
Slip Up to Love: Ivan's Unplanned Romance

Jan 6, 2024 · 15m 40s
Slip Up to Love: Ivan's Unplanned Romance

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 14s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Slip Up to Love: Ivan's Unplanned Romance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: U malenom gradiću, na trgu punom...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Slip Up to Love: Ivan's Unplanned Romance
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Story Transcript:

Hr: U malenom gradiću, na trgu punom šarenila i života, postojala je mala trgovina.
En: In a small town, in a square full of vibrancy and life, there was a small store known for its fresh fruits and vegetables laid out on long wooden tables in front of the shop.

Hr: Tu su, kao i svakog dana, šetali Ivan, Ana i Marija.
En: There, as on any other day, walked Ivan, Ana, and Marija.

Hr: Ivan je bio mladić jakih ruku i nespretnih nogu.
En: Ivan was a young man with strong arms and clumsy legs.

Hr: Volio je Anu od trenutka kada ju je prvi put ugledao kako bira najslađe jabuke.
En: He had loved Ana from the moment he first saw her picking the sweetest apples.

Hr: Ana, djevojka s osmijehom koji bi mogao raspaliti vatru i očima poput bistrog proljetnog neba, nije ni slutila koliko Ivan za njom uzdiše.
En: Ana, a girl with a smile that could ignite a fire and eyes like a clear spring sky, had no idea how much Ivan longed for her.

Hr: A Marija, najstarija od njih, uvijek bi sve to promatrala s blagim osmijehom, znajući mnogo, a govoreći malo.
En: And Marija, the eldest of them, would always observe it all with a gentle smile, knowing much but saying little.

Hr: Bila je to subota, tržnica je bila puna naroda, a zrak mirisao na svježi kruh i zrelo voće.
En: It was a Saturday, the market was bustling with people, and the air was filled with the scent of fresh bread and ripe fruit.

Hr: Ivan se odlučio. "Danas ću joj pokazati koliko mogu biti šarmantan," pomislio je.
En: Ivan made up his mind. "Today, I will show her how charming I can be," he thought.

Hr: U trenutku kad je Ana birala naranče, Ivan se prislonio na stol sa voćem, namještajući svoj osmijeh kao neki veliki glumac prije izlaska na pozornicu.
En: As Ana was choosing oranges, Ivan leaned against the fruit stall, adjusting his smile like a great actor before stepping onto the stage.

Hr: Ali, Ivanova nogu nije primijetila jedna usamljena banana dok je odlučno krenuo prema Ani.
En: But Ana didn't notice one lonely banana as Ivan confidently approached her.

Hr: Sljedeće što se dogodilo činilo se kao neki usporeni film.
En: What happened next seemed like a slow-motion film.

Hr: Ivanova noga se okliznula na banani, njegovo tijelo počelo je lutati lijevo, zatim desno, ruke zamahivale zrakom kao da pokušavaju uhvatiti nevidljive leptire.
En: Ivan's foot slipped on the banana, his body began to sway left, then right, his arms waving in the air as if trying to catch invisible butterflies.

Hr: Ana se okrenula baš na vrijeme da vidi Ivana kako pleše svoj čudnovati ples.
En: Just in time, Ana turned around to see Ivan dancing his peculiar dance.

Hr: Ivan se srušio na stol sa jabukama, a jabuke kao da su se urotele protiv njega, skakale su po zemlji kao da plešu svoju posljednju plesnu predstavu.
En: Ivan crashed onto the apple stall, and the apples seemed to conspire against him, hopping around on the ground as if dancing their final performance.

Hr: Naranče su krenule za jabukama, a limuni su, kao da se žele pridružiti, pomiješali s ostalim voćem u nekontroliranom padu.
En: Oranges followed the apples, and the lemons, as if wanting to join in, mixed with the other fruits in an uncontrolled fall.

Hr: Ana nije mogla zadržati svoj smijeh, a ni ostali okupljeni ljudi.
En: Ana couldn't hold back her laughter, nor could the other gathered people.

Hr: Marija je prva priskočila da pomogne.
En: Marija was the first to come to help.

Hr: Ponudila je ruku Ivanu koji se još uvijek činio zbunjenim.
En: She offered her hand to Ivan, who still seemed bewildered.

Hr: Dok je ustajao, njegove oči tražile su Anu, brinući se što ona misli o njegovoj nezgrapnoj predstavi.
En: As he got up, his eyes searched for Ana, worried about what she thought of his clumsy performance.

Hr: Ali umjesto podsmijeha, Ana je pružila svoju nježnu ruku prema Ivanu, a u očima joj se mogla pročitati toplina.
En: But instead of mockery, Ana reached out her gentle hand to Ivan, warmth shining in her eyes.

Hr: "Nikada mi nije bilo tako zabavno na tržnici," rekla je s osmijehom.
En: "I've never had this much fun at the market," she said with a smile.

Hr: I dok su zajedno sakupljali pobeglo voće, Ivan je shvatio da impresioniranje ne leži u savršenstvu, već u sposobnosti da se nasmije vlastitim pogreškama.
En: As they gathered the escaped fruit together, Ivan realized that impressing didn't lie in perfection, but in the ability to laugh at one's own mistakes.

Hr: Marija se u daljini smiješila, znajući da se neke priče pišu same od sebe, slučajno, kao što je Ivan danas pisao svoju, okliznuvši se na banani, ali pronalazeći ravnotežu tamo gdje ju je najmanje očekivao – u Aninim očima.
En: In the distance, Marija smiled, knowing that some stories write themselves, accidentally, just as Ivan had written his own today, slipping on the banana but finding balance where he least expected it – in Ana's eyes.

Vocabulary Words:
  • small: malenom
  • town: gradiću
  • square: trgu
  • vibrancy: šarenilo
  • life: života
  • store: trgovina
  • fresh: svježem
  • fruits: voću
  • vegetables: povrću
  • wooden: drvenim
  • tables: stolovima
  • front: ispred
  • shop: dućana
  • young: mladić
  • man: čovek
  • strong: jakih
  • arms: rukama
  • clumsy: nespretnih
  • legs: nogu
  • loved: volio
  • moment: trenutka
  • saw: ugledao
  • sweetest: najslađe
  • apples: jabuke
  • girl: djevojka
  • smile: osmijeh
  • ignite: raspaliti
  • fire: vatru
  • eyes: očima
  • clear: bistrog
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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