
New Beginnings: How Peter Found a Friend

Aug 19, 2024 · 14m 44s
New Beginnings: How Peter Found a Friend

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 10s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: New Beginnings: How Peter Found a Friend Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V horúci letný deň, keď slnko...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: New Beginnings: How Peter Found a Friend
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Story Transcript:

Sk: V horúci letný deň, keď slnko svietilo jasne, Peter kráčal do botanickej záhrady.
En: On a hot summer day, when the sun shone brightly, Peter walked to the botanical garden.

Sk: Obrovské stromy poskytovali príjemný tieň a vôňa kvetov prenikala vzduchom.
En: The enormous trees provided pleasant shade, and the fragrance of flowers filled the air.

Sk: Peter sa cítil pokojne, akoby celý svet zmizol.
En: Peter felt calm, as if the whole world had disappeared.

Sk: Bol to jeho obľúbený únik, zvlášť teraz, keď sa blížil začiatok nového školského roka.
En: It was his favorite escape, especially now with the start of the new school year approaching.

Sk: Peter mal obavy.
En: Peter was worried.

Sk: Vždy bol tichý, introvert.
En: He had always been quiet, an introvert.

Sk: Nová škola znamenala nových ľudí.
En: A new school meant new people.

Sk: Chcel nájsť priateľa, niekoho, kto by mu pomohol cítiť sa lepšie.
En: He wanted to find a friend, someone who would help him feel better.

Sk: Ale ako na to?
En: But how could he do that?

Sk: Peterova hanblivosť bola ako múr, ktorý ťažko prekonával.
En: Peter's shyness was like a wall that was hard to overcome.

Sk: Medzi stromami a kvetinami si všimol dievča.
En: Among the trees and flowers, he noticed a girl.

Sk: Pozorovala kvety, akoby ich dôkladne študovala.
En: She was observing the flowers as if she were studying them closely.

Sk: Peter chvíľu váhal, ale potom sa rozhodol.
En: Peter hesitated for a moment, but then decided.

Sk: Musí aspoň skúsiť.
En: He had to at least try.

Sk: Jeho srdce mu silno bilo, no vedel, že teraz je ten pravý moment.
En: His heart was pounding, but he knew that this was the right moment.

Sk: „Ahoj,“ povedal, keď sa priblížil.
En: "Hi," he said as he approached.

Sk: „Tie kvety sú krásne, že?“
En: "These flowers are beautiful, aren’t they?"

Sk: Dievča sa otočilo.
En: The girl turned around.

Sk: Mala priateľský úsmev.
En: She had a friendly smile.

Sk: „Áno, sú úžasné. Mám ich rada,“ odpovedala.
En: "Yes, they are wonderful. I like them," she replied.

Sk: „Ja som Lenka.“
En: "I'm Lenka."

Sk: Peter si vydýchol.
En: Peter sighed in relief.

Sk: „Ja som Peter.“
En: "I'm Peter."

Sk: Cítil, ako z neho opadá napätie.
En: He felt the tension melting away.

Sk: Začali sa rozprávať o rastlinách.
En: They started talking about plants.

Sk: Lenka tiež milovala prírodu a cítila sa tam ako doma.
En: Lenka also loved nature and felt at home there.

Sk: Od toho momentu sa ich rozhovor plynul ľahko, bez napätia.
En: From that moment on, their conversation flowed easily, without tension.

Sk: Po chvíli sa rozhodli prejsť ďalej záhradou.
En: After a while, they decided to walk further into the garden.

Sk: Peter sa začal viac usmievať.
En: Peter began to smile more.

Sk: Zistil, že má predsa len niečo spoločné s niekým iným.
En: He discovered that he did have something in common with someone else.

Sk: Povedal Lenke o svojich obavách zo školy.
En: He told Lenka about his worries about school.

Sk: Ona sa len usmiala a povedala, že začiatky sú pre ňu tiež ťažké.
En: She just smiled and said that beginnings are hard for her too.

Sk: Ale keď sa majú niekoho, na koho sa môžu spoľahnúť, tých obáv je menej.
En: But when you have someone to rely on, the worries are lessened.

Sk: Pred odchodom si dohodli stretnutie na prvý školský deň.
En: Before leaving, they arranged to meet on the first day of school.

Sk: „Stretneme sa pred školou?“ navrhla Lenka.
En: “Shall we meet in front of the school?” Lenka suggested.

Sk: Peter nadšene prikývol.
En: Peter eagerly nodded.

Sk: Keď Peter odchádzal z botanickej záhrady, necítil sa už sám.
En: As Peter left the botanical garden, he no longer felt alone.

Sk: Mal pocit, že zvládne začiatok školy.
En: He felt confident about starting school.

Sk: Mal priateľa.
En: He had a friend.

Sk: Uvedomil si, že občas stačí malý krok k novému začiatku.
En: He realized that sometimes, a small step is all it takes for a new beginning.

Sk: A ten krok stál za to.
En: And that step was worth it.

Vocabulary Words:
  • enormous: obrovské
  • pleasant: príjemný
  • fragrance: vôňa
  • escape: únik
  • approaching: blížil
  • introvert: introvert
  • shyness: hanblivosť
  • overcome: prekonával
  • hesitated: váhal
  • pounding: silno bilo
  • right moment: pravý moment
  • sigh: vydýchol
  • relief: napätie
  • flowed: plynul
  • tension: napätia
  • worries: obavy
  • rely on: spolahnúť
  • lessened: menej
  • arranged: dohodli
  • eagerly: nadšene
  • realized: uvedomil
  • worth: stál za to
  • calm: pokojne
  • disappear: zmizol
  • among: medzi
  • closely: dôkladne
  • observe: pozorovala
  • discover: zistil
  • beginnings: začiatky
  • agree: prikývol
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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