
Mistaken for a Swan: A Lakeside Laughter

Apr 26, 2024 · 16m 4s
Mistaken for a Swan: A Lakeside Laughter

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 29s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Mistaken for a Swan: A Lakeside Laughter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Usred šumovitih brežuljaka i kristalno čistih...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Mistaken for a Swan: A Lakeside Laughter
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Usred šumovitih brežuljaka i kristalno čistih jezera Plitvičkih jezera, Matija i Ana su odlučili provesti svoj dan.
En: Among the lush hills and crystal-clear lakes of Plitvice Lakes, Matija and Ana decided to spend their day.

Hr: Sunce je visoko sjalo, ptice su pjevale, a sve je mirisalo na avanturu.
En: The sun was shining high, birds were singing, and everything smelled like adventure.

Hr: Matija je bio poznat po svojim šalama i nestašlucima, a Ana, njegova najbolja prijateljica, uvijek je bila spretna u pronalaženju mira i tišine.
En: Matija was known for his jokes and mischief, and Ana, his best friend, was always skillful in finding peace and quiet.

Hr: On je volio iznenaditi Anu, ponekad do točke da je ona morala trčati kako bi ga uhvatila.
En: He loved to surprise Ana, sometimes to the point where she had to run to catch him.

Hr: Kako su šetali stazom pored jednog od jezera, Ana je ugledala prekrasnu šumu koja je zvala na istraživanje.
En: As they walked along a path next to one of the lakes, Ana saw a beautiful forest that called for exploration.

Hr: "Idem tamo", rekla je, pokazujući prema drveću.
En: "I'm going there," she said, pointing towards the trees.

Hr: "Dobro", rekao je Matija, "ali nemoj ići predaleko!
En: "Okay," said Matija, "but don't go too far!"

Hr: "Matija je ostao uz jezero, uživajući u pogledu i zvukovima vode.
En: Matija stayed by the lake, enjoying the view and the sounds of the water.

Hr: U daljini, primijetio je elegantnu bijelu figuru kako se polako kreće po vodi.
En: In the distance, he noticed an elegant white figure slowly moving across the water.

Hr: "Ana!
En: "Ana!"

Hr: " povikao je, misleći da je to njegova prijateljica u bijeloj haljini.
En: he called, thinking it was his friend in a white dress.

Hr: "Ana, gdje si?
En: "Ana, where are you?

Hr: Čekaj me!
En: Wait for me!"

Hr: "Počeo je glasno dozivati, ali figura nije odgovarala.
En: He started calling out loudly, but the figure didn't respond.

Hr: "Ana, je li to tvoja nova haljina?
En: "Ana, is that your new dress?

Hr: Izgledaš kao labud!
En: You look like a swan!"

Hr: " Njegovo dozivanje postalo je glasnije i energičnije dok se nije potpuno prepustio trenutku.
En: His calling became louder and more energetic until he completely surrendered to the moment.

Hr: Upravo kada je pomislio da je Ana napravila neku šalu, čuo je smijeh odmah iza sebe.
En: Just as he thought Ana was playing a prank, he heard laughter right behind him.

Hr: Okrenuo se i ugledao Anu kako stoji na stazi, s osmijehom od uha do uha.
En: He turned and saw Ana standing on the path, with a wide smile.

Hr: "Matija," rekla je s nježnim smijehom, "razgovaraš s pravim labudom!
En: "Matija," she said with gentle laughter, "you're talking to a real swan!"

Hr: "Matijino lice poprimilo je boju jesenskog lišća, a oboje su prasnuli u smijeh.
En: Matija's face turned the color of autumn leaves, and they both burst into laughter.

Hr: "Oh," rekao je, držeći se za trbuh, "mislio sam da je to tvoja haljina!
En: "Oh," he said, holding his stomach, "I thought it was your dress!"

Hr: "Nakon što su se njihovi smijesi stišali, shvatili su da je ovaj nesporazum samo još jedna priča koju će pamtiti godinama.
En: After their laughter subsided, they realized this misunderstanding would be another story they would remember for years.

Hr: Dan se nastavio pun radosti i šale, dok su šetali kroz park i divili se njegovoj prirodnoj ljepoti.
En: The day continued full of joy and jokes as they walked through the park and admired its natural beauty.

Hr: Kako se dan približavao svom kraju, Matija i Ana su sjedili na obali jezera, gledajući zalazak sunca.
En: As the day neared its end, Matija and Ana sat by the lake, watching the sunset.

Hr: Priroda oko njih je živjela svojim ritmom, a labud s kojim je Matija prije razgovarao, sada je mirno plovio po površini vode.
En: The nature around them lived its own rhythm, and the swan Matija had spoken to earlier was now peacefully gliding across the water's surface.

Hr: "Znaš," rekla je Ana, "ovaj dan ću pamtiti zauvijek.
En: "You know," Ana said, "I'll remember this day forever.

Hr: Tvoj razgovor s labudom je nešto najsmiješnije što sam vidjela.
En: Your conversation with the swan is the funniest thing I've ever seen."

Hr: "Matija se nasmiješio i složio.
En: Matija smiled and agreed.

Hr: I dok je sunce nestajalo iza horizonta, bili su zahvalni na neplaniranim trenucima koji su njihovo prijateljstvo učinili još jačim.
En: And as the sun disappeared behind the horizon, they were grateful for the unplanned moments that made their friendship even stronger.

Hr: Sreća je ponekad u malim stvarima, u zoru na Plitvičkim jezerima, u haljini koja je zapravo labud, i u srcu prijateljstva koje zna smijati se samom sebi.
En: Happiness is sometimes found in small things, in the dawn at Plitvice Lakes, in a dress that turned out to be a swan, and in the heart of a friendship that can laugh at itself.

Vocabulary Words:
  • adventure: avantura
  • mischief: nestašluk
  • surprise: iznenaditi
  • elegant: elegantan
  • respond: odgovoriti
  • laughter: smijeh
  • misunderstanding: nesporazum
  • admire: diviti se
  • peaceful: mirno
  • unplanned: neplaniran
  • subside: stišati se
  • grateful: zahvalan
  • dawn: zora
  • friendship: prijateljstvo
  • laughter: smijeh
  • moment: trenutak
  • rhythm: ritam
  • horizon: horizont
  • peaceful: mirno
  • skillful: spretna
  • prank: šala
  • autumn: jesen
  • surrender: prepustiti se
  • gentle: nježan
  • figure: figura
  • path: staza
  • lush: šumovit
  • burst into: prsnuti u
  • realize: shvatiti
  • skillful: spretna
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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