
Spice & Laughter: A Culinary Misadventure

May 3, 2024 · 14m 27s
Spice & Laughter: A Culinary Misadventure

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 57s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spice & Laughter: A Culinary Misadventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Sonce je radostno vzpenjalo svoje žarke nad...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spice & Laughter: A Culinary Misadventure
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Sonce je radostno vzpenjalo svoje žarke nad koprene megle, ki so se poigravale med zidovi ljubljanskega gradu.
En: The sun joyfully raised its rays above the veils of mist, which played among the walls of Ljubljana Castle.

Sl: Na vrhu tega mogočnega griča sta stala Ana in Luka, oba študenta, ki sta po dolgem semestru učenja končno našla čas za sprostitev.
En: At the top of this mighty hill stood Ana and Luka, both students who, after a long semester of studying, finally found time to relax.

Sl: Ana, s svojimi rdečimi lasmi, ki so se iskrili kot plamen in očmi jasnimi kot nebo, je vedno radi sanjarila o romantičnem obroku s prečudovitim razgledom na mesto.
En: Ana, with her red hair sparking like flames and eyes as clear as the sky, always loved to daydream about a romantic meal with a stunning view of the city.

Sl: Luka, šaljivec s smislom za humor in ljubeznijo do dobre hrane, pa je komaj čakal, da se še on sam prepusti kulinarikam, ki jih ponuja grajska restavracija.
En: Luka, a joker with a sense of humor and a love for good food, couldn't wait to indulge in the culinary delights offered by the castle restaurant.

Sl: Oba so se usedla k mizi ob velikem oknu, od koder se je razprostiral pogled na staro mestno jedro Ljubljane.
En: They both sat at a table by a large window, overlooking the old town center of Ljubljana.

Sl: Meniji so bili pisani in polni eksotično slišečih jedi.
En: The menus were colorful and full of exotic-sounding dishes.

Sl: Ana je z radovednostjo prebirala imena jedi na meniju, ko je njeno pozornost pritegnila posebno pikantna specialiteta.
En: Ana curiously read the names of the dishes on the menu, when a particularly spicy specialty caught her attention.

Sl: "Poskusiti moram tole," je navdušeno izjavila in pokazala na ime jedi, za katero pa ni vedela, da je začinjena do skrajnosti.
En: "I must try this," she exclaimed enthusiastically, pointing to the name of the dish, unaware of its extreme spiciness.

Sl: Luka jo je zvedavo opazoval in vprašal: "Ali si prepričana?
En: Luka watched her curiously and asked, "Are you sure?

Sl: Sliši se zelo začinjeno.
En: It sounds very spicy."

Sl: "Ana je samo skomignila z rameni in viharno odvrnila: "Kje pa, saj vendar nisem otrok.
En: Ana just shrugged and defiantly replied, "Oh come on, I'm not a child.

Sl: Radovedna sem, kako to okusijo pravi gurmani.
En: I'm curious how real food enthusiasts taste this."

Sl: " In tako je natakarju naročila z največjim zaupanjem.
En: And so she confidently ordered it from the waiter.

Sl: Ko je hrana prispela, je bil vonj tako mamljiv, da je Ana brez obotavljanja zarezala in en velik kos dala v usta.
En: When the food arrived, the aroma was so tempting that Ana cut into it without hesitation and took a big bite.

Sl: A komaj je začutila okus, ji je obraz začel goreti kot lučka, oči so ji zasolzele in začela je kašljati.
En: But as soon as she tasted it, her face began to burn, her eyes watered, and she started coughing.

Sl: Luka je na začetku skrbelo za Ano, a ko je videl, da mora samo pogasiti plamen začimb, ga je prešinilo in ni mogel zadržati smeha.
En: At first, Luka was concerned for Ana, but when he realized she just needed to put out the spice fire, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Sl: Medtem ko je Luka zadrževal svoj smeh, je Ana kot blisk skočila in stekla po iskanju vode.
En: As Luka tried to contain his laughter, Ana swiftly jumped up and ran to find water.

Sl: Ovirali so jo gostje, mize in stoli, a ni je moglo nič ustaviti.
En: Guests, tables, and chairs obstructed her path, but nothing could stop her.

Sl: Zgodba o rdečelasi, ki je dirjala kot gazela skozi restavracijo, pa je počasi slišala po celotnem gradu.
En: The story of the red-haired girl who raced through the restaurant like a gazelle slowly spread throughout the entire castle.

Sl: Končno je našla vodo in z velikimi požirki je pogasila ogenj v svojih ustih.
En: Finally, she found water and quickly extinguished the fire in her mouth with big gulps.

Sl: Luka je medtem prispel do nje, se opravičil za svoj nezadržen smeh in ji prinesel še en kozarec hladne vode rekoč da: "Kaj pa praviš, morda raje ostanemo pri sladicah?
En: Luka then reached her, apologized for his unstoppable laughter, and brought her another glass of cold water, suggesting, "So, what do you say, maybe we stick to desserts instead?"

Sl: "Ana, še vedno z rahlim rdečilom na licu, se je nasmejala in se strinjala.
En: Still with a slight blush on her face, Ana smiled and agreed.

Sl: Skupaj sta se zavala v belih oblačkih sladkorja in smeha ter dan zaključila s sladkim priokusom, ki je bil nežen kot poljubček pomladnega zraka.
En: Together, they indulged in sugary delights and laughter, ending the day with a sweet taste as gentle as a kiss of spring air.

Sl: Na koncu sta razgled z gradu spremenila v spomin, ki je z nežno pikantnostjo ostal v njunih srcih.
En: In the end, the view from the castle transformed into a memory that remained in their hearts with a gentle spiciness.

Vocabulary Words:
  • veils: koprene
  • mighty: mogočnega
  • sparkling: iskrili
  • culinary: kulinarikam
  • curiously: zvedavo
  • indulge: prepusti
  • exotic-sounding: eksotično slišečih
  • enthusiastically: navdušeno
  • spiciness: začinjena
  • tempting: mamljiv
  • swiftly: kot blisk
  • gazelle: gazela
  • extinguished: pogasila
  • blush: rdečilom
  • sugary: sladkorja
  • gentle: nežen
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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