
Overcoming Stage Fright: A Summer of Confidence with Friends

Aug 9, 2024 · 16m 52s
Overcoming Stage Fright: A Summer of Confidence with Friends

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 52s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Overcoming Stage Fright: A Summer of Confidence with Friends Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Poletno sonce je nežno...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Overcoming Stage Fright: A Summer of Confidence with Friends
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Poletno sonce je nežno grelo travnike okoli slovenskega internata.
En: The summer sun gently warmed the meadows around the Slovenian boarding school.

Sl: V zraku je bil vonj cvetlic, in drevesa so se rahlo zibala v vetru.
En: The air was filled with the scent of flowers, and the trees swayed gently in the breeze.

Sl: Matej, Nika in Žan so se zbrali na šolskem dvorišču.
En: Matej, Nika, and Žan gathered in the schoolyard.

Sl: Imeli so projektno nalogo s skupinsko predstavitvijo.
En: They had a group project that included a presentation.

Sl: Matej je bil zbran in radoveden.
En: Matej was focused and curious.

Sl: Ljubil je zgodovino in ure z njo so mu vedno hitro minile.
En: He loved history, and the hours spent on it always passed quickly.

Sl: Vendar se je bal nastopanja pred ljudmi.
En: However, he feared speaking in front of people.

Sl: Nika, po drugi strani, je bila drzna in samozavestna.
En: Nika, on the other hand, was bold and confident.

Sl: Spretnosti za javno nastopanje je imela v malem prstu, a raziskovanje ji ni šlo zlahka.
En: She had a knack for public speaking, but research was not her strong suit.

Sl: Žan je bil duša družbe.
En: Žan was the life of the party.

Sl: Vedno je bil nasmejan in poln idej, ampak pogosto je vse delal zadnji trenutek.
En: He was always cheerful and full of ideas, but he often did everything at the last minute.

Sl: "Bomo začeli?
En: "Shall we start?"

Sl: " je vprašala Nika.
En: Nika asked.

Sl: "Imamo projekt, ki ga moramo dokončati.
En: "We have a project to finish."

Sl: " Matej je pokimal in vprašal: "Kdo bo govoril?
En: Matej nodded and asked, "Who will speak?"

Sl: " Vsi so se pogledali.
En: They all looked at each other.

Sl: Nika je znala govoriti, ampak potrebovali so tudi nekoga za zgodovinski del.
En: Nika could speak well, but they also needed someone for the historical part.

Sl: "Jaz bom raziskoval zgodovinske podatke," je rekel Matej, "ampak kdo bo to predstavil?
En: "I will research the historical data," Matej said, "but who will present it?"

Sl: " Nika in Žan sta ga pogledala.
En: Nika and Žan looked at him.

Sl: "Matej, ti si najboljši za ta del.
En: "Matej, you are the best for this part.

Sl: Ti veš največ," je rekla Nika.
En: You know the most," Nika said.

Sl: Matej je stresel z glavo.
En: Matej shook his head.

Sl: "Ne morem govoriti pred ljudmi.
En: "I can't speak in front of people.

Sl: Preveč sem nervozen.
En: I'm too nervous."

Sl: " Žan se je nasmehnil.
En: Žan smiled.

Sl: "Matej, pomagali ti bomo.
En: "Matej, we will help you.

Sl: Vadili bomo skupaj.
En: We will practice together.

Sl: Ti si najboljši v tem.
En: You are the best at this."

Sl: " Matej je še vedno okleval, a nato pogumno rekel: "Prav.
En: Matej was still hesitant, but then he bravely said, "Alright.

Sl: Poskusil bom.
En: I will try."

Sl: "Naslednjih nekaj dni so skupno raziskovali, pisali in vadili.
En: Over the next few days, they researched, wrote, and practiced together.

Sl: Nika je učila Mateja, kako se sprostiti, kako najdi mir in samozavest med govorom.
En: Nika taught Matej how to relax, how to find peace and confidence while speaking.

Sl: Žan je naredil šaljive vaje, da je Matej pozabil na strah.
En: Žan made funny exercises to make Matej forget his fear.

Sl: Prišel je dan predstavitve.
En: The day of the presentation arrived.

Sl: Razred je bil poln.
En: The classroom was full.

Sl: Matej je čutil, kako mu srce divje bije.
En: Matej felt his heart pounding wildly.

Sl: Nika in Žan sta ga spodbudno pogledala.
En: Nika and Žan gave him encouraging looks.

Sl: Matej je stopil na oder.
En: Matej stepped onto the stage.

Sl: "Pozdravljeni vsi," je začel.
En: "Hello everyone," he began.

Sl: Potem je nadaljeval.
En: Then he continued.

Sl: Njegove besede so tekle gladko.
En: His words flowed smoothly.

Sl: Zgodba, ki so jo raziskali, je oživela pred razredom.
En: The story they had researched came to life before the class.

Sl: Ko je zaključil, je v razredu završalo od aplavza.
En: When he finished, the classroom erupted in applause.

Sl: Sošolci in učitelj so ga pohvalili.
En: Classmates and the teacher praised him.

Sl: Nika in Žan sta ga močno objela.
En: Nika and Žan hugged him tightly.

Sl: Matej je občutil val ponosa in samozavesti.
En: Matej felt a surge of pride and confidence.

Sl: "Sprostil si se in govoril odlično, Matej," je rekla Nika.
En: "You relaxed and spoke excellently, Matej," Nika said.

Sl: Žan je dodal: "Vedno smo vedeli, da zmoreš.
En: Žan added, "We always knew you could do it."

Sl: "Matej je občutil, da je premagal svoj strah.
En: Matej felt that he had conquered his fear.

Sl: Vedel je, da v prihodnosti ne bo več okleval pred nastopom.
En: He knew that in the future, he would no longer hesitate before presenting.

Sl: Bilo je poletje, in svet je bil poln možnosti.
En: It was summer, and the world was full of possibilities.

Vocabulary Words:
  • summer: poletje
  • gently: nežno
  • meadows: travniki
  • boarding school: internat
  • breeze: veter
  • group project: projektna naloga
  • presentation: predstavitev
  • curious: radoveden
  • passed quickly: hitro minile
  • feared: bal
  • bold: drzna
  • confident: samozavestna
  • knack: spretnost
  • life of the party: duša družbe
  • cheerful: nasmejan
  • last minute: zadnji trenutek
  • looked at each other: pogledali
  • hesitant: okleval
  • bravely: pogumno
  • researched: raziskovali
  • relax: sprostiti
  • confidence: samozavest
  • stage: oder
  • smoothly: gladko
  • applause: aplavz
  • teacher: učitelj
  • hugged: objela
  • pride: ponos
  • conquered: premagal
  • possibilities: možnosti
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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