
Mismatched Boots Conquer Snowdonia!

Feb 23, 2024 · 15m 20s
Mismatched Boots Conquer Snowdonia!

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 35s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Mismatched Boots Conquer Snowdonia! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd bore bachog yn gorchuddio mynyddoedd Eryri, ac yn...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Mismatched Boots Conquer Snowdonia!
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Roedd bore bachog yn gorchuddio mynyddoedd Eryri, ac yn neilltuol Cader Idris, ble roedd Carys, Dylan, ac Eleri'n paratoi am antur fawr.
En: A misty morning covered the mountains of Snowdonia, particularly Cader Idris, where Carys, Dylan, and Eleri were preparing for a big adventure.

Cy: Carys, ysbrydoliaeth y tri, roedd hi'n frwd i ddringo i'r copa.
En: Carys, the inspiration of the three, was eager to climb to the top.

Cy: Roedd hi wedi cysgu'n annifyr, ei breuddwydion yn llawn o lwybrau serth a golygfeydd anhygoel.
En: She had slept restlessly, her dreams full of steep trails and incredible views.

Cy: Daeth Dylan, y cerddwr profiadol, â'i offer gorau i'r daith; ei esgidiau dringo, a oedd yn gyffyrddus ac yn addas ar gyfer pob math o dir.
En: Dylan, the experienced hiker, brought his best gear for the journey; his climbing boots, which were comfortable and suitable for all kinds of terrain.

Cy: Eleri, sydd bob amser yn barod am hwyl, edrychodd ymlaen at y daith gyda chwerthin a jôc.
En: Eleri, always ready for fun, looked ahead to the journey with laughter and jokes.

Cy: Wrth iddynt gasglu eu pethau, fe wnaeth Carys wneud camgymeriad dibwys oedd i gael effaith enfawr ar y daith.
En: As they gathered their things, Carys made a minor mistake that would have a significant impact on the journey.

Cy: Yn lle cymryd ei hesgidiau ei hun, fe gyrhaeddodd yn anfwriadol am esgidiau Dylan.
En: Instead of taking her own boots, she unintentionally grabbed Dylan's.

Cy: Roedd hi'n gwisgo esgidiau rhywun arall, ac ni sylwodd hi ar hynny o gwbl.
En: She was wearing someone else's shoes, and she didn't notice it at all.

Cy: Yn llawn cyffro, cychwynnodd y tri ar y llwybr.
En: Full of excitement, the three set off on the trail.

Cy: Wrth iddynt fynd yn uwch, daeth y cymylau'n fwy dwys, a'r llwybrau'n fwy heriol.
En: As they ascended, the clouds grew denser, and the paths became more challenging.

Cy: Eleri, â’i chamau bywiog, a Dylan gyda'i wybodaeth eang, arweiniodd y ffordd gydag optimistiaeth.
En: Eleri, with her lively steps, and Dylan with his wide knowledge, led the way with optimism.

Cy: Ond yn fuan iawn, dechreuodd Carys deimlo'r pwysau.
En: But soon, Carys began to feel the pressure.

Cy: Yn araf, roedd ei throed yn dechrau brifo.
En: Slowly, her foot began to hurt.

Cy: Edrychodd i lawr ac sylwodd y gwahaniaeth.
En: She looked down and noticed the difference.

Cy: "Dylan!" gwaeddodd hi, "Dy esgidiau di sydd gen i!"
En: "Dylan!" she shouted, "I've got your shoes!"

Cy: Roedd Dylan yn synnu, ond cadwodd ei dawelwch.
En: Dylan was surprised, but kept quiet.

Cy: Roedd yn gwybod nad oedd dychwelyd yn opsiwn.
En: He knew that going back was not an option.

Cy: Eleri, â gwên a chefnogaeth, awgrymodd eu bod yn aros i orffwys.
En: Eleri, with a smile and support, suggested that they wait to rest.

Cy: Fe wnaethon nhw eistedd, yfed dŵr o'r nant gerllaw, a rhannu stori neu ddwy.
En: They sat, drank water from the nearby stream, and shared a story or two.

Cy: Yn ystod yr egwyl hon, fe wnaeth Dylan addasu'r strapiau ar ei esgidiau yn dynnach i ffitio troed Carys yn well.
En: During this break, Dylan adjusted the straps on his shoes to fit Carys' foot better.

Cy: Gyda’i throed yn teimlo’n well braidd, parhaodd Carys ar y llwybr serth gyda’i ffrindiau.
En: With her foot feeling somewhat better, Carys continued on the steep path with her friends.

Cy: Wrth i’r awyr clirio, gwelodd yr ucheldiroedd o'u blaenau, a theimlodd Carys falchder a rhyddhad.
En: As the sky cleared, they saw the summits ahead, and Carys felt pride and relief.

Cy: Roedd wedi herio'r mynydd a'i hunan-amheuon, a phob cam yn un at fuddugoliaeth.
En: She had challenged the mountain and her own doubts, and every step was a step towards victory.

Cy: Wrth gyrraedd y copa, edrychodd y tri ffrind ar y byd islaw gyda llygaid sy'n rhannu'r un gamp a'r un straeon.
En: Upon reaching the top, the three friends looked at the world below with eyes sharing the same triumph and the same stories.

Cy: Roedd y golygfa o’r copa yn fendith, yn wobr am eu hymdrechion, ac yn gysur am bob cam poenus.
En: The view from the summit was a blessing, a reward for their efforts, and a comfort for every painful step.

Cy: Roedd Dylan, Carys, ac Eleri'n gwybod y byddai'r daith hon, ynghyd â'i dwylo tost a'i rhwymau tebygol, yn rhan o'u hatgofion yn dragwyddol.
En: Dylan, Carys, and Eleri knew that this journey, along with their silent struggles and likely blisters, would be part of their enduring memories.

Vocabulary Words:
  • misty: bachog
  • covered: gorchuddio
  • particularly: neilltuol
  • preparing: paratoi
  • adventure: antur
  • inspiration: ysbrydoliaeth
  • restlessly: annifyr
  • dreams: breuddwydion
  • steep: serth
  • incredible: anhygoel
  • experienced: profiadol
  • gear: offer
  • climbing: dringo
  • comfortable: cyffyrddus
  • terrain: tir
  • jokes: jôc
  • mistake: camgymeriad
  • impact: effaith
  • significant: enfawr
  • unintentionally: anfwriadol
  • excitement: cyffro
  • ascended: gyrrhaeddodd
  • denser: fwy dwys
  • challenging: heriol
  • optimism: optimistiaeth
  • noticed: sylwodd
  • surprised: synnu
  • rest: orffwys
  • adjusted: addasu
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