
Unraveling Secrets: The Mystery of Predjamski Castle

Oct 2, 2024 · 17m 10s
Unraveling Secrets: The Mystery of Predjamski Castle

01 · Main Story

1m 46s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 25s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unraveling Secrets: The Mystery of Predjamski Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Luka je stal pred Predjamskim gradom....

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unraveling Secrets: The Mystery of Predjamski Castle
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Luka je stal pred Predjamskim gradom.
En: Luka stood in front of Predjamski Castle.

Sl: Veter je šepetal skozi rjave liste, ki so padali z dreves.
En: The wind whispered through the brown leaves falling from the trees.

Sl: Grad je bil veličasten, stolpni del je gledal iz pečine, kot stara straža zgodovine.
En: The castle was magnificent, its tower part jutting out from the cliff like an old sentinel of history.

Sl: Luka je bil zgodovinar, radoveden in odločen.
En: Luka was a historian, curious and determined.

Sl: Hotel je razkriti skrivnostno izginotje kolega, ki se je zgodilo med raziskovanjem grajskih predorov.
En: He wanted to uncover the mysterious disappearance of a colleague that occurred while exploring the castle's tunnels.

Sl: Ob strani je stala Maja.
En: Maja stood by his side.

Sl: Bila je skeptična, a kljub temu zvesta sodelavka.
En: She was skeptical, yet a faithful colleague.

Sl: Njena ljubezen do zgodovinske natančnosti je bila močna.
En: Her love for historical accuracy was strong.

Sl: Včasih je podvomila o Lukovih teorijah, a je vedela, da je njegov instinkt dober.
En: Sometimes she doubted Luka's theories, but she knew his instincts were good.

Sl: Gregor, izkušen vodič, je že čakal na vrata.
En: Gregor, an experienced guide, was already waiting at the door.

Sl: Bil je zapleten človek, z mnogo skrivnostmi o gradu.
En: He was a complex man, with many secrets about the castle.

Sl: Ni želel, da Luka razkrije vse skrivnosti.
En: He didn't want Luka to reveal all the secrets.

Sl: A Luka je bil odločen.
En: But Luka was determined.

Sl: "Predori so kot pajkova mreža," je rekel Gregor, ko so stopili v mrak.
En: "The tunnels are like a spider's web," said Gregor as they stepped into the darkness.

Sl: "Lahko postanemo izgubljeni v legendah."
En: "We can get lost in legends."

Sl: Luka je poslušal, a ni dovolil, da bi ga zgodbe odvrnile.
En: Luka listened but did not allow the stories to distract him.

Sl: Nosil je stare karte, ki jih je našel v arhivih.
En: He carried old maps he found in the archives.

Sl: Lore domačinov, zapletenih v misteriozno tkanje časa, je utrdila njegovo odločenost.
En: The lore of the locals, intertwined with the mysterious weaving of time, bolstered his determination.

Sl: Ko so globlje in globlje vstopali v predore, je Maja dvignila svetilko, da bi osvetlila stene.
En: As they ventured deeper and deeper into the tunnels, Maja raised her lantern to illuminate the walls.

Sl: Sence so plesale, kot da varujejo skrivnosti.
En: Shadows danced as if guarding secrets.

Sl: Luka je nekaj začutil.
En: Luka sensed something.

Sl: Prisotnost.
En: A presence.

Sl: "Nismo tukaj sami," je preudarno dejal.
En: "We are not alone here," he cautiously stated.

Sl: Nenadoma so prišli do odlomljenega kamna.
En: Suddenly, they arrived at a collapsed stone.

Sl: Tam jih je čakal Gregor, potem ko je izginil izpred njih nekaj trenutkov prej.
En: There Gregor was waiting for them, having disappeared from their sight a few moments earlier.

Sl: "Zakaj nas ustavljaš?" je vprašal Luka.
En: "Why are you stopping us?" Luka asked.

Sl: Gregor je zavzdihnil in pokazal na skrit prehod.
En: Gregor sighed and pointed to a hidden passageway.

Sl: "Tukaj je komora, ki je že dolgo ni videl nihče.
En: "Here is a chamber that no one has seen for a long time.

Sl: A pazite, govori se o njenem prekletstvu."
En: But beware, it is said to be cursed."

Sl: Luka je pogoltnil svoj strah.
En: Luka swallowed his fear and entered.

Sl: V duplini je našel star, prašen artefakt in note izginulega kolega.
En: In the hollow, he found an old, dusty artifact and notes from his missing colleague.

Sl: Srce mu je poskočilo, ko je razumela, da ima dokaz.
En: His heart skipped a beat as he realized he had evidence.

Sl: A nenadoma se je strop začel tresti.
En: But suddenly, the ceiling began to tremble.

Sl: Hitel je nazaj, zgodovina ga je za las rešila.
En: He rushed back, history narrowly saving him.

Sl: Zunaj je dihaj hitreje.
En: Outside, he breathed faster.

Sl: Maja ga je podprla.
En: Maja supported him.

Sl: Gregor pa, kljub ruševinam, je bil tih, a njegovo spoštovanje do Lukovega poguma je bilo jasno.
En: Gregor, despite the ruins, was silent, but his respect for Luka's courage was clear.

Sl: Luka je našel resnico, a tudi novo spoštovanje do skrivnosti, ki jih ne smemo vedno razkriti.
En: Luka found the truth, but also a newfound respect for mysteries that should not always be revealed.

Sl: Njegovo trmasto srce je zdaj vključilo previdnost.
En: His stubborn heart now included caution.

Sl: Medtem ko je sonce zahajalo nad gradom, je vedel, da prihodnost njegovih raziskav ni le v otipavanju preteklosti, temveč v sodelovanju in opreznosti.
En: As the sun set over the castle, he knew that the future of his research lay not only in probing the past but in collaboration and caution.

Sl: Predjamski grad je še naprej stal trden, pionir zgodovine in stroga varuhinja svojih zgodb.
En: Predjamski Castle continued to stand firm, a pioneer of history and a strict guardian of its stories.

Sl: Luka, Maja in Gregor so zapustili grajske predore z občutkom zveze, ki presega besede, in praznovanjem zgodbe, ki so jo le oni razumeli.
En: Luka, Maja, and Gregor left the castle tunnels with a sense of connection that went beyond words and a celebration of the story only they understood.

Vocabulary Words:
  • magnificent: veličasten
  • historian: zgodovinar
  • uncover: razkriti
  • mysterious: skrivnostno
  • disappearance: izginotje
  • skeptical: skeptična
  • accuracy: natančnost
  • instincts: instinkt
  • experienced: izkušen
  • determined: odločen
  • tunnels: predori
  • legends: legende
  • distract: odvrniti
  • archives: arhivi
  • intertwined: zapletenih
  • bolstered: utrdila
  • lantern: svetilka
  • illuminate: osvetlila
  • shadows: sence
  • presence: prisotnost
  • collapsed: odlomljenega
  • artifact: artefakt
  • evidence: dokaz
  • tremble: tresti
  • ruins: ruševinam
  • courage: poguma
  • stubborn: trmasto
  • pioneer: pionir
  • guardian: varuhinja
  • connection: zveze
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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