Spilled Coffee Sparks City Friendship

Dec 24, 2023 · 14m 27s
Spilled Coffee Sparks City Friendship

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 50s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spilled Coffee Sparks City Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/spilled-coffee-sparks-city-friendship/ Story Transcript: Sl: Naj se dan začne z nesrečo, ki vodi...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spilled Coffee Sparks City Friendship
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Naj se dan začne z nesrečo, ki vodi k prijateljstvu.
En: May the day begin with an accident that leads to friendship.

Sl: Ana je tekla na avtobus, ki je stal na postaji Tivoli v središču Ljubljane.
En: Ana was running for the bus that was standing at the Tivoli station in the center of Ljubljana.

Sl: Danes je zamujala v službo in bila je zelo zaskrbljena.
En: Today, she was running late for work and was very worried.

Sl: Sonce je prijazno pokukalo izza bližnje stavbe in pozdravilo Ano z jutranjim žarkom, ko pa je stopila na avtobus, je naenkrat postalo vse prehitro in prenatrpano.
En: The sun kindly peeked from behind a nearby building and greeted Ana with its morning rays as she stepped onto the bus, but suddenly everything became too fast and overcrowded.

Sl: Avtobus je bil poln ljudi.
En: The bus was full of people.

Sl: Ana je stala blizu voznika, ker v avtobusu ni bilo več prostih sedežev.
En: Ana stood near the driver because there were no more empty seats on the bus.

Sl: Držala je svojo kavo in se trudila ostati mirna.
En: She held her coffee and tried to stay calm.

Sl: Na naslednji postaji pa se je zgodilo nekaj nepričakovanega.
En: But then something unexpected happened at the next stop.

Sl: Avtobus je močno zavrl in Ana je izgubila ravnotežje.
En: The bus braked hard, and Ana lost her balance.

Sl: Njen kozarec kave se je prevrnil in vroča kava se je razlila po hlačah mladega moškega, ki je stal zraven nje.
En: Her cup of coffee spilled, and the hot coffee spread over the pants of a young man standing next to her.

Sl: "Oh, oprostite!
En: "Oh, I'm sorry!"

Sl: " je hitro rekla Ana, ko je videla, kaj je storila.
En: Ana quickly said when she saw what she had done.

Sl: Mladi moški, Miha, je bil presenečen, a ni jezno odreagiral.
En: The young man, Miha, was surprised but didn't react angrily.

Sl: "Nič hudega," je rekel z nasmehom.
En: "No problem," he said with a smile.

Sl: "To se lahko zgodi vsakomur.
En: "It can happen to anyone."

Sl: "Ana je bila olajšana in hvaležna za Mihovo razumevanje.
En: Ana was relieved and grateful for Miha's understanding.

Sl: Medtem ko je avtobus drvel proti središču mesta, sta začela pogovor.
En: As the bus sped towards the city center, they started a conversation.

Sl: Ana je delala v knjigarni in Miha je bil študent arhitekture.
En: Ana worked in a bookstore, and Miha was an architecture student.

Sl: "Jaz grem ven iz avtobusa na Čopovi ulici," je dejala Ana.
En: "I'm getting off the bus at Čopova Street," Ana said.

Sl: "Če želite, vam kupim novo kavo.
En: "If you'd like, I can buy you a new coffee."

Sl: "To je bilo najmanj, kar je lahko naredila.
En: It was the least she could do.

Sl: Miha se je nasmehnil in sprejel njeno ponudbo.
En: Miha smiled and accepted her offer.

Sl: "Z veseljem.
En: "With pleasure.

Sl: Hvala.
En: Thank you."

Sl: "Ko sta izstopila z avtobusa, sta šla skupaj v najbližjo kavarno.
En: When they got off the bus, they went to the nearest café together.

Sl: Sedela sta ob oknu s pogledom na Ljubljanico.
En: They sat by the window overlooking the Ljubljanica River.

Sl: Pogovor med njima je tekel gladko, medtem ko sta uživala v jutranjih kavicah.
En: The conversation flowed smoothly between them as they enjoyed their morning coffees.

Sl: Medtem ko sta opazovala ljudi, ki so hiteli mimo, se je Ana zazrla v Mihove oči in dejala, "Včasih je nesreča v resnici sreča v preobleki.
En: As they watched people rushing by, Ana gazed into Miha's eyes and said, "Sometimes an accident is really luck in disguise."

Sl: "Miha se je nasmehnil in se strinjal.
En: Miha smiled and agreed.

Sl: Nesrečno srečanje z razlito kavo je odprlo vrata novemu prijateljstvu.
En: The unfortunate encounter with the spilled coffee had opened the door to a new friendship.

Sl: In tako sta Ana in Miha vsak jutranji avtobus vozila skupaj.
En: And so, Ana and Miha rode the bus together every morning.

Sl: In čeprav se je začelo z razlito kavo, je vse privedlo do nepričakovanih prijateljstev in dnevnih avantur po mestu Ljubljana.
En: And although it began with spilled coffee, it all led to unexpected friendships and daily adventures in the city of Ljubljana.

Vocabulary Words:
  • May: Naj
  • day: dan
  • begin: začne
  • accident: nesreča
  • leads to: vodi k
  • friendship: prijateljstvu
  • running: tekla
  • bus: avtobus
  • standing: stal
  • center: središče
  • worried: zaskrbljena
  • sun: sonce
  • peeked: pokukalo
  • building: stavbe
  • stepped: stopila
  • onto: na
  • fast: prehitro
  • overcrowded: prenatrpano
  • full: poln
  • people: ljudi
  • driver: voznika
  • empty: prostih
  • seats: sedežev
  • held: držala
  • coffee: kavo
  • calm: mirna
  • unexpected: nepričakovanega
  • next: naslednji
  • stop: postaji
  • hard: močno
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Author FluentFiction.org
Organization Kameron Kilchrist
Website www.fluentfiction.org

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