
Laugh Out Loud: Café Chaos & Friendship

Feb 10, 2024 · 16m 13s
Laugh Out Loud: Café Chaos & Friendship

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 16s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Laugh Out Loud: Café Chaos & Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva so se trije...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Laugh Out Loud: Café Chaos & Friendship
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva so se trije prijatelji - Ana, Marko in Luka - odločili preživeti dan v živahnem mestu Ljubljana.
En: One sunny afternoon, three friends - Ana, Marko, and Luka - decided to spend the day in the lively city of Ljubljana.

Sl: Sprehajali so se po ozkih ulicah in občudovali stare zgradbe, dokler niso občutili lahkotne lakote.
En: They strolled through narrow streets and admired old buildings until they felt a slight hunger.

Sl: Sklenili so, da se bodo za malico ustavili v eni izmed znanih ljubljanskih kavarn, poimenovani "Pri zelenem zmaju".
En: They decided to stop for a snack at one of the famous cafés in Ljubljana, called "Pri zelenem zmaju."

Sl: Kavarna je bila polna smeha, zvoka kapljanja espressa in vonja sveže pečenega peciva.
En: The café was full of laughter, the sound of espresso dripping, and the aroma of freshly baked pastries.

Sl: Ana je bila odločena, da bo poskusila slovito zmajev rogljiček, medtem ko sta se Marko in Luka odločila za sendviče.
En: Ana was determined to try the famous dragon pastry, while Marko and Luka opted for sandwiches.

Sl: Medtem ko so čakali na naročilo, je Ana opazila, da je pozabila novico deliti s prijatelji.
En: While waiting for their order, Ana realized she had forgotten to share some news with her friends.

Sl: "Luka, Marko," je zagnala, "na fakulteti sem dobila najvišje ocene!"
En: "Luka, Marko," she exclaimed, "I got the highest grades at university!"

Sl: Prijatelja sta kričala od veselja in jo objela, ko pa se je njen pogled spet obrnil nazaj k mizi, je zmedeno ugotovila, da je njeno mesto zasedeno.
En: Her friends cheered and hugged her. When she looked back at the table, she found her seat occupied.

Sl: Zgodila se je smešna zmešnjava. Marko, vedno za šalo, je med njenim pripovedovanjem zamenjal mesta in sedel na Anino stol.
En: A funny mix-up had occurred. Marko, always up for a joke, had switched seats with Ana while she was talking.

Sl: Ana je pogledala Marka in v trenutku je sprožila igrivo vojno za mesto.
En: Ana looked at Marko and immediately initiated a playful war for the seat.

Sl: Ne vedoč za njihovo igro, je Luka šel plačat in se vrnil z napitki, misleč, da je Ana sedaj Marko.
En: Unaware of their game, Luka went to pay and returned with drinks, thinking Ana was now Marko.

Sl: "Marko, tvoj kava," je rekel Luka in podal skodelico Ani.
En: "Marko, here's your coffee," Luka said, handing a cup to Ana.

Sl: Ana se ni mogla zadržati in je sprejela skodelico, a se je hkrati potrudila govoriti z nizkim glasom: "Hvala, Luka."
En: Unable to resist, Ana accepted the cup but made an effort to speak in a low voice, "Thank you, Luka."

Sl: Zmeda je dosegla vrhunec, ko je natakarica prinesla rogljiček in ga brez obotavljanja položila pred Marka, ki je še vedno sedel na Aninem mestu.
En: The confusion peaked when the waitress brought the pastry and placed it in front of Marko, who was still in Ana's seat.

Sl: Marko se je namuznil in namenil, da bo poskusil Anin rogljiček, preden bo zamenjal nazaj stol.
En: Marko chuckled and decided to try Ana's pastry before switching back seats.

Sl: Vendar pa je vrvež v kavarni prinesel še drug osebje, ki je prineslo Markov sendvič, ga zamenjalo za Luka in položilo pred pravega Luka.
En: However, the commotion in the café brought in more staff, who brought Marko's sandwich, mistaking it for Luka’s, and placed it in front of the real Luka.

Sl: "Hvala, ampak to ni moje," je rekel Luka, vstal in začel urejati zmešnjavo.
En: "Thank you, but this isn't mine," said Luka, standing up to straighten out the mix-up.

Sl: Medtem pa so drugi gostje spremljali to komedijo s širokimi nasmehi.
En: Meanwhile, other guests watched the comedy with wide smiles.

Sl: Končno, po mnogih menjavah in razjasnitvah, so vsi dobili pravo hrano in pijačo.
En: Finally, after many exchanges and clarifications, everyone got the right food and drinks.

Sl: Ob njihovi mizi se je razlegal iskren smeh, ko so se prijatelji zavedali svoje zabavne zmede.
En: Laughter filled their table as the friends realized the amusing mix-up.

Sl: Vzdušje v "Pri zelenem zmaju" je spodbujalo dobro voljo in prijateljstvo, in od tega dne dalje, ko so se spet dobili v kavarni, je bilo prvo vprašanje: "Kdo bo tokrat Marko?"
En: The atmosphere at "Pri zelenem zmaju" fostered good cheer and friendship, and from that day on, when they met again at the café, the first question was always, "Who will be Marko this time?"

Sl: Ana, Marko in Luka so se nasmejani odmaknili nazaj na Ljubljanine ulice, srečni, da je lahko tako majhna zmešnjava prinesla toliko smeha.
En: Ana, Marko, and Luka walked back to the streets of Ljubljana, smiling, happy that such a small mix-up had brought so much laughter.

Sl: Od tistega dne naprej so svoje kavarne obiske vedno začinili z igrivostjo in dobro voljo, zavedajoč se, da so majhna presenečenja tista, ki življenju dodajo čar.
En: From that day on, they always livened up their café visits with playfulness and good cheer, aware that small surprises add charm to life.

Vocabulary Words:
  • afternoon: popoldne
  • friends: prijatelji
  • decided: odločili
  • spend: preživeti
  • city: mesto
  • streets: ulice
  • admired: občudovali
  • buildings: zgradbe
  • slight: lahkotne
  • hunger: lakote
  • stop: ustavili
  • snack: malica
  • famous: znanih
  • cafés: kavarn
  • called: poimenovani
  • laughter: smeh
  • sound: zvok
  • espresso: espresso
  • dripping: kapljanja
  • aroma: vonja
  • bakery: pečenega peciva
  • determined: odločena
  • dragon: zmajev
  • pastry: rogljiček
  • opted: odločila
  • sandwiches: sendviče
  • realized: opazila
  • highest grades: najvišje ocene
  • university: fakulteti
  • cheered: veselja
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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