
Nature's Hug: Owain's Journey to Inner Peace and Recovery

Sep 4, 2024 · 15m 48s
Nature's Hug: Owain's Journey to Inner Peace and Recovery

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 55s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Nature's Hug: Owain's Journey to Inner Peace and Recovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Wrth i'r gwynt taro...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Nature's Hug: Owain's Journey to Inner Peace and Recovery
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Wrth i'r gwynt taro ar draws y llenni cochion a melyn, Owain teimlai gynnwrf y dydd o'i flaen.
En: As the wind swept across the red and yellow curtains, Owain felt the excitement of the day ahead of him.

Cy: Roedd yr awyrgylch yn y Brecon Beacons yn lleddfol, fel cwtsh cynnes gan natur ei hun.
En: The atmosphere in the Brecon Beacons was soothing, like a warm hug from nature itself.

Cy: Roedd Owain newydd gyrraedd y man encilio ysbrydol i adferiad, yn gobeithio dod o hyd i heddwch mewnol ar ôl llawdriniaeth galon frawychus.
En: Owain had just arrived at the spiritual retreat for recovery, hoping to find inner peace after a frightening heart surgery.

Cy: Roedd Rhian, hen ffrind Owain, yno eisoes, gydag ei llygaid yn llachar ac yn llawn bywyd.
En: Rhian, an old friend of Owain's, was already there, her eyes bright and full of life.

Cy: “Owain,” meddai hithau'n astud wrth weld ei wyneb, “mae hwn yn lle gwych i ddechrau eto.”
En: "Owain," she said earnestly upon seeing his face, "this is a great place to start again."

Cy: Roedd Owain yn gwybod bod Rhian yn gywir.
En: Owain knew Rhian was right.

Cy: Roedd angen rhywbeth arno—ond teimlai’r pryder yn glynu wrth ei ysgwyddau.
En: He needed something—but he felt the anxiety clinging to his shoulders.

Cy: Edrychodd i ffwrdd, yn ceisio cuddio'r aflonyddwch a dreiddiodd drwy ei galon.
En: He looked away, trying to hide the unease that seeped through his heart.

Cy: Wrth iddynt gerdded drwy'r coetir, gyda dail yr hydref yn crensian dan eu traed, ceisiodd Rhian agor y sgwrs am feddyliau cadarnhaol ac ymarferion myfyrio.
En: As they walked through the woodland, with the autumn leaves crunching beneath their feet, Rhian tried to start a conversation about positive thoughts and meditation practices.

Cy: “Beth am roi cynnig ar fyfyrdod?” awgrymodd hi, yn gobeithio bod Owain yn fodlon derbyn.
En: "How about trying meditation?" she suggested, hoping Owain was willing to accept.

Cy: Dechreuodd Owain gyda cheidwadaeth ond cyn bo hir, trodd yn fuddiol.
En: Owain began with hesitation but soon found it beneficial.

Cy: Trodd yn rhyw fath o gymorth i gynnal ei daith fewnol.
En: It became a kind of support to sustain his inner journey.

Cy: Daw’r lleoedd tawel yn gynefin iddo, tra mae Rhian hefyd yn gymorth i'w ymarferion adfywiol.
En: The quiet places became familiar to him, while Rhian also supported his revitalizing practices.

Cy: Un prynhawn, wrth iddynt fynd am dro gyda'r nos, roedd yr haul yn lapio'r coetir mewn gwenithfaen rhwng y coed.
En: One afternoon, as they went for a walk at dusk, the sun wrapped the forest in amber between the trees.

Cy: Lledodd teimlad o dawelwch drwy Owain.
En: A feeling of peace spread through Owain.

Cy: Stopiodd yn sydyn, a daeth geiriau'r sydd yn codi o'i chalon i'w wefusau.
En: He stopped suddenly, and words rising from his heart came to his lips.

Cy: “Rhian,” dywedodd, “rwy'n ofni. Ofni beth sydd i ddod."
En: "Rhian," he said, "I'm afraid. Afraid of what's to come."

Cy: Yn ei lygaid, roedd dagrau, fel pe bai'n adnabod ei wir angen.
En: In his eyes, there were tears, as if recognizing his true need.

Cy: Cafodd Rhian wenu caeëdig wrth ymateb iddo.
En: Rhian responded with a gentle smile.

Cy: “Mae’n iawn i deimlo fel yna, Owain. Mae'n arferiad i wrthod. Bydd yna wastad cefnogaeth yma."
En: "It’s okay to feel that way, Owain. It’s natural to resist. Support will always be here."

Cy: Ar ôl yr eiliad honno, teimlai Owain rhywbeth yn newid o fewn iddo.
En: After that moment, Owain felt something change within him.

Cy: Teimlodd loriad o ryddhad gydag enfys o werthfawrogiad tuag at Rhian.
En: He felt a surge of relief with a rainbow of gratitude towards Rhian.

Cy: Wrth iddynt droi yn ôl i'r enciliad, roedd Owain yn gwybod ei fod yn barod i wynebu'r heriau.
En: As they turned back to the retreat, Owain knew he was ready to face the challenges.

Cy: Digon yfed o'r profiad.
En: He took full advantage of the experience.

Cy: Pan ddychwelodd Owain adref ymhen wythnos, roedd ei galon yn ysgafnach.
En: When Owain returned home after a week, his heart was lighter.

Cy: Teimlai obaith newydd a diolch i fywyd, pob dydd yn gyfle i werthfawrogi.
En: He felt new hope and gratitude for life, each day an opportunity to appreciate.

Cy: Wnaeth y cyfeillgarwch gyda Rhian lewyrchu fel teg wedyn.
En: The friendship with Rhian flourished like a blessing thereafter.

Cy: Roedd Owain wedi dysgu gwerthfawrogiad am agosatrwydd a'r gallu i dderbyn bregusrwydd.
En: Owain learned to appreciate closeness and the ability to accept vulnerability.

Cy: Edrychodd tuag at y dyfodol gyda chalon werdd newydd.
En: He looked toward the future with a renewed green heart.

Vocabulary Words:
  • swept: taro
  • curtain: llen
  • excitement: cynnwrf
  • soothing: lleddfol
  • retreat: enciliad
  • recovery: adferiad
  • inner peace: heddwch mewnol
  • frightening: frawychus
  • earnestly: astud
  • anxiety: pryder
  • clinging: clynu
  • unease: aflonyddwch
  • crunching: crensian
  • meditation: myfyrdod
  • hesitation: ceidwadaeth
  • beneficial: buddiol
  • sustain: cynnal
  • revitalizing: adfywiol
  • dusk: gyda'r nos
  • amber: gwenithfaen
  • spread: lledodd
  • vulnerability: bregusrwydd
  • resist: wrthod
  • surge: lloriad
  • gratitude: gwerthfawrogiad
  • blessing: teg
  • appreciate: gwerthfawrogi
  • flourished: llewyrchu
  • relief: rhyddhad
  • renewed: newydd
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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