
Trapped: A Silent Elevator Escape

Dec 1, 2023 · 14m 53s
Trapped: A Silent Elevator Escape

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 15s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Trapped: A Silent Elevator Escape Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nenadoma je vse potihnilo. En: Suddenly everything fell...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Trapped: A Silent Elevator Escape
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nenadoma je vse potihnilo.
En: Suddenly everything fell silent.

Sl: Ljubljana je utihnila.
En: Ljubljana fell silent.

Sl: Ana in Luka, ki sta ravno vstopila v starinski dvigalo neke stare meščanske stavbe v središču mesta, sta se nenadoma znašla ujeta.
En: Ana and Luka, who had just entered an antique elevator of an old bourgeois building in the city center, suddenly found themselves trapped.

Sl: Tema je bila popolna, tišina pa neprijetna.
En: The darkness was complete, and the silence was unsettling.

Sl: Ana, ki je bila vedno bolj mirna in zbrana, je globoko vdihnila in poskušala ostati mirna.
En: Ana, who was becoming calmer and more composed, took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.

Sl: "Luka, si v redu?
En: "Luka, are you okay?"

Sl: " je vprašala z mehkim glasom, ki je rezal skozi tišino.
En: she asked in a soft voice that cut through the silence.

Sl: Luka, ki po navadi ni maral zaprtih prostorov, je odgovoril z rahlo tresočim glasom, "Mislim, da ja.
En: Luka, who usually didn't like enclosed spaces, replied in a slightly trembling voice, "I think so.

Sl: Ampak kako bova prišla ven?
En: But how will we get out?"

Sl: "V temi sta se začela tipati po stenah, iščoč kaj, kar bi jima lahko pomagalo.
En: In the darkness, they began to feel the walls, searching for something that could help them.

Sl: Medtem pa je bila Maja, njuna prijateljica, ki jih je čakala spodaj, zaskrbljena.
En: Meanwhile, their friend Maja, who was waiting for them below, was worried.

Sl: Videla je, da se dvigalo ni premaknilo že nekaj minut in uvidela je, da je nekaj narobe.
En: She saw that the elevator hadn't moved for a few minutes and realized that something was wrong.

Sl: Maja je zbrala pogum, da nekaj ukrene.
En: Maja gathered the courage to take action.

Sl: V kotu je zagledala staro metlo in jo hitro zgrabila.
En: In a corner, she spotted an old broom and quickly grabbed it.

Sl: "Morda lahko odprem vrata!
En: "Maybe I can open the doors!"

Sl: " je pomislila.
En: she thought.

Sl: Stopila je k dvigalu in začela s koncem metle potrkavati po vratih, v upanju, da na tak način opozori Ane in Luke.
En: She stepped up to the elevator and began tapping on the doors with the end of the broom, hoping to alert Ana and Luka that way.

Sl: Znotraj dvigala sta Ana in Luka slišala klopotanje.
En: Inside the elevator, Ana and Luka heard the banging.

Sl: "Ali slišiš to?
En: "Do you hear that?"

Sl: " je vprašal Luka in poskušal slediti zvoku.
En: Luka asked, trying to follow the sound.

Sl: Ana je prikimala.
En: Ana nodded.

Sl: "Maja nas mora poskušati rešiti.
En: "Maja must be trying to rescue us."

Sl: "Maja, ki je že skoraj izgubila upanje, da bi ju lahko priklicala, je nato z vso močjo vbila vrh metle v režo med dvigalnimi vrati.
En: Maja, who had almost lost hope of reaching them, then forcefully drove the top of the broom into the gap between the elevator doors.

Sl: Po nekaj napornih poskusih se je reža malo povečala.
En: After several strenuous attempts, the gap widened slightly.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta začela pomagati od znotraj, potiskati so začeli vrata, in počasi so se ti začeli premikati.
En: Ana and Luka started pushing from the inside, and the doors began to move slowly.

Sl: Kot v kakšni filmski sceni se je med vrati pojavila tanjša svetlobna linija, ki je postajala čedalje širša.
En: Like in a movie scene, a thin line of light appeared between the doors, gradually widening.

Sl: Končno, po nekaj minutah napora, se vrata dvigala odpro in troje prijateljev se je močno objelo.
En: Finally, after a few minutes of effort, the elevator doors opened, and the three friends embraced tightly.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta bila svobodna, Maja pa je postala njuna junakinja z metlo.
En: Ana and Luka were free, and Maja became their broom-wielding heroine.

Sl: "Mislila sem, da nikoli ne bova prišla ven," je dejal Luka, ko so se odpravili na prosto.
En: "I thought we would never get out," Luka said as they headed outside.

Sl: Ana se je nasmehnila in rekla: "Za to smo prijatelji - da pomagamo drug drugemu v stiski.
En: Ana smiled and said, "That's what friends are for - to help each other in times of trouble."

Sl: "Pogledali so proti nebu, kjer so se že začele kazati prve zvezde nad Ljubljano, hvaležni za mirno rešitev iz nenavadnega pustolovskega večera.
En: They looked up at the sky, where the first stars had already appeared over Ljubljana, grateful for the peaceful resolution to their unusual adventure-filled evening.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Suddenly: Nenadoma
  • Silent: Potihniti
  • Ljubljana: Ljubljana
  • Trapped: Ujeta
  • Complete: Popolna
  • Unsettling: Neprijetna
  • Composed: Zbrana
  • Breath: Vdih
  • Soft: Mehka
  • Voice: Glas
  • Cut: Rezal
  • Reply: Odgovoril
  • Trembling: Tresoč
  • Enclosed: Zaprtih
  • Spaces: Prostorov
  • Walls: Stene
  • Help: Pomagalo
  • Meanwhile: Medtem
  • Friend: Prijateljica
  • Below: Spodaj
  • Worried: Zaskrbljena
  • Courage: Pogum
  • Action: Ukrene
  • Broom: Metlo
  • Opened: Odprem
  • Doors: Vrata
  • Rescue: Rešiti
  • Forcefully: Z vso močjo
  • Gap: Reža
  • Pushing: Potiskati
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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