Rowing Past Pride: A Lake Bled Misadventure

Apr 25, 2024 · 15m 43s
Rowing Past Pride: A Lake Bled Misadventure

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 55s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rowing Past Pride: A Lake Bled Misadventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V sončnem popoldnevu, ko so se...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rowing Past Pride: A Lake Bled Misadventure
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V sončnem popoldnevu, ko so se žarki igrali na gladini Blejskega jezera, je Luka veselo stopil v majhen čoln.
En: On a sunny afternoon, as the rays of the sun played on the surface of Lake Bled, Luka cheerfully stepped into a small boat.

Sl: Bil je nov v veslanju in poln zaupanja v svoje sposobnosti.
En: He was new to rowing and full of confidence in his abilities.

Sl: "Danes bom najhitreje preveslal to jezero," si je ponosno rekel in zgrabil vesla.
En: "Today, I will row across this lake faster than ever," he proudly thought to himself and grabbed the oars.

Sl: Ana in Marjeta, dobri prijateljici, sta sedeli na robu jezera, oviti v brisače in sončni kremi.
En: Ana and Marjeta, good friends, were sitting on the edge of the lake, wrapped in towels and sunscreen.

Sl: "Luka, pa pazi se!
En: "Luka, be careful!"

Sl: " je Ana zaklicala z nasmeškom na obrazu.
En: Ana called out with a smile on her face.

Sl: Marjeta je dodala: "Pokazal nam boš, kako se to dela, kajne?
En: Marjeta added, "You'll show us how it's done, right?"

Sl: "Luka je odgovoril z vedrim prikimavanjem in začel veslati.
En: Luka responded with a cheerful nod and began to row.

Sl: A kaj kmalu so se njegovi krogi začeli manjšati in njegov čoln ni šel nikamor.
En: But soon, his circles began to shrink, and his boat didn't go anywhere.

Sl: Namesto da bi veslal naravnost, je Luka nenamerno veslal v krogih.
En: Instead of rowing straight, Luka unintentionally rowed in circles.

Sl: Ana in Marjeta sta opazovali Lukovo prizadevanje in počasi napeto pričakovanje je preraslo v smeh.
En: Ana and Marjeta watched Luka's efforts, and slowly their tense anticipation turned into laughter.

Sl: Ob pogledu na njegov neuspešen poskus sta se začeli krohotati.
En: Seeing his unsuccessful attempt, they burst into laughter.

Sl: "Veš kaj?
En: "You know what?"

Sl: " je Marjeta s solzami v očeh od smeha rekla.
En: Marjeta said with tears of laughter in her eyes.

Sl: "Mogoče pa ima težave z navigacijo!
En: "Maybe he's having trouble with navigation!"

Sl: "Ana je skozi smeh poskušala dati Lukatu nasvete: "Luka, poskusi izmenično veslati z vsakim veslom!
En: Through laughter, Ana tried to give Luka advice: "Luka, try to row with each oar alternately!"

Sl: "A Luka, ki se je trudil obdržati pravo smer, je le še bolj zapletel svojo pot.
En: But Luka, trying to keep the right direction, only tangled his path even more.

Sl: Že zdavnaj je opustil idejo o tekmovanju s hitrostjo in zdaj je samo želel priti na drugo stran.
En: He had long abandoned the idea of competing for speed and now just wanted to get to the other side.

Sl: "Levo veslo močneje potegni!
En: "Pull the left oar harder!"

Sl: " je vpila Ana, medtem ko je Marjeta še vedno smejala do solz.
En: shouted Ana, while Marjeta still laughed until tears.

Sl: In nato, nenadoma, se je Luka ustavil.
En: And then, suddenly, Luka stopped.

Sl: Opazil je svoj odsev v vodi in se zavedel, kako smešno mora izgledati.
En: He noticed his reflection in the water and realized how funny he must look.

Sl: Namesto da bi se jezil, je sprostil vesla in se začel smejati skupaj z Ano in Marjeto.
En: Instead of getting angry, he let go of the oars and started laughing with Ana and Marjeta.

Sl: "Očitno danes pač ni moj dan za veslanje," je rekel, ko se je smeh umiril.
En: "Apparently, today is just not my day for rowing," he said, as the laughter subsided.

Sl: "Ampak vsaj poskrbel sem za zabavo!
En: "But at least I've provided some entertainment!"

Sl: "Ana in Marjeta sta prikimali in še vedno nasmehnjene pomahali, naj pride nazaj.
En: Ana and Marjeta nodded and waved for him to come back.

Sl: Luka je s seboj potegnil čoln nazaj na obalo, kjer so vsi trije sedli in delili prigrizke, ki jih je Ana pripravila.
En: Luka pulled the boat back to the shore, where all three sat down and shared snacks prepared by Ana.

Sl: "Veš, Luka," je rekla Marjeta, ko so gledali, kako sonce zahaja nad blejskim otokom, "danes si nam dal nekaj več kot samo veslanje.
En: "You know, Luka," said Marjeta as they watched the sun set over Bled Island, "today, you gave us more than just rowing.

Sl: Dal si nam spomin, ki bo ostal za zmeraj.
En: You gave us a memory that will last forever."

Sl: "Luka se je nasmehnil.
En: Luka smiled.

Sl: "Morda nisem preveslal jezera, ampak sem zagotovo preveslal svoj ponos.
En: "Maybe I didn't row across the lake, but I definitely rowed past my pride."

Sl: "In tako so trije prijatelji preživeli popoln dan ob Blejskem jezeru, poln smeha in topline, zavedajoč se, da so tudi majhne nezgode lahko vir velike sreče.
En: And so, the three friends spent a perfect day by Lake Bled, full of laughter and warmth, realizing that even small mishaps can be a source of great happiness.

Vocabulary Words:
  • rays: žarki
  • surface: gladina
  • cheerfully: veselo
  • wrapped: oviti
  • sunscreen: sončna krema
  • nod: prikimavanje
  • shrink: manjšati
  • unsuccessful: neuspešen
  • laughter: smeh
  • navigation: navigacija
  • alternately: izmenično
  • tangled: zapletel
  • abandoned: opustil
  • competing: tekmovanje
  • reflection: odsev
  • entertainment: zabava
  • subsided: umiril
  • snacks: prigrizki
  • memories: spomin
  • sunset: zahajanje
  • pride: ponos
  • laughter: krohotanje
  • tears: solze
  • advice: nasvet
  • apparently: očitno
  • friendships: prijateljstva
  • mishaps: nezgode
  • source: vir
  • happiness: sreča
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