
Spilling Coffee, Sparking Connection

May 9, 2024 · 11m 53s
Spilling Coffee, Sparking Connection

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

9m 51s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spilling Coffee, Sparking Connection Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekje v srcu Ljubljane, na Prešernovem trgu, se je...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spilling Coffee, Sparking Connection
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekje v srcu Ljubljane, na Prešernovem trgu, se je zbralo veliko ljudi.
En: Somewhere in the heart of Ljubljana, at Prešeren Square, a large crowd had gathered.

Sl: Vsak je želel slišati glasbo in se zabavati na velikem koncertu na prostem.
En: Everyone wanted to hear the music and enjoy the big outdoor concert.

Sl: Ana, dekle z veselim nasmehom in rdečimi lasmi, se je prerivala skozi množico z velikim papirnatim kozarcem kave v roki.
En: Ana, a girl with a cheerful smile and red hair, maneuvered through the crowd with a large disposable coffee cup in her hand.

Sl: Pestro dogajanje in melodije violine so napolnile zrak.
En: The lively atmosphere and melodies of the violin filled the air.

Sl: Ana je občudovala mestni utrip, ko je nenadoma začutila trk.
En: Ana admired the city's pulse when she suddenly felt a collision.

Sl: Njena roka se je stresla in kava se je razlila čez Miho, visokega fanta, ki je stal pred njo.
En: Her hand shook and coffee spilled over Miha, a tall guy standing in front of her.

Sl: Miha se je obrnil z začudenim izrazom na obrazu.
En: Miha turned around with a surprised expression on his face.

Sl: "Oprosti!
En: "Sorry!

Sl: Tega nisem hotela," se je zardela Ana.
En: I didn't mean to do that," blushed Ana.

Sl: Miha, sprva presenečen, je iz svojega plašča obrisal rjavo tekočino.
En: Miha, initially surprised, wiped the brown liquid off his coat.

Sl: "Ni problema, zgodi se," je rekel z nasmeškom.
En: "No problem, it happens," he said with a smile.

Sl: Ana in Miha sta nadaljevala pogovor, ko se je zaslišal zvok lomljene plastike.
En: Ana and Miha continued their conversation when the sound of broken plastic was heard.

Sl: Ana je pomotoma stopila na nečija očala, ki so ležala na tleh.
En: Ana had accidentally stepped on someone's glasses lying on the ground.

Sl: "Oh, ne!
En: "Oh no!

Sl: Kdo jih je lahko izgubil?
En: Who could have lost them?"

Sl: " je zaskrbljeno rekla Ana.
En: Ana said worriedly.

Sl: Toda Miha jo je pomiril: "Pomagajva skupaj poiskati lastnika!
En: But Miha reassured her: "Let's help find the owner together!"

Sl: " Sklenila sta, da bosta prevzela odgovornost za nepričakovane dogodke.
En: They agreed to take responsibility for the unexpected events.

Sl: Obiskovalci koncerta so začeli opažati njuno iskanje in jim pomagali.
En: Concert-goers began to notice their search and helped them.

Sl: Kmalu so našli lastnika, ki je bil hvaležen za njuno dejanje.
En: They soon found the owner, who was grateful for their actions.

Sl: Ana in Miha sta se smejala, saj sta v vsej nesreči našla prijateljstvo.
En: Ana and Miha laughed, having found friendship amidst the mishaps.

Sl: Koncert se je končal s čudovitimi ognjemeti, ki so osvetlili nebo nad Prešernovim trgom.
En: The concert ended with beautiful fireworks lighting up the sky above Prešeren Square.

Sl: Med zvezdami sta Ana in Miha obljubila, da se bosta spet videla.
En: Amidst the stars, Ana and Miha promised to meet again.

Sl: Nesrečni dogodek s kavo je postal zgolj zabavna zgodba, ki ju je združila.
En: The coffee mishap turned into nothing but a funny story that brought them together.

Sl: V Ljubljani, mestu, kjer se zgodbe začenjajo nepričakovano, sta Ana in Miha našla srečo v majhnih trenutkih in nerodnih naključjih.
En: In Ljubljana, a city where stories unfold unexpectedly, Ana and Miha found happiness in small moments and awkward coincidences.

Sl: In tako je končal še en popoln dan na Prešernovem trgu, s koncertom, ki bo ostal v spominu ne samo zaradi glasbe, ampak tudi zaradi novih prijateljstev.
En: Thus ended another perfect day at Prešeren Square, with a concert that would be remembered not just for the music, but also for the new friendships.

Vocabulary Words:
  • crowd: množica
  • cheerful: veselega
  • maneuvered: prebijala
  • melodies: melodije
  • collision: trk
  • reassured: pomiril
  • responsibility: odgovornost
  • concert-goers: obiskovalci koncerta
  • mishaps: nesreči
  • fireworks: ognjemeti
  • unfold: začnejo
  • awkward: nerodnih
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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