
The Non-Prophets 19.07 2020-04-18 with Denis Loubet, Phoenix, & Johnny

Apr 19, 2020 · 1h 30m 40s
The Non-Prophets 19.07 2020-04-18 with Denis Loubet, Phoenix, & Johnny

TNP 19.07 Hosts: Denis Loubet, Phoenix, Johnny P. Fillintheblank [News] Marco Rubio Says Coronavirus Stimulus Legislation Will Provide Government Grants to Churches Link => https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/marco-rubio-says-coronavirus-stimulus-legislation-will-provide-government-grants-to-churches/ [News] Group Behind Central Park...

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TNP 19.07
Hosts: Denis Loubet, Phoenix, Johnny P. Fillintheblank

[News] Marco Rubio Says Coronavirus Stimulus Legislation Will Provide Government Grants to Churches
Link => https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/marco-rubio-says-coronavirus-stimulus-legislation-will-provide-government-grants-to-churches/

[News] Group Behind Central Park Coronavirus Tent Hospital Asks Volunteers To Support Anti-Gay Agenda
Link => https://gothamist.com/news/samaritans-purse-franklin-graham-anti-gay-evangelical-central-park

[News] Sacramento health alert: One-third of county coronavirus cases are connected to churches
Link => https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/sacramento-health-alert-one-third-of-county-coronavirus-cases-are-connected-to-churches/ar-BB122QSD

[News] Member of defiant Central church dies from coronavirus illness, but pastor says it's a lie
Link => https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/coronavirus/article_e6cb0b16-8024-11ea-8565-ab701ea43306.html

[News] Hundreds swarm Florida beaches following reopening amid pandemic
Link => https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/493510-florida-beaches-swarm-with-people-following-reopening-amid-pandemic

[News] With isolation, abuse activists fear an ‘explosive cocktail’
Link => https://apnews.com/7b9b15a1215611f69f02f4388100266d

[News] Far-right and radical Islamist groups exploiting coronavirus turmoil to further propaganda
Link => https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/coronavirus-islamist-far-right-radical-propaganda-a9460581.html

[Resource] Logical fallacies
Link => https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/

[News] A Twitch Streamer Is Exposing Coronavirus Scams Live
Link => https://www.wired.com/story/kitboga-twitch-streams-coronavirus-scams/

[Email: T. Radecki, Secretary for the Atheist Community of The Netherlands]
"I came up with the following sentence, 'religion is about prophecies, science is about processes'... [also] could you spend some time on the show on the topic of metaphysics?"

[News] Despite warnings, churchgoers explain why they're still going to services
Link => https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/04/04/ohio-church-service-covid-19-pandemic-tuchman-pkg-ac360-vpx.cnn
"...bathed in the blood of Jesus!"
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Author Atheist Community of Austin
Organization Atheist Community of Austin
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