
The Pint-Sipping Sheep of Betws-y-Coed

Feb 5, 2024 · 15m 49s
The Pint-Sipping Sheep of Betws-y-Coed

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 13s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Pint-Sipping Sheep of Betws-y-Coed Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar un diwrnod braf yn Betws-y-Coed, roedd yr...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Pint-Sipping Sheep of Betws-y-Coed
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar un diwrnod braf yn Betws-y-Coed, roedd yr awel yn chwarae cerddoriaeth trwy’r coed; a phawb yn mwynhau'r dydd o’u cwmpas.
En: On a lovely day in Betws-y-Coed, the wind played music through the trees, and everyone enjoyed the day around them.

Cy: Yn y pentref hwnnw, roedd tafarn fach o'r enw 'Y Ddafad Dall', man lle roedd pawb yn hoffi cyfarfod i fwynhau peint a sgwrs.
En: In that village, there was a small pub called 'The Blind Ewe', a place where everyone liked to meet to enjoy a pint and a chat.

Cy: Ymhlith y trigolion hynny oedd Rhys, Eleri a Iolo, tri chyfaill nad oedd byth yn colli cyfle i gael hwyl gyda'i gilydd.
En: Among those residents were Rhys, Eleri, and Iolo, three friends who never missed a chance to have fun together.

Cy: Fodd bynnag, roedd yr hyn a ddigwyddodd un prynhawn Gwener yn mynd i aros yn eu cofau am byth.
En: However, what happened one Friday afternoon would stay in their minds forever.

Cy: Wrth iddynt eistedd yn hwylus yn eu cornel arferol, daeth i mewn gweste niwedus iawn - dafad!
En: As they sat comfortably in their usual corner, a very unexpected guest came in - a sheep!

Cy: Sut y digwyddodd hyn, neb yn gwybod, ond roedd y ddafad yn cerdded yn syth i'r bar heb ofni dim! Edrychodd pawb ar ei gilydd mewn syndod llwyr.
En: How this happened, no one knew, but the sheep walked straight to the bar without any fear! They all looked at each other in complete surprise.

Cy: "Nawr, welwch chi rywbeth fel hyn bob dydd, Iolo?" gofynnodd Rhys gyda gwên lydan ar ei wyneb.
En: "Now, do you see something like this every day, Iolo?" Rhys asked with a broad smile on his face.

Cy: Nac ydw, i ddweud y gwir, roedd hyn yn newydd i bawb. Llamodd Eleri ei llaw dros ei cheg mewn syndod a doedd gan neb syniad beth i'w wneud.
En: No, to tell the truth, this was new to everyone. Eleri held her hand over her mouth in surprise, and no one had any idea what to do.

Cy: Penderfynodd Rhys roi cynnig ar ddatrys y sefyllfa. Aeth at y ddafad, a sibrwd, "Beth am beint, hen ffrind?" Gwenu wnaeth y ddafad, os gallai ddafad wenu, a chyrhaeddodd yr hogyn garedig beint o gwrw i'r dafad.
En: Rhys decided to try and resolve the situation. He went over to the sheep and whispered, "How about a pint, old friend?" The sheep smiled, if a sheep can smile, and the kind lad reached over and got a pint of beer for the sheep.

Cy: A welwch chi, mabwysiwyd y ddafad gan y dafarn, ac enwyd hi yn 'Dolly', y Ddafad Sy'n Hoff o Gwrw. Bob nos Wener, byddai'r dafad yn dod i'r dafarn i ymuno â'r cwsmeriaid.
En: You see, the sheep was welcomed by the pub, and she was named 'Dolly', the Sheep Who Loves Beer. Every Friday, the sheep would come to the pub to join the customers.

Cy: Rhys, Eleri ac Iolo a sefydlodd y traddodiad hwn a gwnaed Dolly yn seren yr ardal.
En: Rhys, Eleri, and Iolo established this tradition and made Dolly a star of the area.

Cy: Ond dyma lle mae'r problemau'n dechrau. Roedd perchnogion y defaid eraill yn poeni na fyddai eu hanifeiliaid hwythau am aros yn y cae pan glywent am hwyl Dolly yn y dafarn.
En: But this is where the problems start. The owners of the other sheep were worried that their animals wouldn't stay in the field when they heard about Dolly's pub fun.

Cy: Dechreuodd y pentrefwyr ddadlau am y sefyllfa anghyffredin hon.
En: The villagers began to argue about this unusual situation.

Cy: Penderfynodd pawb yn y pentref gael cyfarfod i drafod beth i'w wneud.
En: Everyone in the village decided to meet to discuss what to do.

Cy: Mae'r tri ffrind, Rhys, Eleri, ac Iolo, yn argyhoeddi pawb bod Dolly wedi dod â chymaint o hapusrwydd a ffrindiau newydd i'r pentref, a bod yn rhaid iddi aros.
En: The three friends, Rhys, Eleri, and Iolo, convinced everyone that Dolly had brought so much happiness and new friends to the village that she had to stay.

Cy: Ar ôl llawer o drafodaeth a rhai peintiau ychwanegol, cytunodd pawb y dylai Dolly barhau i ymweld â 'Y Ddafad Dall'.
En: After much discussion and a few extra pints, everyone agreed that Dolly should continue to visit 'The Blind Ewe'.

Cy: Ond, yn gyfnewid, byddai'n cael beint o "cwrw" arbennig - sef cwrw heb alcohol i ddefaid!
En: But, in return, she would have a special "beer" - a non-alcoholic beer for sheep!

Cy: Felly, mae Dolly yn dal yn sownd ym mhob nos Wener gyda'i ffrindiau yn yr hen dafarn anwes, ac mae'r pentref wedi datrys eu gwrthdaro gyda'r syniad creadigol hwn.
En: So, Dolly still hangs out every Friday with her friends at the old pub, and the village has resolved their conflict with this creative idea.

Cy: Ac felly, mae'r ddafad a'r pentrefwyr yn mwynhau llawenydd a chwmni ei gilydd o hyd, yn dathlu pa mor unigryw yw eu pentref bach Betws-y-Coed.
En: And so, the sheep and villagers continue to enjoy each other's company, celebrating how unique their little village of Betws-y-Coed is.

Vocabulary Words:
  • lovely: braf
  • wind: awel
  • music: cerddoriaeth
  • trees: coed
  • enjoy: mwynhau
  • village: pentref
  • pub: tafarn
  • meet: cyfarfod
  • pint: peint
  • chat: sgwrs
  • friends: cyfaill
  • never: byth
  • chance: cyfle
  • Friday: Gwener
  • afternoon: prynhawn
  • sit: eistedd
  • unexpected: niwedus
  • guest: gweste
  • sheep: dafad
  • bar: bar
  • fear: ofn
  • smile: gwên
  • kind: garedig
  • pub: dafarn
  • star: seren
  • area: ardal
  • problems: problemau
  • field: cae
  • owners: perchnogion
  • animals: anifeiliaid
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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