
Mystical Night: The Timeless Ritual in Mount Bromo's Forest

Aug 1, 2024 · 19m 44s
Mystical Night: The Timeless Ritual in Mount Bromo's Forest

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 51s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Mystical Night: The Timeless Ritual in Mount Bromo's Forest Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di tengah hutan lebat...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Mystical Night: The Timeless Ritual in Mount Bromo's Forest
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Story Transcript:

Id: Di tengah hutan lebat dekat Gunung Bromo, aroma tanah basah dan dupa memenuhi udara.
En: In the dense forest near Mount Bromo, the scent of wet earth and incense filled the air.

Id: Pohon-pohon tinggi, diselimuti kabut, menjadi saksi bisu tradisi kuno yang dijalankan oleh penduduk desa.
En: Tall trees, shrouded in mist, stood as silent witnesses to the ancient tradition upheld by the villagers.

Id: Di antara desiran daun dan nyanyian jauh, ada rasa kekekalan yang membungkus hutan itu.
En: Amidst the rustling leaves and distant chants, there was a sense of timelessness that enveloped the forest.

Id: Putra, Sari, dan Wulan berada di sana, mempersiapkan upacara Yadnya Kasada.
En: Putra, Sari, and Wulan were there, preparing for the Yadnya Kasada ceremony.

Id: Musim kemarau tiba.
En: The dry season had arrived.

Id: Matahari bersinar terang, namun udara di hutan tetap sejuk.
En: The sun shone brightly, yet the air in the forest remained cool.

Id: Putra adalah pemuda yang bertanggung jawab.
En: Putra was a responsible young man.

Id: Dia ingin menghormati leluhurnya dengan menyempurnakan persembahan untuk festival ini.
En: He wanted to honor his ancestors by perfecting the offerings for this festival.

Id: Sari, di sisi lain, merasa sedikit skeptis.
En: Sari, on the other hand, felt a bit skeptical.

Id: Dia belum sepenuhnya mengerti pentingnya upacara ini.
En: She did not fully understand the importance of the ceremony.

Id: Wulan, teman spiritual mereka, sangat percaya pada kekuatan ritual ini.
En: Wulan, their spiritual friend, deeply believed in the power of this ritual.

Id: "Kenapa kita harus membuat persembahan ini?" tanya Sari. Pandangannya menunjukkan keraguan.
En: "Why do we have to make these offerings?" Sari asked, her expression showing doubt.

Id: Putra menarik napas dalam-dalam. "Ini untuk menghormati leluhur kita, Sari.
En: Putra took a deep breath. "It’s to honor our ancestors, Sari.

Id: Kita percaya bahwa ini akan membawa berkah bagi keluarga."
En: We believe it will bring blessings to our family."

Id: Sari mengangguk pelan, tapi keraguan masih tampak di matanya.
En: Sari nodded slowly, but doubt still lingered in her eyes.

Id: Putra bisa merasakannya.
En: Putra could sense it.

Id: Dia juga mulai meragukan apakah ritual ini masih relevan di zaman modern ini.
En: He too began to question whether this ritual was still relevant in modern times.

Id: Namun, dia tetap bertekad.
En: However, he remained determined.

Id: Putra memutuskan untuk melibatkan Sari lebih dalam.
En: Putra decided to involve Sari more deeply.

Id: "Sari, maukah kamu membantu mempersiapkan persembahan ini?
En: "Sari, would you help prepare these offerings?

Id: Mungkin dengan begitu kamu akan mengerti maknanya."
En: Maybe then you will understand their significance."

Id: Sari setuju.
En: Sari agreed.

Id: Mereka mulai bekerja bersama. Memetik bunga, menganyam janur, dan menyiapkan makanan khas untuk persembahan.
En: They began working together—picking flowers, weaving coconut leaves, and preparing special foods for the offerings.

Id: Wulan memimpin mereka dengan keyakinannya yang kuat.
En: Guided by Wulan’s strong conviction, they moved forward.

Id: Saat malam tiba, suasana semakin khusyuk.
En: As night fell, the atmosphere grew more solemn.

Id: Semakin banyak penduduk desa datang membawa persembahan mereka.
En: More villagers arrived, bringing their offerings.

Id: Lampu-lampu minyak menyala dan suara gemericik sungai menambah kedamaian.
En: Oil lamps lit up, and the sound of the river added to the peaceful ambiance.

Id: Puncak upacara tiba.
En: The climax of the ceremony arrived.

Id: Persembahan diletakkan di sebuah altar di puncak bukit kecil.
En: The offerings were placed on an altar at the top of a small hill.

Id: Doa-doa mulai diucapkan, mengisi udara malam dengan harapan dan rasa syukur.
En: Prayers were recited, filling the night air with hope and gratitude.

Id: Lalu terjadi sesuatu yang luar biasa.
En: Then, something extraordinary happened.

Id: Kabut tiba-tiba membentuk pola yang aneh di langit.
En: The mist suddenly formed strange patterns in the sky.

Id: Cahaya bintang-bintang tampak lebih terang dan seolah membungkus desa dengan sinar hangat.
En: The stars seemed to shine more brightly, wrapping the village in a warm glow.

Id: Putra dan Sari berdiri membisu.
En: Putra and Sari stood in silence.

Id: Mereka merasakan kedamaian yang belum pernah dirasakan sebelumnya.
En: They felt a peace they had never experienced before.

Id: Sari menatap Putra dengan mata berbinar.
En: Sari looked at Putra with glistening eyes.

Id: "Aku merasa sesuatu yang luar biasa.
En: "I feel something extraordinary.

Id: Terima kasih sudah membuatku percaya."
En: Thank you for making me believe."

Id: Putra mengangguk, merasa lega dan bahagia.
En: Putra nodded, feeling relieved and happy.

Id: Keyakinannya kembali utuh.
En: His faith was restored.

Id: Wulan tersenyum puas melihat mereka.
En: Wulan smiled contentedly watching them.

Id: Upacara selesai.
En: The ceremony concluded.

Id: Penduduk desa pulang dengan hati yang damai.
En: The villagers returned home with peaceful hearts.

Id: Begitu juga Putra dan Sari.
En: So did Putra and Sari.

Id: Mereka merasa terhubung lebih dalam dengan warisan budaya mereka.
En: They felt more deeply connected to their cultural heritage.

Id: Putra yakin, tradisi dan modernitas bisa berjalan berdampingan.
En: Putra was convinced, tradition and modernity could coexist.

Id: Sari kini menghargai warisan budaya itu.
En: Sari now appreciated their cultural heritage.

Id: Persahabatan mereka semakin erat, dan mereka pulang membawa berkah dan kedamaian.
En: Their friendship grew stronger, and they returned home with blessings and peace.

Id: Di hutan lebat dekat Gunung Bromo, tradisi kuno masih hidup, memberikan hikmah dan kehangatan bagi yang menjalaninya.
En: In the dense forest near Mount Bromo, ancient traditions still lived on, providing wisdom and warmth to those who practiced them.

Vocabulary Words:
  • dense: lebat
  • scent: aroma
  • shrouded: diselimuti
  • mist: kabut
  • solemn: khusyuk
  • timelessness: kekekalan
  • tradition: tradisi
  • upheld: dijalankan
  • villagers: penduduk desa
  • rustling: desiran
  • chants: nyanyian
  • enveloped: membungkus
  • skeptical: skeptis
  • offerings: persembahan
  • honor: menghormati
  • ancestors: leluhur
  • relevant: relevan
  • determined: bertekad
  • altar: altar
  • weaving: menganyam
  • solemn: khusyuk
  • ambiance: kedamaian
  • glistening: berbinar
  • extraordinary: luar biasa
  • mist: kabut
  • patterns: pola
  • relevant: relevan
  • conviction: keyakinan
  • guided: memimpin
  • ritual: ritual
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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