
Surviving Winter: Courage and Hope in the Apocalypse

Aug 3, 2024 · 20m 37s
Surviving Winter: Courage and Hope in the Apocalypse

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

16m 40s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Surviving Winter: Courage and Hope in the Apocalypse Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di dunia yang hancur pasca-kiamat,...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Surviving Winter: Courage and Hope in the Apocalypse
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Story Transcript:

Id: Di dunia yang hancur pasca-kiamat, salju turun perlahan di atas reruntuhan sekolah tua.
En: In a world shattered by the apocalypse, snow gently fell upon the ruins of an old school.

Id: Langit gelap dan angin dingin menusuk tulang.
En: The sky was dark, and the cold wind pierced through to the bone.

Id: Bima berjalan di halaman sekolah yang sepi, matanya cermat memperhatikan setiap sudut.
En: Bima walked across the deserted schoolyard, his eyes carefully scanning every corner.

Id: Dia merasa bertanggung jawab atas keselamatan adiknya, Ayu.
En: He felt responsible for the safety of his younger sister, Ayu.

Id: Ayu yang selalu tampak ceria, mengikuti langkah Bima.
En: Ayu, who always seemed cheerful, followed in Bima's footsteps.

Id: Dia memegang tangan Bima erat-erat.
En: She held Bima's hand tightly.

Id: "Bima, kita akan aman di sini, kan?" tanya Ayu dengan suara lembut.
En: "Bima, we'll be safe here, right?" Ayu asked in a gentle voice.

Id: "Kita akan berusaha, Ayu. Dewi bilang kita bisa belajar banyak di sini," jawab Bima.
En: "We'll try our best, Ayu. Dewi said we could learn a lot here," Bima replied.

Id: Namun, di dalam hatinya, Bima masih meragukan keputusan ini.
En: However, deep down, Bima still doubted this decision.

Id: Di dalam gedung sekolah, Dewi berdiri di depan kelas.
En: Inside the school building, Dewi stood at the front of the classroom.

Id: Dia adalah guru yang tegas, tetapi bijaksana.
En: She was a strict but wise teacher.

Id: "Anak-anak, hari ini kita akan belajar cara bertahan hidup di musim dingin ini," kata Dewi dengan suara tegas.
En: "Children, today we will learn how to survive this winter," Dewi said firmly.

Id: Bima mendengarkan dengan tekun, mencoba menyimpan setiap kata-kata Dewi.
En: Bima listened intently, trying to absorb every word Dewi said.

Id: Ayu duduk di sampingnya, matanya terbuka lebar, penuh harapan.
En: Ayu sat beside him, her eyes wide open, full of hope.

Id: "Dalam situasi ini, kita harus hemat dengan makanan dan air.
En: "In this situation, we must conserve food and water.

Id: Dan kita harus memastikan tempat ini tetap aman," tambah Dewi.
En: And we must ensure this place remains safe," Dewi added.

Id: Kata-katanya menggema di ruangan yang sunyi.
En: Her words echoed in the silent room.

Id: Namun, keadaan berubah cepat.
En: But the situation quickly changed.

Id: Suara gemuruh terdengar dari luar.
En: A rumbling sound came from outside.

Id: Pintu-pintu bergetar, debu berjatuhan dari langit-langit.
En: The doors trembled, and dust fell from the ceiling.

Id: Sejumlah besar orang tak dikenal mendekati sekolah.
En: A large group of unknown people was approaching the school.

Id: Bima merasakan ketakutan merayapi dirinya.
En: Bima felt a creeping fear inside him.

Id: Tapi ia tahu ini adalah saatnya untuk bertindak.
En: But he knew it was time to take action.

Id: "Ayu, tetap dekat denganku. Jangan lepas dari pandanganku," kata Bima sambil mengencangkan genggaman tangan adiknya.
En: "Ayu, stay close to me. Don't leave my sight," Bima said, tightening his grip on his sister's hand.

Id: Dewi segera menyusun rencana pertahanan.
En: Dewi immediately devised a defense plan.

Id: Bima, meskipun ada keraguan dalam hatinya, menyodorkan diri untuk membantu.
En: Bima, despite his doubts, offered to help.

Id: "Aku bisa menjaga bagian belakang sekolah, Bu Dewi," katanya.
En: "I can guard the back of the school, Ms. Dewi," he said.

Id: Dewi menatap Bima dalam-dalam dan mengangguk.
En: Dewi looked deeply into Bima's eyes and nodded.

Id: "Baik, Bima. Jaga dirimu dan pastikan tidak ada yang masuk dari belakang."
En: "All right, Bima. Take care of yourself and make sure no one gets in from the back."

Id: Di tengah kekacauan, Bima merasakan kepercayaan diri tumbuh dalam dirinya.
En: Amidst the chaos, Bima felt a growing confidence within him.

Id: Dia membawa Ayu ke tempat aman dan kembali ke titik penjagaan bersama teman-temannya.
En: He took Ayu to a safe place and returned to the guard post with his friends.

Id: Suara langkah kaki musuh semakin mendekat.
En: The sound of the enemy's footsteps grew closer.

Id: Mereka harus segera bertindak.
En: They had to act quickly.

Id: Bima mengatur posisi mereka, memastikan semua siap.
En: Bima organized their positions, ensuring everyone was ready.

Id: Ketika musuh mencoba masuk, Bima dan teman-temannya melawan dengan segala keberanian yang ada.
En: When the enemy tried to enter, Bima and his friends fought back with all the courage they had.

Id: Setelah pertempuran yang berat, mereka berhasil mencegah musuh memasuki sekolah.
En: After a tough battle, they managed to prevent the enemies from infiltrating the school.

Id: Suasana tenang kembali.
En: Calm returned.

Id: Dewi mendekati Bima dan menepuk pundaknya.
En: Dewi approached Bima and patted his shoulder.

Id: "Kamu sudah melakukan pekerjaan yang baik, Bima. Terima kasih."
En: "You did a great job, Bima. Thank you."

Id: Bima tersenyum lelah tetapi penuh keyakinan.
En: Bima smiled wearily but confidently.

Id: "Terima kasih, Bu Dewi."
En: "Thank you, Ms. Dewi."

Id: Ayu berlari menghampiri Bima dan memeluknya erat.
En: Ayu ran up to Bima and hugged him tightly.

Id: "Kamu pahlawanku, Kak."
En: "You're my hero, Brother."

Id: Seketika itu, Bima merasakan beban tanggung jawab di pundaknya sedikit lebih ringan.
En: At that moment, Bima felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders lighten a bit.

Id: Dia tahu bahwa dia telah melindungi orang-orang yang dia sayangi.
En: He knew he had protected the people he loved.

Id: Dan hari itu, Bima mulai percaya pada dirinya sendiri sebagai pemimpin dan pelindung.
En: And that day, Bima began to believe in himself as a leader and protector.

Id: Sekolah tetap menjadi tempat yang aman.
En: The school remained a safe haven.

Id: Bima, Ayu, dan Dewi serta yang lainnya terus belajar dan bertahan.
En: Bima, Ayu, Dewi, and the others continued to learn and survive.

Id: Salju masih turun deras di luar, tetapi di dalam sekolah, semangat mereka untuk bertahan hidup tetap menyala terang.
En: The snow still fell heavily outside, but within the school, their spirit to survive burned brightly.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shattered: hancur
  • apocalypse: kiamat
  • deserted: sepi
  • pierced: menusuk
  • corners: sudut
  • cheerful: ceria
  • firmly: dengan tegas
  • wise: bijaksana
  • conserve: hemat
  • approaching: mendekati
  • creeping: merayapi
  • tightening: mengencangkan
  • devised: menyusun
  • offered: menyodorkan
  • trembled: bergetar
  • grip: genggaman
  • devise: menyusun
  • ensure: memastikan
  • infiltrating: memasuki
  • weary: lelah
  • confidence: keyakinan
  • confidence: kepercayaan diri
  • havens: tempat yang aman
  • survive: bertahan hidup
  • echoed: menggema
  • hero: pahlawan
  • leader: pemimpin
  • destroyed: hancur
  • responsibility: tanggung jawab
  • footsteps: langkah kaki
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