Luka’s Leap: Winning Investors Without Slides
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Luka’s Leap: Winning Investors Without Slides
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Luka’s Leap: Winning Investors Without Slides Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Luka je stal v sobi, polni ljudi,...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Luka je stal v sobi, polni ljudi, v Ljubljanskem podjetniškem inkubatorju.
En: Luka stood in a room full of people at the Ljubljana entrepreneurial incubator.
Sl: Srce mu je bilo kot noro.
En: His heart was beating wildly.
Sl: Okrog njega so bile rdeče opečne stene in okna, velika do stropa, skozi katera je bilo videti jesenski mestni vrvež.
En: Around him were red brick walls and windows that reached the ceiling, through which the bustling autumn city could be seen.
Sl: Listi so padali v zlatih odtenkih.
En: Leaves were falling in golden hues.
Sl: Anja mu je stala ob strani.
En: Anja stood by his side.
Sl: "Vse bo v redu," ga je mirila.
En: "Everything will be alright," she reassured him.
Sl: Bila je njegova zvesta sodelavka in prijateljica.
En: She was his loyal coworker and friend.
Sl: Verjela je vanj, tudi ko sam ni.
En: She believed in him even when he didn’t.
Sl: Luka je imel en sam cilj - navdušiti investitorje.
En: Luka had one goal - to impress the investors.
Sl: Njegova ideja je bila nova tehnologija, ki bi poenostavila življenje mnogim.
En: His idea was a new technology that would simplify life for many.
Sl: Vse je bilo pripravljeno.
En: Everything was ready.
Sl: Prostor je bil poln znanih obrazov, ki so čakali nanj.
En: The room was filled with familiar faces waiting for him.
Sl: Toda tik pred začetkom, katastrofa.
En: But just before the start, disaster struck.
Sl: Njegov prenosni računalnik je prenehal delovati.
En: His laptop stopped working.
Sl: Diapozitivi, ki so morali navdušiti, so bili izgubljeni.
En: The slides meant to impress were lost.
Sl: Panika se je širila skozi njega kot požar.
En: Panic spread through him like wildfire.
Sl: "Ne skrbi," je rekla Anja.
En: "Don't worry," Anja said.
Sl: "Pokaži jim svojo strast.
En: "Show them your passion.
Sl: Povej svojo zgodbo.
En: Tell your story."
Sl: "Luka je tehtal.
En: Luka hesitated.
Sl: Bi preložil?
En: Should he postpone?
Sl: Morda celo odpovedal?
En: Maybe even cancel?
Sl: Nato pa je v hipu sprejel odločitev.
En: But then he made a snap decision.
Sl: Stopil je naprej, brez diapozitivov, le s svojo zgodbo.
En: He stepped forward, without the slides, only with his story.
Sl: Z globokim vdihom je začel govoriti.
En: With a deep breath, he began to speak.
Sl: Najprej je bila negotovost, toda kmalu je našel svoj ritem.
En: At first, there was uncertainty, but soon he found his rhythm.
Sl: Govoril je strastno, z iskrico v očeh.
En: He spoke passionately, with a spark in his eyes.
Sl: Opisal je svojo tehnološko vizijo, kako bi ta pomagala in poenostavila življenje.
En: He described his technological vision, how it would help and simplify life.
Sl: Njegov glas je polnil sobo in investitorji so prisluhnili.
En: His voice filled the room, and the investors listened.
Sl: Srečanje se je končalo.
En: The meeting ended.
Sl: Luka je čutil val olajšanja in ponosa.
En: Luka felt a wave of relief and pride.
Sl: Ni bil popoln, a uspel je.
En: It hadn't been perfect, but he succeeded.
Sl: Investitorji so bili zainteresirani.
En: The investors were interested.
Sl: Želeli so več informacij, poti za nadaljnja srečanja so bile odprte.
En: They wanted more information, and avenues for further meetings were opened.
Sl: "Luka, bil si fantastičen," je rekla Anja.
En: "Luka, you were fantastic," Anja said.
Sl: Smehljala se je, vedoč, da je premagal svoj strah.
En: She smiled, knowing he had conquered his fear.
Sl: Luka je zapustil inkubator z novim občutkom samozavesti.
En: Luka left the incubator with a new sense of confidence.
Sl: Znal je komunicirati, tudi brez tehnologije.
En: He knew he could communicate, even without technology.
Sl: In navsezadnje, zaradi svoje strasti in vztrajnosti je zdaj korak bližje svojemu cilju.
En: And ultimately, thanks to his passion and perseverance, he was now a step closer to his goal.
Vocabulary Words:
- entrepreneurial: podjetniški
- incubator: inkubator
- bustling: vrvež
- hues: odtenki
- reassured: mirila
- loyal: zvesta
- impress: navdušiti
- investors: investitorje
- disaster: katastrofa
- panic: panika
- hesitated: tehtal
- postpone: preložil
- cancel: odpovedal
- snap decision: v hipu sprejel odločitev
- uncertainty: negotovost
- rhythm: ritem
- vision: vizija
- technological: tehnološko
- simplify: poenostavila
- relief: olajšanja
- pride: ponosa
- perseverance: vztrajnosti
- conquered: premagal
- confidence: samozavesti
- further: nadaljnja
- avenues: poti
- familiar: znanih
- struck: katastrofa
- spark: iskrica
- passion: strast
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