
Photobomb Laughter: Past Meets Present

Mar 3, 2024 · 16m 37s
Photobomb Laughter: Past Meets Present

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 49s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Photobomb Laughter: Past Meets Present Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar fore heulog yng Nghastell Conwy, roedd Rhys...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Photobomb Laughter: Past Meets Present
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar fore heulog yng Nghastell Conwy, roedd Rhys a'i ffrindiau, Elin a Gwen, yn mynd am dro.
En: On a sunny morning in Conwy Castle, Rhys and his friends, Elin and Gwen, went for a walk.

Cy: Roedd y tywydd yn braf, a'r awyr yn las fel llyn.
En: The weather was nice, and the sky was as blue as a lake.

Cy: Roedd tŵr y castell yn edrych fel pinnacwl o hen, gyda'i garreg lydan yn dal yr hanes yn ei galon.
En: The castle tower looked like a pinnacle of old, with its broad stone holding history at its core.

Cy: "Edrych ar y golygfeydd hyfryd!
En: "Look at the beautiful views!"

Cy: " sgrechiodd Gwen wrth iddyn nhw grwydro'r muriau hynafol.
En: Gwen exclaimed as they wandered the ancient walls.

Cy: Rhys, a oedd bob amser yn chwilio am y llun perffaith ar gyfer ei Instagram, gafodd syniad.
En: Rhys, always searching for the perfect photo for his Instagram, had an idea.

Cy: "Beth am gymryd hunlun gyda'r castell y tu ôl i ni?
En: "How about taking a selfie with the castle behind us?"

Cy: " awgrymodd, gan dynnu ei ffôn o'i boced.
En: he suggested, pulling out his phone from his pocket.

Cy: Elin, a oedd yn caru hanes, a roes y syniad croeso.
En: Elin, who loved history, welcomed the idea.

Cy: "Gwych fyddai cael llun o'n trip heddiw!
En: "It would be great to have a photo of our trip today!"

Cy: "Wrth baratoi ar gyfer y llun, roedd Rhys wrthi’n addasu’r camera ar ei ffôn.
En: As they prepared for the photo, Rhys adjusted the camera on his phone.

Cy: "I mewn ychydig," meddai.
En: "Get in a bit," he said.

Cy: Ond wrth i Rhys droi i gael y castell yn y cefndir, camodd yn ôl heb sylwi ar y grŵp o ail-greuwyr canoloesol oedd yn ffilmio ychydig lathenni i ffwrdd.
En: But as Rhys turned to get the castle in the background, he inadvertently stepped back without noticing the group of medieval reenactors filming a few yards away.

Cy: "Wedi’i wneud!
En: "Done!"

Cy: " meddai Rhys gyda balchder, gan wasgu’r botwm i gymryd y llun.
En: Rhys said proudly, pressing the button to take the photo.

Cy: Fodd bynnag, roedd wedi anwybyddu’r criw yn eu gwisgoedd lliwgar a'u harfwisgoedd trwm, sefyll mewn llinell fel arwyr yr oesoedd canol.
En: However, he had ignored the group in their colorful costumes and heavy armor, standing in a line like serious heroes of old times.

Cy: "O, beth ydych chi'n ei wneud?
En: "Oh, what are you doing?!"

Cy: " gwaeddodd un o'r ail-greuwyr, seren yn yr olygfa yr oeddent yn ceisio ei ffilmio.
En: one of the reenactors yelled, a star in the scene they were trying to film.

Cy: Rhys, wrth edrych i fyny o'i ffôn, sylweddolodd y camgymeriad enbyd roedd newydd ei wneud.
En: Rhys, looking up from his phone, realized the embarrassing mistake he had just made.

Cy: Roedd wedi photobombio'r scena yn llwyr, gyda'i wyneb llawen yn ymddangos ynghanol y byddin ganoloesol difrifol.
En: He had completely photobombed the scene, with his cheerful face appearing in the middle of the solemn medieval army.

Cy: Weithiau, byddai tensiwn mewn sefyllfa fel hon, ond yn hytrach, torrodd y grŵp o ail-greuwyr i mewn i chwerthin.
En: Sometimes, tension in a situation like this would arise, but instead, the group of reenactors burst into laughter.

Cy: Nid oeddent wedi gweld photobomb mor doniol erioed!
En: They had never seen such a funny photobomb!

Cy: Gwen a Elin, syfrdanu gan yr hyn oedd wedi digwydd, dechreuodd chwerthin hefyd.
En: Gwen and Elin, shocked by what had happened, also started laughing.

Cy: "Mae hynny'n mynd ar y we!
En: "That's priceless!"

Cy: " gwichiodd Elin.
En: Elin giggled.

Cy: "O'r diwedd, rhywbeth i'w gofio o'n trip i Gastell Conwy," meddai Gwen, still yn chwerthin.
En: "Finally, something to remember from our trip to Conwy Castle," said Gwen, still laughing.

Cy: Rhys, wedi'i gochi gydag embaras, ond yn falch o'r chwerthin roedd wedi'i achosi, gwnaeth gynnig.
En: Rhys, somewhat embarrassed, but glad for the laughter he had caused, made a suggestion.

Cy: "Beth am gael llun gyda'i gilydd?
En: "How about taking a photo together?"

Cy: " Arwydd o undod rhwng y byd modern a'r canol oesoedd.
En: A sign of unity between the modern world and the medieval era.

Cy: Felly, daeth y grŵp o ail-greuwyr a'r tri ffrind at ei gilydd, Rhys, Gwen, ac Elin, i gymryd llun newydd, gan gymysgu gwisgoedd o'r presennol a dillad y gorffennol.
En: So, the group of reenactors and the three friends, Rhys, Gwen, and Elin, came together to take a new photo, mixing present-day clothing with historical attire.

Cy: Pwy a ŵyr, efallai roedd y photobomb ddamweiniol hon yn iawn beth oedd ei angen ar y diwrnod hwn yng Nghastell Conwy i ddod â'r gorffennol a'r presennol ynghyd mewn chwerthin a chof gwych.
En: Who knows, perhaps this accidental photobomb was exactly what was needed on this day at Conwy Castle to bring the past and the present together in laughter and great memories.

Cy: A dyna sut mae stori fach Rhys, Elin, a Gwen yn mynd i'r cof i bawb, fel y tro gwych pan unwyd hanes a chyfeillgarwch trwy chwerthin.
En: And that's how the little story of Rhys, Elin, and Gwen will go down in everyone's memory, as the wonderful time when history and friendship were united through laughter.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: heulog
  • walk: tro
  • nice: braf
  • pinnacle: pinnacwl
  • cheerful: llawen
  • embarrassing: enbyd
  • tension: tensiwn
  • laughter: chwerthin
  • priceless: gwerthfawr
  • unity: undod
  • accidental: ddamweiniol
  • photobomb: photobombio
  • reenactors: ail-greuwyr
  • medieval: canoloesol
  • memories: cof
  • photography: ffotograffiaeth
  • perfect: perffaith
  • historical: hanesyddol
  • selfie: hunlun
  • castle: castell
  • friends: ffrindiau
  • beautiful: hyfryd
  • colorful: lliwgar
  • history: hanes
  • serene: dawel
  • Instagram: Instagram
  • laughter: chwerthin
  • medieval: canoloesol
  • suggestion: cynnig
  • location: lleoliad
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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