Unexpected Heroes: A Tranquil Lake Bled Adventure Unfolds

Jul 11, 2024 · 16m 39s
Unexpected Heroes: A Tranquil Lake Bled Adventure Unfolds

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 43s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unexpected Heroes: A Tranquil Lake Bled Adventure Unfolds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/unexpected-heroes-a-tranquil-lake-bled-adventure-unfolds/ Story Transcript: Sl: Matej je stal ob jezeru...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unexpected Heroes: A Tranquil Lake Bled Adventure Unfolds
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Matej je stal ob jezeru Bled.
En: Matej stood by Lake Bled.

Sl: Nosil je velik nahrbtnik in fotoaparat.
En: He was carrying a large backpack and a camera.

Sl: Sonce je močno sijalo.
En: The sun was shining brightly.

Sl: Okoli je bilo veliko turistov.
En: There were many tourists around.

Sl: Matej je želel mirno počitnico.
En: Matej wanted a peaceful holiday.

Sl: Imel je veliko težav doma in zdaj je moral počivati.
En: He had a lot of troubles at home, and now he needed to rest.

Sl: Naenkrat je videl dekle, ki je padla na tla.
En: Suddenly, he saw a girl collapse to the ground.

Sl: To je bila Alenka.
En: It was Alenka.

Sl: Izgledala je zelo slabo.
En: She looked very unwell.

Sl: Ljudje so se zbrali okoli nje, a niso vedeli, kaj storiti.
En: People gathered around her but didn't know what to do.

Sl: Jana, ki je bila tam s svojo družino, je hitro pritekla.
En: Jana, who was there with her family, quickly ran over.

Sl: Bila je medicinska sestra.
En: She was a nurse.

Sl: Pokleknila je k Alenki in jo pregledala.
En: She knelt beside Alenka and examined her.

Sl: “Potrebujemo pomoč,” je rekla z resnim glasom.
En: "We need help," she said in a serious voice.

Sl: Matej je bil nervozen, a vedel je, da mora nekaj storiti.
En: Matej was nervous, but he knew he had to do something.

Sl: Pristopil je k Jani.
En: He approached Jana.

Sl: “Lahko pokličem na pomoč,” je rekel.
En: "I can call for help," he said.

Sl: Jana je prikimala.
En: Jana nodded.

Sl: “Prosim, hitro!
En: "Please, quickly!"

Sl: ” Matej je vzel telefon in poklical 112.
En: Matej took out his phone and dialed 112.

Sl: Medtem je Jana dala Alenki vodo.
En: Meanwhile, Jana gave Alenka some water.

Sl: Matej je čutil, kako se mu srce umirja.
En: Matej felt his heart calm down.

Sl: Storil je nekaj pomembnega.
En: He had done something important.

Sl: Jana je pogledala Alenko.
En: Jana looked at Alenka.

Sl: "Ali zdaj čutiš bolje?
En: "Do you feel better now?"

Sl: " je vprašala.
En: she asked.

Sl: Alenka je prikimala, a še vedno je bila šibka.
En: Alenka nodded, but she was still weak.

Sl: “Bila sem preveč dehidrirana in stresirana,” je rekla tiho.
En: "I was too dehydrated and stressed," she said quietly.

Sl: Rešilec je prispel.
En: The ambulance arrived.

Sl: Jana je še naprej skrbela za Alenko.
En: Jana continued to care for Alenka.

Sl: Matej je pomagal, kolikor je lahko.
En: Matej helped as much as he could.

Sl: Ko so reševalci prišli, so Alenko odpeljali v bližnjo kliniko.
En: When the paramedics arrived, they took Alenka to a nearby clinic.

Sl: Jana se je obrnila k Mateju in se mu nasmehnila.
En: Jana turned to Matej and smiled at him.

Sl: “Hvala za pomoč,” je rekla.
En: "Thank you for your help," she said.

Sl: Matej se je počutil bolje.
En: Matej felt better.

Sl: “Nisem si mislil, da bom sposoben pomagati,” je priznal.
En: "I didn't think I would be able to help," he admitted.

Sl: Jana mu je dala prijazen pogled.
En: Jana gave him a kind look.

Sl: “V stresnih situacijah vsi najdemo moč.
En: "In stressful situations, we all find strength.

Sl: Danes smo pomagali nekomu, ki je res potreboval pomoč.
En: Today, we helped someone who truly needed it."

Sl: ”Matej je pomislil na svoje težave doma.
En: Matej thought about his troubles at home.

Sl: Naenkrat niso bile več tako velike.
En: Suddenly, they didn't seem so big anymore.

Sl: Naslednje dni na Bledu je bolj užival.
En: He enjoyed the next few days at Bled more.

Sl: Jana in on sta postala prijatelja.
En: Jana and he became friends.

Sl: Pogovarjala sta se o življenju, izzivih in kako pomembno je pomagati drugim.
En: They talked about life, challenges, and the importance of helping others.

Sl: Alenka je bila kmalu bolje.
En: Alenka soon recovered.

Sl: Naučila se je, da mora poiskati pomoč, ko jo potrebuje.
En: She learned that she should seek help when she needed it.

Sl: Naključno srečanje je spremenilo življenja vseh treh.
En: The random encounter changed the lives of all three.

Sl: Na koncu so vsi nekaj pridobili.
En: In the end, everyone gained something.

Sl: Matej je našel samozavest, Jana je spoznala svojo moč v stresu, Alenka pa se je naučila sprejeti pomoč.
En: Matej found confidence, Jana realized her strength in stressful situations, and Alenka learned to accept help.

Sl: Pri jezeru Bled je sonce še vedno sijalo.
En: By Lake Bled, the sun was still shining.

Sl: Ljudje so uživali v lepoti kraja.
En: People were enjoying the beauty of the place.

Sl: Matej je posnel fotografijo jezera.
En: Matej took a picture of the lake.

Sl: Nasmejal se je ob misli, kako življenje lahko preseneti.
En: He smiled at the thought of how life can surprise you.

Vocabulary Words:
  • carrying: nosil
  • backpack: nahrbtnik
  • shining: sijalo
  • peaceful: mirno
  • holiday: počitnico
  • collaps: padla
  • examined: pregledala
  • serious: resen
  • nervous: nervozen
  • nod: prikimala
  • dehydrated: dehidrirana
  • stressed: stresirana
  • create: storiti
  • paramedics: reševalci
  • nearby: bližnjo
  • admitted: priznal
  • confidence: samozavest
  • encounter: srečanje
  • troubles: težave
  • collapse: padla
  • calm: umirja
  • recovered: bolje
  • knelt: pokleknila
  • heart: srce
  • ambulance: rešilec
  • care: skrbela
  • admitted: priznal
  • helped: pomagal
  • stressful: stresnih
  • clinic: kliniko
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Author FluentFiction.org
Organization Kameron Kilchrist
Website www.fluentfiction.org

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