmeres
  • shops: botigues
  • afternoon: tarda
  • rest: descansen
  • summer: estiu
  • ancient: antiga
  • tradition: tradició
  • bodies: cos
  • minds: ment
  • break: pausa
  • productive: productives
  • active: actiu
  • shade: fresca
  • park: parc
  • grass: gespa
  • trees: arbres
  • nap: dormideta
  • sightseeing tour: ruta turística
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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