
The Market Mix-Up: Friendship in Fresh Finds

Nov 26, 2023 · 15m 53s
The Market Mix-Up: Friendship in Fresh Finds

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 54s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: The Market Mix-Up: Friendship in Fresh Finds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di sebuah pasar yang ramai dan...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: The Market Mix-Up: Friendship in Fresh Finds
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Story Transcript:

Id: Di sebuah pasar yang ramai dan penuh warna, Siti bergegas menuju ke stan sayuran.
En: In a bustling and colorful market, Siti hurried towards the vegetable stand.

Id: Ia ingin membeli sayuran segar untuk masakan malam itu.
En: She wanted to buy fresh vegetables for that evening's meal.

Id: Cahaya matahari pagi menembus atap pasar, membuat sayuran tampak lebih segar dan berkilau.
En: The morning sunlight pierced through the market's roof, making the vegetables look fresher and shinier.

Id: Orang-orang berdesak-desakan mencari barang yang mereka butuhkan.
En: People jostled each other as they searched for the items they needed.

Id: Siti yang terbiasa berbelanja di pasar, selalu punya taktik untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik.
En: Siti, who was used to shopping at the market, always had a tactic to get the best price.

Id: Matanya yang tajam memperhatikan setiap sayur yang terpajang, dan tangannya yang lincah memilih yang terbaik di antara tumpukan sayur.
En: Her sharp eyes scrutinized each displayed vegetable, and her nimble hands chose the best among the piles of vegetables.

Id: Tiba-tiba, ia melihat sesosok yang dikenalnya, Rudi, yang berdiri persis diantara tumpukan wortel dan bayam.
En: Suddenly, she saw someone she knew, Rudi, standing right between the stacks of carrots and spinach.

Id: Di kejauhan dan keramaian pasar, Siti keliru mengira Rudi adalah patung iklan buah dan sayuran – mungkin sebuah trik pemasaran yang baru.
En: In the distance and the bustling market, Siti mistakenly thought Rudi was a fruit and vegetable advertising statue – perhaps a new marketing trick.

Id: Dengan yakinnya, Siti mendekati Rudi dan mulai berbicara, “Pak, wortelnya segar, tapi harganya bisa kurang tidak?
En: Confidently, Siti approached Rudi and started talking, "Sir, the carrots are fresh, but can the price be lower?"

Id: " Ia menawar tanpa menunggu jawaban, “Kalau saya ambil banyak, kasih diskon ya.
En: She bargained without waiting for a reply, "If I take a lot, can you give me a discount?"

Id: ”Rudi yang sebenarnya sedang membaca daftar belanja di ponselnya, terkejut dan bingung dengan pertanyaan tiba-tiba Siti.
En: Rudi, who was actually reading his shopping list on his phone, was surprised and confused by Siti's sudden question.

Id: Dengan ekspresi yang tidak kalah terkejutnya, Rudi menjawab, “Maaf, Mbak, saya bukan penjual sayur di sini.
En: With an equally surprised expression, Rudi replied, "I'm sorry, Miss, I'm not a vegetable seller here.

Id: Saya juga mau belanja saja.
En: I'm just shopping too."

Id: ”Siti yang baru menyadari kesalahannya terkekeh kecil, pipinya merona karena tersipu malu.
En: Siti, who just realized her mistake, chuckled softly, her cheeks blushing with embarrassment.

Id: "Maaf, Pak Rudi, saya kira bapak yang jualan di sini.
En: "I'm sorry, Mr. Rudi, I thought you were the one selling here.

Id: Saya tidak memakai kacamata saya hari ini,” canda Siti sambil mencoba menutupi kesalahannya.
En: I'm not wearing my glasses today," Siti joked while trying to cover up her mistake.

Id: Rudi tertawa, memaafkan kekeliruan lucu Siti.
En: Rudi laughed, forgiving Siti's amusing misunderstanding.

Id: Mereka pun mengobrol ringan sambil melanjutkan aktivitas belanja masing-masing.
En: They chatted lightly while continuing their shopping activities.

Id: Sebelum berpisah, Rudi berkata, “Kalau butuh bantuan untuk memilih sayur, saya bisa bantu, Mbak Siti.
En: Before parting ways, Rudi said, "If you need help choosing vegetables, I can help, Miss Siti."

Id: ”“Terima kasih, Rudi.
En: "Thank you, Rudi.

Id: Tapi kali ini, saya akan lebih berhati-hati memilihnya,” jawab Siti dengan senyum ceria.
En: But this time, I will be more careful in choosing," Siti replied with a cheerful smile.

Id: Kejadian itu menjadi cerita lucu antara Siti dan Rudi setiap mereka berpapasan di pasar.
En: The incident became a funny story between Siti and Rudi whenever they met at the market.

Id: Dan Siti, kini selalu membawa kacamata setiap berbelanja, sementara Rudi kadang-kadang sengaja berdiri di antara sayuran hanya untuk mengingatkan Siti akan kesalahan yang pernah terjadi.
En: And now, Siti always brings her glasses every time she goes shopping, while Rudi sometimes intentionally stands among the vegetables just to remind Siti of the mistake that happened.

Id: Keduanya menjadi saksi bahwa pasar tidak hanya tempat transaksi jual beli tetapi juga tempat berkembangnya pertemanan dan cerita-cerita yang menghangatkan hati.
En: Both of them became witnesses that the market is not just a place for buying and selling transactions but also a place for the growth of friendships and heartwarming stories.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bustling: ramai
  • vegetable stand: stan sayuran
  • fresh: segar
  • meal: masakan
  • sunlight: cahaya matahari
  • pierced: menembus
  • roof: atap
  • shinier: berkilau
  • jostled: berdesak-desakan
  • searched: mencari
  • tactic: taktik
  • scrutinized: memperhatikan
  • displayed: terpajang
  • nimble: lincah
  • piles: tumpukan
  • stacks: tumpukan
  • mistakenly: keliru
  • advertising statue: patung iklan
  • marketing trick: trik pemasaran
  • confidently: dengan yakin
  • bargained: menawar
  • reply: jawaban
  • discount: diskon
  • surprised: terkejut
  • confused: bingung
  • embarrassment: rasa malu
  • wearing: memakai
  • joked: bercanda
  • forgiving: memaafkan
  • witnesses: saksi
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