
Laughter Spills & Friendship Bonds

Feb 4, 2024 · 14m 52s
Laughter Spills & Friendship Bonds

01 · Main Story

1m 39s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 28s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Laughter Spills & Friendship Bonds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, kafić u malenom gradu bio...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Laughter Spills & Friendship Bonds
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, kafić u malenom gradu bio je pun šušura i mirisa svježe kave.
En: On a sunny morning, the café in a small town was bustling with the aroma of fresh coffee.

Hr: Ana, Ivan i Marko su bili najbolji prijatelji koji su se redovito sastajali u tom kafiću kako bi popili jutarnju kavu prije posla.
En: Ana, Ivan, and Marko were the best of friends who regularly met at the café to have their morning coffee before work.

Hr: Ana je već sjedila za stolom, prelistavajući časopis, kad su Ivan i Marko stigli.
En: Ana was already sitting at the table, flipping through a magazine, when Ivan and Marko arrived.

Hr: Ivanov osmijeh bio je zarazan i čim su ga vidjeli, njegovi prijatelji su mu uzvratili istim osmijehom.
En: Ivan's smile was contagious, and as soon as they saw him, his friends returned the same smile.

Hr: "Naručio bih jednu kavu s mlijekom, molim," rekao je Ivan konobaru dok je iz džepa izvlačio novčanik.
En: "I would like a coffee with milk, please," Ivan told the waiter as he pulled out his wallet from his pocket.

Hr: Konobar je kimnuo i otišao pripremiti narudžbu.
En: The waiter nodded and went to prepare the order.

Hr: Dok je Ana pričala neku smiješnu anegdotu, svatko se smijao.
En: While Ana was telling a funny anecdote, everyone was laughing.

Hr: Zvuk smijeha ispunjavao je prostoriju.
En: The sound of laughter filled the room.

Hr: Trenutak kasnije, konobar je donio Ivanovu kavu.
En: A moment later, the waiter brought Ivan's coffee.

Hr: I dok je konobar postavljao šalicu na stol, Ivan je napravio nenadan pokret.
En: As the waiter was placing the cup on the table, Ivan made an unexpected move.

Hr: Ruka mu je zahvatila rub stola, izazvavši mali potres koji je poslao šalicu s kavom direktno na Ivanovu bijelu košulju.
En: His hand hit the edge of the table, causing a small tremor that sent the cup of coffee directly onto Ivan's white shirt.

Hr: Tamna tekućina brzo se proširila po tkanini, a Ivan je izgledao u šoku.
En: The dark liquid quickly spread on the fabric, and Ivan looked shocked.

Hr: Ana nije mogla zadržati smijeh.
En: Ana couldn't hold back her laughter.

Hr: Gledajući Ivana kako nevino stoji tamo prekriven kavom, počela je glasno smijati.
En: Watching Ivan innocently standing there covered in coffee, she began to laugh out loud.

Hr: Marko je brzo donio salvete pokušavajući pomoći Ivanu da očisti nered.
En: Marko quickly brought napkins, trying to help Ivan clean up the mess.

Hr: "Pa, izgleda da ovaj dan počinje jako zanimljivo," kroz smijeh je rekla Ana.
En: "Well, it looks like this day is starting off very interesting," Ana said amidst laughter.

Hr: Ivan je u početku bio malo ljut, ali nije mogao odoljeti i sam je počeo smijati se svojoj nespretanosti.
En: Ivan was initially a little annoyed, but couldn't resist and started laughing at his clumsiness.

Hr: "Sljedeći put ću naručiti kavu koja se ne može proliti," rekao je Ivan, dodajući humor situaciji.
En: "Next time, I'll order a coffee that can't spill," Ivan said, adding humor to the situation.

Hr: "Možda kava u kapsuli?
En: "Maybe coffee in a capsule?

Hr: Ili bolje, crna kava za van u čvrstoj posudi!
En: Or better yet, black coffee to go in a sturdy container!"

Hr: "Nakon što se smijeh slegnuo i Ivan se očistio, prijatelji su nastavili sa svojim jutrom uživajući u zajedničkom druženju.
En: After the laughter subsided and Ivan cleaned up, the friends continued with their morning, enjoying their time together.

Hr: Iako je početak bio kaotičan, situacija ih je još više zbližila.
En: Although the beginning was chaotic, the situation brought them even closer together.

Hr: Dok su izlazili iz kafića, čvrsto su se zagrlili, obećavajući jedno drugom da će ovaj smiješni incident ostati njihova mala tajna.
En: As they left the café, they hugged tightly, promising each other that this funny incident would remain their little secret.

Hr: "Vrijeme je da se suočimo s novim danom," rekao je Marko.
En: "It's time to face the new day," Marko said.

Hr: "A, Ivan, možda bi ti trebala pregača za sljedeći put kad naručuješ kavu!
En: "And Ivan, maybe you should wear an apron next time you order coffee!"

Hr: "Svi su se još jednom smijali dok su se razišli, svatko na svoju stranu, noseći sa sobom toplinu prijateljstva i smijeha koji je taj dan postao svijetao kao i sunce što je sijalo nad gradom.
En: They all laughed once more as they went their separate ways, carrying with them the warmth of friendship and the laughter that had brightened the day as much as the sun shining over the town.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: sunčano
  • café: kafić
  • bustling: šušur
  • aroma: miris
  • fresh: svježe
  • coffee: kava
  • best: najbolji
  • regularly: redovito
  • morning: jutro
  • work: posao
  • table: stol
  • magazine: časopis
  • smile: osmijeh
  • contagious: zarazan
  • wallet: novčanik
  • pocket: džep
  • waiter: konobar
  • nodded: kimnuo
  • prepare: pripremiti
  • order: narudžba
  • funny: smiješan
  • anecdote: anegdota
  • laughing: smijanje
  • laughter: smijeh
  • sound: zvuk
  • moment: trenutak
  • cup: šalica
  • edge: rub
  • tremor: potres
  • shirt: košulja
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