
Selfie Mishap Sparks Dubrovnik Friendship

Feb 24, 2024 · 16m 56s
Selfie Mishap Sparks Dubrovnik Friendship

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 15s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Selfie Mishap Sparks Dubrovnik Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce je već visoko na nebu, bacajući svoje...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Selfie Mishap Sparks Dubrovnik Friendship
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Sunce je već visoko na nebu, bacajući svoje zlatne zrake po starim kamenim zidovima Dubrovnika.
En: The sun is already high in the sky, casting its golden rays on the ancient stone walls of Dubrovnik.

Hr: Gradska vrata širom su otvorena i pozivaju putnike iz cijelog svijeta da otkriju njegove tajne.
En: The city gates are wide open, inviting travelers from around the world to discover its secrets.

Hr: Na jednom od čuvenih zidina, Petra, mlada djevojka s velikim sunčanim naočalama, uzima svoj telefon u ruke.
En: On one of the famous walls, Petra, a young woman with large sunglasses, takes out her phone.

Hr: Ona želi uhvatiti savršen selfie s nevjerojatnim pogledom na grad i more.
En: She wants to capture the perfect selfie with the incredible view of the city and the sea.

Hr: Petra korak po korak ide unatrag, tražeći idealnu poziciju za svoju panoramsku fotografiju.
En: Step by step, Petra walks back, searching for the perfect spot for her panoramic photograph.

Hr: Ne primjećuje nikoga oko sebe, njezine misli su samo na plavom horizontu ispred nje.
En: She doesn't notice anyone around her, her thoughts only on the blue horizon in front of her.

Hr: Ivan, lokalni umjetnik koji prodaje magnete za suvenire, baš je bio pored velike košare s magnetima koji su prikazivali Dubrovačke zidine, more i stare crkve.
En: Ivan, a local artist selling souvenir magnets, happened to be next to a large basket of magnets depicting Dubrovnik's walls, sea, and old churches.

Hr: Kada je Petra napokon pronašla svoje savršeno mjesto, brzo podigne ruku s mobitelom, ali odjednom se dogodi nešto neočekivano.
En: When Petra finally found her perfect spot, she quickly raised her phone, but then something unexpected happened.

Hr: Njezina peta zabije se u nešto tvrdo i okruglo - to je Ivanov koš za magnete.
En: Her heel hit something hard and round - it was Ivan's basket of magnets.

Hr: Izgubivši ravnotežu, Petra se okrene i udari u Ivana, koji je bio zagnjureći u svoje slikanje magneta.
En: Losing her balance, Petra turned and bumped into Ivan, who had been engrossed in arranging his magnets.

Hr: Ljudi oko njih zastanu, svjedočeći nespretnom sudaru koji završava tako da Petra i Ivan završe na tlu, okruženi šarenim magnetima.
En: People around them stopped, witnessing the clumsy collision that ended with Petra and Ivan on the ground, surrounded by colorful magnets.

Hr: Povikivanje, smijeh, i škljocanje kamera odjekuju starim zidinama dok se Petra crveni od stida.
En: Shouts, laughter, and camera clicks echoed on the old walls as Petra blushed with embarrassment.

Hr: "Oprostite, nisam vidjela kamo idem," ispričava se Petra dok pokušava ponovno ustati.
En: "Sorry, I didn't see where I was going," Petra apologizes as she tries to stand up again.

Hr: Ivan je krijepio uz osmijeh, proteže ruku i pomaže joj da se digne. "Nema problema, događa se," reče on sa blagim dubrovačkim naglaskom.
En: Ivan chuckled with a smile, reached out his hand, and helped her up. "No problem, it happens," he said with a gentle Dubrovnik accent.

Hr: Nakon što su se oba oporavila od inicijalnog šoka, Petra počne pomagati Ivanu da skupi magnete s poda.
En: After both recovered from the initial shock, Petra started helping Ivan pick up the magnets from the ground.

Hr: Kako su uglavnom inače razbacani po cijelom kamenom putu, tako su počeli razgovarati.
En: As they were scattered all over the stone path, they began to talk.

Hr: Ivan joj priča o gradskim zidinama, o povijesti Dubrovnika, a Petra sluša s oduševljenjem.
En: Ivan told her about the city walls, the history of Dubrovnik, and Petra listened with enthusiasm.

Hr: Oboje su brzo shvatili da dijele zajedničku ljubav prema povijesti i umjetnosti.
En: They quickly realized they shared a common love for history and art.

Hr: Razgovor postaje sve zanimljiviji, a nesreća s magnetima postaje tek uspomena koja ih je sprijateljila.
En: The conversation became more engaging, and the mishap with the magnets turned into a memory that brought them together.

Hr: Sunce polako počne zalaziti, a sjene se dulje protežu među stoljetnim kalama. Ivan pozove Petru na šetnju gradom, da joj pokaže skrivene kutke koje samo lokalci znaju.
En: As the sun slowly began to set, and the shadows grew longer among the ancient alleys, Ivan invited Petra for a walk around the city to show her hidden spots known only to locals.

Hr: Dolazak noći donio je novu ljepotu na ulice, a njih dvoje su hodali govoreći o budućim avanturama.
En: The arrival of the night brought a new beauty to the streets, and the two of them walked, talking about future adventures.

Hr: Petra na kraju odluči kupiti jedan od Ivanaovih magneta - onaj koji im je pomogao da se susretnu.
En: Eventually, Petra decided to buy one of Ivan's magnets - the one that had helped them meet.

Hr: Nestala je potreba za savršenim selfie-jem, jer je prava uspomena bila u trenutku s Ivana koji je postao njezin novi prijatelj.
En: The need for the perfect selfie faded, as the real souvenir was in the moment with Ivan, who had become her new friend.

Hr: Priča o dvoje novih prijatelja, na čarobnim ulicama Dubrovnika, ostaje kao podsjetnik da nekad i male nezgode mogu dovesti do velikih prijateljstava.
En: The story of the two new friends, on the magical streets of Dubrovnik, remains a reminder that sometimes even small mishaps can lead to great friendships.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sun: sunce
  • ancient: starim
  • wide: širom
  • travelers: putnike
  • secrets: tajne
  • sunglasses: sunčanim naočalama
  • panoramic: panoramsku
  • photograph: fotografiju
  • mishap: nesreća
  • surrounded: okruženi
  • embarrassment: stida
  • gentle: blagim
  • initial: inicijalnog
  • engrossed: zagnjureći
  • clumsy: nespretnom
  • witnessing: svjedočeći
  • laughter: smijeh
  • scattered: razbacani
  • enthusiasm: oduševljenjem
  • engaging: zanimljiviji
  • hidden: skrivene
  • arrival: dolazak
  • souvenir: suvenire
  • reminder: podsjetnik
  • magnets: magneta
  • collision: sudaru
  • shadows: sjene
  • alleys: kalama
  • eventually: na kraju
  • magnetic: magnetima
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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