
Strawberries, Art, and the Power of Friendship in Caerphilly

Jun 29, 2024 · 17m 10s
Strawberries, Art, and the Power of Friendship in Caerphilly

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 18s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Strawberries, Art, and the Power of Friendship in Caerphilly Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Cael Haf bywiog oedd....

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Strawberries, Art, and the Power of Friendship in Caerphilly
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Cael Haf bywiog oedd.
En: It was a lively summer.

Cy: Caerffili Marchnad yn llawn bywyd.
En: Caerphilly Market was brimming with life.

Cy: Stondinau'n gweiddi gyda lliwiau a synau.
En: Stalls shouting with colors and sounds.

Cy: Rai stondin gyda ffrwythau.
En: Some stalls with fruits.

Cy: Rai stondin gyda chrefftau.
En: Some stalls with crafts.

Cy: Roedd pobl yn cerdded, sgwrsio, a phrynu.
En: People walking, chatting, and buying.

Cy: Yn un stondin ffrwythau, roedd mefus coch iawn.
En: At one fruit stall, there were very red strawberries.

Cy: Rhys, artist lleol, a Megan, newyddiadurwraig newydd i'r dref, yn safio wrth stondin.
En: Rhys, a local artist, and Megan, a new journalist in town, stood by the stall.

Cy: Rhys yn edrych ar y mefus.
En: Rhys was looking at the strawberries.

Cy: Megan hefyd.
En: Megan was too.

Cy: Roeddent ill dau yn caru mefus.
En: They both loved strawberries.

Cy: "Mae'r mefus yma'n edrych yn flasus iawn," dywedodd Rhys gyda gwên fach.
En: "These strawberries look very tasty," said Rhys with a small smile.

Cy: "Ydyn, wir!" atebodd Megan, "Ydw i newydd symud yma. Dw i'n chwilio am straeon lleol diddorol."
En: "Yes, indeed!" replied Megan, "I have just moved here. I'm looking for interesting local stories."

Cy: "Ti'n newydd yma? Beth wyt ti'n meddwl o Gaerffili hyd yn hyn?"
En: "You're new here? What do you think of Caerphilly so far?"

Cy: "Mae'n lle hyfryd, ond dwi'n teimlo ychydig yn unig," cyfaddefodd Megan.
En: "It's a lovely place, but I feel a bit lonely," Megan admitted.

Cy: "Dwi'n artist," meddai Rhys yn swil, "Dwi eisiau cael fy ngwaith yn cael ei adnabod. Ond... mae'n anodd."
En: "I'm an artist," Rhys said shyly, "I want my work to be recognized. But... it's difficult."

Cy: Megan yn edrych â diddordeb. "Beth am i mi weld dy waith? Falle gallaf ysgrifennu amdani."
En: Megan looked interested. "How about I see your work? Maybe I could write about it."

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn petruso, ond teimlodd rhyw deimlad cyfforddus gyda Megan. "Wel, mae gen i arddangosfa fach nos yfory, os hoffet ti ddod…"
En: Rhys hesitated but felt a comfortable feeling with Megan. "Well, I have a small exhibition tomorrow night, if you would like to come..."

Cy: "Fyddwn i'n caru dod," atebodd Megan gyda charedigrwydd.
En: "I would love to come," replied Megan kindly.

Cy: Noson yr arddangosfa.
En: Exhibition night.

Cy: Rhys yn bryderus.
En: Rhys was nervous.

Cy: Megan yn dod i mewn, yn syth i'r galon y lle.
En: Megan walked in, straight to the heart of the place.

Cy: Golau cynnes yn ystafell, paentiadau Rhys yn sgleinio ar waliau.
En: Warm light in the room, Rhys's paintings shining on the walls.

Cy: "Wow..." oedd ymateb cyntaf Megan. Roedd hi'n wirioneddol syfrdanol.
En: "Wow..." was Megan's first response. She was truly stunned.

Cy: Rhys yn gwenu, ond teimlai'n ansicr. "Beth wyt ti'n meddwl?"
En: Rhys smiled but felt uncertain. "What do you think?"

Cy: "Mae'n anhygoel. Dwi'n credu y gallai pobl hoffi dy waith yn arw," meddai Megan yn dawel, yn cofio ei hanes chwerw ac yn poeni rhag ymddiried eto.
En: "It's incredible. I think people would really like your work," Megan said quietly, remembering her bitter history and worrying about trusting again.

Cy: Am sero amser, Megan yn pendroni am ysgrifennu'r erthygl. Roedd hi eisiau ei wneud, ond oedd ofn ei dorri ei hennill newydd. Fodd bynnag, roedd ei chalon yn dweud wrthi i'w wneud.
En: For a moment, Megan pondered writing the article. She wanted to do it but was afraid of ruining her new friendship. However, her heart told her to go ahead.

Cy: Yn fuan ar ôl hynny, erthygl Megan ymddangos yn y papur lleol.
En: Soon after, Megan's article appeared in the local paper.

Cy: Ddathlodd Rhys â phobl yn gwenu. Ei hyder yn tyfu, ei waith yn cael mwy o sylw.
En: Rhys celebrated with people smiling. His confidence grew, and his work received more attention.

Cy: Gorffwys Megan yn hapus, gan wybod ei bod wedi gwneud y peth iawn. Defnyddiodd eu cyfeillgarwch i agor ffenestr newydd plwcus.
En: Megan rested happily, knowing she had done the right thing. She used their friendship to open a brave new window.

Cy: Yn olaf, Rhys a Megan yn sylwi bod eu cefnogaeth wedi troi i rywbeth mwy dwfn.
En: In the end, Rhys and Megan realized that their support had turned into something deeper.

Cy: Rhys yn ennill hyder, Megan yn agor ei chalon.
En: Rhys gained confidence, Megan opened her heart.

Cy: Cardi yn cartref iddynt ill dau.
En: Caerphilly became a home for both of them.

Cy: Cadarnhaodd yr hyder a'r gysylltiad newydd eu dyfodol yn llawn o obaith.
En: Their newfound confidence and connection confirmed a hopeful future.

Cy: Roedd diwrnod yn dechrau gyda mefus wedi troi i'r cyfeillgarwch a chefnogaeth neilltuol.
En: A day that began with strawberries turned into a unique friendship and support.

Vocabulary Words:
  • lively: bywiog
  • brimming: llawn
  • stall: stondin
  • crafts: crefftau
  • journalist: newyddiadurwraig
  • shyly: yn swil
  • exhibition: arddangosfa
  • nervous: bryderus
  • shining: sgleinio
  • truly: wirioneddol
  • stunned: syfrdanol
  • incredible: anhygoel
  • quietly: yn dawel
  • bitter: chwerw
  • pondered: pendroni
  • celebrated: ddathlodd
  • attention: sylw
  • rested: gorffwys
  • brave: plwcus
  • support: cefnogaeth
  • newfound: newydd
  • connection: gysylltiad
  • strawberries: mefus
  • recognized: adnabod
  • comfortable: cyfforddus
  • remarkable: neilltuol
  • respond: ateb
  • article: erthygl
  • confirmed: cadarnhaodd
  • ill: anhwylder
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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