
Summer Serenade: A Love Story in Rhythm and Melody

Aug 2, 2024 · 16m 57s
Summer Serenade: A Love Story in Rhythm and Melody

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 16s


Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Summer Serenade: A Love Story in Rhythm and Melody Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Et: Kuumad päikesekiired mänglesid üle...

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Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Summer Serenade: A Love Story in Rhythm and Melody
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Story Transcript:

Et: Kuumad päikesekiired mänglesid üle laulupeo väljaku.
En: The hot rays of the sun played over the festival grounds.

Et: Inimesed olid rõõmsalt riietatud traditsioonilistesse rõivastesse.
En: People were joyfully dressed in traditional attire.

Et: Õhus heljus muusika ja suveheinade lõhn.
En: The air was filled with music and the scent of summer grass.

Et: Eveli liikus läbi rahvamassi, naeratus näol.
En: Eveli moved through the crowd, a smile on her face.

Et: Ta armastas folkmuusikat ja oli juba pikalt oodanud järgmist esinemist.
En: She loved folk music and had been eagerly waiting for the next performance.

Et: Kert, kes oli andekas tarkvaraarendaja, seisis rahva hulgas.
En: Kert, a talented software developer, stood among the crowd.

Et: Ta tundis end vahel kaotsi kalorite koodiridade vahel, kuid tema süda tuksub ikka muusika rütmis.
En: He often felt lost in the lines of code, but his heart still beat to the rhythm of music.

Et: Ta mängis akordioni, kuid harva leidis aega.
En: He played the accordion but rarely found the time.

Et: Eveli ja Kert kohtusid esimest korda ühel kontserdil.
En: Eveli and Kert met for the first time at a concert.

Et: Eveli rääkis kirglikult oma muusikagrupist ja kutsus Kerti kuulama.
En: Eveli passionately talked about her music group and invited Kert to listen.

Et: Kert tundis koheselt ühendust.
En: Kert immediately felt a connection.

Et: Nad hakkasid vestlema ja avastasid, et neil on palju ühist.
En: They started talking and discovered they had a lot in common.

Et: "Kas sa mängid akordioni?"
En: "Do you play the accordion?"

Et: küsis Eveli suurte silmadega Kertile otsa vaadates.
En: Eveli asked, looking at Kert with wide eyes.

Et: "Jah, ma mängin, aga ma ei leia aega," vastas Kert veidi kurvalt.
En: "Yes, I do, but I don't find the time," Kert replied somewhat sadly.

Et: Eveli otsustas teda julgustada.
En: Eveli decided to encourage him.

Et: "Sa peaksid meie grupiga liituma!"
En: "You should join our group!"

Et: Kert naeratas laialt.
En: Kert smiled broadly.

Et: See oli kutse, mida ta ootas.
En: It was the invitation he had been waiting for.

Et: Kuid tema töö oli väga nõudlik.
En: But his job was very demanding.

Et: Tal oli raske leida tasakaalu.
En: Finding a balance was tough.

Et: Järgmistel nädalatel püüdsid Eveli ja Kert leida hetki, et üksteist näha.
En: In the following weeks, Eveli and Kert tried to find moments to see each other.

Et: Nad käisid koos kohvikus, vahetasid muusikaideid ja unistasid ühistest esinemistest.
En: They went to cafes together, exchanged musical ideas, and dreamed of performing together.

Et: Kuid ajapuudus näitas hambaid.
En: But time constraints were biting.

Et: Suve keskpaiku, suurele festivalile eelõhtul, oli Eveli otsustanud.
En: Mid-summer, on the eve of a major festival, Eveli made up her mind.

Et: "Kert, sa pead mängima meiega.
En: "Kert, you have to play with us.

Et: Näita oma talenti."
En: Show your talent."

Et: Kert mõtles ja lõpuks nõustus.
En: Kert thought and finally agreed.

Et: "Ma teen seda," ütles ta kindlalt.
En: "I'll do it," he said firmly.

Et: Festivali päev oli saabunud.
En: The day of the festival arrived.

Et: Inimesed kogunesid suurele lavale.
En: People gathered at the big stage.

Et: Eveli ja Kert astusid esile, naeratused näol.
En: Eveli and Kert stepped forward, smiles on their faces.

Et: Nad alustasid oma duetti ja kohe olid inimesed nende andest võlutud.
En: They started their duet, and immediately, people were captivated by their talent.

Et: Nende esitus oli täis rõõmu ja kirge.
En: Their performance was full of joy and passion.

Et: Publiku aplaus oli meeletu.
En: The audience's applause was overwhelming.

Et: Eveli ja Kert vaatasid üksteisele otsa, teades, et see hetk oli eriline.
En: Eveli and Kert looked at each other, knowing this moment was special.

Et: Nad mõistsid, et koos võivad nad saavutada midagi suurt.
En: They realized they could achieve something great together.

Et: Pärast esinemist istusid nad muru peale ja rääkisid pikka aega.
En: After the performance, they sat on the grass and talked for a long time.

Et: "Ma tahan leida rohkem aega muusikale," ütles Kert.
En: "I want to find more time for music," said Kert.

Et: "Ja ma tahan võtta rohkem riske," vastas Eveli, "ka isiklikus elus."
En: "And I want to take more risks," replied Eveli, "even in my personal life."

Et: Nad otsustasid, et ei lase töökoormusel neid takistada.
En: They decided not to let their work burdens hold them back.

Et: Nad tahtsid olla koos ja jagada oma muusikalist teekonda.
En: They wanted to be together and share their musical journey.

Et: Eveli ning Kert hakkasid korraldama sagedasemaid kohtumisi ja proove.
En: Eveli and Kert began organizing more frequent meetings and rehearsals.

Et: Nad leidsid viisi, kuidas ühendada oma kirg ja elu.
En: They found a way to combine their passion with life.

Et: Suvi lõppes, aga nende lugu jätkus.
En: The summer ended, but their story continued.

Et: Eveli ja Kert teadsid, et koos saaksid nad mitte ainult muusikat luua, vaid ka elu täiel rinnal nautida.
En: Eveli and Kert knew that together they could not only create music but also enjoy life to the fullest.

Et: See oli nende uus algus ja ühiselt leidsid nad tee, kuidas oma südamekutsed ellu viia.
En: It was their new beginning, and together they found a way to fulfill their heart’s desires.

Vocabulary Words:
  • rays: päikesekiired
  • festival: laulupeo
  • traditional: traditsioonilistesse
  • attire: rõivastesse
  • crowd: rahvamassi
  • performance: esinemist
  • software developer: tarkvaraarendaja
  • lines of code: koodiridade
  • rhythm: rütmis
  • accordion: akordioni
  • passionately: kirglikult
  • connection: ühendus
  • balance: tasakaalu
  • demanding: nõudlik
  • constraints: ajapuudus
  • eve: eelõhtul
  • firmly: kindlalt
  • overwhelming: meeletu
  • special: eriline
  • create: luua
  • risks: riske
  • personal: isiklikus
  • constraints: ajapuudus
  • encourage: julgustada
  • talent: andest
  • elurate: teekonda
  • frequent: sagedasemaid
  • organizing: korraldama
  • fulfill: ellu viia
  • journey: teekonda
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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