
Revitalizing Dubrovnik: Tech Enthusiasts’ Impact

May 28, 2024 · 17m 4s
Revitalizing Dubrovnik: Tech Enthusiasts’ Impact

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 18s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Revitalizing Dubrovnik: Tech Enthusiasts’ Impact Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: U srcu staroga grada Dubrovnika, tehnološki svijet susreo...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Revitalizing Dubrovnik: Tech Enthusiasts’ Impact
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Story Transcript:

Hr: U srcu staroga grada Dubrovnika, tehnološki svijet susreo je povijest.
En: In the heart of the old town of Dubrovnik, the world of technology met history.

Hr: Ivan, Ana i Luka su bili mladi entuzijasti.
En: Ivan, Ana, and Luka were young enthusiasts.

Hr: Njihova misija je bila jasna: očuvati Dubrovnik, ali ga i modernizirati.
En: Their mission was clear: to preserve Dubrovnik while also modernizing it.

Hr: Hodali su kamenim ulicama, dok su stari zidovi šaputali priče iz prošlosti.
En: They walked the cobblestone streets, as the old walls whispered tales from the past.

Hr: Ivan je imao poseban uređaj. Mali računalo koje je mogao nositi kao sat.
En: Ivan had a special device—a small computer he could wear like a watch.

Hr: To računalo kazivalo mu je sve informacije koje je trebao znati o povijesti svake zgrade.
En: This computer told him all the information he needed about the history of each building.

Hr: Ana je nosila virtualne naočale.
En: Ana wore virtual reality glasses.

Hr: Kroz njih mogla je vidjeti, ne samo sadašnji Dubrovnik, već i onakav kakav je bio prije stotinu godina.
En: Through them, she could see not only the present Dubrovnik but also how it looked a hundred years ago.

Hr: Luka je bio majstor za dronove.
En: Luka was a master of drones.

Hr: Njegovi mali leteći uređaji letjeli su iznad grada i snimili svaku sitnicu.
En: His small flying devices hovered above the city, capturing every tiny detail.

Hr: Njegovi dronovi su slali podatke u centar za obnovu.
En: His drones sent data to the restoration center.

Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, započeli su posao na Stradunu, glavnoj ulici.
En: One sunny morning, they began work on Stradun, the main street.

Hr: Ljudi su ih čudno gledali.
En: People looked at them curiously.

Hr: Ali, ubrzo su shvatili da mladi tim radi nešto divno.
En: But soon they realized that the young team was doing something wonderful.

Hr: Pomoću svojih uređaja našli su oštećene dijelove zidova.
En: Using their devices, they found damaged parts of the walls.

Hr: Kamenari su odmah reagirali i počeli popravljati.
En: Stonemasons immediately responded and began to repair them.

Hr: Ivan je pokazao starom vodiču kako njegovo računalo radi.
En: Ivan showed an old tour guide how his computer worked.

Hr: Vodič je bio oduševljen.
En: The guide was delighted.

Hr: "Sad mogu posjetiteljima pričati još bolje priče!" rekao je s osmijehom.
En: "Now I can tell visitors even better stories!" he said with a smile.

Hr: Ana je ušla u crkvu Svetog Vlaha.
En: Ana entered the Church of St. Blaise.

Hr: Pogledala je kroz svoje virtualne naočale. Vidjela je krasno uređenje iz 17. stoljeća.
En: She looked through her virtual glasses and saw the magnificent decoration from the 17th century.

Hr: Zvala je restauratore i pokazala im.
En: She called the restorers and showed them.

Hr: „Vratit ćemo crkvu u njezinu bivšu slavu“, rekla je.
En: "We will return the church to its former glory," she said.

Hr: Luka je imao problem sa svojim dronovima.
En: Luka had a problem with his drones.

Hr: Jedan je izgubio signal.
En: One of them lost its signal.

Hr: Počeo je paničariti.
En: He started to panic.

Hr: Ali Ana ga je smirila.
En: But Ana calmed him down.

Hr: Koristila je svoje naočale i našla izgubljeni dron u dvorištu stare kuće.
En: She used her glasses and found the lost drone in the courtyard of an old house.

Hr: Luka je bio zahvalan.
En: Luka was grateful.

Hr: "Bez tebe bih ga izgubio," priznao je.
En: "Without you, I would have lost it," he admitted.

Hr: Njihov trud nije bio uzaludan.
En: Their efforts were not in vain.

Hr: Grad Dubrovnik je blistao.
En: The city of Dubrovnik shone brightly.

Hr: Stari zidovi blistali su novom snagom.
En: The old walls gleamed with new strength.

Hr: Turisti su bili impresionirani kako tehnologija može očuvati povijest.
En: Tourists were impressed by how technology could preserve history.

Hr: Ivan, Ana i Luka sjedili su na zidu i gledali grad.
En: Ivan, Ana, and Luka sat on a wall, looking at the city.

Hr: Bili su sretni.
En: They were happy.

Hr: Njihova misija je bila uspješna.
En: Their mission was successful.

Hr: "Svi smo nešto naučili", rekao je Ivan.
En: "We all learned something," said Ivan.

Hr: Povijest i tehnologija mogu zajedno.
En: "History and technology can coexist."

Hr: Ana je kimnula.
En: Ana nodded.

Hr: "Dubrovnik je naš dom, i nikad ga nećemo zaboraviti."
En: "Dubrovnik is our home, and we will never forget it."

Hr: Luka je podigao dron, zadovoljan svojim radom.
En: Luka lifted his drone, satisfied with his work.

Hr: "I dronovi su naši prijatelji", rekao je uz smijeh.
En: "And drones are our friends," he said with a laugh.

Hr: Sunce je zašlo nad Dubrovnikom, obasjavajući stari grad nježnim zrakama.
En: The sun set over Dubrovnik, bathing the old town in gentle rays.

Hr: Povijest je spojena s budućnošću.
En: History was united with the future.

Hr: Priča je završila, ali njihova prijateljstvo trajalo je vječno.
En: The story ended, but their friendship lasted forever.

Vocabulary Words:
  • enthusiasts: entuziasti
  • cobblestone: kamenim
  • whispered: šaputali
  • device: uređaj
  • tour guide: vodič
  • virtual reality glasses: virtualne naočale
  • master: majstor
  • drones: dronove
  • restoration: obnova
  • stonemasons: kamenari
  • repair: popravljati
  • magnificent: krasno
  • decoration: uređenje
  • signal: signal
  • panicked: paničariti
  • courtyard: dvorište
  • grateful: zahvalan
  • efforts: trud
  • in vain: uzaludan
  • gleamed: blistali
  • impressed: impresionirani
  • proudly: ponosno
  • restorers: restauratori
  • former glory: bivša slava
  • hovered: letjeli
  • data: podaci
  • captured: snimali
  • century: stoljeće
  • gentle rays: nježni zraci
  • coexist: zajedno postojati
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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