
Rocky Cake: A Bakery Blunder Unfolds!

Dec 15, 2023 · 14m 23s
Rocky Cake: A Bakery Blunder Unfolds!

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 54s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Rocky Cake: A Bakery Blunder Unfolds! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Na jednom malebnom námestí, kde sa stretávali...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Rocky Cake: A Bakery Blunder Unfolds!
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Na jednom malebnom námestí, kde sa stretávali starí priatelia a šíril sa sladký vôňa čerstvého pečiva, stála malá pekáreň.
En: On a picturesque square where old friends would meet and the sweet scent of fresh pastries wafted, stood a small bakery.

Sk: Pekáreň, kde zametatý chodník končil a začínali snívanie ľudí o chrumkavom chlebe a rozpustenej čokoláde.
En: It was the kind of bakery where the swept sidewalk ended and people's dreams of crunchy bread and melted chocolate began.

Sk: V tejto pekárni pracovali traja priatelia: Jozef, Pavol a Mária.
En: In this bakery, three friends worked: Jozef, Pavol, and Mária.

Sk: Jedného dňa sa Jozef rozhodol, že svojich priateľov prekvapí a upečie nádhernú tortu.
En: One day, Jozef decided to surprise his friends by baking a beautiful cake.

Sk: Mal pred sebou všetky prísady - vajcia, maslo, mlieko a… múku.
En: He had all the ingredients in front of him - eggs, butter, milk, and... flour.

Sk: Avšak, Jozef si pomýlil múku so cukrom a celý čas miesil cesto, ktoré začínalo byť čudne tuhé a ťažké.
En: However, Jozef mistook the flour for sugar and kneaded the dough the whole time, which was starting to become strangely tough and heavy.

Sk: Nevedel si to vysvetliť, pretože bol presvedčený, že robí všetko podľa receptu.
En: He couldn't understand it because he was convinced that he was following the recipe.

Sk: Pavol a Mária, zatiaľ pripravovali chlieb a zdobili perníky, ani len netušiac o Jozefovej chybe.
En: Meanwhile, Pavol and Mária were preparing bread and decorating gingerbread, completely unaware of Jozef's mistake.

Sk: Keď prišiel čas, Jozef vložil cesto do rúry a pozoroval, ako sa zlatistá hmota pomaly mení na útvar, ktorý vypadal viac ako kameň než ako pôvabná torta.
En: When the time came, Jozef put the dough in the oven and watched as the golden mass slowly transformed into a shape that looked more like a rock than a charming cake.

Sk: Až vtedy si Jozef uvedomil svoju chybu.
En: It was only then that Jozef realized his mistake.

Sk: Oči sa mu rozšírili a ruky začali triasť.
En: His eyes widened and his hands began to tremble.

Sk: Bol zmätený a zahanbený.
En: He was confused and embarrassed.

Sk: Vedel, že tortu, ktorá je tvrdá ako skala, nemôže nikomu ponúknúť.
En: He knew that he couldn't offer a cake as hard as a rock to anyone.

Sk: V tom momente však Pavol a Mária postrehli, že niečo nie je v poriadku.
En: At that moment, Pavol and Mária noticed that something was wrong.

Sk: Spýtali sa Jozefa, čo sa stalo a on musel, červenajúc sa až po uši, priznať svoj omyl.
En: They asked Jozef what happened, and he had to admit his mistake, blushing all the way to his ears.

Sk: Pavol začal smiať a Mária mu priložila ruku na rameno.
En: Pavol started laughing and Mária put her hand on his shoulder.

Sk: Povedali mu, že každý robí chyby a že to nie je koniec sveta.
En: They told him that everyone makes mistakes and that it's not the end of the world.

Sk: Namiesto smútku sa teda spoločne rozhodli, že z tejto situácie urobia legráciu.
En: Instead of sadness, they decided together to turn the situation into a joke.

Sk: Tortu dali na stôl s ceduľkou "Tortová skala - najtvrdší dezert na svete!
En: They put the cake on the table with a sign "Rocky Cake - the hardest dessert in the world!"

Sk: " a pozvali všetkých zákazníkov, aby si ju vyskúšali zlomiť.
En: and invited all the customers to try to break it.

Sk: Ľudia prišli, jeden za druhým, a smiali sa, keď sa im nepodarilo tortu nakrájať.
En: People came, one after another, and laughed when they couldn't cut the cake.

Sk: Krátko na to, Jozef už stál znova v kuchyni, tentoraz s pravým cukrom, a vďaka podpore svojich priateľov sa mu podarilo upečať nádhernú, nadýchanú a sladkú tortu.
En: Shortly after, Jozef was back in the kitchen, this time with the right sugar, and thanks to the support of his friends, he managed to bake a beautiful, fluffy, and sweet cake.

Sk: Prijal svoju chybu s humorom a naučil sa dôležitú lekciu: aj z omylu sa dá urobiť radostný príbeh, keď ste obklopení priateľmi, ktorí vás podporujú.
En: He accepted his mistake with humor and learned an important lesson: even from a mistake, a joyful story can be made when you are surrounded by supportive friends.

Vocabulary Words:
  • On: Na
  • picturesque: malebnom
  • square: námestí
  • old: stretávali
  • friends: priatelia
  • meet: stretávali
  • sweet: sladký
  • scent: vôňa
  • fresh: čerstvého
  • pastries: pečiva
  • wafted: šíril
  • stood: stála
  • small: malá
  • bakery: pekáreň
  • kind: beh
  • swept: zametatý
  • sidewalk: chodník
  • ended: končil
  • people's: ľudí
  • crunchy: chrumkavom
  • bread: chlebe
  • melted: rozpustenej
  • kind: najtvrdší
  • ingredients: prísady
  • front: sebou
  • eggs: vajcia
  • butter: maslo
  • milk: mlieko
  • flour: múku
  • mistake: chyba
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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