
Lost in Barcelona: A Night of Pure Freedom and Joy

Nov 13, 2023 · 16m 32s
Lost in Barcelona: A Night of Pure Freedom and Joy

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 58s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Lost in Barcelona: A Night of Pure Freedom and Joy Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: Als racons més...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Lost in Barcelona: A Night of Pure Freedom and Joy
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Story Transcript:

Ca: Als racons més frondosos de Barcelona, hi viuen milers de contes.
En: In the lushest corners of Barcelona, thousands of stories reside.

Ca: Un d'ells succeeix en un tarda esfervescient, quan el sol tenia por de posar-se, com si sospités que aquest vespre seria ple d'una alegria inexplicable, teixida de risa, música, atmosfera acongojadora i purpurina.
En: One of them unfolds on a vibrant afternoon, when the sun was afraid to set, as if suspecting that tonight would be filled with an inexplicable joy, woven with laughter, music, an eerie atmosphere, and glitter.

Ca: Aquesta és la història de Jordi i Marta, que volien viure Barcelona, però en comptes d’això van acabar ballant en una desfilada.
En: This is the story of Jordi and Marta, who wanted to experience Barcelona, but instead ended up dancing in a parade.

Ca: Era aviat en una tarda càlida, quan els vells carrers de Barcelona ressònaven amb l'eco de la calejada i les rialles infantils.
En: It was early on a warm afternoon when the old streets of Barcelona resonated with the echo of footsteps and children's laughter.

Ca: Jordi i Marta passejaven somrient pels carrers de la Ciutat Comtal, beguts de la bellesa de la ciutat.
En: Jordi and Marta strolled with smiles on their faces through the streets of the City of Counts, intoxicated by the city's beauty.

Ca: Els dos amics decidiren explorar els carrers misteriosos de Barcelona, fascinats per la bellesa de les seves vistes, el soroll inquietant dels seus carrers i el xiuxiueig calmant de la mar Mediterrània.
En: The two friends decided to explore the mysterious streets of Barcelona, fascinated by the beauty of its sights, the unsettling noise of its streets, and the soothing whisper of the Mediterranean sea.

Ca: Ben aviat, però, es van perdre.
En: Soon, however, they got lost.

Ca: Els carrers de Barcelona, amb les seves revolts i girs inesperats, podien ser una selva densa per a aquells que no estiguessin familiaritzats amb ells.
En: Barcelona's streets, with their twists and unexpected turns, could be a dense jungle for those who were unfamiliar with them.

Ca: Gordi i Marta, encara somrient, van derivar més profundament dins els camins de la ciutat, fascinats i emocionats tot a l’hora.
En: Still smiling, Jordi and Marta delved deeper into the city's paths, captivated and excited at the same time.

Ca: De sobte, es van trobar envoltats de música.
En: Suddenly, they found themselves surrounded by music.

Ca: Notes alegres flotaven pels carrers fent rebotar les pedres, les flors i les parets blanques.
En: Happy notes floated through the streets, bouncing off stones, flowers, and white walls.

Ca: Amb ulls brillants, Jordi i Marta van girar uns cantonades per trobar-se enmig d'una desfilada esclatant de color.
En: With shining eyes, Jordi and Marta turned a few corners to find themselves in the middle of a burst of colorful parade.

Ca: Llums incandescent, música hullant de tambors i una multitud que balls alegres en carrers estrets.
En: Incandescent lights, drum-filled music, and a crowd joyfully dancing in narrow streets.

Ca: Sense dubtar-ne, Jordi i Marta es van llançar al bell mig del desfilada, movint els peus al ritme de la música, obrint els braços per cridar al cel.
En: Without hesitation, Jordi and Marta threw themselves into the midst of the parade, moving their feet to the rhythm of the music, raising their arms to the sky.

Ca: Els seus moviments eren naturals, com si formessin part de l'espectacle des de l'inici.
En: Their movements were natural, as if they had been part of the spectacle from the beginning.

Ca: Els altres ballarins reien i aplaudien mentre Jordi i Marta saltaven, giraven i reien amb ells.
En: The other dancers laughed and applauded as Jordi and Marta jumped, twirled, and laughed with them.

Ca: La ciutat de Barcelona es convertí en un teatre viu aquella nit per a Jordi i Marta, com un somni viu on es pot ballar sense restriccions.
En: Barcelona became a living theater that night for Jordi and Marta, like a vivid dream where one could dance without restrictions.

Ca: Una nit d'eufòria, una història inoblidable que cada un recordarà com l'experiència més divertida i emocionant de les seves vides.
En: A night of euphoria, an unforgettable story that each of them would remember as the most fun and exciting experience of their lives.

Ca: Inevitablement, la desfilada va arribar a la seva fi, i la música va morir lentament.
En: Inevitably, the parade came to an end, and the music slowly faded away.

Ca: Però la memòria de la nit es mantindrá viva en les mentides de Jordi i Marta, i en aquells que els havien vist ballar sense preocupar-se del món.
En: But the memory of that night would remain alive in Jordi and Marta's minds, and in those who had seen them dance without a care in the world.

Ca: I així, malgrat perdre’s, Jordi i Marta van trobar una experiència que no oblidarien mai.
En: And so, despite getting lost, Jordi and Marta found an experience they would never forget.

Ca: A través dels carrers tortuosos de Barcelona, ​​van poder viure una nit de llibertat i felicitat pura que no els hagués estat possible de cap altra manera.
En: Through the winding streets of Barcelona, they were able to live a night of pure freedom and happiness that wouldn't have been possible otherwise.

Ca: I, malgrat que la confusió encara persistia sobre com tornar, van estar d’acord que valia la pena perdre’s.
En: And even though the confusion still lingered on how to return, they agreed that getting lost was worth it.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Barcelona: Barcelona
  • story: cont
  • vibrant: esclatant
  • sun: sol
  • afraid: por
  • set: posar-se
  • inexplicable: inexplicable
  • joy: alegria
  • laughter: risa
  • music: música
  • eerie: acongojadora
  • atmosphere: atmosfera
  • glitter: purpurina
  • Jordi: Jordi
  • Marta: Marta
  • experience: experiència
  • dance: ballar
  • parade: desfilada
  • warm: càlida
  • streets: carrers
  • echo: eco
  • footsteps: calejada
  • children's laughter: rialles infantils
  • smiles: somriures
  • intoxicated: beguts
  • beauty: bellesa
  • mysterious: misteriosos
  • sights: vistes
  • unsettling: inquietant
  • noise: soroll
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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