
Statue Speaks! Surprise in Ljubljana Square

Mar 7, 2024 · 14m 59s
Statue Speaks! Surprise in Ljubljana Square

01 · Main Story

1m 38s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 1s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Statue Speaks! Surprise in Ljubljana Square Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekega toplega spomladanskega dne so Luka, Neža...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Statue Speaks! Surprise in Ljubljana Square
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekega toplega spomladanskega dne so Luka, Neža in Anja sklenili preživeti dan v živahnem centru Ljubljane.
En: One warm spring day, Luka, Neža, and Anja decided to spend the day in the lively center of Ljubljana.

Sl: Odločili so se, da se bodo sprehodili do znamenitega Prešernovega trga, kjer sta se prepletala zvok mestnega vrveža in šumenje dreves.
En: They chose to take a stroll to the famous Prešeren Square, where the sounds of the city buzz and the rustling of trees intertwined.

Sl: Med tem ko so se prijatelji sprehajali, je Neža opazila skupino ljudi, ki so se smejali in kazali proti nečemu.
En: As the friends walked, Neža noticed a group of people laughing and pointing at something.

Sl: Radovednost ji ni dala miru in povlekla je svoja prijatelja skozi množico, da bi videla, kaj vse vzbuja toliko zabave.
En: Her curiosity got the better of her, and she pulled her friends through the crowd to see what was causing so much amusement.

Sl: Na sredini trga, kot kip, je stal ulični umetnik.
En: In the middle of the square, like a statue, stood a street artist.

Sl: Bil je premazan z zlato barvo in se ni premaknil niti za milimeter.
En: He was painted in gold and didn’t move an inch.

Sl: Neverjetno je obvladal svojo vlogo kipa.
En: He incredibly embodied the role of a statue.

Sl: Neža ni mogla verjeti svojim očem. "Poglejte to!" je vzkliknila in hitro stopila do umetnika, verjameč, da gre za običajen kip.
En: Neža couldn’t believe her eyes. "Look at this!" she exclaimed and quickly approached the artist, believing him to be an ordinary statue.

Sl: Anja in Luka sta se smejala Nežini naivnosti, a ju je bilo vseeno zanimivo opazovati, kaj bo storila.
En: Anja and Luka laughed at Neža's naivety, but were still interested to see what she would do.

Sl: Neža je stopila tik pred "kip" in ga ogovorila: "Dober dan, gospod Kip. Kako to, da ste tako mirni?" Vendar kip ni odgovoril.
En: Neža stepped right in front of the "statue" and addressed it: "Good day, Mr. Statue. How come you're so still?" But the statue didn’t respond.

Sl: Vsi, ki so bili v bližini, so se začeli smejati, in še več ljudi je prišlo pogledat, kako se uboga Neža pogovarja z "kipom".
En: Everyone nearby started laughing, and more people came to see the poor Neža talking to the "statue".

Sl: Luka in Anja sta se pridružila množici in se krohotala med seboj.
En: Luka and Anja joined the crowd, chuckling to themselves.

Sl: Vendar pa je ledeni kip nenadoma pomežiknil in se rahlo nasmehnil.
En: However, the frozen statue suddenly winked and gave a slight smile.

Sl: Neža je skočila nazaj od presenečenja, medtem ko je množica spustila glasen val smeha.
En: Neža jumped back in surprise, while the crowd erupted with laughter.

Sl: Ulični umetnik je prekinil svojo nepremičnost in iztegnil roko, da bi pomiril presenečeno Nežo.
En: The street artist broke his stillness and reached out his hand to reassure the astonished Neža.

Sl: Luka in Anja sta se hitro pridružila svoji prijateljici, jo potolažila in vsi skupaj so ploskali umetniku za njegov izjemen nastop.
En: Luka and Anja quickly joined their friend, comforted her, and together they applauded the artist for his remarkable performance.

Sl: Neža se je nasmejala, kljub temu da je bila sprva malo sram, in dala umetniku nekaj kovancev v znak opravičila in hvaležnosti.
En: Despite feeling a little embarrassed at first, Neža laughed and gave the artist some coins as a gesture of apology and gratitude.

Sl: Učna ura tistega dne je bila jasna: videz je lahko zavajajoč, a smeh je univerzalni jezik, ki združuje vse ljudi.
En: The lesson of the day was clear: appearances can be deceiving, but laughter is a universal language that brings people together.

Sl: Trojica prijateljev je ostala na trgu še nekaj časa, uživala v sončnem popoldnevu in drugih uličnih predstavah, ki so krasile slikovito ozadje Ljubljane.
En: The trio of friends stayed at the square for some more time, enjoying the sunny afternoon and other street performances that adorned the picturesque backdrop of Ljubljana.

Sl: Zadovoljni in polni novih zgodb za pripovedovanje so se Luka, Neža in Anja ob koncu dneva odpravili domov, prepričani, da je bil to eden tistih nepozabnih dni, ki jih bodo v spominu nosili še dolgo, dolgo časa.
En: Satisfied and filled with new stories to tell, Luka, Neža, and Anja headed home at the end of the day, convinced that it was one of those unforgettable days they would remember for a long, long time.

Vocabulary Words:
  • warm: toplega
  • decided: sklenili
  • lively: živahnem
  • center: centru
  • stroll: sprehodili
  • famous: znamenitega
  • sounds: zvok
  • city: mestnega
  • buzz: vrveža
  • rustling: šumenje
  • interwined: prepletala
  • noticed: opazila
  • curiosity: radovednost
  • better: dala
  • artist: umetnik
  • painted: premazan
  • embodied: obvladal
  • exclaimed: vzkliknila
  • naivety: naivnosti
  • chuckling: krohotala
  • astonished: presenečeno
  • gesture: znak
  • deceiving: zavajajoč
  • universal: univerzalni
  • brings: združuje
  • enjoying: uživala
  • picturesque: slikovito
  • filled: polni
  • unforgettable: nepozabnih
  • remember: spominu
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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