
Trust and Patience: Solving a Missing Persons Mystery

Sep 26, 2024 · 19m 11s
Trust and Patience: Solving a Missing Persons Mystery

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 52s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Trust and Patience: Solving a Missing Persons Mystery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Keriuhan pagi di Kantor Polisi...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Trust and Patience: Solving a Missing Persons Mystery
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Story Transcript:

Id: Keriuhan pagi di Kantor Polisi Bandung tidak bisa dihindari.
En: The morning commotion at the Bandung Police Station was unavoidable.

Id: Dinding-dinding penuh dengan poster orang hilang dan tips pencegahan kejahatan.
En: The walls were covered with missing person posters and crime prevention tips.

Id: Bunyi telepon terus berdering, menandakan kesibukan yang terus berlanjut.
En: The phone rang incessantly, indicating the nonstop busyness.

Id: Adi, seorang mahasiswa teladan, duduk gelisah di ruang tunggu.
En: Adi, a model student, sat anxiously in the waiting room.

Id: Temannya hilang, dan dia merasa bertanggung jawab untuk menemukannya.
En: His friend was missing, and he felt responsible for finding him.

Id: Lestari, seorang petugas polisi yang tenang dan praktis, akhirnya memanggilnya masuk.
En: Lestari, a calm and practical police officer, finally called him in.

Id: "Selamat pagi, Adi.
En: "Good morning, Adi.

Id: Apa yang bisa saya bantu?
En: How can I help you?"

Id: " tanyanya dengan senyum yang menenangkan, meski wajahnya menunjukkan tanda lelah.
En: she asked with a reassuring smile, even though her face showed signs of fatigue.

Id: "Teman saya hilang, Bu.
En: "My friend is missing, ma'am.

Id: Sudah tiga hari tidak ada kabar.
En: We haven't heard from him in three days.

Id: Ini sangat aneh dan saya khawatir sekali," Adi menjelaskan dengan nada penuh kekhawatiran.
En: It's very unusual, and I'm really worried," Adi explained, his voice filled with concern.

Id: Lestari mengangguk, mendengarkan dengan seksama.
En: Lestari nodded, listening intently.

Id: "Saya mengerti.
En: "I understand.

Id: Kami akan mencoba yang terbaik untuk membantu.
En: We'll do our best to help.

Id: Tapi ini mungkin memakan waktu.
En: But this might take some time.

Id: Kami harus mematuhi prosedur," balas Lestari.
En: We have to follow procedures," Lestari replied.

Id: Adi merasa frustrasi.
En: Adi felt frustrated.

Id: Prosedur?
En: Procedures?

Id: Temannya mungkin dalam bahaya sekarang.
En: His friend might be in danger right now.

Id: Tapi dia tahu dia harus bekerja sama dengan polisi.
En: But he knew he had to cooperate with the police.

Id: Hari berlalu, dan Adi semakin gelisah.
En: Days passed, and Adi grew more anxious.

Id: Tidak ada perkembangan berarti.
En: There were no significant developments.

Id: Dia merasa ingin mencari temannya sendiri, tapi dia tahu itu bisa berbahaya.
En: He felt the urge to look for his friend on his own, but he knew that could be dangerous.

Id: Dia memilih untuk kembali ke kantor polisi lagi.
En: He decided to return to the police station again.

Id: Kali ini, Adi bertemu Lestari dengan nada lebih mendesak.
En: This time, Adi met Lestari with a more urgent tone.

Id: "Kita harus berbuat lebih, Bu Lestari.
En: "We need to do more, Officer Lestari.

Id: Saya tidak bisa menunggu lebih lama!
En: I can't wait any longer!"

Id: "Lestari menatap Adi dengan serius.
En: Lestari looked at Adi seriously.

Id: "Adi, saya mengerti kekhawatiranmu.
En: "Adi, I understand your concerns.

Id: Sebenarnya, kami punya petunjuk baru.
En: Actually, we have a new lead.

Id: Namun, kami butuh kerja sama darimu.
En: However, we need your cooperation.

Id: Tolong bersabarlah sedikit lagi," katanya sambil membagikan beberapa informasi penting.
En: Please be a bit more patient," she said while sharing some important information.

Id: Adi terkejut mendengar bahwa ada kemajuan.
En: Adi was surprised to hear there was progress.

Id: Rasa frustasinya sedikit mereda.
En: His frustration eased a little.

Id: Dia memutuskan untuk terus bekerja sama dan percaya pada proses tersebut.
En: He decided to keep cooperating and trust the process.

Id: Bersama Lestari, Adi ikut membantu mencari lebih banyak informasi.
En: Together with Lestari, Adi helped gather more information.

Id: Keduanya bekerja tanpa lelah, mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang dianggap penting.
En: They worked tirelessly, visiting places deemed important.

Id: Seiring waktu, mereka mendekati jawaban.
En: Over time, they got closer to finding the answer.

Id: Akhirnya, mereka berhasil menemukan temannya dalam kondisi aman.
En: Finally, they managed to find his friend in a safe condition.

Id: Adi merasa lega.
En: Adi felt relieved.

Id: Dia sadar pentingnya bekerja sama, sabar, dan mempercayai mereka yang mencoba membantu.
En: He realized the importance of cooperation, patience, and trusting those trying to help.

Id: Saat meninggalkan kantor polisi, Adi mengucapkan terima kasih pada Lestari.
En: As he left the police station, Adi thanked Lestari.

Id: Ia belajar bahwa penting untuk menggabungkan rasa urgensinya dengan kepercayaan pada orang lain yang memiliki wewenang.
En: He learned the importance of combining his sense of urgency with trust in those with authority.

Id: Pagi itu di Bandung, Adi menjadi paham bahwa kerja sama dan kesabaran sering kali menjadi jalan menuju solusi.
En: That morning in Bandung, Adi understood that collaboration and patience often lead the way to a solution.

Id: Di antara hiruk pikuk kehidupan, dia mendapatkan pelajaran berharga tentang arti dari saling percaya dan mendukung.
En: Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, he gained a valuable lesson about the meaning of mutual trust and support.

Vocabulary Words:
  • commotion: keriuhan
  • unavoidable: tidak bisa dihindari
  • incessantly: terus berdering
  • anxiously: gelisah
  • responsible: bertanggung jawab
  • practical: praktis
  • reassuring: menenangkan
  • fatigue: lelah
  • unusual: aneh
  • concern: kekhawatiran
  • procedures: prosedur
  • frustrated: frustrasi
  • danger: bahaya
  • developments: perkembangan
  • urgent: mendesak
  • seriously: dengan serius
  • lead: petunjuk
  • cooperation: kerja sama
  • patient: sabar
  • trust: percaya
  • tirelessly: tanpa lelah
  • deemed: dianggap
  • relieved: lega
  • importance: pentingnya
  • collaboration: kerja sama
  • authority: wewenang
  • solution: solusi
  • hustle and bustle: hiruk pikuk
  • mutual: saling
  • support: mendukung
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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