Slippery Romance: A Splash in Ljubljana

Jan 14, 2024 · 15m 32s
Slippery Romance: A Splash in Ljubljana

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 29s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Slippery Romance: A Splash in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekoč na sončen dan v središču Ljubljane,...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Slippery Romance: A Splash in Ljubljana
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekoč na sončen dan v središču Ljubljane, se je Marko sprehajal po mestnem trgu.
En: Once on a sunny day in the center of Ljubljana, Marko was walking through the city square.

Sl: Nasmeh se mu je raztezal od ušesa do ušesa, saj je bil na poti na zmenek.
En: A smile stretched from ear to ear as he was on his way to a date.

Sl: V zraku je bilo čutiti pričakovanje.
En: There was a sense of anticipation in the air.

Sl: Marko je bil zmenjen z Majo, dekletom, ki mu je že dolgo časa ogrevalo srce.
En: Marko had a date with Maja, a girl who had been warming his heart for a long time.

Sl: Maja je prišla do trga zgodaj, da bi našla popoln kotiček, kjer bi lahko sedela in opazovala ljudi.
En: Maja arrived at the square early to find the perfect spot to sit and watch people.

Sl: Medtem ko je čakala, je Anja, njena najboljša prijateljica, pristopila k njej z ogromnim sladoledom v roki.
En: While she waited, Anja, her best friend, approached her with a huge ice cream in hand.

Sl: Pogovarjali so se in se smejali, povsem brez skrbi.
En: They talked and laughed, completely carefree.

Sl: Vendar pa se je nepričakovano zgodila smešna nesreča.
En: However, an unexpected and funny accident occurred.

Sl: Med hojo je Marko zagledal Majo in od veselja mu je srce poskočilo.
En: While walking, Marko spotted Maja and his heart leaped with joy.

Sl: Ni opazil bananinega olupka na tleh in se po njem zdrsel.
En: Not noticing a banana peel on the ground, he slipped on it.

Sl: Izgubil je ravnotežje in se z velikim škropljenjem znašel v fontani.
En: Losing his balance, he ended up in the fountain with a big splash.

Sl: Okoliški mimoidoči so se spogledovali in se začeli smejati tej nerodni situaciji.
En: Onlookers exchanged glances and began laughing at the awkward situation.

Sl: Maja in Anja sta se ozirali okrog in slišali smeh.
En: Maja and Anja looked around and heard the laughter.

Sl: Ko sta ugotovili, kaj se je zgodilo, sta se različno odzvali.
En: When they realized what had happened, their reactions were different.

Sl: Anja ni mogla zadržati smeha, medtem ko je Maja, ki je vedela, kako je Marko natančen glede svojega videza, postala zaskrbljena.
En: Anja couldn't hold back her laughter, while Maja, knowing how particular Marko was about his appearance, became concerned.

Sl: Kljub temu pa je Maja hitro skočila k fontani, da bi pomagala Marku.
En: Nevertheless, Maja quickly jumped to the fountain to help Marko.

Sl: Ponudila mu je roko in ga potegnila iz vode.
En: She offered him her hand and pulled him out of the water.

Sl: "Ali si v redu?
En: "Are you okay?"

Sl: " ga je vprašala, ko sta se njuni oči srečali.
En: she asked as their eyes met.

Sl: Marko je za trenutek obnemel, potem pa se je nasmehnil.
En: Marko was speechless for a moment, then he smiled.

Sl: "Nimam ničesar, razen mokrih hlač," je rekel z nasmeškom.
En: "I have nothing but wet pants," he said with a smile.

Sl: Anja je priskakljala do njiju in ponudila svoj robec.
En: Anja hurried over to them and offered her handkerchief.

Sl: Občutki sramu in nelagodja so začeli izginjati, ko se je Marko zavedel, da je Maja skrbela zanj.
En: Feelings of shame and discomfort began to dissipate as Marko realized that Maja had been looking out for him.

Sl: Namesto da bi zmenek padel v vodo, dobesedno, je ta moker incident ustvaril spomin, o katerem bi govorili še leta.
En: Instead of the date going down the drain, quite literally, this wet incident created a memory they would talk about for years.

Sl: Marko in Maja sta sedela na robu fontane in se smejala, ko je sonce počasi začelo zahajati nad Ljubljano.
En: Marko and Maja sat on the edge of the fountain and laughed as the sun slowly began to set over Ljubljana.

Sl: "Boš zdaj vedno skakal v fontane, da me nasmejiš?
En: "Are you going to start jumping into fountains to make me smile now?"

Sl: " je vprašala Maja z igrivim nasmeškom.
En: Maja asked playfully.

Sl: Marko je odvrnil: "Samo zate, kadarkoli.
En: Marko replied, "Just for you, anytime."

Sl: "In tako se je v srcu Ljubljane rodila zgodba o Marku, bananinem olupku in mokrih hlačah, ki je dokazovala, da kdaj tudi majhne nerodnosti prinesejo velike radosti.
En: And so, in the heart of Ljubljana, a story was born about Mark, a banana peel, and wet pants, proving that sometimes even small mishaps bring great joy.

Sl: Vsakič, ko sta šla mimo te fontane, sta se spomnila tistega dne, ko se je njuna zgodba šele začela.
En: Every time they passed by that fountain, they remembered the day when their story had just begun.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Once: Nekoč
  • Sunny: sončen
  • Center: središče
  • Walking: sprehajal
  • City square: mestni trg
  • A smile: Nasmeh
  • Anticipation: pričakovanje
  • Date: zmenek
  • Warming: ogrevalo
  • Arrived: prišla
  • Perfect spot: popoln kotiček
  • Watch: opazovati
  • Talked: pogovarjali
  • Completely carefree: povsem brez skrbi
  • Unexpected: nepričakovano
  • Funny accident: smešna nesreča
  • Noticing: opazil
  • Banana peel: bananin olupek
  • Slipped: zdrsel
  • Losing balance: izgubljanje ravnotežja
  • Fountain: fontana
  • Onlookers: mimoidoči
  • Exchanged glances: spogledovanje
  • Laughing: smeh
  • Awkward situation: nerodna situacija
  • Reactions: odzivi
  • Hold back: zadržati
  • Concerned: zaskrbljena
  • Jumped: skočila
  • Pulled: potegnila
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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