
The Vibrant Ramblas: A Journey of Souvenirs and Triumph

Nov 24, 2023 · 16m 20s
The Vibrant Ramblas: A Journey of Souvenirs and Triumph

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 43s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: The Vibrant Ramblas: A Journey of Souvenirs and Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: Llum, color i soroll....

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: The Vibrant Ramblas: A Journey of Souvenirs and Triumph
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Story Transcript:

Ca: Llum, color i soroll. Així són les Ramblas de Barcelona, sempre vives, sempre vibrants. Aquí, on la vida bulleix, trobem a Jordi. Ells està de vacances, una mica perduda en la marea de gent que flueix pels voltants.
En: Light, color, and noise. That's how Barcelona's Ramblas are, always alive, always vibrant. Here, where life buzzes, we find Jordi. He's on vacation, a bit lost in the sea of people flowing around him.

Ca: Jordi tenia una missió: comprar un record de Barcelona per dur a la seva família. Passeja per la Rambla, ple de somnis i amb una desimboltura que no havia sentit en anys. Les parades de flors, els quioscos de premsa, els restaurants allà on miris; cada racó de la Rambla transmetia alegria.
En: Jordi had a mission: to buy a souvenir from Barcelona to take back to his family. He strolls along the Rambla, full of dreams and with a confidence he hadn't felt in years. Flower stalls, newsstands, restaurants as far as the eye can see; every corner of the Rambla conveyed joy.

Ca: Finalment, Jordi es deté davant d'un quiosc ple de souvenirs variats: imants, postals, petites estatuetes de la Sagrada Família... Perfecte, pensa. Però una barrera se li presentava: el venedor parlava amb un accent que a Jordi li resultava difícil d’entendre.
En: Finally, Jordi stops in front of a kiosk filled with various souvenirs: magnets, postcards, small statues of the Sagrada Familia... Perfect, he thinks. But there is a barrier in his way: the vendor speaks with an accent that Jordi finds difficult to understand.

Ca: L'home es mou amb l'agilitat d'un ballarí, omnipresent entre la seva multitud de trastos per vendre, i parla amb un accent agradable, però fort. Possiblement d’Amèrica del Sud. Tot i que Jordi tenia un bon nivell d'espanyol, es confonia amb algunes paraules.
En: The man moves with the agility of a dancer, omnipresent among his multitude of things to sell, and speaks with a pleasant but strong accent. Probably from South America. Although Jordi had a good level of Spanish, he was confused by some words.

Ca: Jordi assenyala una estatueta de la Pedrera que li ha agradat. L'home li n’explica el cost amb el seu atractiu accent. El nostre viatger, però, no aconsegueix entendre-la. Hi ha moments de silenci incòmode i mirades de confusió. Finalment, Jordi opta per estendre uns bitllets de cinc euros.
En: Jordi points to a statue of the Casa Milà that he liked. The man explains the price to him with his attractive accent. Our traveler, however, cannot understand him. There are moments of uncomfortable silence and looks of confusion. Finally, Jordi decides to hand over some five-euro bills.

Ca: L'home somriu amplament, fent gestos amb les mans que semblaven dir "tens suficient". Encara amb el somriure a la cara, recull els bitllets i fa un gest convidant a Jordi a prendre la seva nova adquisició.
En: The man smiles widely, making gestures with his hands that seemed to say "you have enough". Still with a smile on his face, he takes the bills and makes a gesture inviting Jordi to take his new acquisition.

Ca: Jordi se’n va del quiosc amb la seva estatueta, sentint-se alhora al·lèrgic i exitat. El venedor li fa un espontani adéu amb la mà. El nostre viatger es gira una darrera vegada, agraït, abans de perdre's un altre cop entre la marea humana de la Rambla.
En: Jordi leaves the kiosk with his statue, feeling both allergic and excited. The vendor waves goodbye spontaneously with his hand. Our traveler turns around one last time, grateful, before getting lost again amidst the human tide of the Rambla.

Ca: Un record, una aventura. La Rambla, ara, serà per sempre una part de Jordi. El soroll, l'energia, l'home del quiosc amb el seu fort accent... Tot és ara una memòria preciosa en la ment del nostre viatger.
En: A memory, an adventure. The Rambla will now forever be a part of Jordi. The noise, the energy, the man at the kiosk with his strong accent... It is all now a precious memory in our traveler's mind.

Ca: Amb una alegria petita, Jordi se'n va a casa. Tenia una missió al cap del dia, i finalment l'ha completat. La Rambla de Barcelona, amb tota la seva bellesa i soroll, l'ha vist patir, lluitar i finalment triomfar.
En: With a small joy, Jordi goes back home. He had a mission at the end of the day, and he has finally completed it. The Rambla of Barcelona, with all its beauty and noise, has seen him suffer, struggle, and ultimately triumph.

Ca: La lluita de Jordi per comprar un record és un retrat petit de la nostra vida diària. Superar obstacles, creixent en el procés. Sempre endavant, sempre aprenent, sempre vivint.
En: Jordi's struggle to buy a souvenir is a small portrait of our daily life. Overcoming obstacles, growing in the process. Always moving forward, always learning, always living.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Light: Llum
  • Color: Color
  • Noise: Soroll
  • Barcelona: Barcelona
  • Ramblas: Ramblas
  • Alive: Vives
  • Vibrant: Vibrants
  • Vacation: Vacances
  • Lost: Perdut
  • Mission: Missió
  • Souvenir: Record
  • Stroll: Passeja
  • Dreams: Somnis
  • Confidence: Desimboltura
  • Flower stalls: Parades de flors
  • Newsstands: Quioscos de premsa
  • Restaurants: Restaurants
  • Corner: Racó
  • Joy: Alegria
  • Kiosk: Quiosc
  • Souvenirs: Souvenirs
  • Magnets: Imants
  • Postcards: Postals
  • Statues: Estatuetes
  • Sagrada Familia: Sagrada Família
  • Vendor: Venedor
  • Accent: Accent
  • Understand: Entendre
  • Dancer: Ballarí
  • Omnipresent: Omnipresent
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