
Statues that Speak: A Split Surprise!

Mar 27, 2024 · 14m 18s
Statues that Speak: A Split Surprise!

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 34s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Statues that Speak: A Split Surprise! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, Luka i Ana su...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Statues that Speak: A Split Surprise!
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, Luka i Ana su odlučili posjetiti Dioklecijanovu palaču u Splitu.
En: On a sunny morning, Luka and Ana decided to visit Diocletian's Palace in Split.

Hr: Taj stari rimski spomenik bio je prepun turista i glazbe koja se širila labirintom kamenih uličica.
En: This ancient Roman monument was packed with tourists and music echoing through the labyrinth of stone streets.

Hr: Ana je držala mapu grada i nestrpljivo tražila najbolji put do samog središta palače.
En: Ana held the city map and impatiently searched for the best route to the center of the palace.

Hr: "Gledaj Luka, kaže da ovdje ima skrivenih prolaza i drevnih tajni!
En: "Look, Luka, it says there are hidden passages and ancient secrets here!"

Hr: " uzbuđeno je govorila, mašući mapom.
En: she exclaimed excitedly, waving the map.

Hr: Luka ju je pratio, više zainteresiran za ulične svirače i zabavljače koji su upotpunjavali iskustvo.
En: Luka followed her, more interested in the street musicians and entertainers who were adding to the experience.

Hr: Hodajući, Luka je primijetio figuru koja je savršeno nepomična, obučena u zlatnu odjeću rimskog cara.
En: As they walked, Luka noticed a figure perfectly still, dressed in the golden attire of a Roman emperor.

Hr: "Ana, pogledaj, prava živa statua!
En: "Ana, look, a real living statue!"

Hr: " viknuo je i otrčao prema njoj.
En: he shouted and ran towards it.

Hr: Ana je smijuljila se i slijedila Luku.
En: Ana chuckled and followed Luka.

Hr: Stao je ispred statue i polako rekao: "Zdravo, gospodine car.
En: He stood in front of the statue and slowly said, "Hello, Mr. Emperor.

Hr: Kako je biti kip?
En: What's it like being a statue?"

Hr: "Figura nije mrdnula.
En: The figure didn't budge.

Hr: Ana je počela smijati dok je Luka ponavljao pitanje, sve glasnije.
En: Ana began to giggle as Luka repeated the question, getting louder each time.

Hr: "Možda je gluha," rekao je Luka i okrenuo se prema Ani tražeći suglasnost.
En: "Maybe it's deaf," Luka said, turning to Ana for agreement.

Hr: Ana se sad nije mogla prestati smijati.
En: By now, Ana couldn't contain her laughter.

Hr: "Pa, ne bih rekao da je gluha," smijala se Ana.
En: "Well, I wouldn't say it's deaf," Ana laughed.

Hr: "Rekla bih da je vrlo strpljiva.
En: "I'd say it's very patient."

Hr: ""Bok Luka," najednom se začuo smireni muški glas.
En: "Hi Luka," suddenly came a calm male voice.

Hr: Luka je skočio unatrag od iznenađenja, a Ana je zacvrkutala od smijeha.
En: Luka jumped back in surprise, while Ana burst into laughter.

Hr: Ulični svirač se odjednom pokrenuo, poklanjajući im širok osmijeh.
En: The street performer suddenly moved, offering them a broad smile.

Hr: "Oprosti što sam te prestrašio," reče ulični umjetnik s osmijehom.
En: "Sorry for startling you," the street artist said with a smile.

Hr: Luka je osjećao kako mu se lice crveni od srama ali se uspio nasmijati.
En: Luka felt his face flush with embarrassment, but managed to laugh.

Hr: "Ne baš svaki dan razgovaraš s carem u zlatu," rekao je, uvjeravajući sebe da to nije velika stvar.
En: "You don't talk to a golden emperor every day," he said, reassuring himself that it wasn't a big deal.

Hr: Ana je još uvijek bila vesela i dobro raspoložena.
En: Ana was still cheerful and in good spirits.

Hr: "Vidiš Luka, ovdje u Splitu čak i kipovi pričaju s tobom," šalila se, dajući ruku umjetniku u znak zahvalnosti za nezaboravnu uspomenu.
En: "See, Luka, here in Split, even the statues talk to you," she joked, shaking the artist's hand in gratitude for the unforgettable memory.

Hr: Svirač je s veseljem uzeo manji novčić koji mu je Luka dao kao izvinjenje.
En: The performer gladly accepted the small coin Luka gave as an apology.

Hr: "Nema veze, Luka.
En: "No worries, Luka.

Hr: Svima se sviđa malo magije u svojoj posjeti Dioklecijanovoj palači," rekao je svirač.
En: Everyone enjoys a little bit of magic during their visit to Diocletian's Palace," the musician said.

Hr: Luka i Ana su nastavili svoju avanturu po starim kamnim ulicama, još uvijek se smijuljeći zbog Lukina nesporazuma.
En: Luka and Ana continued their adventure through the old stone streets, still chuckling at Luka's misunderstanding.

Hr: Ana je kasnije rekla Luki da je to bio najzabavniji dio njihova posjeta palači.
En: Ana later told Luka that it was the most enjoyable part of their visit to the palace.

Hr: Priča o Luki koji je pokušao pričati sa zlatnom statuom postala je njihova omiljena priča koju su pričali prijateljima.
En: The story of Luka trying to talk to the golden statue became their favorite tale to share with friends.

Hr: I dok su hodali dalje kroz stari grad Split, shvatili su da se priče i smijeh uvijek nalaze tamo gdje ih najmanje očekuješ.
En: And as they walked farther through the old city of Split, they realized that stories and laughter can always be found in the least expected places.

Vocabulary Words:
  • adventure: avantura
  • attire: odjeća
  • budge: mrdnuti
  • contain: sadržati
  • flush: crveniti se
  • impatiently: nestrpljivo
  • labyrinth: labirint
  • misunderstanding: nesporazum
  • reassuring: umirujući
  • unexpected: neočekivan
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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