
Unveiling Secrets: The Hidden Legacy of Glandw Quarry

Aug 23, 2024 · 16m
Unveiling Secrets: The Hidden Legacy of Glandw Quarry

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 10s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Unveiling Secrets: The Hidden Legacy of Glandw Quarry Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Droedd y dydd tawel yn...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Unveiling Secrets: The Hidden Legacy of Glandw Quarry
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Droedd y dydd tawel yn haf, ond roedd cysgodion cyn Taig Fawr y Gwaith Chwarel Glandw vdd wedi rhoi awyrgylch dirgel i gyd i'r tir.
En: The day was quiet in summer, but the shadows around the Great House of the Glandw Quarry gave the land a mysterious atmosphere.

Cy: Roedd Rhys, Eira, a Siân wedi cyrraedd y fan hon, i ymchwilio i storïau cudd y chwarel sleit.
En: Rhys, Eira, and Siân had reached this place, intending to investigate the hidden stories of the slate quarry.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn credu ynddynt - fod rhyw gyfrinach gadael ar ôl, rhyw air neu neges o'r dyddiau ddoe.
En: Rhys believed in them—that some secret remained, some word or message from days gone by.

Cy: Roedd ei galon yn llond cyffro, ond roedd yn gwybod yn dda y gallai eu hymdrech fod yn beryglus.
En: His heart was full of excitement, but he knew well that their endeavor could be dangerous.

Cy: "Osgoi'r rhannau hyn," cynghorodd Eira yn dawel, gan sganio'r tir bras.
En: "Avoid these parts," advised Eira quietly, scanning the rough terrain.

Cy: Roedd natur bryderus Eira yn gwrthdaro â nwyd Rhys, ond deallodd fod angen ei synnwyr cyffredin ar y grŵp.
En: Eira's cautious nature clashed with Rhys's enthusiasm, but she understood that her common sense was needed by the group.

Cy: Tra roedd Rhys yn edrych oddi ar led yr ogofau, roedd Siân yn edrych i'r cefndir.
En: While Rhys looked over the breadth of the caves, Siân gazed into the background.

Cy: Ei sgil oedd gorwedd yn ei gallu i weld bysedd natur a hanes mewn popeth o'i chwmpas, gan adael ei bod yn teimlo agosatrwydd at y man hwn, yn ymwybodol o ei achosguddion.
En: Her skill lay in her ability to see the fingers of nature and history in everything around her, allowing her to feel a closeness to this place, aware of its hidden narratives.

Cy: Roedd ei meddwl yn llawn gyda themâu coll y lle.
En: Her mind was filled with the lost themes of the place.

Cy: Yna, heb rybudd, daeth sŵn mawr o'r creigiau.
En: Then, without warning, a loud noise came from the rocks.

Cy: Toriad sydyn - a diffyg gwaraidd - achosodd y llithfa dir a rhoddodd wahaniad ffyrnig rhwng y tri.
En: A sudden break—a savage gap—caused a landslide that divided the three ferociously.

Cy: Eira a Siân aeth un ffordd, tra bod Rhys, gollwng o fewn uffern creigiog arall.
En: Eira and Siân went one way, while Rhys found himself within another rocky hell.

Cy: Roedd ei holl ffyrnigrwydd yn dymor.
En: All his fervor turned cold.

Cy: Roedd Rhys ei ben ei hun, ond roedd yn gwybod fod rhaid iddo weithredu'n sydyn.
En: Rhys was alone, but he knew he had to act quickly.

Cy: Sefyll yn yr unswydd heb wneud dim ond gwaethygu'r sefyllfa.
En: Standing still would only worsen the situation.

Cy: Roedd Siân wedi sôn wrthyn am gyfieithu'r gorffennol trwy'r cerrig hyn, a chymerodd Rhys y ffaith hyn fel arwydd i’w dilyn.
En: Siân had mentioned interpreting the past through these stones, and Rhys took that as a sign to follow.

Cy: Gwrandawodd ar ei ffrindiau, a buan daethpwyd â gwerthfawr clodfa o'r cae - ehangiad brawychus llawn o garreg a goleuni.
En: He listened for his friends, and soon a valuable glimpse emerged from the field—a terrifying expanse full of stone and light.

Cy: "Dewch, edrychwch yma!
En: "Come, look here!"

Cy: " gwaeddodd ef, tra'n dilyn trywydd cul.
En: he shouted, following a narrow path.

Cy: Ni chymerodd Eira hir ddod o'i ôl, tra roedd Siân, gyda'i lygaid yn eofraidd sgleinio, wedi ysgrifennu ei geiriau ar ansbron Caer Winllan.
En: It didn't take Eira long to follow, while Siân, with her eyes shining brightly, inscribed her words on the surfaces of Caer Winllan.

Cy: Wedi deall bod yr arysgrifen yn arwain, aethant ar eu hyd hyd at fynedfa gudd.
En: Realizing that the inscription led them, they followed it to a hidden entrance.

Cy: Roedd ffeind ailadrodd y stori yn y creigiau yn arwain at ddoliad a fyddai'n sicrhau llwybr allan.
En: Finding the story repeated in the rocks led to an opening that would ensure a path out.

Cy: Cofiant y tri?
En: The memory of the three?

Cy: Fod natur - a hi-stori - wedi cyflawni'u hoffnion, ond bod rhaid i ni barchu ei gorff.
En: That nature—and history—had fulfilled their desires, but that we must respect its body.

Cy: Dysgodd Rhys o'r antur y bod anelu at wirioneddau hanes argoelus yn cydbwyso gydag ofn.
En: Rhys learned from the adventure that aiming for the truths of ominous history balances with fear.

Cy: Er bod wedi colli'r amser syfrdanol hwnnw yn yr hen chwarel, tra oedd haul y dydd yn diferu i lawr, daethont allan, a'u cwestiynau, er diflannu am y tro, yn arhosu - ynghyd ag ymdeimlad hyderus ohonynt eu hunain.
En: Though they had lost that astounding time in the old quarry, as the day's sun dripped down, they emerged, and their questions, though temporarily vanished, lingered—along with a confident sense of themselves.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shadows: cysgodion
  • mysterious: dirgel
  • investigate: ymchwilio
  • hidden: cudd
  • endeavor: ymdrech
  • dangerous: peryglus
  • advised: cynghorodd
  • terrain: tir
  • cautious: pryderus
  • enthusiasm: nwyd
  • breadth: led
  • skill: sgil
  • narratives: achosguddion
  • themes: themâu
  • sudden: sydyn
  • savage: gwaraidd
  • gap: diffyg
  • landslide: llithfa dir
  • divided: gwahaniad
  • ferociously: ffyrnig
  • rocky hell: uffern creigiog
  • fervor: ffyrnigrwydd
  • interpret: cyfieithu
  • glimpse: clodfa
  • terrifying: brawychus
  • expanse: ehangiad
  • inscribed: ysgrifennu
  • inscription: arysgrifen
  • fulfillment: cyflawni
  • ominous: argoelus
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