
Spills & Thrills: A Coffee Shop Love Brew

Nov 18, 2023 · 16m 53s
Spills & Thrills: A Coffee Shop Love Brew

01 · Main Story

1m 39s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 8s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Spills & Thrills: A Coffee Shop Love Brew Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Ketika matahari mulai tenggelam dan...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Spills & Thrills: A Coffee Shop Love Brew
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Story Transcript:

Id: Ketika matahari mulai tenggelam dan langit di kota kecil itu berubah menjadi warna jingga, di sebuah warung kopi sederhana di pojokan pasar, cerita kecil akan segera terungkap.
En: As the sun began to set and the sky in the small town turned orange, a little story was about to unfold at a simple coffee shop in the corner of the market.

Id: Budi, seorang pemuda yang dikenal ceria dan selalu ingin terlihat keren, memutuskan untuk menghabiskan sore harinya di Warung Kopi Pak Harjo. Tempat itu selalu ramai dengan para pelanggan yang ingin menikmati aroma kopi yang khas.
En: Budi, a young man known for his cheerful demeanor and always wanting to look cool, decided to spend his evening at Pak Harjo's Coffee Shop. The place was always bustling with patrons wanting to enjoy the distinct aroma of coffee.

Id: Tapi sore ini, bukan hanya kopi yang membuat Budi datang. Dia ingin bertemu Siti, gadis yang bekerja di warung itu yang selalu berhasil membuat hati Budi berdebar-debar.
En: But this evening, it wasn't just the coffee that brought Budi there. He wanted to meet Siti, the girl who worked at the shop and always managed to make Budi's heart race.

Id: Sementara itu, Siti yang manis dengan senyumnya yang lebar sedang sibuk melayani pelanggan. Ada juga Joko, sahabat Budi yang duduk di sudut, mengamati sambil menyeruput kopi pahit kesukaannya.
En: Meanwhile, the sweet Siti with her wide smile was busy attending to the customers. There was also Joko, Budi's friend, sitting in the corner, observing while sipping his favorite bitter coffee.

Id: Ketika Siti mendekati meja Budi untuk mengambil pesanan, Budi pun mencoba memperlihatkan sisi terbaiknya. "Satu kopi tubruk panas, dan... mungkin hati kamu juga?" candanya dengan senyum penuh percaya diri.
En: When Siti approached Budi's table to take his order, Budi tried to show his best side. "One hot brewed coffee, and... maybe your heart too?" he joked with a confident smile.

Id: Siti hanya tersenyum tipis dan kembali ke dapur untuk menyiapkan pesanan. Budi, yang ingin terus membuat kesan, berdiri dan mulai berbicara tentang petualangan terakhirnya.
En: Siti only gave a thin smile and returned to the kitchen to prepare the order. Wanting to continue making an impression, Budi stood up and began to talk about his latest adventure.

Id: Sambil tangan Budi yang kurang hati-hati mengayunkan bandul gelas, kaos kaki kopi panas tumpah dan mengenai pahanya.
En: As Budi's hand carelessly swung the glass handle, the hot coffee spilled and hit his thigh.

Id: Ada jeritan, "Aduh!" yang pecah di udara. Semua mata tertuju pada Budi yang sekarang menari-nari kesakitan.
En: There was a cry of "Ouch!" that pierced the air. All eyes turned to Budi, who was now dancing in pain.

Id: Siti cepat-cepat berlari membawa kain untuk membantu membersihkan, sementara Budi terus menahan rasa sakit.
En: Siti quickly ran to get a cloth to help clean up, while Budi continued to endure the pain.

Id: Joko yang melihat kejadian itu tidak tahu harus menangis atau tertawa. "Wah, Budi, cara kamu untuk impres itu benar-benar panas, ya!" canda Joko mencoba meringankan suasana.
En: Joko, witnessing the incident, didn't know whether to cry or laugh. "Wow, Budi, your way of impressing is truly hot, isn't it!" Joko joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Id: Setelah rasa sakit mulai mereda, dan keadaan kembali tenang, Budi tersenyum malu.
En: After the pain began to subside, and the situation calmed down, Budi smiled shyly.

Id: Siti memberikan secangkir kopi baru kepada Budi, kali ini dengan perhatian ekstra agar tidak tumpah lagi. "Jaga kopi kamu ya, Budi. Jangan sampai kopi itu lebih bersemangat daripada kamu," kata Siti dengan lembut.
En: Siti handed a new cup of coffee to Budi, this time with extra care to prevent it from spilling again. "Take care of your coffee, Budi. Don't let the coffee be more enthusiastic than you," Siti said gently.

Id: Budi menatap Siti, dan di situ, antara aroma kopi dan kehangatan senja, Budi menyadari mungkin dia tak perlu terlalu mencoba untuk impres.
En: Budi looked at Siti, and there, between the aroma of coffee and the warmth of the evening, Budi realized that maybe he didn't need to try too hard to impress.

Id: Siti tampak memberikan perhatiannya kepada Budi, bukan karena aksinya yang heboh, tapi karena ketulusan hati Budi setelah insiden itu.
En: Siti seemed to pay attention to Budi, not because of his extravagant actions, but because of Budi's sincerity after the incident.

Id: Pada akhirnya, Budi, Siti, dan Joko tertawa bersama, menikmati hangatnya kopi dan persahabatan mereka.
En: In the end, Budi, Siti, and Joko laughed together, enjoying the warmth of the coffee and their friendship.

Id: Dan Budi, dengan lap kopi di pangkuannya, telah belajar suatu pelajaran penting: impresi yang paling berkesan sering kali terbentuk dari kejujuran dan kesederhanaan sikap, bukan dari tumpahan kopi yang panas.
En: And Budi, with a coffee rag on his lap, had learned an important lesson: the most lasting impressions are often formed from honesty and simplicity of character, not from a spill of hot coffee.

Vocabulary Words:
  • unfold: terungkap
  • cheerful: ceria
  • demeanor: sikap
  • bustling: ramai
  • distinct: khas
  • aroma: aroma
  • patrons: pelanggan
  • managing to: berhasil
  • race: berdebar-debar
  • sweet: manis
  • wide: lebar
  • observing: mengamati
  • sipping: menyeruput
  • joked: bercanda
  • confident: percaya diri
  • smile: senyum
  • carelessly: kurang hati-hati
  • spilled: tumpah
  • thigh: paha
  • pierced: pecah
  • dancing: menari-nari
  • quickly: cepat-cepat
  • cloth: kain
  • endure: menahan
  • witnessing: menyaksikan
  • impressing: mengesankan
  • lighten: meringankan
  • gently: dengan lembut
  • sincerity: ketulusan
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