Quack Attack: Comedy at Plitvice Lakes
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Quack Attack: Comedy at Plitvice Lakes
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Quack Attack: Comedy at Plitvice Lakes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/quack-attack-comedy-at-plitvice-lakes/ Story Transcript: Hr: Jednog sunčanog proljetnog jutra, troje prijatelja, Ivan,...
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Jednog sunčanog proljetnog jutra, troje prijatelja, Ivan, Marko i Petra, odlučili su posjetiti Plitvička jezera, poznati hrvatski nacionalni park prepun predivnih slapova i šumovitih pejzaža.
En: One sunny spring morning, three friends, Ivan, Marko, and Petra, decided to visit Plitvice Lakes, a famous Croatian national park full of beautiful waterfalls and wooded landscapes.
Hr: Kroz mirisne šume, hodali su drvenim stazama uz plavetnilo jezera koje je titralo pod milovanjem blagog vjetra.
En: Through fragrant forests, they walked along wooden paths next to the azure lakes, which shimmered under the caress of the gentle wind.
Hr: Ivan je uvijek volio šalu pa je nosio veliku torbu s kruhom kako bi hranio patke.
En: Ivan always loved jokes, so he carried a big bag of bread to feed the ducks.
Hr: Marko i Petra su se smijali promatrajući Ivana kako se pretvara da je vođa patkica.
En: Marko and Petra laughed as they watched Ivan pretend to be the leader of the ducklings.
Hr: Ali, taj dan, patke su izgledale neobično razigrano.
En: But that day, the ducks seemed unusually playful.
Hr: Kada je Ivan izvadio prvi komadić kruha, mala grupa patki, kao da je čekala taj tren, odjednom se uputila prema njemu.
En: When Ivan took out the first piece of bread, a small group of ducks, as if they had been waiting for that moment, suddenly headed towards him.
Hr: Ivan je bacio kruh, a patke su jurnule da se dočepaju poslastice.
En: Ivan threw the bread, and the ducks rushed to grab the treat.
Hr: Smijao se i započeo hodati natrag prema stazi gdje su ga čekali Marko i Petra.
En: He laughed and started walking back towards the path where Marko and Petra were waiting for him.
Hr: No, patke nisu odustajale.
En: However, the ducks didn't give up.
Hr: Kao da su iznenada postale vojska s misijom, utrčavale su jedna za drugom, sve većom brzinom.
En: As if they had suddenly turned into a mission-driven army, they ran one after the other, gaining speed.
Hr: Ivan je počeo ubrzavati korak, a patke su ga pratile u stopu, qučući u znak protesta kada je prestao bacati kruh.
En: Ivan began to quicken his pace, and the ducks followed him closely, quacking in protest when he stopped throwing bread.
Hr: "O, ne!
En: "Oh no!"
Hr: " uzviknuo je Ivan, ne znajući da su patke često vrlo uporne kada osjete hranu.
En: exclaimed Ivan, unaware that ducks can be quite persistent when they sense food.
Hr: Marko i Petra nisu mogli suzdržati smijeh dok su gledali Ivana kako trči stazom, a iza njega jato razboritih patki.
En: Marko and Petra couldn't contain their laughter as they watched Ivan running down the path with a flock of determined ducks behind him.
Hr: U zanosu potjere, nije primijetio granu koja se nadvila nad stazu.
En: Lost in the chase, Ivan didn't notice a branch hanging over the path.
Hr: Spotaknuo se i srušio, a patke su ga okružile, nestrpljivo čekajući još kruha.
En: He stumbled and fell, and the ducks surrounded him, impatiently waiting for more bread.
Hr: Marko i Petra su trčali prema njemu, ali su se zaustavili, shvaćajući da patke neće nauditi Ivanu.
En: Marko and Petra ran towards him but stopped, realizing that the ducks wouldn't harm Ivan.
Hr: Pomažući Ivanu da ustane, Petra je imala ideju.
En: Helping Ivan to his feet, Petra had an idea.
Hr: Uzela je nešto kruha i bacila ga dalje u šumu, daleko od staze.
En: She took some bread and threw it further into the woods, away from the path.
Hr: Patke su momentalno zaboravile na Ivana i pohrlile prema novoj gozbi.
En: The ducks instantly forgot about Ivan and rushed towards the new feast.
Hr: S Ivanom na sigurnom, troje su prijatelja nastavili razgledavanje ljepote Plitvičkih jezera, smijući se Ivanoj avanturi.
En: With Ivan safe, the three friends continued to admire the beauty of Plitvice Lakes, laughing about Ivan's adventure.
Hr: Na kraju dana, dok su sjedili uz jezero gledajući zalazak sunca, Ivan je primijetio da je naučio važnu lekciju: nikad ne potcijeniti odlučnost gladne patke.
En: At the end of the day, as they sat by the lake watching the sunset, Ivan realized that he had learned an important lesson: never underestimate the determination of hungry ducks.
Hr: I dok su se prijatelji smijali i dijelili utiske o danu koji će pamtiti za cijeli život, patke su mirno plivale po jezeru, kao da se ništa nije dogodilo.
En: While the friends laughed and shared their impressions of a day they would remember for a lifetime, the ducks calmly swam in the lake, as if nothing had happened.
Vocabulary Words:
- morning: jutro
- friends: prijatelji
- visit: posjetiti
- Lakes: jezera
- park: park
- waterfalls: slapovi
- landscapes: pejzaži
- forests: šume
- paths: staze
- lakes: jezera
- shimmered: titrao
- caress: milovanje
- gentle: blagog
- jokes: šalu
- carried: nosio
- big: veliku
- bread: kruhom
- feed: hraniti
- ducks: patke
- laughed: smijali
- pretend: pretvara
- leader: vođa
- day: dan
- playful: razigrane
- headed: uputila
- moment: tren
- rushed: jurnule
- treat: poslastica
- determined: razboritih
- lesson: lekciju
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Website | www.fluentfiction.org |
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