
Startup Showdown: Balance of Risks and Innovation Unveiled

Jun 25, 2024 · 20m 36s
Startup Showdown: Balance of Risks and Innovation Unveiled

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

16m 43s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Startup Showdown: Balance of Risks and Innovation Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di sudut gedung Startup Incubator...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Startup Showdown: Balance of Risks and Innovation Unveiled
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Story Transcript:

Id: Di sudut gedung Startup Incubator yang selalu sibuk, Rina dan Arif berdiri di depan sebuah papan tulis penuh dengan sketsa dan catatan.
En: In the corner of the always-busy Startup Incubator building, Rina and Arif stood in front of a whiteboard filled with sketches and notes.

Id: Rina, seorang pemudi ambisius dengan mata yang berbinar penuh harapan, berbicara riuh tentang teknologi terbaru yang ingin mereka beli.
En: Rina, an ambitious young woman with eyes sparkling with hope, excitedly talked about the latest technology they wanted to buy.

Id: "Arif, kita butuh perangkat ini untuk presentasi kita.
En: "Arif, we need this device for our presentation.

Id: Ini bisa mengesankan investor!
En: It could impress the investors!"

Id: " katanya dengan semangat.
En: she said enthusiastically.

Id: Namun, Arif, rekan bisnisnya yang hati-hati, menghela napas.
En: However, Arif, her cautious business partner, sighed.

Id: "Rina, anggaran kita terbatas.
En: "Rina, our budget is limited.

Id: Kita harus mencari solusi yang lebih murah," ujarnya.
En: We need to find a cheaper solution," he replied.

Id: Musim kemarau di belahan bumi selatan membuat udara di dalam gedung terasa kering.
En: The dry season in the southern hemisphere made the air inside the building feel dry.

Id: Rina merasa gugup.
En: Rina felt nervous.

Id: Kompetisi di tempat ini sangat ketat.
En: The competition here was very tight.

Id: Startup lain juga mengincar perangkat yang sama.
En: Other startups were also eyeing the same device.

Id: Rina tahu, ini bisa menjadi penentu nasib mereka.
En: Rina knew this could determine their fate.

Id: "Kita bisa coba negosiasi dengan vendor," usul Rina.
En: "We could try negotiating with the vendor," Rina suggested.

Id: Arif berpikir sejenak.
En: Arif thought for a moment.

Id: "Baiklah, tapi kita harus tahu batas kita.
En: "Alright, but we need to know our limits.

Id: Kita tidak bisa menghamburkan uang," katanya perlahan.
En: We can't waste money," he said slowly.

Id: Mereka berjalan menuju stan vendor teknologi.
En: They walked towards the tech vendor's booth.

Id: Ruangan besar itu penuh dengan tawa dan obrolan dari berbagai kelompok startup.
En: The large room was filled with laughter and chatter from various startup groups.

Id: Di salah satu pojok, ada Tim Rival, yang tampak sama bersemangatnya dalam memilih perangkat.
En: In one corner, there was Rival Team, who seemed equally enthusiastic about choosing devices.

Id: Rina dan Arif mendekati vendor.
En: Rina and Arif approached the vendor.

Id: "Kami ingin beli beberapa perangkat, tapi anggaran kami terbatas.
En: "We want to buy some devices, but our budget is limited.

Id: Apa mungkin ada diskon?
En: Is there any chance of a discount?"

Id: " tanya Rina dengan nada tegas tapi sopan.
En: Rina asked in a firm but polite tone.

Id: Vendor tersenyum.
En: The vendor smiled.

Id: "Kami bisa memberikan potongan harga untuk pembelian dalam jumlah besar," katanya.
En: "We can offer a discount for bulk purchases," he said.

Id: Arif mengernyit.
En: Arif frowned.

Id: "Kita tidak punya cukup dana untuk beli banyak.
En: "We don't have enough funds to buy in bulk.

Id: Kita ambil beberapa item saja, Rina.
En: Let's just get a few items, Rina."

Id: "Rina merasa frustrasi.
En: Rina felt frustrated.

Id: "Kalau kita beli sedikit, kita tidak akan terlihat seimpresif itu," bisiknya pada Arif.
En: "If we buy only a few, we won't look that impressive," she whispered to Arif.

Id: Pembicaraan semakin memanas.
En: The discussion heated up.

Id: "Kita tidak bisa mengambil risiko besar, Rina.
En: "We can't take a big risk, Rina.

Id: Startup kita bisa bangkrut kalau kita boros," kata Arif dengan suara serius.
En: Our startup could go bankrupt if we splurge," Arif said seriously.

Id: Sementara itu, Tim Rival sudah mulai menawar perangkat yang sama.
En: Meanwhile, Rival Team had started negotiating for the same device.

Id: Mereka tampak yakin dan agresif dalam bernegosiasi.
En: They seemed confident and aggressive in their negotiation.

Id: Rina dan Arif berpandangan.
En: Rina and Arif exchanged glances.

Id: “Bagaimana kalau kita kompromi?
En: "How about we compromise?"

Id: ” kata Arif.
En: Arif said.

Id: “Kita beli beberapa perangkat penting dan sisanya kita simpan untuk kebutuhan mendesak lainnya.
En: "We'll buy a few essential devices and save the rest of the budget for other urgent needs."

Id: ”Rina mengangguk pelan, menyadari Arif benar.
En: Rina slowly nodded, realizing Arif was right.

Id: "Baiklah, kita beli beberapa item saja.
En: "Okay, let's just buy a few items."

Id: "Dengan keputusan itu, mereka berjabat tangan dengan vendor dan menyelesaikan transaksi.
En: With that decision, they shook hands with the vendor and completed the transaction.

Id: Tim Rival tampak puas dengan belanjaan mereka, tapi Rina dan Arif tahu keputusan mereka lebih strategis.
En: Rival Team seemed satisfied with their purchases, but Rina and Arif knew their decision was more strategic.

Id: Di akhir hari, Rina belajar nilai dari kehati-hatian dan pengambilan risiko yang strategis.
En: At the end of the day, Rina learned the value of caution and strategic risk-taking.

Id: Arif pun mengerti bahwa terkadang risiko perlu diambil untuk menonjolkan diri.
En: Arif also understood that sometimes risks need to be taken to stand out.

Id: Dengan beberapa perangkat baru di tangan dan anggaran yang masih aman, mereka melangkah keluar Startup Incubator dengan lebih optimis dan siap menghadapi tantangan berikutnya.
En: With a few new devices in hand and a still-safe budget, they walked out of the Startup Incubator more optimistic and ready to face the next challenge.

Id: Sementara, Tim Rival mungkin mendapatkan lebih banyak perangkat, tetapi hanya waktu yang akan menentukan apakah keputusan mereka bijaksana atau malah menjadi boomerang finansial.
En: Meanwhile, Rival Team might have gotten more devices, but only time would tell if their decision was wise or would turn out to be a financial boomerang.

Id: Rina dan Arif kini tahu bahwa keseimbangan antara berani mengambil risiko dan bijaksana dalam pengelolaan uang adalah kunci kesuksesan mereka.
En: Rina and Arif now knew that the balance between taking risks and being prudent in managing money was the key to their success.

Id: Dan begitulah, mereka melanjutkan perjalanan startup mereka, lebih bijaksana dan semakin siap menghadapi masa depan.
En: And so, they continued their startup journey, wiser and more prepared for the future.

Vocabulary Words:
  • ambitious: ambisius
  • sparking: berbinar
  • nervous: gugup
  • negotiating: negosiasi
  • vendor: vendor
  • booth: stan
  • chatter: obrolan
  • impress: mengesankan
  • discount: diskon
  • solution: solusi
  • competition: kompetisi
  • essential: penting
  • urgent: mendesak
  • hectic: sibuk
  • laughter: tawa
  • frowned: mengernyit
  • frustrated: frustrasi
  • heated: memanas
  • aggressive: agresif
  • compromise: kompromi
  • transaction: transaksi
  • strategic: strategis
  • optimistic: optimis
  • prudent: bijaksana
  • wise: bijaksana
  • boomerang: boomerang
  • decision: keputusan
  • taken: diambil
  • journey: perjalanan
  • prepared: siap
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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