
Lost in Bratislava: An Unexpected Adventure

Dec 3, 2023 · 16m 30s
Lost in Bratislava: An Unexpected Adventure

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 53s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Lost in Bratislava: An Unexpected Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Vo vzduchu visela vôňa dobrodružstva a ulice...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Lost in Bratislava: An Unexpected Adventure
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Vo vzduchu visela vôňa dobrodružstva a ulice Bratislavy žili príbehmi starými aj novými.
En: In the air hung the scent of adventure and the streets of Bratislava were alive with old and new stories.

Sk: Jana s Petrom, dvaja mladí cestovatelia, si práve vyšliapali cestu do zákutiach starého mesta, a hoci mapa bola v Janinej ruke, uličky sa zdali byť ako labyrint.
En: Jana and Peter, two young travelers, had just set out to explore the corners of the old city, and although the map was in Jana's hand, the alleys seemed like a labyrinth.

Sk: "Sme úplne stratení, Jana!" povzdychol si Peter, keď štvrtýkrát minuli rovnakú malú kaviareň s vonkajšími stolmi posadenými tesne vedľa seba.
En: "We are completely lost, Jana!" sighed Peter, as they passed the same small café with outdoor tables closely packed together for the fourth time.

Sk: Jana prehliadala mapu s mračným čelom. "Podľa tejto mapy by sme mali byť hneď vedľa hradu, ale ja vidím len domy a viac domov."
En: Jana studied the map with a furrowed brow. "According to this map, we should be right next to the castle, but all I see are houses and more houses."

Sk: V tom sa ozval tichý hlas: "Potrebujete pomôcť?"
En: At that moment, a quiet voice spoke up: "Do you need help?"

Sk: Otočili sa a uvideli stredovekého mladíka, s úsmevom, ktorý veru prinášal nádej. Bol to Miroslav, miestny dobrodruh, ktorý sa zdal vedieť všetko o každom rohu a zákutí svojej milovanej Bratislavy.
En: They turned and saw a medieval-looking young man with a smile that truly brought hope. It was Miroslav, a local adventurer who seemed to know everything about every corner and nook of his beloved Bratislava.

Sk: "Oh, áno! Veľmi by sme boli vďační," odpovedala Jana.
En: "Oh, yes! We would be very grateful," replied Jana.

Sk: Miroslav prehodil batoh cez plece a povedal: "Tak dobre, poďte so mnou."
En: Miroslav slung his backpack over his shoulder and said, "Alright, come with me."

Sk: A tak vyrazili za Miroslavom, pretkávali sa hustými uličkami, míňali farebné fasády domov a obchodíkov s miestnymi remeslami.
En: And so they set off with Miroslav, weaving through narrow streets, passing by colorful house facades and local crafts shops.

Sk: Ale po chvíli si Jana s Petrom uvedomili, že každá cesta skončí začatím novej, každé rozhodnutie sa zdalo byť opakovaním predchádzajúceho.
En: But after a while, Jana and Peter realized that every path led to the beginning of a new one, and every decision seemed to be a repetition of the previous one.

Sk: "Miroslave, si si istý, že nás vedieš správne?" opýtala sa Jana, keď kaviareň, ktorú minuli pred hodinou, sa objavila na rohu ulice znova.
En: "Miroslav, are you sure you're leading us in the right direction?" Jana asked when the café they had passed an hour ago appeared at the street corner again.

Sk: Miroslav sa zastavil a zmätene si držal hlavu. "Och, prepáčte mi! Tieto uličky som prešiel tisíckrát a nikdy som sa nestratil... až do dnešného dňa."
En: Miroslav stopped and held his head in confusion. "Oh, forgive me! I've walked these streets a thousand times and never got lost... until today."

Sk: Po chvíli zmätku a neúspešného hľadania správnej cesty ich Miroslav zaviedol na malé námestie, kde stál ponosový muž pri stánku s horúcimi občerstveniami. Miroslav ho poprosil o radu.
En: After a moment of confusion and unsuccessful attempts to find the right path, Miroslav led them to a small square where a proud man stood by a hot snacks stand. Miroslav asked him for advice.

Sk: Muž sa zasmial a povedal: "Každý turista skončí na tomto námestí aspoň raz. Je to srdce starého mesta, brána ku všetkému a zároveň bludisko. Hrad je odtiaľto len kúsok, idete..."
En: The man laughed and said, "Every tourist ends up in this square at least once. It's the heart of the old city, a gateway to everything and at the same time a maze. The castle is just a stone's throw away from here, you're going..."

Sk: Nakoniec viedol jeho prst priamo na vežu hradu, ktorá bola skrytá za ochranou stromov na námestí. Jana, Peter a Miroslav si vyhliadli cestu a poďakovali mu.
En: Finally, he pointed directly to the castle tower, hidden behind the trees in the square. Jana, Peter, and Miroslav glimpsed the way and thanked him.

Sk: Kráčali spoločne a keď dorazili k hradu, Bratislava sa pred nimi rozprestrela v celom svojom kráse. Pohľad na mesto spojil trojicu v silnom priateľstve, ktoré sa zrodilo z blúdenia a spoločného objavovania.
En: They walked together and when they arrived at the castle, Bratislava unfolded before them in all its beauty. The view of the city united the trio in a strong friendship that grew from wandering and discovering together.

Sk: Jana s Petrom poďakovali Miroslavovi za dobrodružný deň plný zablúdení, ktoré ich napokon viedli k nádhernému výhľadu.
En: Jana and Peter thanked Miroslav for an adventurous day full of wanderings that ultimately led them to a wonderful view.

Sk: A aj keď ich cesta nebola priama, spoločne sa zhodli, že niekedy sú práve najnečakanejšie zákruty tie, ktoré vedú k najkrajším príbehom.
En: And even though their journey was not straightforward, they agreed that sometimes it's the most unexpected twists and turns that lead to the most beautiful stories.

Vocabulary Words:
  • scent: vôňa
  • adventure: dobrodružstvo
  • streets: ulice
  • alive: žili
  • travelers: cestovatelia
  • explore: vyšliapať
  • corners: zákutia
  • map: mapa
  • alleys: uličky
  • labyrinth: labyrint
  • lost: stratení
  • café: kaviareň
  • outdoor: vonkajší
  • packed: tesne vedľa seba
  • studied: prehliadala
  • furrowed brow: mračné čelo
  • according: podľa
  • castle: hrad
  • houses: domy
  • quiet voice: tichý hlas
  • help: pomôcť
  • medieval-looking: stredovekého vzhľadu
  • hope: nádej
  • local: miestny
  • adventurer: dobrodruh
  • corner: roh
  • nook: zákutie
  • beloved: milovaná
  • slung: prehodil
  • backpack: batoh
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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