
The Unexpected Friendship: Eira and Gethin's Creative Journey

Aug 9, 2024 · 18m 27s
The Unexpected Friendship: Eira and Gethin's Creative Journey

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 32s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Unexpected Friendship: Eira and Gethin's Creative Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ysgol breswyl enwog yng Nghymru...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Unexpected Friendship: Eira and Gethin's Creative Journey
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ysgol breswyl enwog yng Nghymru oedd Nid yw'r lle yn unig wedi'i leoli o fewn golygfeydd gwyrdd golygfaol ond hefyd dilyn hanes hir a balch.
En: A famous boarding school in Wales, not only was the location surrounded by scenic green views, but it also boasted a long and proud history.

Cy: Roedd adeiladau'r ysgol wedi'u gwneud o gerrig hanesyddol gyda'r ystafelloedd dosbarth a'u waliau wedi'u haddurno â phosteri o straeon llwyddiannus cyn-fyfyrwyr.
En: The school buildings were made of historic stones, and the classrooms had walls adorned with posters of success stories of former students.

Cy: Roedd sŵn y myfyrwyr yn llefaru'r coridori ac roedd cyffro dydd cyntaf y tymor academaidd yn llenwi'r awyr.
En: The sound of students filled the corridors, and the excitement of the first day of the academic term permeated the air.

Cy: Eira, myfyriwr, deallodd ei hun yn benodol, oedd yn cerdded ar hyd y coridorau creision.
En: Eira, a student, found herself particularly pensive, walking along the crisp corridors.

Cy: Roedd Eira yn dawel ond carai gelf a phaentio.
En: Eira was quiet but loved art and painting.

Cy: Roedd ei ffolderen gelf yn llawn lluniadau a phortreadau.
En: Her art folder was full of sketches and portraits.

Cy: Roedd hi’n awchu i wneud ffrindiau - rhywun a allai rannu ei chariad at gelf.
En: She longed to make friends—someone who could share her love for art.

Cy: Ond, roedd yn anodd iddi siarad â phobl eraill gan ei bod hi'n swil.
En: However, she found it hard to talk to other people as she was shy.

Cy: Yn y cyfamser, roedd Gethin, myfyriwr arall, hefyd yn cychwyn ar y diwrnod cyntaf.
En: Meanwhile, Gethin, another student, was also starting on the first day.

Cy: Roedd Gethin yn hoffi cerddoriaeth a gallai chwarae’r gitâr yn arbennig well.
En: Gethin liked music and could play the guitar exceptionally well.

Cy: Roedd ei deulu yn hynod lwyddiannus a bu disgwyl iddo ef hefyd ei lwyddo.
En: His family was extremely successful, and there was an expectation for him to succeed as well.

Cy: Er bod Gethin yn hyderus ar yr wyneb, teimlai bwysau mewnol i gwrdd â disgwyliadau pawb.
En: Although Gethin appeared confident on the surface, he felt internal pressure to meet everyone's expectations.

Cy: Roedd hefyd yn awyddus i ddod o hyd i bobl a fyddai'n gweld Gethin, y cerddor gerddorol, ac nid dim ond fel aelod o'i deulu llwyddiannus.
En: He was also eager to find people who would see Gethin, the musical artist, and not just a member of his successful family.

Cy: Roedd y diwrnod cyntaf yn boeth yng nghanol haf.
En: The first day was hot in the middle of summer.

Cy: Eisteddodd Eira mewn ystafell ddosbarth gyda’r eraill.
En: Eira sat in a classroom with others.

Cy: Ymhen amser, roedd y cyflwyniadau drosodd ac roedd yn amser i’r clwb celf ddechrau.
En: After some time, the introductions were over, and it was time for the art club to begin.

Cy: Dewisodd Eira fynd i’r clwb.
En: Eira chose to go to the club.

Cy: Roedd gobaith yn llenwi ei chalon wrth iddi gerdded i mewn.
En: Hope filled her heart as she walked in.

Cy: Ond yn sydyn, roedd dryswch.
En: But suddenly, there was confusion.

Cy: Roedd y clwb cerddoriaeth i fod i fod yn yr un ystafell!
En: The music club was supposed to be in the same room!

Cy: Roedd Gethin hefyd wedi cyrraedd yr ystafell.
En: Gethin had also arrived in the room.

Cy: Am foment anghyfleus, roedd pawb yn edrych yn ddryslyd.
En: For an awkward moment, everyone looked puzzled.

Cy: Roedd ond un ateb ar ôl, penderfynodd Eira a Gethin i weithio gyda'i gilydd ar brosiect ar gyfer sioe haf yr ysgol.
En: There was only one solution left; Eira and Gethin decided to work together on a project for the school's summer show.

Cy: Ymhen amser, dechreuodd gweithio gyda’i gilydd.
En: Over time, they started working together.

Cy: Roedd Eira yn tynnu delweddau hardd, ac ychwanegodd Gethin cerddoriaeth fendigedig.
En: Eira drew beautiful images, and Gethin added wonderful music.

Cy: Roedd y prosiect yn dod yn eithriadol.
En: The project was becoming exceptional.

Cy: Wrth iddyn nhw dreulio amser gyda’i gilydd, datguddiodd Eira a Gethin eu hofnau a'u harrisiau.
En: As they spent time together, Eira and Gethin revealed their fears and hesitations.

Cy: “Rydw i’n teimlo na fydd neb yn deall fi,” dywedodd Eira yn tawel.
En: "I feel like no one will understand me," Eira said quietly.

Cy: “Rydych chi'n wych,” atebodd Gethin, “wel, mae pawb yn ciomi fy nheulu.
En: "You’re amazing," Gethin replied, "well, everyone expects so much from my family."

Cy: ”“Na, nid Gethin y teulu, Gethin cerddoriaethol,” chwarddodd Eira.
En: "No, not Gethin of the family, Gethin the musical artist," Eira laughed.

Cy: Syrthiodd rhai llygaid yn ôl ei hwyneb a theimlodd y ddau drewllyd wedi'u meithrin gan gyfeillgarwch.
En: Some eyes fell back on their faces, and the two felt nurtured by friendship.

Cy: Ar y diwedd, nododd eu prosiect ar y sioe haf yn ddychrynllyd.
En: In the end, their project was a hit at the summer show.

Cy: Cafodd diolch gan y prifathro.
En: They received thanks from the headmaster.

Cy: Roedd y ddau yn gwrandeisio i'r clod ac yn edrych ar ei gilydd, roedd Eira yn gwybod ei bod hi'n gallu agor ei hun.
En: As the two listened to the praise and looked at each other, Eira knew she could open up.

Cy: Roedd Gethin wedi dod o hyd i'w hunain.
En: Gethin had found himself.

Cy: Daeth yr haf yn y ysgol breswyl i ben gyda'r ddau wedi dod o hyd i ffrind mewn lle annisgwyl.
En: The summer at the boarding school ended with the two having found a friend in an unexpected place.

Cy: Roedd Eira'n fwy hyderus yn yr amgylchiad newydd, ac roedd Gethin yn gwybod bod modd iddo ddarganfod ei hunaniaeth ei hun, ar wahân i'w deulu.
En: Eira was more confident in the new surroundings, and Gethin knew he could discover his own identity, separate from his family.

Cy: roeddent wedi eu symbylu ac yn barod am dymor academaidd newydd.
En: They were inspired and ready for a new academic term.

Cy: Diwedd.
En: The End.

Vocabulary Words:
  • boarding: breswyl
  • scenic: golygfaol
  • adorned: wedi'u haddurno
  • success: llwyddiannus
  • permeated: llenwi
  • pensive: penodol
  • crisp: creision
  • portraits: portreadau
  • shy: swil
  • exceptionally: arbennig well
  • hesitations: harrisiau
  • confident: hyderus
  • internal: mewnol
  • expectations: disgwyliadau
  • awkward: anghyfleus
  • puzzled: dryslyd
  • revealed: datguddiodd
  • fears: ofnau
  • amazing: wych
  • project: prosiect
  • praise: clod
  • confident: hyderus
  • unexpected: annisgwyl
  • identity: hunaniaeth
  • separate: ar wahân
  • ready: barod
  • classroom: ystafell ddosbarth
  • corridors: coridori
  • posters: posteri
  • heart: calon
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